
Publikacije (37)

L. Berberović, A. Redžić, Sosić Bojan

Classical works dealing with the possibility of mother-child incompatibility with regard to basic ABO blood groups give contradictory conclusions (e.g.--Matsunaga et al. 1962, Thompson et al. 1991). Bioreproductive and population-genetic indicators have been studied in a sample of live births and in two pregnancy samples characterised by different "a priori" and "a posteriori" risk assessment. The analysis points out that ABO blood groups can influence fertility of different parental pairs, with a possible impact on the assessment of the individual pregnancy risc.

Although the drug abuse has been evidenced in every age of the human life, it seems that its occurrence is crucial during adolescence period with its well-known consequences on the further personality development. Adolescents like to experiment with risky lifestyles without adequate knowledge about their possible harmful effects and consequences. International experiences have represented that early onset of the risky behaviour predisposes young persons for serious problems in social, psychological and physical future lives. It has been noticed that adolescents like to combine different psychoactive substances. Therefore the aim of this study was to present the most important and the most actual substances abused by young adolescents together with the substance characteristics. This research included 600 adolescents with the same prevalence regarding age, sex and living zone (rural-urban). Our research showed that simultaneous abuse of various harmful psychoactive substances (polydrug abuse) is the most common (tobacco smoking and cannabis consumption in 75% of cases, alcohol consumption and cannabis consumption in 80% of cases).

A. Redžić, Fatima Begić

Morbus Gaucher is a rare disease. It occurs once in 40,000 to 65,000 persons in the whole world. This is the most frequent lysosome disease in the clinics. This is the first lysosome disease used in perinatal diagnostics and the first one where enzyme therapy was implemented. Case of gaucher disease morbus type I was found in girl of age 14 in Cantonal hospital "Dr. Irfan Ljubijankić" in Bihać. The clinical investigations were carried out at the same hospital, and samples necessary for the further detailed biochemical analysis were taken together with all other relevant data for this disease. In this case, taking into account rules of distribution of certain genes responsible for transfer of characteristics and processes, and following genealogical series, it could be concluded that parents of our patient are heterozygotes (healthy) and carriers of Gaucher gene, and that 1/4 of their children are dominant homozygotes (healthy), 2/4 are heterozygotes (healthy) and carriers of Gaucher gene, and 1/4 of children, together with the patient, are recessive homozygotes, and carriers of Gaucher gene with expression of the type I of this disease. For therapy of Gaucher disease there are in the market two enzyme. Aglucerosis obtained from human placenta and imiglucerasis obtained from cells of ovarian of hamster. The second preparation is cheaper and it is in wide use. There are no differences in the activity, as well as in creation of antibodies--the enzyme entered in use for the first time in 1989, and since 1991 is in wide use. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, therapy is not possible due to the financial restrictions.

I. Licanin, E. Musić, Erdes Laslo, K. Berg‐Kelly, I. Masic, A. Redžić, Anesa Vejzagic, Sanja Krosnjar

The enquiry of suicide is of particular importance. According to WHO statistics suicide in people aged from 15 to 24 years has shown the greatest increase of relative mortality. In the group of suicidal adolescents, depression, behavioural disorders, abuse of different substances and personality deviations are frequent factors in presence. The aim of our investigation was to determine the correlation between psychoactive substance abuse and the occurrence of suicidal thoughts in adolescents. The specific "Q 2000" test was used to question 600 adolescents, from Tuzla and Sarajevo Cantons, with the same gender and age distribution and rural-urban ambient. The more prevailing suicidal idea occurrence was observed in cannabis abusers (50.0%) and alcohol abusers (36.6%) in comparison to non-abusers regardless gender and/or living ambient (settlement types) (19.5% and 17.6% per each, x2 = 17.184 p = 0.00001). The augmentation in number of suicidal ideas was not observed in tobacco smokers.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) very often occurs accompanied with other psychiatric disorders such as: Alcohol and Drug abuse, Personality Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Schizophrenia etc. Sometimes it might be a problem for clinicians to differ PTSD symptoms from symptoms of coexisting psychic disorders. The aim of this study was to present the most common PTSD coexisting psycho-disorders. This research was conducted during the period from April 1998 to October 1999. Participants were divided in two groups each containing 30 examinees. The first group consisted of 30 participants with symptoms of PTSD only while the second group included participants who suffered from both PTSD and other psychic disorders (co-morbidity). Both groups were quite similar regarding participants gender and age. The scientific tools used in the research were: Standard Psychiatric Interview, Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ), Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, and Drug and Alcohol Abuse Checklist. Our research results are indicating that PTSD symptoms are most common in middle-aged persons, regardless of their gender and age. We have found following coexisting psychic disorders: personality disorder 46.6% (from which 13.3% is permanent personality disorder after the traumatic experience); depression 29.9% (depression without psychotic symptoms 23.3% and depression with coexisting psychotic symptoms 6.6%); drug abuse 13.3; alcohol abuse 6.7% and dissociative (conversion) disorder 3.3%. The results of our work are suggesting that co-morbid psychic symptoms have significant regressive influence on PTSD course and prognosis.

A. Redžić, Fatima Begić

Lethal and sublethal genetical factors, including Rh factor, represent endogenous risk factors of the pregnancy outcome. These factors are most frequently inherited in recessive way and they often lead to the negative outcome of pregnancies. They represent pregnancy (a prirori) risk of various degrees. Inheritance of Rh system blood groups is linked to chromosome 1 and it could be explained by two alternative theories; molecular Rh system genetics has not yet been completely explained. The first formal-genetic theory postulates three closely linked gene sites (loci C, D and E) while the second theory has a monogenic character (one locus with several allele genes). Data on 755 pregnancies, which were (for various reasons) estimated as increased risk pregnancies, were registered at Gynaecology Clinic, Clinical Centre of University of Sarajevo, during the period from 1989 to 1992. These data were collected from pregnant women who, according to the certain indications from their familiar and personal anamnesis, demanded genetic consultations. The result of investigation of the basic Rh system phenotype distribution shows no statistically significant difference between monitored pregnant women. This result is assumed as valid for both pregnant women and their partners. The same result is suggesting that the observed increased risk pregnancy samples do not significantly differ from the previously studied population samples. Therefore, it has been concluded that Rh factor is not closely related to the increased risk of individual pregnancy outcomes, that is, it does not have relevant influence on the observed reproduction parameters. This result is very interesting and deserves particular medical attention and further evaluation in the future, particularly considering known immunological phenomena resulting from relations between reproduction partners belonging to the basic Rh system phenotypes.

The spontaneous abortions have a complex range of causes and consequences in connection with numerous biological and nonbiological factors. There are certain groups of women with the increased risk of unsuccessful reproduction. Some zygotes are genetically predetermined for abortion immediately or shortly after the conception. The cause, mechanism, pathology and frequency of such cases remain unknown, for the most part.

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