
Publikacije (23)

Dragana Maćešić-Petrović, Jasmina Kovačević, Husnija Hasanbegović

This paper addresses different aspects of practical interventions with regard to education and rehabilitation of children with intellectual disabilities which can take place in schools or other rehabilitation settings. The outlined approach is based on the Bruner’s concept of so-called growth sciences which include both the special education and the rehabilitation. The focus is on the theoretical, diagnostic, and rehabilitation strategy, based on the implementation of educational and treatment activities with this population of children. In the light of applied research we try to define interventions in education and rehabilitation of the children with mild intellectual disabilities. The sample was formed of 124 participants in school settings with regard to their cognitive and school achievement. With respect of these results we propose the educational and treatment strategies for these children.

This study investigates knowledge on use of body extremities and body in space by children who are deaf or hard-ofhearing. A random sample of 60 participants was used in the study, with chronological age of 6 to 8 years. Experimental group of 30 participants involved pupils who are deaf or hard-of-hearing both male and female who attend school in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Control group of 30 participants involved pupils who are typically hearing both male and female who were chronologically matched to the participants in the experimental group. Measuring instruments were created for the purpose of extracting quantitative data analysis, scaled from 1 to 5 units of measurement. The results are showed significant differences between children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and children who are typically hearing (F=23, 08 p=0.00). The children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing showed significantly weaker knowledge of perception of body movements.

Husnija Hasanbegović, E. Mahmutović, Admira Beha

The retrospective analysis of person with hard and harder hearing impairment, in centers for social care and at offices for employment at area of Bosnia and Herzegovina, has been done. The 40-year period has been analyzed. The sample was consisted of 1044 hard of hearing and deaf person both sexes, from which 455 of them were registered at offices for employment because they belong to work-active population, and 589 of them were registered at centers for social care and they receive social care financial aid. The research has been done by contents analysis method. The data has been collected from “Evidencijski list o edukacijskom i drustveno-pravnom položaju osoba ostecena sluha” (eng. Evidence paper about educational and social-rights position of hearing impaired person), which has been established for need of Federal Ministry for education and science in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of survey was to examine the influence of hearing impairment on the social-right position of hard of hearing person. In this work the descriptive analysis has been done and results have shown that deaf and hard of hearing persons are mostly unemployed and that they rarely get employed and that they mostly get right for social care (financial addition). The value of chi-square test χ2 = 33.26, shows that tested presupposition, that the professional rehabilitation of deaf persons in BiH do not implemented enough successful, can accept . Also it is established that 80% of adult deaf person that has been passed education and professional rehabilitation has not passed the procedure of evaluation of work ability to evaluate that there is either complete, average or restricted ability for practicing certain profession. This shows that responsible offices have not done the evaluation of rehabilitation which results as social discrimination of certain population.

Husnija Hasanbegović, E. Mahmutović

The survey has been done on sample of 1252 people. The target was to estimate damage of noise on professional rehabilitation of deaf population, which is mostly directed to professions in heavy industry, for professions in metal industry. Sample has been divided to 3 sub samples: 137 hearing people in metal industry; 106 hearing impaired adults with different professions and control group of 1000 hearing people. The results of survey point that work conditions contribute to hearing damage at employers in metal industry by comparison with hearing impairment of usual population. By comparative analysis of registered hearing impairments concerning age, statistically important difference in frequency of hearing impairment of two sub samples (t= 3.27, sing=.05). The relation between hearing impairment and years of working has been identifi ed at employers in heavy industry, (r=.37).

The paper analyzes the importance of writing in linguistic understanding of the text, through the transformation of the original programmed hand alphabet as the font (PC & DEAFNESS). The aim of the research was to examine the understanding of the correspondence between the deaf children, through comparative analysis at understanding of the content at transformation of PC&DEAFNESS into font Times New Roman. To realize the set goal, the combined programs were used to write two letters at the specially designed software package. Research was conducted on a sample of 70 subjects of deaf children, which is divided into two equal and uniform subsample of the 35 subjects, of which one subsample is an experimental group and the second control group. The experimental group was writing to each other with programmed alphabet, with the possibility of transformation of the letter, and the control group with standard script, with no possibility of transformation. Evaluation of results and testing hypotheses about the significance of the difference of writing two letters and understanding at deaf children, has been expressed by the analysis of changes, using canonical discrimination analysis, which showed that the two samples differ significantly, at a significance level of P = 0.00. It was found that the respondents of experimental group showed better results in writing programmed alphabetical letter, with the possibility of transformation of the font.

СТРУКТУРАТА НА МОБИЛНОСТА И ВЕШТИНИТЕ КАЈ ГЛУВИТЕ ДЕЦА Хуснија ХАСАНБЕГОВИЌ ¹ Сенад МЕХМЕДОВИЌ ² Есад Х. МАХМУТОВИЌ ³ Факултет за образование и рехабилитација, Универзитет во Тузла 1 ,  Институт за човечка рехабилитација 2 ,  Центар за образование и рехабилитација за слух и говор, Тузла THE STRUCTURE OF MOBILITY AND SKILLS AMONG DEAF CHILDREN Husnija HASANBEGOVIC ¹ Senad MEHMEDINOVIC ² Esad H. MAHMUTOVIC ³ Faculty of  Education and Rehabilitation, University  of  Tuzla¹,  Institute for Human Rehabilitation²,  Center for Education and  Rehabilitation of hearing and speech, Tuzla³ Примено: 15.07.2010 Прифатено: 12.08.2010 UDK: 376-056.263 Recived: 15.07.2010 Accepted: 12.08.2010 Original Article Резиме Abstract Во овој труд е претставено истражувањето за мобилноста и вештините помеѓу глуви деца (од 7 до 17 годишна возраст). Примерокот на испитаници (N=98) е составен од два потпримероци. Првиот потпримерок е составен од глуви деца (основно образование и средно образование), кои беа вклучени во едукативниот и рехабилитациониот третман во посебно училиште (N=29), и вториот потпримерок е составен од деца кои слушаат (основно и средно образование), што беа избрани по случаен избор (N=69). За истражувањето беше конструиран мерен инструмент, наречен „Тест за проценка на антрополошките карактеристики (нагли движења) на мобилност и вештини“ (ТАМВ). Целта на ова истражување е да ја открие мобилноста и вештините на глувите деца. Со цел да се испита  хипотезата   дека   постојат  значајни вештини, беше извршена дискриминативна анализа. Резултатите покажаа дека глувите испитаници   се   послаби   во   споредба    со испитаниците кои слушаат во нивната мобилност и вештини и разликите поставени на систем од варијабли се статистички значајни. Резултатите го збогатија знаењето за мобилноста и вештините на глувите деца, што може да поттикне создавање на повеќе програми поврзани со моторна мобилност и вештини. A research of mobility and skills among deaf children (from 7 to 17 years old) is presented in this work. The sample of examinees (N=98) is consisted of two subsamples. The first subsample is consisted of deaf children (primary-school and secondary-school level), who have been included in the educative and rehabilitative treatment in the special school (N=29) and the second subsample is consisted of hearing children (primary-school and secondary-school level), who have been chosen by random choice (N=69). For the purpose of the research, a measure instrument named “Test for evaluation of the anthropologic features (extremity movement) of mobility and skills“, (TAMV), has been constructed. The aim of the research is to establish mobility and skills of deaf children. In order to test the hypothesis that there are statistically significant differences among deaf and hearing children (primary-school and secondary-school level) in mobility and   skills,   discriminative   analysis  has  been applied. The results showed that deaf examinees have been much weaker compared to hearing examinees in mobility and skills and that these differences were statistically significant when applied on the system of variables. The results enriched the knowledge about mobility and skills of deaf children, which can encourage more programs of motor mobility and skills improvement to be constructed. Клучни зборови : глуви деца, вештини, мобилност. Key words : deaf children, skills, mobility. Адреса за кореспонденција: Хуснија ХАСАНБЕГОВИЌ Универзитет во Тузла Факултет за образование и рехабилитација Оддел за аудиологија Доц. д-р. Хуснија Хасанбеговиќ Е-пошта:  husnija.hasanbegovic@untz.ba Оригинална научна работа Corresponding Address: Husnija HASANBEGOVIC University of Tuzla  Faculty of education and rehabilitation Audiology  department Doc.dr. Husnija Hasanbegovic E-mail:  husnija.hasanbegovic@untz.ba Original scientific work

The consequences of hard hearing disturbances on psychological restructures were signed when it all is about communication in social interactions, cognitive development and certain characteristics of personality. Certain psychological characteristics were analyzed at deaf by testing deaf and hearing ones. Testing sample (N=45) had been chosen randomly and there were both male and female 18 to 55 years old, with target to prove certain psychological characteristics of deaf in relation to social interactions. For that purpose has been created this measurement: “Estimation scale of psychological characteristics at deaf”, tipe of Likerts, which is consisted of 15 variables. The results of sub samples of tested ones on used variables have been described by descriptive and comparative analysis, but hypothesis about not existing statistical important differences between hearing and deaf tested ones in estimation of psychological characteristics at deaf has been tested by discriminative analyses. The results of survey point that there is no statisticaly important differences in estimation of psychological charakteristics at deaf, beteween two used samples in subject survey.

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