Introduction: The most appropriate choice of pharmacological treatment of heart rhythm disorders occurring in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular comorbidity is often a topic of debate between pulmonologists and cardiologists in clinical practice, although numerous studies and clinical trials have demonstrated evidence to support the use of selective beta-blockers (BBs) in these patients. Aim: To examine the difference in the number of exacerbations in patients treated with a combination of verapamil and digoxin or BB alone in patients with different COPD stages. Patients and methods: The study included 68 patients (n = 68) diagnosed with COPD who were followed-up during a 12-month period, and the number of exacerbations were analyzed. The patients were divided into two groups according to the stage of COPD: GOLD II (moderate), and GOLD III (severe), and in each group a subdivision was established in relation to the use of either a combination of verapamil and digoxin or the use of BBs alone in pharmacological treatment. The inclusion criteria for patients were defined as following: a) established diagnosis of COPD according to present or deteriorated relevant clinical symptoms and signs, b) the ejection fraction (EF) of a left ventricle (LV) >35%, and c) spirometric cut-points classified as GOLD II (FEV1 / FVC <0.7, FEV1 predicted 50-80%), or GOLD III (FEV1/FVC <0.7, FEV1 predicted 30-50%) stage of the COPD. The exclusion criteria were EF of LV <35% and a lethal outcome during a follow-up period (2 patients were encountered). Exacerbation was defined as functional deterioration of the COPD symptoms verified by spirometric functional testing, frequency of hospitalizations according to GOLD stage assignment or verified clinical symptoms deterioration. Results: Regardless the pharmacological treatment, there is a statistically significant increase in the number of COPD exacerbations, in a 12-month period follow-up, in the GOLD III group (severe) compared to the GOLD II group (moderate). In the group of patients taking verapamil and digoxin, a two-tailed t-test was used to analyze the results between the GOLD II and GOLD III stage groups, p = 0.01, and 2. In the group of patients taking BBs, a two-tailed t-test was also used to analyze the results between the GOLD II and GOLD III stage groups, p = 0.003). Within the COPD GOLD II stage group, there appears to be no statistically significant difference in the number of exacerbations between the patients taking verapamil and digoxin (n = 24) and the patients taking BBs alone (n = 15), although, in patients taking BBs alone, there appears to be a trend towards a decrease in the exacerbations compared to the number of exacerbations in patients taking verapamil and digoxin (p = 0.007). Within the COPD GOLD III stage group, there is no difference in the number of exacerbations between the patients taking verapamil and digoxin (n = 20), and the patients taking BBs alone (n = 9), as analyzed by a two-tailed t-test, p = 0.577. Conclusion: Use of selective BBs in the treatment of cardiovascular comorbidity in patients with COPD represents a far better choice of pharmacological approach in the treatment of patients diagnosed with COPD GOLD II (moderate) stage.
Pneumonia is the leading infectious cause of death worldwide. While inflammation is critically important in host response to microbial invasion, exaggerated inflammation can damage the lungs, contributing to respiratory failure and mortality. Corticosteroids are effective in reducing inflammation and can also cause immune suppression. Presently, clinicians are unable to reliably distinguish between exaggerated and appropriate immune response and thus cannot rapidly identify patients most likely to benefit from adjunctive corticosteroids. In this review, we propose a biomarker-guided, precision medicine approach to corticosteroid treatment, aimed to give these medications at appropriate dose and time and only to patients who have exaggerated inflammation.
Background: The association of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) and diabetes mellitus (DM) is very common. Objectives: to find out whether there is a difference in clinical presentation and treatment outcomes of diagnosed PTB in diabetic patients comparing to PTB patients without diabetes mellitus. Methods: Clinical symptoms, radiographic appearance of extensive forms of PTB as well as treatment outcomes of pulmonary tuberculosis were reviewed in 97 diabetic patients and compared to 97 patients affected only by PTB. Results: Cough was the most common symptom in both groups, but with significant difference in the favour of diabetic patients (p Conclusions: More severe clinical presentation and lower TB treatment cure rate were registered in diabetic patients comparing to non-diabetics.
Alzheimer disease (AD) is common worldwide and almost every case has comorbidities. One of the most common comorbidities of AD is Diabetes mellitus (DM), with or without metabolic syndrome. Both diseases effect nerve tissue and successful treatment would improve the status of the patient. In patients with Alzheimer disease treatment of DM, the treatment could be harmful to the AD, because of that high insulin intake. This may lead to progression of AD. Insulin is considered the best treatment for DM, but insulin therapy could increase comorbidity with AD. No specific therapy for AD is known up to date, so because of that DM is one of the most important risk for AD, concomitant therapy for DM should be planned very carefully. All options of DM therapy should be considered, and different mechanisms of anti-diabetic drugs are preferable. Treatment of AD is more complex metabolic syndrome is present. Any inflammation causes local tissue damage, including brain tissue during AD. Release of interleukins, primarily TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β in the presence of adipokine leptin, maintains chronic inflammatory status in local brain tissue. Thus, low doses of immunosuppressant therapy should be considered for treatment of AD in future. To delay apoptosis of nerve tissue cells, brain and nerve tissue defend against free oxygen radicals and improve metabolic status.
Introduction: Based on the statistics the population in Bosnia and Herzegovina is getting older. In 2013 the average life span for women was 73.6 years and 68.1 for men. The chronic hemodialysis program is mainly reserved for elderly patients with high mortality risk. The most common cause of hemodialysis mortality relates to cardiovascular diseases (60.2%), regardless of frequent innovations and improvement of hemodialysis procedures. The aim of the study: was to determine the mortality rate by age groups with comments on the presence of non-traditional predictors (anemia, hypoalbuminemia, CRP, vascular access and PTH) in dialysis patients in the follow-up period of 36 months. Methods: The study included all patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis treatment at the Clinic of Hemodialysis of the Clinical Center University of Sarajevo (CCUS). Results: Out of a total number of hemodialysis patients (n=232), the specific mortality rate in patients under 65 years of age was 16.8%, and 50.5% in patients over 65 years of age. According to the age groups the mortality rate in elderly patients is as follows: from 65 to 74 years (45.1%), from 75 to 84 years (55.0%), over ≥85 years (75.0%). The most frequent vascular access in patients under and above 65 is arteriovenous fistula (79.6% and 62.1 %), temporary hemodialysis catheter (11.7% and 43.8 %) and long-term hemodialysis catheter (8.8% and 4.2 %). In the age group under 65 years of age the temporary hemodialysis catheter is significantly and more frequently used in diseased patients in respect to survivors (34.8% vs. 7.0%) [χ2(2)=15.769, p=0.001]. Diseased patients from the age group over 65 had a significantly lower mean value of haemoglobin in blood (M=100.9±17.5 g/L) in respect to survivors (M=109.2±17.1)[t(93)=2.339; p=0.021], lower mean value of albumin in blood (Me=32.0; IQR=29.0 do 35.0) in respect to survivors (Me=34.0; IQR=32.0 to 38.0) [U=762.5; p=0.006], and higher mean value of CRP in blood (Me=19.3 mg/L; IQR=6.6 to 52.0) in respect to survivors (Me=7.8; IQR=4.0 to 16.7) [U=773.5; p=0.008]. Diseased patients belonging to the age group over 65 had lower mean value of PTH, but without statistical significance (p>0.05). Conclusion: older age, temporary vascular access, anaemia and hypoalbuminemia are strong predictors of mortality in hemodialysis patients. Old age does not present contraindication for hemodialysis treatment, and treatment of terminal renal illness should not be abandoned.
Aim : The main goal of our study was to determine whether metabolic syndrome (MetS) represents a positive predictor for more frequent occurrence of postoperative respiratory complications (PORC) in patients undergoing abdominal wall surgery, laparoscopy or laparotomy. Methods : The retrospective-prospective study which included 101 patients divided in two groups: MetS-patients with metabolic syndrome (n=50) and non MetS patients, (n=51) according to International Diabetes Federation (IDF) inclusion criteria for MetS, was conducted at General Hospital „Prim. dr. Abdulah Nakas“ in the period from January to April 2014. Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics were obtained during preoperative examination and patients were followed up for 30 days postoperatively. Results : The frequency of respiratory complications in MetS group was significantly higher compared to non MetS group (98.0% vs. 27.5%, p<0.001) as was frequency of antibiotics, corticosteroids, oxygen, bronchodilatators and mechanical ventilation administration. The most frequent respiratory complication in MetS group was respiratory failure due to intermittent oxygen hyposaturation less than 85% (42.9%) and pneumonia in the nonMetS group (42.6%), but there was no significant difference in type of respiratory complications. In logistic regression analysis metabolic syndrome was a significant independent predictor of respiratory complications onset after abdominal surgery (β=6.17; p<0.001) in addition to the upper abdominal wall surgery, as well as history of chronic bronchitis and COPD. Conclusion : There was a significant difference in the frequency of PORC between MetS and control group of patients and metabolic syndrome appears to be an independent positive predictor of PORC after abdominal surgery. Key words: postoperative respiratory complications (PORC),abdominal surgery
Gastric antral vascular ectasia is a vascular gastric malformation which represents a rare cause of upper gastrointestinal system bleeding. It is usually presented with a significant anemia and it is diagnosed with an endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal system. It is often associated with other chronic illnesses such as liver cirrhosis, sclerodermia, diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension. It is treated symptomatically in terms of anemia correction with blood transfusions and iron supplements, proton pump inhibitors, beta-blockers and endoscopic procedures such as argon plasma coagulation which currently represents the treatment of choice in Sy. GAVE cases.
Accelerated atherosclerosis and vascular calcification, with oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, and other factors causing the arterial stiffness, increases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients on peritoneal dialysis. The aim of this paper is to assess changes in intima media thickness (IMT) at common carotid arteries (CCA) in patients with stable continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (PD) and examine the relationship of these changes and other risk factors on the occurrence of atherosclerosis. The study was conducted on 35 stable PD patients (25 type 2 diabetic patients), aged 58.6 +/- 10.6 years. CCA-IMT was assessed using ultrasound B-mode technique, bilaterally. Other risk factors for the occurrence of atherosclerosis were monitored through regular laboratory control. One atheromatous plaque was found in 19 patients (54.3%). Among 25 type 2 diabetic patients, vascular calcifications were found in 80% patients. In all PD patients, CCA-IMT is 0.77 +/- 0.23, in PD patients with vascular calcifications CCA-IMT is 1.05 +/- 0.2 mm, while in group without vascular calcifications the value of this parameter is 0.56 +/- 0.09 (p<0.01 ). Significant differences were found between PD patients with and without vascular calcifications on CCA in patients age (p<0.001), as well as values of systolic blood pressure (p=0.001), serum phosphorus (p=0.017), product calcium and phosphorus (p=0.021), CRP (p=0.039), triglycerides (p<0.05) and lipoprotein (a) values (p=0.044). Our results suggest an important determination of common carotid arteries intima media thickness and its relation to other risk factors for the occurrence and progression of atherosclerosis in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis.
The metabolic syndrome (MS) is a multi-factorial disorder which includes a main risk factors associated with the development of cardiovascular, neurologic, renal and endocrine diseases, especially type 2 diabetes. This study has been conducted to estimate the prevalence of the MS in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and its association with cardiovascular morbidity. The study included 37 patients (25 type 2 diabetic patients and 12 non-diabetic patients), who had been on peritoneal dialysis for > 3 months. At the beginning of CAPD treatment (baseline) and at the end of follow-up, we measured: body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) and defined the prevalence of the MS using the modified National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP; Adult Treatment Panel III) for peritoneal dialysis patients. The overall prevalence of the MS was 89.2%. The metabolic syndrome was estimated in all (100%) type 2 diabetic patients (vs. 60% patients on the beginning of CAPD treatment). In non-diabetic peritoneal patients, the MS was estimated in 50% cases, according to 33.3% at the beginning CAPD treatment. Development of the MS was significantly higher in the type 2 diabetic patients in compared with non-diabetic patients until the end of follow-up examination (p=0.0005). The prevalence of LVH in type 2 diabetic patients with the MS was significantly higher (p=0.002) than in non-diabetic peritoneal patients with the MS. We didn't found statistical significantly difference in the prevalence of ischemic heart disease between this two category of peritoneal dialysis patients (p=0.076). The results indicate that the metabolic syndrome is presented in high percentage in peritoneal dialysis patients, and it's also important risk factor of high cardiovascular morbidity rate in these patients, especially in type 2 diabetic patients.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED SUMMARY The register of oncological diseases in Canton Sarajevo is important as it can be used to track and improve healthcare, especially in older age groups. The oncological registers are a way of recording data, suitable as a source of indicators. In the analyzed register, 1124 new cases of malignancy were recorded. There are slightly more malignant diseases in male (53%). The incidence of cancer varies depending of the age of patients. This analysis gives us important estimation in the relation of cancer morbidity, cancer types, age distribution, demographic factors, cancer stages and important cancer risks. The register and the analysis give us a chance for correlating and comparing the state of oncological diseases with other countries.
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