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CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED Day Hospital is an alternative to inpatient treatment as a transition from hospital to outpatient type of treatment, especially for those patients who cannot quickly return to the family, and patients who are unable to leave the usual social contacts so to them the hospitalization will pose a great mental risk. The aim of the research is to determine the structure of psychiatric morbidity, as well as demographic features and duration of hospitalization in patients treated at a Day Hospital of Psychiatric Clinic in Sarajevo during the period 2006-2007. The survey is conducted at the Psychiatric Clinic, Clinical Center of Sarajevo University as retrospective, based on observations of certain variables (gender, age, hospitalization duration), and the number of diagnosis. The results of the research show that the total number of registered patients in the observed period is 400. During the two year study there were more female (61.3%) than male patients (38.7%). Also, during the two years of research, most of those were with one diagnosis. The average hospitalization duration was 45 days, and the most often hospitalization duration was from 1 to 3 months. During both years, mostly present was the population in age group 46 to 65 years, followed by age group 26 to 44 years. Leading diseases during both years of research were from the group F30-F39, and the most common co-morbid diseases from groups: F30-F39, F40-F49 and F60-F69. We can conclude that Day Hospital has great significance in the mental health prevention. Daily structured program provides hospital diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of persons of both genders from different age groups and with diverse psychopathology.

OBJECTIVE Youngsters like to experiment with risky life stiles, without adequate knowledge about long-term health effects. Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently going through transition period and is a postwar society with various risk factors for drug abuse (economic, social and health factors). The main objective of the research was to show parents behavior related to drug abuse of their children, and to describe if there is parental support to such kind of behavior. METHODS This study covers 368 adolescents: 170 males, 198 females, aged 12-17, with equal urban and rural distribution. The research tool used was Q2004 (K.B. Kelly 2000). EPI info was used for statistical analysis. Research is epidemiological and was done in urban and rural areas of Sarajevo Canton. RESULTS Out of total number of individuals involved in the study 25.8% were found to be cigarette smokers, 39.4% consumed alcohol, and 2.2% consumed marijuana. Alcohol abuse is more present in urban rather than in rural types of communities. (56.6%; 43.4%; p = 0.0001). Of all age groups examined, alcohol abuse is most frequent in males (53.1%; 46.9%). and high school age group (69.0%; 31.0%). Passive parental support to alcohol consumers is surprisingly high (> 50%). CONCLUSION It is determined that parents (particularly fathers) use tobacco and alcohol, and passively support similar behavior of their children. More than one quarter of parents (26.2%) are aware that their children drink alcohol. These results could be used to develop an appropriate prevention strategy. It is necessary to be aware of all relevant risk factors.

UNLABELLED Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) represents a delayed response to stress events, which are catastrophic and likely to cause pervasive distress to almost everyone. This disorder is frequently associated with other psychiatric disorders. PTSD can be caused by many traumatic events, but the war related events are very important and significant. WHO assess that a million of BiH population suffers from one of the stress related disorder. The aim of this research is to show sociodemographic characteristics of PTSD patients during 2007. MATERIAL AND METHOD This research was conducted at the Psychiatric Clinic KCU Sarajevo. The study is epidemiological and retrospective analytical-descriptive. The final results show that there were 343 patients with PTSD admitted in Psychiatric Clinic. PTSD is the most common among male population in 45-64 age group. Majority (74%) had high school education. Most of them, that is 206 (60%), were unemployed and 274 (80%) were married.

Objective: Youngsters like to experiment with risky life stiles, without adequate knowledge about long-term health effects. Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently going through transition period and is a postwar society with various risk factors for drugs abuse (economic, social and health). The main objective of the research was to describe adolescents behavior in consumption of alcohol and in relation to area type, gender, religion, age, parental attitude, friends and to investigate effect of biological hereditary factors related to certain behavior. Methods: This epidemiological research was done in urban and rural areas of Sarajevo Canton, involving 368 adolescents: 170 males, 198 females; aged 12-17, with equal urban and rural distribution. The research tool used was Q 2004 (K.B. Kelly, 2000). Using this tool, impact of hereditary factors related to tobacco, alcohol and drugs was explored and EPI info was used for statistical analysis. Results: Out of total number of individuals involved in the study 25.8% were found to be cigarette smokers, 39.4% consumed alcohol, and 2.2% consumed marijuana. Out of total number of adolescents who use alcohol, 43.4% are from rural and 56.6% urban area; 69.0% come from high school and 31% from primary; 53.1% are male; 46.9% female; 44.8% alcohol consumers smoke tobacco vs. 13.5%; 4.8% use drugs and alcohol vs. 0.4%. Mean age of alcohol consumption beginning was 14. Results determine genealogical analysis of frequency of consuming alcohol and tobacco related paternal side (maternal side rarely) and adolescent. It is not proved that hereditary factors play important role in use of these substances. Impact of hereditary factors among drug users is negative. Conclusion: Adolescents in developing countries tend to abuse psychoactive substances. It is determined that parents (particularly father) use tobacco and alcohol, but rarely. None of above mentioned family members abuse drugs. Therefore, impact of hereditary factors related to abuse drugs is not proved. These results could be used to develop an appropriate prevention strategy. It is necessary to be aware of all relevant risk factors. Quality of life depends of these factors, and treatment should be multidisciplinary for these cases, including medical, genetic and dental experts in the field.

M. Novaković, I. Licanin, E. Musić, R. Novaković, D. Jovanović, Emir Frasto

INTRODUCTION Nephrologic patients have somatisation disorder that can be primary disorder when fear is dominant or secondary disorder in the frame of other organic and mental disorders. AIM To evaluate, somatisaton disorder is more offten accompanied with microalbuminuria (MA) in patients with suspected endemic nephropathy than in patients with some other nephrologic disorder, in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) during period from January the 1st of 2000 to December the 31st of 2006. METHOD Somatisation disorders were proved in patients with microalbuminuria (MA) in nephropathic group (n = 200), and they were compared to the patients with MA in other nephrologic disorders (n = 200). The study took place from January, the 1st of 2000 to December, the 31st of 2006, and it was a multicentric, longitudinal, comparative study in B&H. Patients were questioned using: B&H Renal register questionnaire adapted for this study and psychological tests: Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). Statistical analysis was done using descriptive methods and multivariate logistic model. RESULTS In nephropathic group (t = 23.103, P = 0.001) somatisation disorder F45.0 was found in 10.50%, while it was found in 7.00% patients in control group. On multivariate model, somatisation disorder in nephropathic group F45.0 was -4.00%, r = 0.950, OR = 0.875 (95%), CI = 0.710-0.820; undifferentiated disorder -4.00%, hypochondria -3.50%, disfunction of VNS -1.50%, pain disorder -1.00% and 0.50% of other disorders life in house, village and renal heredity. Somatisation disorder in control group was 2.50%, r = 0.815, OR = 0.985 (95%), CI = 0.710-0.920, P = 0.001, undifferentiated disorder -2.50%, disfunction of VNS -2.00%, pain -1.50%, and -1.00% hypochondria with migration, living in flat and town. CONCLUSION Majority of the patients tested on microalbuminuria had somatisation of fear, and nephropathic somatisation disorder F45.0 was found in 10.50% comparing to 7.00% of controls, comfirming somatisation of anxiety in nephrologic patients. Somatisation was proved using sociodemographic and variables of anxiety, depressivness and cognitive disturbance.

I. Licanin, A. Redžić, E.I. Ibrahimagic

It is well known that drug abuse is common in early adolescence with almost the same epidemiological characteristics in economically developed and undeveloped countries. Alcohol abuse is a problem worldwide, which destroys ones social, economical and family life. Our country is in a transition period and consists of postwar society. Therefore, all risk factors for alcohol and other substances abuse are present such as social, economical and medical risk factors. Parents and peers seem to have strong impact on adolescent's behavior. Youngsters like to experiment with a risky life style without adequate knowledge about long-term health damages and risks. Finding risk factors related to alcohol abuse among early adolescents is necessary for appropriate prevention approach. Research covers 600 adolescents (400 in rural and urban part of Sarajevo and 200 in urban and rural part of the Canton Tuzla, as well). Adolescents are of equal gender and age distribution. We used Q 2000 as research tool. Study design is prospective, epidemiological and analytical. Results have been compared within groups, between cantons and among groups. Out of total number of adolescents 93 (15.55 %) were abusing alcohol, 62.4 % of them were from urban and 37.6 % were from rural areas. Results show numerous risk factors related to alcohol abuse among adolescents which could be used as base for preventive activities.

It is a well known fact that drug abuse is most common in early adolescence. The most popular substances among youth are cannabis products (made from Cannabis sativa L., Cannabaceae). The majority of heroin and cocaine addicts have started with marijuana. The aim of this study is to show some psycho-social characteristics of adolescents who abuse cannabis. Research conducted during the year 2001 was epidemiological and prospective. The study group included 600 adolescents of equal gender and age distribution. Q 2000 questionnaire was used, as a comprehensive tool for all aspects of adolescent life. The results show strong peer impact on one's behavior. Youth who use cannabis had 2-3 friends of the same behavior, compared to others who had none. We found positive correlation between life stressful events and cannabis abuse. We also noticed tendency to delinquent behavior related to cannabis abuse (35%).

S. Fišeković, I. Licanin

Drug abuse is a problem worldwide, that destroys ones social, economical and family life. Our country is in a transition period and consist of postwar society. Therefore all risk factors for supstances abuse are present here such as social, economical, medical. Parental impact and peers seems to have strong impact on adolsecent with almost the same epidemiological characteristics in economical developed and undeveloped coutries. To find all risk factors is necessary for appropriate prevention approach. The aim of this investigation is finding some aspects of parenteral attitude related to drug abuse among early adolescents. Research covers 600 participants. Adolescents are equal gender and age distribution. It was used Q 2000 as research tool. Study design is prospective, epidemiological, analytica. Results showes that out of total number of adolescents (600) 15.55% were abusing alcohol, 6.69% smoke, 3.34% use cannabis. Parental impact and attitude which is presented in this study related to adolescent's drug abuse could be use as base for preventive activities.

OBJECTIVE To investigate adolescents who abuse drugs and to describe aspects of risk behavior among alcohol abusers. METHOD study was conducted on 598 adolescents, aged 12-17 years, with equal distribution in rural and urban areas. Study was based on self-reported questionnaire Q 2000. Study designed as prospective, epidemiological, analitical. Results have been compared within groups, between cantons and among groups. Evaluation of data was done using EPI-info software, with standard statistic methods. RESULTS Out of the total number of 598 adolescents 15.55% had abused alcohol (urban 62.4%, rural 37.6%); 6.69% tobacco (urban 67.5%, rural 32.5%); 3.34% cannabis (urban 70.0%, rural 30.0%). Results show various aspects of risk behavior among adolescents who consume alcohol such as: truancy 44.1%; low success at school 14.0%; suicidal thoughts 36.6%; unprotected sex 17.7%; drunken driving 10.0%; non use of seat belts 24.7%; deliquency (stealing) 22.2%; destructive behavior 18.9%. Adolescents who abuse drugs have planned to continue with similar behavior in the future: to abuse drugs 31.6%; to smoke 52.2%, to drink alcohol 44.4%, to fight 27.8%; to drive without seat belt 36.8%; to have unprotected sex 16.7%. Risk behavior related to cannabis abuse and tobacco smoking is also described. CONCLUSION Data suggests that major aspects of adolescents' risk behavior is related to alcohol abuse, what should be considered while designing prevention activities and programmes.

A. Redžić, I. Licanin, J. Hadžihalilović

Cannabis is a plant whose consumption causes hallucinations soon after it has been inhaled. This study was conducted with 600 adolescents of age 12 to 17 with even gender distribution from two residence locations (rural and urban). Epidemiological-analytic study was prospectively conducted, whose results were analysed with standard statistical methods. The results showed that the use of cannabis is greater by the adolescents in high school (15-17 years old), than the adolescents in the elementary school (12-14 years old). The x2 test showed great significance. Among the tested adolescents the consumption of cannabis is more present in urban than in rural type of residency. However, gender structure did not show significant differences. It is obvious that the prevention of the use of psychoactive substances should be at its maximum.

I. Licanin, Erdes Laslo, K. Kelly, B. Lagerkvist, S. Fišeković

The Adolescence Medical Group in Sweden has performed a questionnaire every second year since 1990. The questionnaire is performed during school hours in seventh and ninth grade and also in the second grade in the upper secondary school (gymnasium). The questionnaire is completed anonymously. The schools are not chosen by statistical methods, but more depending on youth-health-iterested school doctors and nurses who have interest in these studies. The result of these studies has been used locally in each community, but also been reported for example i Acta Pediatrica. After the war in Bosnia there has been different projects to help to build up the countries health system, for example in psychiatry. The question was laso raised how the youth health was in Bosnia. Representatives from the Adolescence section in Sweden were invited to Bosnia to introduce the questionnaire and also to help in analysing the results. We were also in Bosnia to present results to local authorities and those who performed the study locally.

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