
Publikacije (129)

Adis Puška, M. Nedeljković, S. Zolfani, D. Pamučar

The selection of sustainable suppliers (SSS) is the first step in applying a sustainable supply chain and sustainable production. Therefore, it is necessary to select the supplier that best meets the set sustainability criteria. However, the selection of suppliers cannot be done by applying symmetric information, because the company does not have complete information, so asymmetric information should be used when selecting suppliers. Since the SSS applies three main sustainability criteria, environmental, social, and economic criteria, this decision-making problem is solved by applying multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM). In order to solve the SSS for the needs of agricultural production, interval fuzzy logic was applied in this research, and six suppliers with whom agricultural pharmacies in Semberija work were taken into consideration. The application of interval fuzzy logic was performed using the methods PIPRECIA (Pivot pairwise relative criteria importance assessment) and MABAC (Multi-Attributive Border Approximation Area Comparison). Using the PIPRECIA method, the weights of criteria and sub-criteria were determined. Results of this method showed that the most significant are economic criteria, followed by the social criteria. The ecological criteria are the least important. The supplier ranking was performed using the MABAC method. The results showed that supplier A4 best meets the sustainability criteria, while supplier A6 is the worst. These results were confirmed using other MCDM methods, followed by the sensitivity analysis. According to the attained results, agricultural producers from Semberija should buy the most products from suppliers A4, in order to better apply sustainability in production. This paper showed how to decision make when there is asymmetric information about suppliers.

Ilija Stojanović, Adis Puška, Herzegovina

Regional integration into the Gulf Cooperation Council has enabled respective countries to effectively participate in global supply chains. To ensure effective integration of this region into global supply chains, logistics operations are a very important determinant. The aim of this study was to assess logistical performances of GCC countries, and to identify which country has the best conditions for establishing a regional logistic center. For this study, we used relevant data from Logistics Performance Index (LPI) developed by the World Bank. The research was conducted using a hybrid multicriteria approach based on the CRITIC and MABAC methods. The findings of this study indicate that the United Arab Emirates has the best conditions for establishing a regional logistics center. This study also releveled the areas of logistics in which other GCC countries should make an improvement to improve their logistical performance.

M. Nedeljković, Adis Puška, Suzana Doljanica, Saša Virijević Jovanović, Pavle Brzaković, Željko Stević, D. Marinković

Decision making is constantly present in agriculture. Choosing the wrong variety carries the risk that the investment in terms of sowing does not pay off at all. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the variety that gives the best results. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to apply multi-criteria decision-making of available varieties, which is, in this paper, done on the example of hybrid varieties of rapeseed that were created by selection at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad. By applying fuzzy logic, a novel integrated Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model is developed and rapeseed varieties were evaluated. For determining four main and 20 subcriteria, fuzzy PIPRECIA (PIvot Pairwise RElative Criteria Importance Assessment) method has been applied based on fuzzy Bonferroni operator, while for ranking alternatives fuzzy MABAC (Multi-Attributive Border Approximation area Comparison) method has been used. The results obtained using the novel integrated fuzzy MCDM model showed that the variety A2 – Zorica has the best results, followed by A1 - NS Ras, while the worst results were seen by the variety A5 - Zlatna. These results were confirmed using other five fuzzy MCDM methods. Sensitivity analysis—changing criteria weights showed the worst results in the variety A6 - Jovana, which took last place in the application of 18 scenarios. The presented model and the results of this research will help farmers to solve this decision problem.

Adis Puška, D. Pamučar, Ilija Stojanović, F. Cavallaro, A. Kaklauskas, A. Mardani

Tourism is an economic activity with great contribution for the development of many countries. To develop rural areas, tourism is especially important and need to be improved in these areas. The Government of Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina has decided to have tourism improvement as one of main objectives in their development strategy focusing on better conditions for development of tourism. Investments in tourism should be applied to the entire area of the Brčko District. Since Brčko District mainly consists of rural areas, it is necessary to invest in rural tourism. The first step of this study was to determine the tourist potential of rural areas. The determination of rural tourist potential in Brčko District was carried out with the assistance of the Brčko District Government. For this purpose, the method of expert decision-making was used, and three experts were selected who evaluated six rural settlements. To obtain results based on expert evaluation, two multi-criteria methods were used: the Full Consistency Method (FUCOM) for determining the importance of criteria and the fuzzy Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to the COmpromise Solution (MARCOS) method to rank rural settlements in terms of their tourism potential. The results showed that the settlement of Bijela has the best rural tourist potential, while the settlement of Grbavica has the least potential. The results obtained by applying this model showed how rural tourism in Brčko District can be improved. The research model for testing the tourism potential has shown good results and can be applied in other branches of tourism with some adaptation to certain branches of tourism.

A. Maksimović, Adis Puška, B. Š. Bobić, Z. Grgić

The choice of the appropriate variety of fruit is one of the most important factors in establishing new orchards. It is necessary to choose the variety that will give the best results in meeting the investment goals. This paper offered an innovative decision support model for plum variety selection, based on expert decision making and fuzzy logic. The fuzzy MARCOS (Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to COmpromise Solution) method was used. The research was conducted with the aim of improving plum production in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). To achieve this, the knowledge of experts from the Republic of Serbia was used, because this country is currently the third in the world in plum production and have branded many plum varieties. The results obtained using this model showed that two plum varieties stand out - Cacanska rodna and Stanley. These results were also confirmed by the performed sensitivity analysis. The worst results were obtained by the Sumadijka variety. These results will help in the selection of plum varieties when establishing new orchards in BiH to achieve the best results in Bosnian plum production.

Adis Puška, Željko Stević, Ilija Stojanović

Selection of Sustainable Suppliers is a key term in sustainable supply chain management. This is the reason to choose the supplier who will support the company to implement sustainability in its business, especially in the supply chain. The aim of this paper is to establish a new innovative model for decision-making based on a fuzzy approach. This decision-making problem is solved by applying multi-criteria decision-making since there are several criteria according to which a decision should be made: economic, social, and environmental. In order to make the final decision on the supply chain better and safer, the social criteria were modified in this paper, adding ethical criteria. The example with modified social criteria in this paper was shown on the example of the company "Voćar" Brčko, which deals with the production of food products. In this paper, the fuzzy Measurement Alternatives and Ranking, according to the Compromise Solution Method, was used. The findings have shown that supplier A1 has the best results, which were confirmed with the first sensitivity analysis. However, the second sensitivity analysis has shown that supplier A5 was better than supplier A1 in 14 scenarios. Due to these findings, no unanimous decision can be made about which supplier among the two, in this case, would contribute more. This paper has shown that the selection of sustainable suppliers is crucial for any company focused on the principles of sustainability in business. Moreover, this paper has shown that it is sometimes very difficult to select just one supplier.

Miroslav Mijajlović, Adis Puška, Željko Stević, D. Marinković, Dragan Doljanica, Saša Virijević Jovanović, Ilija Stojanović, Jasminka Beširović

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) possess many natural resources that can be exploited for the development of medical tourism. The offer of medical tourism in B&H is focused on spa tourism. B&H has 16 registered spa-centers offering different types of services. This study provides a complete overview of the assessment of the current state of spa-centres using expert decision-making and methods of multi-criteria analysis. An innovative and novel MCDM model based on integration of the FUCOM (full consistency method) and fuzzy MARCOS (Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking according to COmpromise Solution) methods was used. The model consists of 16 alternatives and eight sustainable criteria. The results of this research have shown that the spa-centers of Ilidža near Sarajevo, Fojnica and Vrućica have the best assessments of the current situation and prerequisites for sustainable business. These spa-centers should be a benchmark to other spas providing direction on how to improve their business to be more sustainable and competitive in the market. These results were confirmed by a sensitivity analysis with two approaches used. The first approach was to compare the results obtained by the fuzzy MARCOS method with other fuzzy methods, and the second approach was to examine the influence of the application of different weights on the final ranking of the spa. The results of this study can serve spa-canter managers to understand the position of their spa-centers in order to exploit advantages they have and eliminate the shortcomings to improve their business.

Adis Puška, Herzegovina, Ilija Stojanović, A. Maksimović, Nasiha Osmanović

Every organization needs to invest in order for it to grow, and investments are made through projects. Thus, investment management is performed by applying project management techniques. Different project management software programs are used to manage multiple projects. There is a lot of project management software on the market, and four pieces of the software were selected and analyzed. In this paper, the best management software rated by the beneficiaries of these projects in the United Arab Emirates are explored. The research required for this study was conducted in the United Arab Emirates. The MARCOS method was used to evaluate the program. The results showed that Smartsheet had been rated the best by users. This paper provides an overview of how multicriteria analysis methods can be used when ranking project management programs.

Adis Puška, Ilija Stojanović, A. Maksimović, Nasiha Osmanović

Every organization needs to invest in order for it to grow, and investments are made through projects. Thus, investment management is performed by applying project management techniques. Different project management software programs are used to manage multiple projects. There is a lot of project management software on the market, and four pieces of the software were selected and analyzed. In this paper, the best management software rated by the beneficiaries of these projects in the United Arab Emirates are explored. The research required for this study was conducted in the United Arab Emirates. The MARCOS method was used to evaluate the program. The results showed that Smartsheet had been rated the best by users. This paper provides an overview of how multicriteria analysis methods can be used when ranking project management programs.

Irena Đalić, Herzegovina, Željko Stević, Çağlar Karamaşa, Adis Puška

In this paper is presented a novel integrated fuzzy – rough Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model based on integration fuzzy and interval rough set theory. Model integrates Fuzzy PIvot Pairwise RElative Criteria Importance Assessment - fuzzy PIPRECIA and Interval rough Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) methods. An illustrative example for demonstration of the model is proposed that represents evaluation and supplier selection based on nine environmental criteria. Fuzzy PIPRECIA method is used for determining the significance of the following seven criteria: C1 - environmental image, C2 - recycling, C3 - pollution control, C4 - environmental management system, C5 – environmentally friendly products, C6 - resource consumption and C7 - green competencies. Iterval rough SAW method is applied for evaluation four alternatives. Results show that third criterion is most important while fourth alternative represents the best solution.

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