Abstract Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the structure, characteristics and significance of the relationship between physical fitness, BMI and WHR on one hand and hypertension of elderly men and women on the other. Methods: The sample consisted of 1288 participants (594 men and 694 women) who live in their own households in the cities and villages of Central, Eastern and South Serbia. After the obtained classification of participants based on arterial blood pressure, 231 patients with hypertension aged 60-80 years were selected. The subsample consisted of 138 male participants, while the subsample of women was 93 participants. Predictor variables consisted of 6 variables for the evaluation of physical fitness, Body mass index (BMI) and Waist-to Hip Ratio index (WHR). Criterion variables consisted of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Results: The results showed that there is a statistically significant correlation (p <0.05) between predictor variables and hypertension. Higher values of higher SBP in elderly men causes an increase in body weight due to increased body fat (BMI, WHR). In elderly women, these changes occur under the influence of increased body mass index and reduced CRF. Higher values of high DBP in elderly men cause more power and flexibility of the upper body and in elderly women greater strength in the arms and less strength in legs and CRF. Conclusions: Being overweight in both subsamples could be considered as a factor that contributes to high blood pressure. Izvleček Namen: Namen te študije je določiti strukturo, značilnosti in pomen razmerja med telesno pripravljenostjo, indeksom telesne mase (ITM) in indeksom pas-boki (IPB) na eni strani ter hipertenzijo pri starejših moških in ženskah na drugi strani. Metode: V vzorec je bilo vključenih 1288 udeležencev (594 moških in 694 žensk), ki živijo v lastnih gospodinjstvih v mestih in vaseh Osrednje, Vzhodne in Južne Srbije. Po prejeti klasifikaciji udeležencev, ki je temeljila na arterijskem krvnem tlaku, je bilo izbranih 231 bolnikov s hipertenzijo, starih od 60 do 80 let. Podvzorec je vključeval 138 moških udeležencev, medtem ko je bilo v podvzorec žensk vključenih 93 udeleženk. Neodvisne spremenljivke so bile sestavljene iz 6 spremenljivk za ocenjevaje telesne pripravljenosti, indeksa telesne mase (ITM) in indeksa pas-boki (IPB). Odvisne spremenljivke pa so bile sestavljene iz sistoličnega krvnega tlaka (SKT) in diastoličnega krvnega tlaka (DKT). Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da obstaja statistično pomembna povezava (p<0.05) med neodvisnimi spremenljivkami in hipertenzijo. Višje vrednosti zgornjega SKT pri starejših moških povzroči povečanje telesne teže zaradi povečane telesne maščobe (ITM, IPB). Pri starejših ženskah se te spremembe pojavijo pod vplivom povečanega indeksa telesne mase in zmanjšanih kardio-respiratornih sposobnosti. Višje vrednosti zgornjega DKT pri starejših moških povzročajo večjo moč in fleksibilnost zgornjega dela telesa, pri starejših ženskah pa več moči v rokah in manj v nogah ter slabše kardio-respiratorne sposobnosti. Zaključek: Pri obeh podvzorcih bi bila čezmerna teža lahko dejavnik, ki prispeva k visokemu krvnemu tlaku.
[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of short-term exercise training on the cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) of individuals suffering from myocardial infarction. [Subjects] A total of 60 participants were divided into experimental (EXP; n=30, mean age 56.7 ± 2.8 years, body mass 80.7 ± 10.7 kg, body height 171.9 ± 7.2 cm) and control (CON; n=30, mean age 56.5 ± 3.1 years, body mass 84.4 ± 12.4 kg, body height 171.5 ± 12.4 cm) groups. [Methods] The members of the EXP group took part in an organized daily physical exercise program (Monday through Sunday), for a period of 3 weeks. The exercise program consisted of 60 min daily specialized fitness exercises with an intensity ranging from 55–70% of the maximum heart rate, which was determined by test on a bicycle ergometer. The effects of the exercise were monitored by means of the following parameters: maximum oxygen uptake (VO2peak), resting heart rate, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. [Results] The results indicate statistically significant post-exercise improvements in heart rate, relative oxygen uptake and systolic blood pressure, among the members of the EXP group. The results indicate that at the initial measurement of cardiorespiratory fitness no statistically significant differences were found between the groups at the multivariate level (Wilk's λ=0.83), while statistically significant differences in the cardiorespiratory fitness were found at the final measurement (Wil's λ=0.430). [Conclusion] The obtained results indicate that the exercise program, which lasted for a period of 21 days, though shorter in duration than other programs still led to statistically significant changes in the CRF of individuals suffering from MI.
Aim To assess the effect of maternal physical activity during pregnancy on abnormal fetal growth. Methods The study group of 166 women in gestational week 6-8 exercised regularly three days per week at submaximal intensity during their entire pregnancy and the control group of 168 women received standard antenatal care. The main outcomes were macrosomia and intrauterine growth restriction. Results The study group had a lower frequency of macrosomia in newborns (6.0% vs 12.5%, P = 0.048) and gestational diabetes (1.8% vs 8.3%, P = 0.008) than the control-group, but there was no significant difference in intrauterine growth restriction (7.2% vs 6.5%). There was also no significant differences in other perinatal outcomes. Conclusions The beneficial effect of maternal physical activity on fetal growth may be caused the impact of aerobic exercise on glucose tolerance. Fitness trainers and kinesiologists, as well as health care providers, should be educated on the benefits of regular exercise during pregnancy and safe physical exercise for pregnant women.
Aim To determine differences in physical activity level and functional fitness between young elderly (60–69 years) and old elderly (70–80 years) people with the hypothesis that an age-related decline would be found. Methods A total of 1288 participants’ level of physical activity was evaluated using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire: 594 were male (mean ± standard deviation: body height 175.62 ± 9.78 cm; body weight 82.26 ± 31.33 kg) and 694 female (mean ± standard deviation: body height 165.17 ± 23.12 cm; body weight 69.74 ± 12.44 kg). Functional fitness was also estimated using the Senior Fitness Test: back scratch, chair sit and reach, 8-foot up and go, chair stand up for 30 seconds, arm curl, and 2-minute step test. Results Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found for all Senior Fitness tests between young elderly (60–69 years) and old elderly (70–80) men. Similar results were found for the women, except no significant differences were found for the chair sit and reach and the 2-minute step test. From the viewpoint of energy consumption estimated by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, moderate physical activity is dominant. In addition, with aging, among men and women older than 60 years, the value of the Metabolic Equivalent of Task in total physical activity significantly reduces (P < 0.05). Conclusions This study found that the reduction in physical activity level and functional fitness was equal for both men and women and was due to the aging process. These differences between young and old elderly people were due to the reduction of muscle strength in both upper and lower limbs and changes in body-fat percentage, flexibility, agility, and endurance.
Information about the regional distribution of health-related physical fitness status is necessary in order to tailor public health interventions, and due to a number of behavioral health risks caused by the increasing sedentary lifestyle. This study aimed to find differences between Croatian children's health-related physical fitness profiles in urban and rural areas. The sample for this study consisted of 2431 fifth-grade students (1248 boys and 1183 girls) from urban and rural areas of Croatia. The mean age of participants was 11.3 +/- 6.1 years. The differences between the health-related physical fitness of school children from urban and rural areas was computed using series of univariant analysis of variance and canonical discriminant analysis. The reliability of the tests was determined by Cronbach's alpha coefficients. Urban boys and girls significantly differ in body height from rural boys and girls. Body mass index and body fat percentage are slightly higher in the urban boys and girls but they do not differ significantly. Urban children perform significantly better in the 20 m dash, standing long jump and timed sit-ups. Urban and rural boys and girls do not differ significantly in the flexibility. This study determined if selected levels of urbanization affected the physical fitness status of children in Croatia. The results suggest that the differences in children's health-related physical fitness profiles are due to the level of urbanization.
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los efectos de un programa de acondicionamiento de danza aerobica de doce semanas sobre los parametros de composicion corporal de mujeres jovenes. La muestra de 59 mujeres jovenes se dividio en dos grupos, uno experimental y otro control. El grupo experimental estaba compuesto por 29 mujeres (edad 23,1 ± 1,9 anos, estatura 164,4 ± 6,1 cm, peso corporal 62,1 ± 5,6 kg, IMC 23,0 ± 2,2 kg/m2), mientras que el grupo de control estaba compuesto por 30 mujeres (edad 22,7 ± 1,8 anos, estatura 165,3 ± 6,2 cm, peso corporal 59,4 ± 6,3 kg, IMC 21,7 ± 1,7 kg/m2). Para evaluar la composicion corporal, se utilizaron las siguientes medidas: la suma general de los pliegues cutaneos parte superior del cuerpo, la suma general de los pliegues cutaneos parte inferior del cuerpo, la suma general de los pliegues cutaneos de las partes superiores e inferiores del cuerpo, el porcentaje de grasa corporal, el porcentaje de masa muscular en el cuerpo, estatura y peso corporal. Al considerar todas las sumas de los pliegues cutaneos de las mujeres del grupo experimental, observamos una disminucion estadisticamente significativa (p < 0,05) en la medicion final en relacion con la medicion inicial (SPC SUPERIOR 39,35 mm en comparacion con 42,87 mm; SPCINFERIOR 39,35 mm en comparacion con 49,88 mm; SPC TOTAL 76,97 mm comparacion con 92,75 mm). En el caso de porcentaje de grasa corporal, se observo una disminucion en la medicion final en relacion al porcentaje inicial (20,37% en comparacion al 22,66%) lo cual fue estadisticamente significativo (p < 0,05 ). Basado en los resultados de nuestro estudio, podemos concluir que la danza aerobica disminuye el tejido graso subcutaneo y la composicion corporal de las mujeres jovenes.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the structure, characteristics and significance of the relationship between physical fitness, BMI and WHR on one hand and hypertension of elderly men and women on the other. Methods: The sample consisted of 1288 participants (594 men and 694 women) who live in their own households in the cities and villages of Central, Eastern and South Serbia. After the obtained classification of participants based on arterial blood pressure, 231 patients with hypertension aged 60-80 years were selected. The subsample consisted of 138 male participants, while the subsample of women was 93 participants. Predictor variables consisted of 6 variables for the evaluation of physical fitness, Body mass index (BMI) and Waist-to Hip Ratio index (WHR). Criterion variables consisted of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). Results: The results showed that there is a statistically significant correlation (p <0.05) between predictor variables and hypertension. Higher values of higher SBP in elderly men causes an increase in body weight due to increased body fat (BMI, WHR). In elderly women, these changes occur under the influence of increased body mass index and reduced CRF. Higher values of high DBP in elderly men cause more power and flexibility of the upper body and in elderly women greater strength in the arms and less strength in legs and CRF. Conclusions: Being overweight in both subsamples could be considered as a factor that contributes to high blood pressure.
The ISOTON health-recreational programme of exercising was established in 1992 pursuing scientific theoretical premises but it was also proven in a long term practice. When devising basic principles of the ISOTON one used computer modelling of physiological systems and biomechanical processes in body as well as a wider scope of physical influences on the human body. To solve the tasks set in the paper within the general inductive-deductive approach to the researched material one used also general scientific methods of observation, description, comparison, generalizing scientific and methodics literature of the local and international authors. Based on the description a descriptive-explicative analysis was applied. Factors of health effect of the ISOTON are the following: Isotonic exercising creating the state of managed stress representing efficient way of the increase in functional abilities of cell structures that enhance level and state of health; Selection of exercises, movement patterns and pose provide for physiological, mechanical and reflective influence on the internal organs and main nervous centers connected to them; Muscle work in ISOTON contributes to the increase in the concentration of CO2 in blood stream; It exerts controlling influence on the processes of exchange and provides for the maximal level of fat burning stimulating mechanisms thus enabling decrease of fat in the body.ISOTON uses natural and versatile means of influences on the body. This diminishes to a great extent the possible creation of various misbalances and disturbances that might appear under the local influence of other means (especially pharmacological).
The aims of this research were to determine the importance that university students give physical activity, to distinguish those sport activities that university students prefer and would want to be involved in, and to determine the differences in attitude towards individual sports activities in regard to gender. The study was conducted using a sample of 190 (age 18 ± 1 year) randomly selected university students (108 females; 82 males) that are currently attending the first and second year of architecture and geodesy and who also attend physical education classes. The results showed that university students were very well informed about the importance of physical exercise and recreation. Nevertheless, when it came to their involvement in various sporting activities, the questionnaires showed that almost 57 % of the university students do not generally spend their time participating in any sports and recreational activities. On the other hand, statistically significant differences (p < 0.00) were found between men and women in terms of selection and participation in sport activities based on the completed questionnaire. Based on the obtained data, the university students were offered sport events consistent with sports trends, following the wishes and interests of specific groups with regard to gender.
The aim of this study was to determine the difference in the level of functional fitness and physical activity between urban and rural older women. 219 elderly women, age 60-80, participated in this study. 146 participants were from an urban while 73 were from a rural area. The physical activity level was assessed by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The senior fitness test was used to asses the functional fitness of the participants. The test consists of six measures of physical fitness: 1) Back scratch, 2) Chair sit and reach, 3) 8 foot up and go, 4) 30 sec stand from the chair, 5) Arm curl, 6) 2-minutes step test. The resutls showed that the flexibility (upper and lower limbs) and agility are statistically different in the women from urban areas from the women from rural area. The other parameters of functional fitness (strength and endurance) did not show statistical difference. Also, the women from urban area were physicaly more active in the transport and walking domains than the women from rural areas. The other domains did not show any difference between the urban and rural women. It colud be concluded that the women from different areas are slightly different.
The aim of this study was to determine the differences in the components of functional fitness regarding the level of physical activity in adults between 60 and 80 years of age. Senior Fitness Test (SFT) was used in a sample of 497 men and 446 women in order to determine the level of functional fitness, while International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used to determine the level of physical activity. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that old male subjects who belonged to high activity group had statistically significant results in comparison to the low activity group, in terms of upper and lower body muscle strength and lower body flexibility. Female subjects in high activity group also had statistically significant results in terms of strength and dynamic balance performance, compared to the women in the low activity group. Based on the obtained results and their analysis, it can be concluded that older people who belong to the high activity group have higher level of functional fitness in comparison to the low activity group. In this way, the old adults who are physically active can be functionally independent for a longer period of time while performing the activities of daily living, thus reducing the risk of falls and injuries.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da utvrdi razlike na polju funkcionalnog fitnesa kod muškaraca starijih od 60 godina. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 272 ispitanika. Sve ispitanike smo podijelili u pet starosnih kategorija, i to: 60–64 godine bilo je 90 ispitanika (33%), 65–69 godina, 70 ispitanika (26%), 70–74 godine, 50 ispitanika (18%), 75–79 godina, 41 ispitanik (15%) i preko 80 godina starosti bio je 21 ispitanik (8%). Svi ispitanici su proveli bateriju testova pod nazivom senior fitnes test. Test se sastoji od šest mjera fizičkog fitnesa: 1) pokretljivost ramena, 2) pretklon na stolici, 3) osam stopa, 4) ustajanje sa stolice za 30 sekundi, 4) fleksija u zglobu lakta, 5) dvominutni step test. Body mass index pokazuje da su svi ispitanici prekomjerne tjelesne težine bez obzira kojoj starosnoj kategoriji pripadaju. Kod fleksibilnosti ne postoji statistički značajna razlika (p > 0,05) između ispitanika različite starosne dobi nakon 60. godine starosti. Ispitanici se najviše razlikuju po pitanju snage kako donjih, tako i gornjih ekstremiteta. Primijećeno je opadanje snage sa procesom starenja tako da se ispitanici starosne dobi 60-64 godina statistički značajno razlikuju u snazi donjih ekstremiteta (p < 0,05) od ispitanika starih 70–74 i 75–79 godina. Najveća heterogenost zabilježena je u parametrima aerobne izdržljivosti, gdje rezultati progresivno opadaju od 60 godine, gdje su zabilježene najveće vrijednosti (78,60 ± 42,00) do 80. godine starosti (73,68 ± 35,62). U ovoj studiji smo utvrdili da je došlo do povećanja količine masnog tkiva, smanjenja nivoa mišićne aktivnosti, kao i smanjenja mišićne snage i izdržljivosti procesom starenja.
The aim of this study was to determine differences in body composition and physical fitness in elderly men and women. Five hundred twenty six subjects were included in this study, 272 were men (52%) and 254 women (48%). To determine the trend of changes of anthropometric parameters and physical fitness in people aged over 60, we were divided subjects in 5 age groups: 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79 and over 80 years of age. Decrease in strength is observed with the aging process so that the respondents aged 60-64 years significantly differ in the strength of the lower extremities of elderly subjects 70-74 and 75-79 years of age. Also this difference is noticeable if we compare men and women. In this study, we found that there was an increase in the amount of adipose tissue, reducing the level of muscle activity and decreased muscle strength and endurance of the aging process.
Hypokinesia or low level of physical activity typical for the modern way of living, together with the consumed calories that cannot be burnt, lead to the increased weight which is above the average weight for a particular person. The presence of obesity from the day of birth to the old age is increasing in the world, and it may be stated that it is increasing in Serbia as well. The aim of this research is to establish the difference between height-weight relations and nourishment of seven-year-old pupils, measured in 1988 and 2008. The sample comprised primary school pupils, 7 years of age, from Nis, measured in 1988 and 2008. The number of examinees was 524, 257 boys measured in 1988, 91 boys measured in 2008, 91 girls measured in 1988, 85 girls measured in 2008. The results of this research showed that male pupils measured in 1988 had, statistically significan lower body weight, body mass index, average volume of the chest, skin folds, and had lower levels of fat in the body. Female pupils measured in 1988 had lower values of height, weight, body mass index, average chest volume, skin folds and lower levels of fat. The percentage of normally fed pupils measured in 1988 was 88.3%, while the percentage of those measured in 2008 was 59.3%. The relationship between 1988 and 2008 is 92.3% to 56.5%, in female pupils. The number of obese male and female pupils was significantly increased in 2008.
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