
Publikacije (30)

Zumreta Pintol, A. Šukalo, Meliha Mehić, Amna Tanović Avdić, R. Baljic, U. Glamočlija

Background: Acute nasopharyngitis is often treated with hypertonic saline that can be combined with additional compounds, such as lysozyme. The aim of this study was to compare efficacy and safety of hypertonic saline solution with or without lysozyme in the treatment of acute nasopharyngitis. Methods: Non-interventional, prospective, multicentre, observational, parallel study was conducted on adult subjects with symptoms of acute nasopharyngitis. Subjects were divided into hypertonic saline or lysozyme group (receiving slightly hypertonic nasal spray with addition of lysozyme). Time until the patency of both nasal passages was measured after the first application of therapy. The congestion severity was assessed by using a visual analogue scale before the therapy application, after 30 minutes, and after seven days. Adverse reactions were monitored and evaluated.   Results: The total number of included subjects was 252 (60 in the hypertonic saline group and 192 in the lysozyme group). In both groups, a significantly better assessment of the severity of the nasal passages’ obstruction was recorded after 30 minutes and seven days from therapy start (for all compared time intervals p<0.001). The lysozyme group had a significantly lower nasal congestion score compared to hypertonic saline 30 minutes after therapy (p<0.001) and seven days from the therapy start (p=0.001). In the hypertonic saline group, a significantly shorter time was observed to establish the patency of the nasal passages after the first therapy application (p<0.001). All adverse events were mild. Conclusions: Addition of lysozyme to slightly hypertonic nasal spray brings added value in the pharmacotherapy of acute nasopharyngitis.

Tanja Tomić, Davor Tomić, Martina Vukoja, Marija Kraljević, Ivona Ljevak, U. Glamočlija, V. Tomić, Katarina Vukojević et al.

While clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is curable, advanced metastatic (mRCC) remains a clinical challenge. We analyzed clinical, pathohistological, and molecular data (Receptor Interacting Protein 5—RIP5 and Vestigial Like Family Member 4—VGLL4 expression) of 55 mRCC patients treated with first-line treatment with sunitinib. The trend of linear increase in the protein expression of RIP5 was observed with the progression of tumor grade. Overall, 80% of RIP5-positive cells were in the control kidneys and high-grade mRCC. On the contrary, RIP5 displayed low expression in grade 2 mRCC (5.63%). The trend of linear decrease in the expression of VGLL4 was observed with the progression of tumor grade. The highest protein expression of VGLL4 was observed in grade 2 (87.82%) in comparison to grade 3 and 4 and control. High expression of RIP5 mRNA was associated with longer first-line overall survival and longer progression-free survival in mRCC. In addition, a high VGLL4 mRNA expression showed better overall survival in patients with ccRCC. In conclusion, high mRNA expression of RIP5 and VGLL4 are important markers of better survival rates in mRCC patients.

Zumreta Pintol, Zorica Pušara, Suad Imamović, Đenad Hodžić, Amira Skopljak, A. Šukalo, Meliha Mehić, Amna Tanović Avdić et al.

Background: Acute nasopharyngitis is a common condition usually accompanied by nasal congestion. The aim of this study was to compare efficacy and safety of the spray containing xylometazoline and lysozyme with spray containing only xylometazoline in the treatment of acute nasopharyngitis.Methods: Prospective, comparative, post-marketing study was performed on subjects with acute nasopharyngitisdivided into xylometazoline+lysozyme or xylometazoline nasal spray groups. Data collection was performed at the baseline before and 30 minutes after the therapy application and seven days after baseline.Main findings: Out of 173 included subjects, 59 were in the xylometazoline+lysozyme and 114 in the xylometazoline group. In both groups nasal patency was significantly improved 30 minutes after the therapy application (p<0.001). In the xylometazoline+lysozyme group all subjects had nasal decongestion within 20 minutes and this was significantly shorter (p=0.037) compared to xylometazoline group where 16 subjects (14%) needed 20 to 120 minutes for nasal decongestion. All adverse events were mild and there was no significant difference in the number of adverse events between the groups.Principal conclusions: Nasal sprays containing xylometazoline with or without lysozyme were effective and safe in the treatment of acute nasopharyngitis. Nasal spray containing xylometazoline with lysozyme showed a faster effect with significantly shorter time to nose decongestion. All recorded adverse events were mild and there was no difference between the groups in the number of recorded adverse events. Key words: nasopharyngitis, nasal obstruction, lysozyme, xylometazoline,nasal sprays

T. Preradović, S. Miljković, Ljiljana Kos, A. Šukalo, U. Glamočlija, A. Avdić, Meliha Mehić

Context: Rivaroxaban is an oral direct factor Xa inhibitor reducing the risk of systemic embolism and stroke in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Aims: The primary objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of rivaroxaban therapy in reducing the risk of systemic embolism and stroke in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, whereas secondary objectives were to monitor therapy safety and the patients' adherence to treatment. Settings and Design: The prospective, postmarketing clinical trial was conducted on patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation with one or more risk factors, such as congestive heart failure, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus, who suffered a stroke or a transient ischemic attack. Subjects and Methods: At the baseline visit, the CHA2DS2 score was determined, and therapy was introduced. At three control visits (1, 3, and 6 months after baseline), systemic embolism, stroke, bruises, or bleeding occurrences were recorded. Furthemore, adverse events were monitored, and the Morisky score (MMAS-8) for treatment compliance was determined. Results were compared to previous studies. Results: The study included 471 patients. The incidence rate in events per 100 patient-years (95% confidence interval) was 2.6 (0.1–5.1) for systemic embolism and 4.3 (1.6–7.0) for stroke. The most common form of bleeding during rivaroxaban therapy was epistaxis. Adverse events were reported in 12 (2.7%) patients. Therapy adherence was in the range of medium adherence for the entire study period, with the average score decreasing significantly from the 1st to 6th months (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Rivaroxaban showed good efficacy and safety in reducing the risk of systemic embolism and stroke in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation including patients with comorbidities.

Esma Bilajac, Lejla Mahmutović, U. Glamočlija, A. Osmanović, Altijana Hromić-Jahjefendić, M. Tambuwala, M. Suljagić

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative haematological malignancy characterized by constitutive activation of BCR-ABL1 tyrosine kinase in the majority of patients. BCR-ABL1 expression activates signaling pathways involved in cell proliferation and survival. Current treatment options for CML include tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) with resistance as a major issue. Various treatment options for overcoming resistance are being investigated. Among them, phytochemical curcumin could play an important role. Curcumin has been found to exhibit anti-cancerous effects in various models, including CML, through regulation of multiple molecular signaling pathways contributing to tumorigenesis. We have evaluated curcumin’s effects on imatinib-sensitive LAMA84S and K562, as well as imatinib-resistant LAMA84R cell lines. Our results indicate a significant dose-dependent decrease in cell viability and proliferation of imatinib-sensitive and imatinib-resistant cell lines after curcumin treatment. Suppression of key signaling molecules regulating metabolic and proliferative events, such as Akt, P70S6K and NF-kB, was observed. Increased expression of caspase-3 suggests the potential pro-apoptotic effect of curcumin in the imatinib-resistant CML model. Additional in silico molecular docking studies revealed binding modes and affinities of curcumin with different targets and the results are in accordance with in vitro findings. Altogether, these results indicate the potential role of curcumin in the treatment of CML.

A. Husic-Selimovic, Nerma Čustović, N. Sivac, U. Glamočlija, A. Šukalo, Meliha Mehić

Background: Acute gastroenteritis remains an extremely common problem among the general population. In Western countries, an average person will probably face one or two episodes of gastrointestinal infections every year. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of nifuroxazide and probiotic preparation containing lactic acid bacteria in the treatment of acute diarrheal syndrome. Methods: The study was prospective, comparative study. Patients who suffered from acute infective diarrhoea for ≤72 hours and had ≥3 unformed stools per day, with no administration of antibiotics during 10 days before enrolment were divided into two groups: nifuroxazide group and the lactic acid probiotic group. All patients received therapies four times a day for three days. Data was collected at the baseline visit (before the initiation of the treatment) and two follow-up examinations on the third and seventh day from the treatment start. Results: The study included 61 patients, 36 in nifuroxazide group and 25 in probiotic group. Nifuroxazide group compared to probiotic group showed faster improvement of patients’ condition with lower number of stools three and seven days after therapy start (p=0.001 and p<0.001 respectively) and faster stool consistency normalization. On the seventh day from therapy start medium mushy stool consistency was observed in the majority of patients in nifuroxazide group (n=31, 86%) and only in small number of patients in probiotic group (n=5, 20%). Patients were feeling better and there was a trend of reporting better therapy efficacy in nifuroxazide group. Subjective assessment of therapy tolerability was also better in nifuroxazide group. Compliance to therapy and recommended dietary regime was similar between groups and there were no significant differences between groups regarding age, gender, elevated body temperature, abdominal pain, cramps, nausea and vomiting. Conclusion: Although probiotics are sometimes used in the treatment of acute diarrheal syndrome, nifuroxazide has better efficacy and greater patients’ satisfaction. Nifuroxazide can be recommended as the first choice empirical treatment in adult patients with the acute diarrheal syndrome.

Esma Bilajac, Lejla Mahmutović, K. Lundstrom, U. Glamočlija, Jasmin Šutković, Abas Sezer, Altijana Hromić-Jahjefendić

Among numerous causative agents recognized as oncogenic drivers, 13% of total cancer cases occur as a result of viral infections. The intricacy and diversity of carcinogenic processes, however, raise significant concerns about the mechanistic function of viruses in cancer. All tumor-associated viruses have been shown to encode viral oncogenes with a potential for cell transformation and the development of malignancies, including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Given the difficulties in identifying single mechanistic explanations, it is necessary to combine ideas from systems biology and viral evolution to comprehend the processes driving viral cancer. The potential for more efficient and acceptable therapies lies in targeted medicines that aim at viral proteins or trigger immune responses to either avoid infection or eliminate infected or cancerous cells. In this review, we aim to describe the role of viral infections and their mechanistic approaches in DLBCL tumorigenesis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first review summarizing the oncogenic potential of numerous viral agents in DLBCL development.

A. Šukalo, Jasna Džananović Jaganjac, A. Avdić, U. Glamočlija, Zeljka Popovic, A. Boloban, M. Čampara, Meliha Mehić

Objective. The objective of this non-interventional post-marketing clinical trial was to analyze the antihypertensive effect and safety of a fixed combination of perindopril and indapamide in the treatment of unregulated essential hypertension. Patients and Methods. The prospective clinical trial included patients aged 20 to 75 years with essential hypertension and blood pressure values ≥140/90 mmHg at baseline. On the basis of the investigator’s decision, patients received 2 mg perindopril + 0.625 mg indapamide (group 2+0.625) or 4 mg perindopril + 1.25 mg indapamide (group 4+1.25). Results. The study included 1173 patients (426 patients in group 2+0.625 and 747 patients in group 4+1.25) at 27 investigational centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Mean blood pressure values at baseline and visits after nine months were significantly higher in the 4+1.25 group compared to the 2+0.625 group. There was a significant drop in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in both groups. The target values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, according to the European Society of Cardiology (2018), were reached after nine months of therapy by more than 80% of patients in the 2+0.625 group, and this number was significantly higher compared to the 4+1.25 group where more than 60% of patients reached target values. Newly diagnosed patients had a better response to therapy. The percentage of patients receiving additional antihypertensive therapy decreased by the end of the study. Age, gender and the existence of diabetes mellitus were identified as negative predictors of target blood pressure achievement. The therapy showed a good safety profile. Conclusion. A fixed combination of perindopril and indapamide was effective and safe in the treatment of unregulated essential hypertension.

Evangelia Eirini Tsermpini, U. Glamočlija, Fulden Ulucan-Karnak, Sara Redenšek Trampuž, V. Dolžan

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is a leading global health and economic challenge. What defines the disease’s progression is not entirely understood, but there are strong indications that oxidative stress and the defense against reactive oxygen species are crucial players. A big influx of immune cells to the site of infection is marked by the increase in reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Our article aims to highlight the critical role of oxidative stress in the emergence and severity of COVID-19 and, more importantly, to shed light on the underlying molecular and genetic mechanisms. We have reviewed the available literature and clinical trials to extract the relevant genetic variants within the oxidative stress pathway associated with COVID-19 and the anti-oxidative therapies currently evaluated in the clinical trials for COVID-19 treatment, in particular clinical trials on glutathione and N-acetylcysteine.

U. Glamočlija, Lejla Mahmutović, Esma Bilajac, V. Šoljić, K. Vukojević, M. Suljagić

Chemotherapy resistance is one of the major challenges in cancer treatment, including leukemia. A massive array of research is evaluating combinations of drugs directed against different intracellular signaling molecules to overcome cancer resistance, increase therapy effectiveness, and decrease its adverse effects. Combining chemicals with proven safety profiles, such as drugs already used in therapy and active substances isolated from natural sources, could potentially have superior effects compared to monotherapies. In this study, we evaluated the effects of metformin and thymoquinone (TQ) as monotherapy and combinatorial treatments in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cell lines sensitive and resistant to imatinib therapy. The effects were also evaluated in primary monocytic acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells. Both compounds induced a dose- and time-dependent decrease of viability and proliferation in tested cells. Metformin had similar IC50 values in imatinib-sensitive and imatinib-resistant cell lines. IC50 values of TQ were significantly higher in imatinib-resistant cells, but with a limited resistance index (2.4). Synergistic effects of combinatorial treatments were observed in all tested cell lines, as well as in primary cells. The strongest synergistic effects were observed in the inhibition of imatinib-resistant cell line proliferation. Metformin and TQ inhibited the nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) signaling and induced apoptosis in tested cell lines and primary cells. The enhanced effects of combinatorial treatments on the induction of apoptosis were more dominant in imatinib-resistant compared to imatinib-sensitive CML cells. Primary cells were more sensitive to combinatorial treatments compared to cell lines. A combination of 1.25 mM metformin and 0.625 µM TQ increased the levels of cleaved poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), decreased the levels of proliferation regulatory proteins, and inhibited protein kinase B (Akt) and NF-κB signaling in primary CLL cells. This study demonstrates that combinatorial treatments of imatinib-resistant malignant clones with metformin and TQ by complementary intracellular multi-targeting represents a promising approach in future studies.

Selma Karakaš, Dženana Huduti, Meliha Mehić, A. Šukalo, Jasna Džananović Jaganjac, A. Avdić, A. Skopljak, Azra Dupovac et al.

Objective. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of lysozyme-based oral antiseptic in the therapy of non-infectious sore throat in teachers. Materials and Methods. A non-interventional, prospective, pilot study was conducted with two examinations. The first was performed as part of a general medical examination. If a non-infectious sore throat was confirmed by clinical checkup and all other inclusion and non-exclusion criteria confirmed, patients were offered to be enrolled in the study. After signing the informed consent form, patients were advised to use lysozyme-based lozenges, six times a day, for a period of five days. A telephone call follow-up examination was performed within 24 hours from the therapy completion. Results. This was a pilot study involving 25 adult patients of both genders. Lysozyme-based lozenges showed positive effects in relieving the symptoms of non-infectious sore throat in teachers. At the same time, the lozenges showed excellent tolerability, and no side effects were reported during the study. 92% of patients confirmed they would take the same medicine again due to the same problem. Conclusion. The results of this “proof-of-concept” study indicated that lysozyme-based antiseptic could be effective and safe in the treatment of non-infectious sore throat in teachers and should be further evaluated as treatment option in this condition.

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