This article presents the results of a palaeocultural and palaeodontological research of Cave No. 5 near the villages of Bistrica and Krupa in the municipality of Gornji Vakuf, southwest Bosnia. This cave is located on the west slope of Mt Vranica. inside the cave, several artefacts and skeletal remains of about 20 persons have been found. Radiocarbon 14C analysis of one bone sample showed that people whose remains were found in the cave lived 2765±75 years ago. Palaeodontological examinations on a total sample of 36 human teeth included tooth status, occlusal tooth wear, presence of developmental enamel defects, and odontometric analysis.
Adresa za dopisivanje Alma Dozic ACTA, Academic Center for Dentistry in Amsterdam Department of Dental Materials Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004 1081 LA Amsterdam, Netherland Sažetak Ljudski zubi građeni su od organskih i anorganskih tkivnih komponenata sličnih kostima. Može se pretpostaviti da strukturalna promjena boje zuba u različitim prirodnim uvjetima može poslužiti u forenzičnoj tafonomiji kao, na primjer, u slučaju kad se potvrđuje okoliš i uvjeti ukopa te vrijeme provedeno nakon smrti (PMI-a). Danas se uočavaju i vrlo male promjene u nijansi zuba zahvaljajući dobro razvijenim dentalnim spekrtofotometrima. Poznato je da zubi, ako su izloženi utjecaju zraka, brzo dehidriraju, ali stupanj i način tih promjena u vremenskom intervalu dosad nije objektivno izmjeren. Svrha istraživanja: Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je odrediti stupanj i obrazac promjene boja zuba izloženih određeno vrijeme trima različitim uvjetima. Materijal i postupci: Za istraživanje su odabrani impaktirani treći kutnjaci zato što do tada nisu bili izloženi okolišnim uvjetima. Njihove vrijednosti CIE L*a*b* nakon ekspozicije u suhim uvjetima, natrijevu kloridu (NaCl) i umjetnoj slini (kontrola) izmjerio je iskusni stručnjak dentalnim spektrofotometrom u razmacima od 1 sat, 24 sata, 1 tjedan, 3 tjedna, 5 tjedana i 7 tjedana. Rezultati: Vrijednosti koordinata za L*-lightness (svjetlost) i b*-blue-yellow (plavo-žutu boju) bile su znatno povišene u suhim uvjetima (p < ,001 za svjetlost i p ≤ ,050 za boju), a koordinate za a*-green-red (zeleno-crveno) nisu pokazale statistički značajan pomak. Izloženost ekstrahiranih trećih kutnjaka suhim uvjetima prouzročila je veliko povećanje kordinata L* i b* prema svjetlijem i žućem dijelu, u usporedbi s izloženošću zuba umjetnoj slini i natrijevu kloridu, u svim testiranim uvjetima koordinata a* pokazala se kao vrlo promjenljiva. Zaključak: Izloženost ekstrahiranih impaktiranih umnjaka suhim uvjetima uzrokovala je znatno uzastopno povećanje vrijednosti L* i b* u usporedbi s izloženošću zuba natrijevu kloridu i umjetnoj slini. Ključne riječi forenzička stomatologija; smrt; vlaga; zub; odontometrija; kolorimetrija 1 ACTA – Stomatološki akademski centar u Amsterdamu, Zavod za dentalne materijale, Amsterdam, Nizozemska ACTA, Academic Center for Dentistry in Amsterdam, Department of Dental Materials, Amsterdam, Netherland 2 Stomatološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Sarajevu, BiH Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 Zavod za sudsku medicinu i kriminalistiku Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Hrvatska Department of Forensic Medicine and Criminalistics, Rijeka University School of Medicine, Croatia
Human teeth consist of organic and anorganic tissue components similair to bones. Therefore, it is assumable that the registration of structural changes of teeth color in different enviromental conditions may prove useful within forensic taphonomy field, for example, for verification of burial environment and postmortem interval (PMI). Registration of very smal alterations of teeth color is nowadays possible due to well developed dental spectrophotometers. It is known that teeth exposed to air quickly dehydrate, but the degree and the pattern of these color changes in time intervals have not been objectively measured. Purpose: The objective was to determine the degree and patern of color alterations of teeth exposed to three different conditions in time. Material and Methods: The impacted third molars were used in this study because they were not previously exposed to any enviromental conditions. Their CIE L*a*b* values after exposure to dry conditions, NaCl and artificial saliva (control) were measured with dental spectrophotometer in time intervals of 1 hour, 24 hours, 1 week, 3 weeks, 5 weeks and 7 weeks by one trained operator. Results: The L*-lightness and the b*-blue-yellow color coordinate increased in dry conditions (p < .001 and p ≤ .050 respectively), which was statistically significant, whereas a*-green-red color coordinate showed shifts of color in this condition which were not statistically significant. The exposure of extracted third molars to dry conditions caused significant increase of L* and b* color coordinate towards more light and more yellow in comparison to the exposure of teeth to artificial saliva and NaCl. The a* color coordinate displayed high variability of its alteration in all tested conditions. Conclusions: The exposure of extracted impacted wisdom teeth to dry conditions caused a considerable consecutive increase of lightness (L*) and blueness-yellowness (b*) in comparison with the exposure of teeth to NaCl and artificial saliva.
The main aim of this paper is to present epidemiological indicators of oral health among six-year olds in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) and to analyze values of dmft index and dental treatment needs in order to identify differences in parts of the country. Another aim is to identify the needs from the public oral health care system in Bosnia and Herzegovina related to early permanent dentition by analyzing the condition of first permanent molars (FPM) as an indicator of oral health of permanent dentition. Survey was carried out in 2004 in 8 cantons of the Federation of BH (FBH) and in the Republic of Srpska (RS). Final sample included 560 participants aged six (mean 6.2, SD +/- 0.87). One dental team clinically examined all participants according to WHO methodology and criteria. The parameters used were: dmft index, DMFT index of first permanent molars (FPM), presence of sealants and treatment needs. A questionnaire about oral health habits had been administered. Dmft was 6.71 in that the d-component constituted the major part of the index. DMFT index of FPM was 0.61 (SD +/- 1.08). Percentage of caries free participants aged 6 was 6.8%. Average number of FPM with fissure sealants in BH was 0.25 (SD +/- 0.78). Significant demographic differences in dmft index, DMFT FPM and treatment needs were identified. Most participants (48.5%) had their first dental visit between the ages of five and seven. National oral health goal for Bosnia and Herzegovina should be to develop and implement disease prevention programs based on education of both parents and dental practitioners. It is necessary to improve access to dental care and shift focus from curative to preventive procedures. It is also necessary to set real goals for improvement of oral health which can be achieved within a desired time frame, as well as to precisely define measures to be taken.
AIM To present the prevalence of dental caries in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), to estimate the levels of salivary mutans streptococci and lactobacilli and compare them with caries prevalence in 12-years-old children from different socioeconomic backgrounds. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS A survey was carried out in 8 cantons of the Federation of BH (FBH) and in Republic Srpska (RS) in 2004. The final sample included 560 12-year-olds. The clinical examinations focused on dental status, expressed as DMFT index, and they were carried out by one examiner, following WHO standard methodologies. Additionally, the study involved 109 12-years old children from Sarajevo, divided in three groups, based on their socioeconomic background. For measuring lactobacillus and mutans streptococci (MS) count in saliva Dentocult LB and Dentocult SM-Strip Mutans were used. Levels of MS and lactobacilli were expressed as a score between 0 and 3, indicating very low to very high levels of SM and lactobacilli. RESULTS The average DMFT of the 12-year-olds was 4.16+/-2.92. On average, 91% of the 12-year-olds were affected with dental caries. The SiC Index was 7.41+/-3.31. Investigating the relationship between caries associated microflora and caries experience in children of different socioeconomic status showed the following: significant difference in caries prevalence was found in children with different living conditions, where children with high socioeconomic status had better oral health compared to the other two groups. For mutans streptococci, 25.7% of the children had mutans class 0, 24.8% class 1, 34.9% class 2 and 14.6% class 3. The mean DMFT for mutans class 0 was 3.50, for class 1 was 4.30, for class 2 was 5.62 and for class 3 was 6.0. For lactobacilli, 38.5% of the children had lactobacilli class 0, 25.7% class 1, 23.9% class 2 and 11.9% class 3. The mean DMFT for lactobacilli class 0 was 4.3, for class 1 was 4.9, for class 2 was 4.8 and for class 3 was 6.0. No significant differences in the level of mutans streptococci and lactobacilli were found between the groups. CONCLUSION There is moderate caries prevalence among BH 12-year-olds (DMFT 4.16+/-2.92). Caries experience varies between children with different living condition but no relation between levels of salivary mutans streptococci and lactobacilli and socioeconomic status of children could be found.
Objectives: To present the prevalence of dental caries, periodontal conditions, developmental defects of enamel and MIH in 12-year-olds in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH). Materials and Methods: A survey was carried out in 8 cantons of the Federation of BH (FBH) and in Republic Srpska (RS) in 2004. The final sample included 560 twelve year-olds. The parameters used to measure oral health status were: DMFT index, SiC index, presence of sealants, community periodontal index and developmental defects of enamel index (DDE). Treatment needs were assessed as well as molar incisor hypomineralizations (MIH). One dental team clinically examined all subjects in line with WHO methodology and criteria, using plane dental mirror, standard CPITN periodontal probe under natural light. Results: The average DMFT of 12-year-olds was 4.16 ± 2.92. On the average, 91% of the 12-year-olds was affected with dental caries. The SiC Index was 7.41 ± 3.31. Among examined children, 5.7% had at least one tooth with a fissure sealant. 43% of 12-year-olds had healthy periodontium. The prevalence of developmental defects of enamel among BH twelve-year-olds was 32.80%. The MIH prevalence was 12.3%. The average number of affected teeth with MIH was 5.59. Conclusions: Oral health status in BH observed through DMTF index values and condition of periodontium of 12-year-olds is unsatisfactory. Community-based prevention and oral health promotion are necessary.
Paleodontology in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) does not have a long tradition. As in many other countries, researches on earlier human population’s dental samples have been done within broader archeological or paleontological studies. Ćiro Truhelka, Radimsky Vaclav, Alojz Benac, Đuro Basler are some of the archeologists who described findings on human remains during their exploration of archeological sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. Furthermore, V. Radimsky wrote instructions for archeological excavation in the caves, and protection and conservation procedures of founded material, including human remains in his book “Prehistorička nalazišta” (“Prehistorical Finds”), published in 1891 in Sarajevo, (1).
Among explored speleological objects near the Krupa village, close to Gornji Vakuf, the most interesting cave from paleocultural aspect, is the cave named “Cave number 5”. In the internal part of that cave, besides ceramic fragments and one metal needle, rich anthropological material have been found, compounds of numerous humans bones and teeth. Anato-morphological analysis of the one part of material showed that this site is a prehistoric crypt with remains of at least 13 people. Radiocarbon 14C bone analysiss results showed that those people lived 2765 ± 75 before presence. The fact that anthropological material includes some remains which belonged to children shows some characteristics of burial culture of that period on area of Uskoplje. This cave crypt is the one of the biggest on this region. Paleostomatological analysis of teeth and jaw fragments gave us clear evidence about therapeutic interventions performed in this period. X-rays analysis showed presence of the metal body inside the bone in one mandibular fragment. It’s supposed that this metal is broken part of instrument used for tooth extraction.
The aim of this research was to investigate the private general dental practitioners’ (GDPs) attitudes, practice and knowledge to primary preventive measures (professional topical fluoridation, oral hygiene instructions, dietary advice and fissure sealing) in treating patients in their practices. Specially designed questionnaire concerning GDP’s attitudes, practice and knowledge of preventive dentistry related questions, was distributed to 57 private dental practices in Canton Sarajevo area, Bosnia and Herzegovina. There were 46 (80.7%) completed and returned questionnaires. All of the respondents claimed to have applied some sort of preventive measures in treating their patients, but only 26% of GDPs said they had used all of the recommended measures. The only preventive measure that all of GDPs reported using was giving oral hygiene advice/instruction; 83% of dentists applied topical fluoride, 40.4 % of which admitted to practicing it rarely. Most GDPs give diet counseling to patients regularly while some 15% of them don’t practice this at all. Seventy two per cent of dentists used fissure sealants. Surveyed dentists were familiar with basic principles of preventive dentistry, but they did not give enough importance to it in overall treatment of patients. The only preventive measure delivered by all general dental practitioners was oral health advice/instructions, usually given verbally in a form of mini-lectures. Professional topical fluoridation was performed generally on children, mostly on routine basis in dental practices. The most often given dietary advice was about decreasing total intake of sugary foods and drinks.
The objective of the research was to obtain data on the values of salivary Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp. in 12 years old children and teenagers (13 - 18 years old children), and to compare the values of these cariogenic microoorganisms in children of various ages, for the purpose of valuating the risk of caries. The sample comprised 32 persons divided into two groups. The first group included 17 children of the age of 12. The second group included 15 teenagers. The specimen of stimulated saliva, needed for the purpose of establishing the quantities of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp., was taken by the method of CRT-bacteria, according to manufacturers instruction. In the group of 12 years old children, the distribution of salivary Lactobacillus spp. was as follows: very low values 41,1%, low values 35,2%, high values 17,6%, very high values 5,8%, while in the group of teenagers, the results were the following: very low values 26,66%, low values 33,33%, high values 40%, very high values 0%. The levels of Streptococcus mutans were the following: 12 years old children had very low values in 41,7% cases, low values in 11,7% cases, high values in 41,7% cases, very high values in 5,8% cases, while the group of teenagers had very low values in 0%, low values in 33,3%, high values in 33,3%, and very high values in 33,3% cases. The levels of Streptococcus mutans are higher in our teenage children than in younger children, while the differences in levels of Lactobacillus spp. among children of various ages do not exist. In terms of global distribution, the levels of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus spp. are higher in our population than in other countries in both control groups.
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