
Publikacije (129)

Anđelka Štilić, Adis Puška, Darko Božanić, Duško Tešić

When carrying out construction work, identifying the best contractor is a critical component of the project life cycle in the construction industry. The investor must use effective and efficient strategies to create a competitive bidding environment in public projects. The research presented in this paper was conducted to demonstrate the competitive nature of public procurements, where contractors compete to present the best bid and win the contract. To award the contract, the best offer must be selected. Based on different strategies and multi-criteria decision-making approaches this study proposes a method for identifying the most suitable strategy out of eight bidding strategies on four different lots, resulting in the most suitable one for landslide rehabilitation in the Brčko district. The results reveal the optimal approach to follow to minimize time and financial losses in the case of landslide rehabilitation during periods of market instability. Such research findings validate the efficiency of the bidding strategies-based decision-making support. The proposed method allows for compromise on both the completion date and the lowest bid made by the winning contractor.

M. Nedeljković, Adis Puška, Minja Vlajković, V. Miletić

The aim of the study was to evaluate rural households from five different regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina based on predetermined economic, ecological, and sociological criteria, using assessments from five expert professionals in the field. The study employed the fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making method called TOPSIS to ensure research accuracy. The results indicated that the rural household “Radoja” received the highest rating, which could serve as a solid foundation for future rural tourism development in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Based on the obtained results, it is possible to conduct future research in other regions of the country, providing appropriate guidelines for the development of rural tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Duško Tešić, Darko Božanić, Dejan Stojković, Adis Puška, Ilija Stojanović

Strategic management has applications in many areas of social life. One of the basic steps in the process of strategic management is formulating a strategy by choosing the optimal strategy. Improving the process of selecting the optimal strategy with MCDM methods and theories that treat uncertainty well in this process, as well as the application of other and different selection criteria, is the basic idea and goal of this research. The improvement of the process of the aforementioned selection in the defense system was carried out by applying a hybrid model of multicriteria decision-making based on methods defining interrelationships between ranked criteria (DIBR) and multiattributive ideal-real comparative analysis (MAIRCA) modified by triangular fuzzy numbers–“DIBR–DOMBI–Fuzzy MAIRCA model.” The DIBR method was used to determine the weight coefficients of the criteria, while the selection of the optimal strategy, from the set of offered methods, was carried out by the MAIRCA method. This was done in a fuzzy environment with the aim of better treatment of imprecise information and better translation of quantitative data into qualitative data. In the research, an analysis of the model’s sensitivity to changes in weight coefficients was performed. Additionally, a comparison of the obtained results with the results obtained using other multicriteria decision-making methods was conducted, which validated the model and confirmed stable results. In the end, it was concluded that the proposed MCDM methodology can be used for choosing a strategy in the defense system, that the results of the MCDM model are stable and valid, and that the process has been improved by making the choice easier for decision makers and by defining new and more comprehensive criteria for selection.

Adis Puška, Marija Lukic, Darko Božanić, M. Nedeljković, Ibrahim M. Hezam

Crop insurance is used to reduce risk in agriculture. This research is focused on selecting an insurance company that provides the best policy conditions for crop insurance. A total of five insurance companies that provide crop insurance services in the Republic of Serbia were selected. To choose the insurance company that provides the best policy conditions for farmers, expert opinions were solicited. In addition, fuzzy methods were used to assess the weights of the various criteria and to evaluate insurance companies. The weight of each criterion was determined using a combined approach based on fuzzy LMAW (the logarithm methodology of additive weights) and entropy methods. Fuzzy LMAW was used to determine the weights subjectively through expert ratings, while fuzzy entropy was used to determine the weights objectively. The results of these methods showed that the price criterion received the highest weight. The selection of the insurance company was made using the fuzzy CRADIS (compromise ranking of alternatives, from distance to ideal solution) method. The results of this method showed that the insurance company DDOR offers the best conditions for crop insurance for farmers. These results were confirmed by a validation of the results and sensitivity analysis. Based on all of this, it was shown that fuzzy methods can be used in the selection of insurance companies.

S. Biswas, Aparajita Sanyal, Darko Božanić, S. Kar, A. Milic, Adis Puška

The subject of this research is the evaluation of electric cars and the choice of car that best meets the set research criteria. To this end, the criteria weights were determined using the entropy method with two-step normalization and a full consistency check. In addition, the entropy method was extended further with q-rung orthopair fuzzy (qROF) information and Einstein aggregation for carrying out decision making under uncertainty with imprecise information. Sustainable transportation was selected as the area of application. The current work compared a set of 20 leading EVs in India using the proposed decision-making model. The comparison was designed to cover two aspects: technical attributes and user opinions. For the ranking of the EVs, a recently developed multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) model, the alternative ranking order method with two-step normalization (AROMAN), was used. The present work is a novel hybridization of the entropy method, full consistency method (FUCOM), and AROMAN in an uncertain environment. The results show that the electricity consumption criterion (w = 0.0944) received the greatest weight, while the best ranked alternative was A7. The results also show robustness and stability, as revealed through a comparison with the other MCDM models and a sensitivity analysis. The present work is different from the past studies, as it provides a robust hybrid decision-making model that uses both objective and subjective information.

Anđelka Štilić, Adis Puška

Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods have gained increased attention in sustainable engineering, where complex decision-making problems require consideration of multiple criteria and stakeholder perspectives. This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of the different MCDM methods, their applications in sustainable engineering, and their strengths and weaknesses. The paper discusses the concept of sustainable engineering, its principles, and the different areas where MCDM methods have been applied, including energy, manufacturing, transportation, and environmental engineering. Case studies of real-world applications are presented and analyzed, highlighting the main findings and implications for engineering practice. Finally, the challenges and limitations of MCDM methods in sustainable engineering are discussed, and future research directions are proposed. This review contributes to the understanding of the role of MCDM methods in sustainable engineering and provides guidance for researchers and practitioners.

K. Rahman, Ibrahim M. Hezam, Darko Božanić, Adis Puška, Miloš Milovančević

The objective of this paper is to introduce some new logarithm operational laws for intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Some structure properties have been developed and based on these, various aggregation operators, namely confidence logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein weighted geometric (CLIFEWG) operator, confidence logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein ordered weighted geometric (CLIFEOWG) operator, confidence logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein hybrid geometric (CLIFEHG) operator, confidence logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein weighted averaging (CLIFEWA) operator, confidence logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein ordered weighted averaging (CLIFEOWA) operator, confidence logarithmic intuitionistic fuzzy Einstein hybrid averaging (CLIFEHA) operator have been presented. To show the validity and the superiority of the proposed operators, we compared these methods with the existing methods and concluded from the comparison and sensitivity analysis our proposed techniques are more effective.

Adis Puška, Anđelka Štilić, Željko Stević

The focus of this study is on the significance of location in establishing distribution centers. The key question when selecting a location is regarding which location would contribute the most to the growth of a company’s business through the establishment of distribution centers. To answer this question, we conducted research in the Brčko District of BiH in order to determine the best location for a distribution center using expert decision-making based on linguistic values. In order to use these values when selecting locations, a fuzzy set was formed using the IMF SWARA (Improved Fuzzy Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) and fuzzy CRADIS (Compromise Ranking of Alternatives from Distance to the Ideal Solution) methods. The IMF SWARA method was utilized to determine the weights of the criteria, and the fuzzy CRADIS method was employed to rank the locations based on expert ratings. The location for the construction of distribution centers at Bodarište was rated the worst, while the McGowern Base location was rated the best. Based on these findings, the research question was answered, and it was demonstrated that fuzzy methods could be utilized in the selection of distribution center locations. Hence, we recommend that future research be performed on the application of fuzzy methods in the expert selection of potential sites for distribution centers.

S. Biswas, Aparajita Sanyal, Darko Božanić, Adis Puška, Dragan Marinković

The present age is moving through Industry 4.0 with massive technological developments. Supply chains have become digital, keeping sync with consumer demands and preferences. The recent pandemic has reinforced the need of embracing digital technologies in managing supply chains effectively. Therefore, it is necessary that supply chains adopt 5G mobile technologies. In this regard, the present study aims to discern the critical issues for the successful adaptation of 5G technologies for supply chain management (SCM) in developing countries such as India. The success factors for the adaptation of 5G in Indian supply chains are derived from the discussions made in the related past work regarding the challenges of implementing 5G technology. Then, the listed factors are finalised through initial rounds of face-to-face discussions with a focus group of five experts. Then, a q-rung-orthopair-fuzzy (qROFS)-based rating scale is used to rate the success factors. A new qROF-weighted-neutrality-average (q-ROFWNA)-based full-consistency method (FUCOM) approach for multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) problems involving group decision making is utilised to find out the critical success factors. Based on the comparative analysis of 17 success factors (grouped into four main factors), the spectrum availability, awareness of technology and usage, the development of supporting technologies and smart cities, and skill development are found to be the top five critical factors for the successful adaptation and implementation of 5G technologies in SCM. We further carry out a sensitivity analysis and validation test and observe that our model provides a reliable and stable solution.

Adis Puška, M. Nedeljković, Ilija Stojanović, Darko Božanić

This study deals with the selection of a sustainable supplier on the example of the agribusiness company Mamex from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main problem of this research is the selection of a sustainable supplier as a part of the sustainable strategy of the Mamex company. One of the prerequisites is that suppliers must present sustainability principles in business by having an appropriate certificate. The results of the selection of sustainable suppliers are completed using a new hybrid fuzzy approach with the methods IMF SWARA (Improved Fuzzy Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) and fuzzy TRUST (multi-normalization multi-distance assessment) CRADIS (compromise ranking of alternatives from distance to ideal solution) methods. The innovative approach is reflected in the use of a combination of these methods, especially by combining the TRUST and CRADIS methods into one method. The IMF SWARA method shows that the most important main criterion is the economic criterion, while the least important is the social criterion. By applying the fuzzy TRUST CRADIS method, it is found that out of the observed six suppliers, the second supplier has the best indicators. These results are confirmed by other fuzzy methods: MABAC (multi-attributive border approximation area comparison), WASPAS (weighted aggregated sum product assessment), fuzzy SAW (simple additive weighting), MARCOS (measurement of alternatives and ranking according to compromise solution), ARAS (a new additive ratio assessment), and TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution). This research shows that applying more normalization when ranking alternatives reduces the influence of individual normalizations, and this approach should be used in future research.

M. Nedeljković, Adis Puška, M. Jeločnik, Darko Božanić, Jonel Subić, Andjelka Stilic, A. Maksimović

This research is focused to identifying the most suitable plum variety for establishing a new orchard, aiming to achieve optimal outcomes. To accomplish this goal, multi-criteria decision-making model has been developed striving to support decision-making process. The gained results are based on experience of experts engaged in assessment of certain plum varieties. The analysis of collected expert ratings has involved mutual use of 3 methods, where the FUll COnsistency Method (FUCOM) and CRiteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC) methods were applied to determine the weights of selected criteria. The results of applying these methods demonstrated that the Maretability criterion is of highest importance. Besides, the fuzzy MARCOS method (Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution) has been applied to rank the plum varieties according to expert ratings. Derived results revealed that the ?Cacanska rodna? and ?Stanley? varieties were ranked as the most favorable, while the ?Prezident? variety was assessed as the most unfavorable. Further, gained research outcomes were corroborated by the sensitivity analysis and results validation. This research contributes to improvement of fruit growing in BiH by previous adequate selection of available plum varieties towards the establishing of new orchards and yielding optimal outcomes.

Adis Puška, Vladimir Simić, Ilija Stojanović, Muhammet Deveci

The COVID-19 pandemic led to an increase in healthcare waste (HCW). HCW management treatment needs to be re-taken into focus to deal with this challenge. In practice, there are several treatments of HCW with their advantages and disadvantages. This study is conducted to select the appropriate treatment for HCW in the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Six HCW management treatments are analyzed and observed through twelve criteria. Ten-level linguistic values were used to bring this evaluation closer to human thinking. A fuzzy rough approach is used to solve the problem of inaccuracy in determining these values. The OPA method from the Bonferroni operator is used to determine the weights of the criteria. The results of the application of this method showed that the criterion Environmental Impact ( 𝐶 4 ) received the highest weight, while the criterion Automation Level ( 𝐶 8 ) received the lowest value. The ranking of HCW management treatments was performed using MARCOS methods based on the Aczel–Alsina function. The results of this analysis showed that the best-ranked HCW management treatment is microwave (A6) while landfill treatment (A5) is ranked worst. This study has provided a new approach based on fuzzy rough numbers where the Bonferroni function is used to determine the lower and upper limits, while the application of the Aczel–Alsina function reduced the influence of decision-makers on the final decision because this function stabilizes the decision-making process.

Adis Puška, Anđelka Štilić, Ilija Stojanović

Understanding the level of economic freedom is an important indicator for investors and policymakers. The index of economic freedom, which the Heritage Foundation releases annually, is the most significant of the methods used to measure this indicator in practice, as this index evaluates the degree of market openness over the degree of fiscal and regulatory restraint. The research presented in this paper was conducted in order to establish the level of economic freedom in the Balkan countries. For this purpose, a multi-criteria ranking of Balkan countries based on economic freedom criteria was used. The weight of the criteria was determined using the Entropy method, and the countries were ranked using the CRADIS (Compromise Ranking of Alternatives from Distance to ideal Solution) method. These methods employed a double normalisation approach, and according to the results of this application, Bulgaria has the best indicators of economic freedom, while Montenegro has the worst, with sensitivity analysis and validation of the results confirming these findings. The approach of using double normalisation contributes to decision-making stability since the results of different methods are uniform when compared to the use of the classical approach in the case of multi-criteria analysis methods.

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