
Publikacije (9)

E. Slatina, Mirza Ibrahimpašić

SAŽETAK: Uvod: Alergija na hranu je u zadnjih 20 godina postala značajan zdravstveni problem. Prevalencija se kreće od 3-38% samoprijavljenih slučajeva, odnosno od 1-7% dijagnosticiranih slučajeva alergije. Zadnjih godina su poduzeti brojni projekti kako bi se odredila prevalencija, vrsta alergena, uzroci alergija, veza sa ostalim zdravstvenim problemima, načini dijagnosticiranja, provođenje kontrole rizika u prehrambenoj industriji, prilagođavanje zakonske regulative potrebama alergičnih osoba itd. Dok su neke države uradile mnogo po ovom pitanju, još uvijek je veliki broj onih koji nemaju podataka o alergijama na hranu na svom području, a takva je situacija i u BiH. Cilj rada: Utvrditi prevalenciju alergija na hranu iz anketnog ispitivanja u Kantonu Sarajevo. Utvrditi kakva je učestalost nekih drugih alergija kod ispitanika. Materijal i metod rada: Ovo presječno istraživanje o alergiji na hranu provedeno je tokom marta i aprila 2017. među stanovnicima Kantona Sarajevo oba spola i svih dobnih skupina metodom slučajnog uzorka. Posebno dizajniran anketni upitnik od 16 pitanja popunilo je 480 ispitanika. Istraživanje je provedeno retrospektivno. Rezultati: Rezultati ankete provedene na području Kantona Sarajevo pokazuju procenat od 51% osoba koje prijavljuju da imaju neku vrstu alergije, među njima je 20% prijavljenih alergija na hranu, odnosno 11,7 % slučajeva dijagnosticiranih alergija na hranu, a u odnosu na ukupan broj od 480 (100%) ispitanika koji su učestvovali u anketi. Najčešće prijavljeni alergeni su: mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi, žitarice, jaja, kikiriki, orašasti plodovi, riba (sa školjkama i rakovima) i jaja. Zaključak: Dobiveni rezultat prevalencije alergije na hranu u našem istraživanju u ukupnom ispitanom uzorku od 480 anketiranih, njih je 96 (20%) ispitanika što ukazuje da je problem alergija na području Kantona Sarajevo značajan, i da se učestalost kreće u vrijednostima koje su karakteristične i za druge regije Evrope i svijeta. Zakonska regulativa se redovno usklađuje sa pravnom tekovinom Evropske unije, ali postoji nedostatak lako dostupnih informacija, koje bi alergičnim osobama olakšale proces dijagnosticiranja, preveniranja kontakta sa alergenima i snalaženje u svakodnevnom životu. Ključne riječi: alergija na hranuprevalencija; alergeni u hrani; Kanton Sarajevo

E. Slatina, Amra Avdanović

Introduction: The cases of poisoning or intoxication are pathological conditions occurring as consequences of effects of poisonous substances when taken into body regardless of the way in which they have been taken, the dosage or effects of substances that are not potentially poison ous, but if they are taken in large (enormous) dosage, they become poisonous. The reasons leading to poisoning at children's age are various, and among the most important ones are poor general and health -related education of adults as well as insufficient work on the application of preventive measures. Acute poisoning at children's age is always an emergency condition regardless of the manifestation of symptoms and signs (possible latent period with subsequent symptoms of poisoning). Aim: To present the data on the frequency of acute poisoning considering age and gender in relation to the overall number of received patients at the Paediatric Clinic in Sarajevo, to present the data on the frequency of individual poisonous substances in acute poisoning and to present the data on parents' being informed on the possibilities of their underage children's poisoning, as well as the way of prevention based on responses obtained in a questionnaire. Material and methods of work: In this work, all cases of acute poisoning at children's age were analysed in children hospitalized at the Paediatric Clinic of the Clinical Centre of Kosevo in Sarajevo in the period of four years, i.e. from 15/07/2010 to 15/07/2013, of whom there were 80 in total. The medical documentation of the Paediatric Clinic in Sarajevo was used for this work. Annual protocols of walk -in centre was used, as well as histories of diseases of children who were treated for acute poisoning at the Paediatric Clinic in Sarajevo in the period from 15/07/2010 to 15/07/2013. The research in this work is retrospective. We used Word and Excel graphical and tabular data presentation. General data were considered (age, gender, place of residence, parents' occupation), agents by which children were poisoned, the most frequent places where children got poisoned. The data obtained through a questionnaire filled in by parents were analysed; the parents were selected for the survey by the method of random selection. Results: The results indicate that during the analysed period there was no great frequency of acute poisoning at children's age in relation to reception of children into hospital for some other reasons, which was on average 0.50%. The most frequent poisoning in our country, as well as worldwide, is in the period 1-5 years of age (75%). There were more female children in acute poisoning in this research (63.5%). Most often the children got poisoned by medication. The children of averagely educated parents got poisoned most frequently. Poisoning occurred most frequently at home. It is obvious from the questionnaire that the parents of underage children were well instructed in acute poisoning prevention. Conclusion: We can conclude that it is necessary to go on working on education first of all of parents, then close relatives, a guardian living with a child and of children themselves in order to reduce further incidence of poisoning at children's age.

Introduction: According to the World Health Organization estimates annually in the world die due to CVI every sixth women and 10th man. This paper is the research of the correlation between changes in relative air humidity and stroke (CVA) in the Sarajevo Canton. Included are patients who experienced an acute stroke in the Canton of Sarajevo and treated in the pre hospital phase by the staff of the Institute for Emergency Medicine. Days with stroke and those without cases of stroke were compared within three years and meteorological data for those days were obtained by the Weather Bureau of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Meteorological data include measurements of average humidity every day at 7, 14 and 21 o’clock in three years. Aim: To evaluate the significance of the influence of humidity on the incidence of CVI’s. Show the trend towards CVI in the reporting period and is it correlated with the trend of change in relative humidity in those days. Correlate the incidence of stroke as determined in relation to gender, age and selected climatic parameter. Material and Methods: This article presents a retrospective study. Subjects were patients of Emergency Medical Care Institute in Sarajevo, which in the period from 2004 to 2006 had a CVI. Included are patients who had a working diagnosis of stroke for the first time or as a repeated stroke. Analysis of cases of stroke was carried out by gender, age, days and seasons by descriptive-analytical epidemiological methods. Results: In total were registered 1930 patients during three years period. According to years of research in 2004–635, 2005-616 and 2006 – 679. It was found that when testing the null hypothesis about the effects of humidity in two months with a maximum stroke in the year and days without CVI and relative humidity only in 2005 had a statistically significant effect on the incidence of stroke, while during the other two years of the study there was no impacts. It turned out that the extreme values of relative humidity of the day whether there was a rapid increase or decrees in humidity increases the incidence of stroke in all three years of research. Conclusion: Patients gender had no effect on the incidence of CVI. Seasons had no effect on the incidence of CVI. Most CVI in all three years of research was in relation to the old age and occurred in the older age group 70-79 (41.35%), where it was shown that the age of the patient influences the incidence of CVI. Extremely low relative humidity and extremely high, influence on the increase in the number of CVI. Determined is a slight correlation between the average relative humidity and CVI in single day.

Introduction: Life satisfaction involves cognitive component that allows evaluation of the life and accomplishments of life, and emotional component that includes an evaluation of emotions and mood that followed these accomplishments. Goal: To examine the life satisfaction of young people who attend secondary school, examine the level of satisfaction with life according to sex, to academic achievement, the presence of siblings and to examine the relationship between levels of life satisfaction and risk-taking behaviors. Results and Discussion: The results showed that there was no relationship between life satisfaction and preferences of delinquency, as well as life satisfaction and achieved academic success. The results confirmed the relationship between life satisfaction and sex as well as the relationship between life satisfaction and the presence of siblings in the family.

Introduction: The intention of this work is to research whether the link between the barometer pressure and the cerebrovascular insult (CVI) exists. The stroke is the first cause of non-traumatic disability and third illness by mortality in the majority of available relevant literature. Goals: Goal of the sudy was to research all the cases of the patients who suffered from the acute stroke in the Canton of Sarajevo and those who were treated in the pre-hospital phase by Emergency Medical Institute staff and their working diagnosis was established as CVI ac. Material and methods: The criteria in the research were established for inclusion and exclusion of cases. The days with and without CVI cases were compared with the meteorological data obtained from the Hydro-meteorological Institute of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina . Since the approval was requested and obtained from the Hydro-meteorological Institute, all the meteorological data could be compared. The meteorological data comprise the barometer pressure measuring every day at 7 h, 14 h and 21 h. Results and discussion: In the retrospective study, there will be followed, during three years (2004, 2005 and 2006), the cases of the patients who suffered from the stroke, and, the emergency medical care was offered to them by the side of the Emergency Medical Institute of Canton of Sarajevo staff. All the cases in the Canton of Sarajevo were followed regardless of the place of incidence: whether the help was offered in Institute’s outpatient departments, patient’s flat or at public place. Due to the extensiveness of data (in the analysis comprising three years, there was the total of 1930 cases), the test of normal distribution was used. Since it was about the pre-hospital research, the acute stroke was looked at generally without division by types. The certain diagnostics by types can only be established in the hospital. Conclusion: The results in the research indicate that the extreme values of barometer pressure, regardless of their being increased ones or decreased ones, influence the increase of CVI incidence, while by comparing the average values in the days with CVI and without CVI, they did not have any influence on the CVI incidence.

E. Slatina, S. Dizdarevic, M. Musić

The coronary illness is the first cause of death and falling ill in the world. It is considered that, in more than 50% of cases, it is about the illnesses of heart and blood vessels as the cause of death. These results indicate the necessity to prevent and to treat correctly the persons suffering from cardivascular illnesses. The coronary illness represents the ischaemia myocardium as the consequence of reduced blood flow through the coronary arteries (one or more branches). There are more and more young persons suffering from this illness. In the Emergency Medical Institute Sarajevo, a retrospective-prospective analysis of patients with working diagnosis of ACS was carried out for the period of one year (01.01-31.12. 2008). The patients (279) were analyzed by gender, years of age, months (*when ACS occurred), seasons of year and hours of occurrence of ACS, therapy by applying low-molecular heparin and prospectively by symptoms, as well as usual risk factors.

E. Slatina, A. Komilija

Toxicity is a big problem in the countries in transition considering the fact that the food export is controlled at an extremely low level, as well as its circulation, storage, control over premises and workers being involved in selling and circulation of the food itself. The consequences of food toxicity might be lethal for children as well as for elderly people and they depend on cause factor and the poisoned patient is dehydrated, exhausted, with temperature and stomach pain, sometimes with entire body pain which means that the person in this state is not capable of carrying out any work; these patients recorded are usually younger people. Another danger might occur as the following factor and that is infectious disease (carrier). The aim of this paper is to present the case of the largest after-war food epidemic toxicity not only in BiH but also in Europe initiated by consuming perishable food at the 'Pomodorino' Cafe in the center of Sarajevo. All patients were analyzed who asked for aid at the Institute for Emergency Medical Aid in Sarajevo. The patients were analyzed in accordance with sex, age, day and hour of the toxicity incidence as well as therapy with need for sending them away to hospital. The aim of the paper is to refer to a large extent of dangers happening with food toxicity and to try to act preventatively so as to prevent this from frequenting and to show the significance of prehospital aid resulting in unburden hospitals and their capacities. Within EMA, Sarajevo, 227 cases of food toxicity were registered in the course of five days and 600 patients suffered from the same reason, all of them poisoned at the 'Pomodorino' Cafe.

This poster will show a concept as well as some practical solutions for the database which is intended to be used by all members and institutions of the Emergency Medical Care international institutions network. This poster shows how data is automatically processed in a rapid and good quality way, while in the same time the lives are saved and time and money are saved too.

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