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Growing body of evidence suggests that molecular markers are an important prognostic marker for non-small lung cancer (NSCLC). Using targeted therapy based on these markers leads to improved outcomes in lung adenocarcinoma. However, progress of targeted therapy in squamous lung cancer is still modest. p16(ink) protein acts as tumor suppressor and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promotes tumor angiogenesis. Purpose of this study was to evaluate the difference in p16(ink4) and VEGF expression between squamous and adenocarcinoma of the lung; to evaluate the relationship of p16(ink4) and VEGF expression to survival outcomes in NSCLC patients, and the difference of their prognostic values between squamous and adenocarcinoma subtypes. 100 NSCLC patients (50 squamous and 50 adenocarcinoma) and 80 healthy individuals were included. p16(ink4) and VEGF proteins were immunohistochemicaly detected on formalin-fixed tissues. One- and 2-year progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were observed. p16(ink4) expression was significantly lower in squamous type compared to adenocarcinoma. In both squamous and adenocarcinoma, high VEGF expression correlated with worse 1-year PFS and OS, but only with worse 2-year PFS. Low p16(ink4) expression correlated with worse 1- and 2-year PFS, as well as OS, in both NSCLC subtypes. In squamous lung cancer p16(ink4) expression was an independent negative prognostic marker. Our study confirms the difference of p16(ink4) protein expression in squamous and adenocarcinoma of the lung. Besides anti-VEGF therapy, the regulation of p16(ink4) expression could have a therapeutic potential in NSCLC, especially in squamous lung cancer.

AIM To determine the efficiency and safety of talc pleurodesis in treating the malignant pleural effusion and recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax. METHODS The study included 54 patients with malignant pleural effusion and recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax, who underwent talc pleurodesis using the "talc slurry" method of pleural talc obliteration. RESULTS Pleurodesis was successful in 52 (96%) patients. The average duration of thoracic drainage was 4.4 days. Procedure complications included higher body temperature, pneumonia and pleural effusion separation. All of the patients had satisfying radiological findings at the point of discharge and three months later. There was no death outcome related to the procedure of pleurodesis itself. CONCLUSION Our study has proved the efficiency and simplicity of talc pleurodesis in treating symptomatic malignant pleural effusions and cases with recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax.Appropriate patient selection and compliance with surgical principles during the procedure make this method safe, efficient and successful in treating pleuropulmonal diseases. Large particle talc should be used for pleurodesis because of the minimum risk of complications.

Lejla Selimović Čeke, Semir Imamović, F. Ljuca, Z. Jerkić, G. Imamovíc, Munevera Hadžimešić, Aida Pojskić, Jasmina Kovčić

Surgical revascularization of the heart (CABG - coronary artery bypass grafting) is one way of treating coronary heart disease. Bleeding is one of the serious and frequent complications of heart surgery and can result in increased mortality and morbidity. Hemostasis disorder may be secondary consequences of surgical bleeding, preoperative anticoagulant therapy, and the use of cardiopulmonary bypass. Tests used for routine evaluation of the coagulation system are activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and international normalized ratio (INR). The study encountered 60 patients who were hospitalized at the Clinic for Cardiovascular Diseases, University Clinical Center Tuzla. Patients underwent elective coronary artery bypass heart surgery either with cardiopulmonary bypass (on-pump CABG) or without it (off-pump CABG). The aim of this study was to compare the changes in coagulation tests (APTT, INR) in patients who were operated on-pump and patients operated off-pump. Our study showed that the values of APTT and INR tend to increase immediately after surgery. Twenty-four hours after surgery these values are declining and they are approaching the preoperative values in all observed patients (p <0.05). Comparing APTT between the groups we found that postoperative APTT levels are significantly higher in the group of patients who underwent surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (p <0.05). Changes in coagulation tests after surgical revascularization of the heart are more pronounced in patients who were operated with on-pump technique compared to patients operated off-pump technique.

M. Biscevic, Šejla Biščević, F. Ljuca, A. Hamzaoğlu, F. Krupic, B. Smrke, D. Smrke

The aim of this work is to radiologicaly estimate the width, height and depth of bodies of thoracic and lumbal vertebras. Charts of one hundred and seventeen patients with implanted internal fixateur on the thoracic and lumbal spine, between 01.01.2008. and 31.3.2010. at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology - Clinical Centre Sarajevo, were retrieved, and only 14 patients, with totally 46 vetrtebras have meet including criteria (clearly visible measured structures on X-ray and CT scans, and data about implants dimensions). Digitalized anteroposterior and laterolateral X-ray, and transversal and sagital CT scans were basic inputs for measurement of height, width and depth of the vertebral body--CH, CW, CD. The correction of enlargement on X-ray pictures was performed according to known dimensions of implants and the length scale on CT scans. Enlargement of those parameters, from T1 to L5 spine level was from 60 to 100%, except the stagnation in the mid-thoracic region, and decreasing of corporal depth on the L5 vertebra (CD/L5), in comparison to the fourth vertebra (CD/L4). The clinical importance of this work is in estimation and comparison of dimensions of vertebral bodies measured on X-ray and CT scans, as the basic inputs during surgical procedures of vertebroplasty and anterior spondilodesis.

Objectives: The objective of this study is to evaluate the incidence and clinical presentation of hypertensive crises in the Emergency medical services of the Community Health Centre “Dr. Mustafa Šehović” Tuzla in relation to age, sex, duration and severity of hypertension, as well as the prevalence of accompanying symptoms and clinical manifestations. Methods: The study was conducted between November 2009 and April 2010 and included 180 subjects of both sexes, aged 30-80 with a diagnosis of arterial hypertension. All subjects were divided into two groups: a control group, which consisted of subjects without hypertensive crisis (95 subjects) and an experimental group that consisted of subjects with hypertensive crisis (85 subjects). Results: The study results indicate that female subjects were significantly over- represented compared to men (60% vs. 40 %, p=0.007). The average age of the male subjects was 55.83±11.06 years, while the female subjects’ average age was 59.41±11.97 years. The incidence of hypertensive crisis was 47.22%, with hypertensive urgency significantly more represented than emergency (16.47% vs. 83.53%, p<0.0001). The majority of subjects in the experimental group (28.23%) belonged to the age group of 60-69 years of age: 26.76% urgency and 35.71% emergency. The most common accompanying symptoms in hypertensive subjects were headache (75%), chest pain (48.33%), vertigo (44.44%), shortness of breath (38.88%) and nausea (33.89%). The most common symptoms in subjects with hypertensive crisis were headache (74.11%), chest pain and shortness of breath (62.35%), vertigo (49.41%), and nausea and vomiting (41.17%). Conclusions: Chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting were significantly over-represented in subjects with hypertensive crisis (p<0.005). Clinical manifestations of hypertensive emergencies in almost all subjects included acute coronary syndrome, and only one subject had acute pulmonary edema.

D. Kostić, K. Grbić, A. Pilav, A. Alihodžić-Pašalić, V. Lovre, F. Ljuca, Ć. Habul

Introduction. Treatment of rectal cancer needs additional preoperative improvements that would decrease tumor volume and move away the lower edge of the tumor from a dentate line, allowing a higher percentage of operability and higher percentage of AR for APR and sterilize potential locoregional tumor deposits. Surgery can accomplish these improvements by using radio and chemotherapy. Patients and Methods. From September, 2011 to September, 2013, 153 patients with rectal cancer were treated. Neoadjuvant radio and chemotherapy by the Swedish protocol were applied in 20 patients (13.07%) with T 2-4 stages. There were fifteen men (75%) and five women (25%), average age was 59.28 years. Long course therapy occurred in fifteen (75%) and short course in five patients (25%). When compared to the previous two-year period, the percentage of inoperable cancers was decreased by 0.9% (p = 0.61) during the period of application of neoadjuvant therapy. There were also some other differences: a number of APR was 19, i.e. decreased by 3.85% (p = 0.83) or for 10 patients when compared to the previous two-year period, when there was 29 APR. Conclusion. Neoadjuvant therapy may convert up to 60% (3 of 5) of inoperable patients into an operable group. The percentage of APR is lower by 3.5% (p = 0.83), i.e. 10 patients when compared to the previous two-year period and neoadjuvant radio and chemotherapy does not affect the anastomosis healing process and / or the occurrence of fistula and / or abdominal collection.

M. Biscevic, Šejla Biščević, F. Ljuca, Ć. Habul, H. Tanović

Many malignancies in elderly population are firstly presented by spine metastases. Taking into account the complexity of metastatic diseases, it is very important to complete tumor staging and determine its pathohistology. In this paper, we present a group of patients on which a percutaneous biopsy of tumor at the Department of orthopedics and traumatology in Sarajevo was made. Including factors were: X-ray, CT or MRI diagnosed spine metastasis of thoracic or lumbar spine of unknown origin. Needle biopsy in local anesthesia was performed on 25 patients in total, and on 21 of them, we confirmed histological metastatic disease (84%). Other four patients had inadequate material for analysis and we had to repeat the procedure. Spine surgery was indicated in 8 of 25 patients (32%). Metastatic disease advanced to the rest of them (68%) and they were only indicated with chemo/radio-therapy (low Tomitta score and short life expectancy). Despite the presence of many metastases, the most symptomatic are spinal metastases. Therefore, other specialists expect orthopedic-trauma spine surgeons to be leaders of the team, although it should be oncologists. Percutaneous spine biopsy allows the acceleration of diagnostic procedure, and, as soon as possible, the beginning of definite therapy.

Sabina Salkić, F. Ljuca, Olivera Batić-Mujanović, S. Brkić, D. Mesic, Sehveta Mustafić

ABSTRACT Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate a frequency and clinical presentation of hypertension crises due to age, gender, duration and seriousness at Emergency Medical Service Department of the “Dr Mustafa Šehovic” Health Care Center Tuzla. Methods: The research was conducted in the period between November 2009 and April 2010 and involved 180 examinees of both genders, aging between 30 and 80 years of age with the diagnosis of arterial hypertension. The examinees were divided into two groups: control group consisting of examinees without hypertension crisis (95 examinees) and experimental group consisting of examinees with hypertensive crisis (85 examinees). Descriptive statistical methods were used in the statistical data processing. Results: The research results showed that there had been significantly more female examinees than the male ones (60% vs. 40%; p=0.007). The average age of male examinees was 55.83±11.06 years of age, and the average age of female examinees was 59.41±11.97 years of age. The hypertension crisis frequency was 47.22%, where the hypertensive urgencies were statistically significantly more present than the hypertensive emergencies (16.47%vs.83.53%; p<0.0001). The largest number of experimental group examinees (28.23%) belonged to the age group of 60 to 69 years of age; urgency 26.76% and emergency 35.71%. The largest number of examinees with hypertensive crisis (49.41%) appeared in the period between 6.00 p.m. and 11.59 p.m. The largest number of emergency group examinees (69.01%) had been treated for arterial hypertension for ten years, and the examinees from the emergency group (42.86%) had been treated for 10, 11 and 20 years. The average blood pressure value at the hypertensive crisis examinees was 204.82/126.58 mmHg. Conclusions: The frequency of hypertensive crises in the Emergency Medical Service Department is high and it reaches 47.22%. Hypertensive urgencies were significantly more present in terms of statistics than the hypertensive emergencies (83.53% vs. 16.47%; p<0.0001).

Fahir Baraković, M. Bećarević, F. Ljuca, O. Mujanović, A. Beganlić, A. Tulumović

M. Biscevic, F. Ljuca, A. Hamzaoğlu, P. Grubor, B. Smrke, D. Smrke

Aim of this study was to recognize differences in long-term clinical outcome after femoral neck fracture and hip endoprosthesis implantation. Total of 145 patients were examined, 32 patients with unipolar, 70 with bipolar and 43 patients with total hip endoprosthesis. The mean values of Harris hip score, after 3.8 ± 1.9 years, were: 72.1 ± 17.8, 74.27 ± 19.1, 78.2 ± 22.5 for patients with unipolar, bipolar and total hip endoprosthesis, respectively. No statistically significant difference was observed (p=0.704). The in-hospital mortality rates were: 4.3%, 4.6%, and 5.3% for groups of patients with bipolar, unipolar and total hip endoprosthesis, respectively. Considering clinical outcomes, general health and costs, it could be concluded that choice of endoprosthesis does not pose an obstacle in patient’s recovery.

S. Kamenjaković, F. Ljuca, H. Huseinagić, Šefika Umihanić, N. Mešanović

Introduction: The aim of this research was to compare specifi city and sensitivity of Color Doppler ultrasonographywith CT angiography.Methods: A total of one hundred patients suffering from carotid artery disease (n=200) were tested in this research in the period from June till October, 2011. Average age of the patients was 61.5 years, and most of the patients were in the age group ranging from 55 to 65 years. The level of carotid artery stenosis is measured according to Standards of the North America Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trail study,by method of Color Doppler ultrasonography and CT angiography.Results: Stenosis <50% registered by Doppler ultrasonography was found in 62% and by CT angiography in 64% patients. Stenosis from 70 to 79% registered by Doppler ultrasonography was found in 88% and by CT angiography in 82% patients. In patients with level of stenosis 70-79% there was a tendencyof registering the stenosis to be higher by Color Doppler ultrasonography, than by CT angiography. In the case of the occlusion, there was also the similar observation, with variation of 8% carotid arteries.Conclusion: Extracranial Doppler and color duplex ultrasound enable reliable detection of both stenosis and occlusion of carotid arteries and accordingly they occupy an important place in radiological algorithm. When it comes to CT angiography it can be concluded that it can provide accurate and exact information regarding the condition of blood vessels as good as Digital Subtractive Angiography can.

M. Biscevic, Šejla Biščević, F. Ljuca, B. Smrke, Eldan Kapur, M. Tezer, D. Smrke

The aim of this work is to measure clinically important dimensions of thoracic and lumbal vertebras. Charts of one-hundred and seventeen patients with implanted internal fixateur on the thoracic and lumbal spine between 01.01. 2008. and 31.3.2010. at the Department for Orthopedics and Traumatology, of the Sarajevo Clinical center were retrieved, and only 14 patients, with 46 vetrtebras and 89 pedicles have had complete documentation (clearly visible measured structures on X-ray and CT scans). Digitalized antero-posterior and latero-lateral X-ray, and transversal and sagital CT scans were basic inputs for measurement of height and width of the pedicle--PH, PW, axial and vertical cortico-cortical transpedicular distances--AL, VL, and interpedicular distance--IP. The correction of enlargement on X-ray pictures was performed according to known dimensions of implants and length scale on CT scans. Enlargement of those parameters, from T1 to L5 level was from 50 to 150%. This increasing was not always linear, sometimes there was even decreasing. For instance, the IP on second and third thoracic vertebra was shorter compared to the first thoracic vertebra. Pedicles from the third to the eighth thoracic vertebra were narrower compared to the second thoracic vertebra. The importance of this work is in to analyze the mentioned dimensions by methods available to the clinician. Every other in vivo measurement is impossible because of the excessive surgical approach, while preoperative CT scanning with a great number of slices per one millimeter for this purpose is not ethical.

We read with great interest the editorial article by Meshikhes AWN published in issue 25 of World J Gastroenterol 2011. The article described the advantages of emergency laparoscopic appendectomy compared with interval appendectomy as a new safe treatment modality for the appendiceal mass. The author concluded that the emergency laparoscopic appendectomy was a safe treatment modality for the appendiceal mass, and might prove to be more cost-effective than conservative treatment, with no need for interval appendectomy. However, we would like to highlight certain issues regarding the possibility of percutaneous catheter drainage to successfully treat the appendiceal mass, with no need for appendectomy, too.

Svetlana Lovic, J. Delić, F. Ljuca, Emir Mujanović, Sunita Ćustendil-Delić, A. Zabic, A. Suljkanovic-Mahmutovic

UNLABELLED Anatomical variations of veins often play a crucial role in formation of thrombotic changes in superficial and deep veins of lower extremities. THE AIM of this study was to determine the frequency of the dominant type of the lower extremity superficial veins, and to determine the eventual influence of such variations to the formation of superficial and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). MATERIAL AND METHODS The sample used in this study consisted of 180 patients subjected to ascedent contrast phlebography of lower extremities. The total sample was divided into following groups: patients with and without variations of the lower extremity superficial veins. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Dominant type of the superficial veins (without variation) consisted of 97 patients (53.89%), while the rest of 83 patients showed some kind of anatomical variation (46.11%). The most frequent variation was the duplicated form ofv. saphena magna in 53.85%, while this procentage in women was 57.89%. Most frequent variations of duplicated v. saphena magna were: simple duplicated form, closed loop form, branching form and combined form. Topographical variation of saphenopopliteal junction besides fossa poplitea in the group of men showed procentage of 53.85%, while in the group of women that value accounted 63.16%. CONCLUSION The percentage of varicose veins was more frequent in men and women without variations, but deep vein DVT showed higher frequency in patients with anatomical variations of superficial veins of lower extremities.

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