
Publikacije (74)

Damir Suljevic, Erna Islamagić, M. Fočak

Although tench prefer environments with plenty of aquatic vegetation and they can tolerate quite low oxygen level, also they are sensitive to drastic temperature increase. In this research, biochemical parameters in the serum of tench (Tinca tinca Linnaeus, 1758) during thermal stress were analysed in controlled environmental conditions. Both the control and experimental group consisted of 25 specimens. The experimental group of fish was exposed to water at 28 oC for 30 minutes. Puncture of the heart was done and the blood serum was analyzed. Statistical data analysis showed that thermal stress led to increased concentration of mineral electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium and chloride ions) and increased concentration of glucose. The significant increase was only detected regarding the concentration of calcium (p<0.000) in blood serum. Keywords: blood serum – electrolyte concentration - glucose concentration – tench - thermal stress

E. Hasković, Lejla Mehinovic, Damir Suljevic, Denis Hasković, E. Hajdarević, B. Glamuzina

Defining the physiological feature provides an understanding of functional adaptation of species to its ecological niche as well as the various forms of stress factors. This paper gives an overview of changes in certain forms of leukocytes (WBC differential) under the influence of thermal stress (increased temperature). In our experiment, we used 46 specimens of tench (Tinca tinca) fished in the Jablanica Lake reservoir. Specimens had previously been adapted in specially prepared tanks for 20 days.  The control group of animals (16) was exposed to constant water temperature of 10 0C, while in the treated groups (30), the water temperature was gradually risen to 28 0C and, as such, held for 30 minutes. All specimens were aged 2+ and 3+.It was found that the thermal regime change causes adaptive response of tench specimens by increasing the number of neutrophils and pseudoeosinophils but reduction in the number of lymphocytes. Observed were statistically significant differences in the number of segmented granulocytes, pseudoeosinophils and lymphocytes between the control and the experimental group. However, a significantly higher number of segmented granulocytes and pseudoeosinophils was at the experimental group, while in the control group a number of lymphocytes was significantly higher compared with the experimental group. Neither form of leukocytes showed any significant difference between males and females of the experimental group. It is interesting to note that among individuals from both the control and experimental group, eosinophils and monocytes were rarely noticed, while basophils were not found at all. Key words: thermal stress, tench, Tinca tinca, pseudoeosinophils

Lejla Mahmutović, E. Hasković, Damir Suljevic, M. Mitrašinović-Brulić

We investigated the impact of short-term experimental hyperthermia on differential blood cell count in rats Rattus norvegicus (male and female Wistar strain). The blood used for the analysis was obtained by the method of direct puncture of the heart. We analyzed the forms of leukocytes (granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes). The effect of short-term hyperthermia is statistically significant increase in lymphocyte count, and decrease in monocyte count. The changes in other leukocyte count are not statistically significant. Key words: hyperthermia, differential blood cell count

We investigated the impact of short-term experimental hyperthermia on glucose and haemogram in rats Rattus norvegicus (Wistar strain). The blood used for the analysis was obtained by the method of direct puncture of the heart. We analyzed the biochemical (glucose) and haematological parameters (RBC, WBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and haematological indices). The effect of short-term hyperthermia leads to a statistically significant increase of the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and glucose concentration, whereas statistically significant reduction in hemoglobin concentration and hematological indices is evident. Key words: hyperthermia, haemogram, glucose concentration

The effect of fluoride on the calcium level in serum was analyzed in the laboratory rat Rattus norvegicus. The control group consisted of 10, and the experimental group of 15 animals. In the experimental group, fluoride at a concentration of 3 mg/100 g body weight of rats was intramuscularly injected into the musculus gluteus maximus. The concentration of calcium was measured by the CPC method. The average serum calcium concentration was 2.46 mmol/l, with female rats having higher values of serum calcium than male rats. Fluoride caused the reduction of calcium concentration in serum (p<0.05); the reduction was significantly expressed in female rats (p<0.000).

E. Hasković, Damir Suljevic

We investigated the activity of enzymes (AST, ALT, CK, LDH, ALP and GGT) in serum of the bosnian mountain horse Equus caballus L. during spring and autumn. Enzyme activities were determined spectrophotometrically. Based on the results, have been identified a significant changes of the investigated enzymes. In the autumn period, there was a statistically significant increase in enzyme activity (p <0.05), which is characteristic of both males and females. We analyzed gender differences and found a significantly higher enzyme activity in serum of females compared to males. Enzymatic activity of LDH and CK showed significant variation resulting from seasonal changes and individual differences, while the enzymatic activity of GGT and ALP shows no significant seasonal changes in the serum of the studied species. Key words: enzyme activity, seasonal changes, Bosnian mountain horse

Damir Suljevic, Izet Eminovic, E. Hasković, M. Mitrašinović-Brulić

We investigated erythrogram and leukogram in the rats Rattus norvegicus (Wistar strain) during the short-term hypothermia under the laboratory controlled conditions. Control group of animals was anesthetized using diethylether and then heart punction was performed. Experimental group of animals was exposed to short-term hypothermia by "a'frigore" method. Once the body temperature of experimental animals decreased (rectal temperature was 15 °C), we performed punction of the heart. Hematological status was determined by the following parameters: erythrogram (red blood cell count, hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (Hb), MCV, MCH and MCHC) and leukogram (leukocytes, segmented and non-segmented neutrophils, eosinophilic and basophilic granulocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes). Under hypothermic conditions, a significant decrease in neutrophilic granulocytes and increase in lymphocytes were noted. The red blood cell count and hemoglobin concentrations were significantly increased while the values of MCV and MCH decreased in hypothermia. Key words: hypothermia, erythrogram, leukogram

E. Hasković, Armin Džajić, Damir Suljevic

We analyzed the blood serum of the rainbow trout in relation to various physico-chemical properties of water and diet composition. Fish were reared in two ponds that were supplied by water from different sources. The identified differences in the biochemical parameters are caused by different environmental factors in ponds and different feed composition. Low oxygen values caused by different temperatures is a key stress factor of the noted differences. Statistically significant differences are noted for AST (aspartate aminotransferase), ALT (alanine aminotransferase), triglycerides, urea and iron (0.00). Evident were also different mineral concentrations of Ca and P (0.05) as well as glucose and cholesterol (0.05).

M. Mitrašinović, Damir Suljevic

The research comprised 95 individuals Leuciscus cephalus in three different seasons and two different rivers. Analyzed were the hematological parameters in the chub blood samples, and then compared by region and seasons. We analyzed: red cell count, white cell count, hematocrit, hemoglobin, and hematological indices (MCV, MCH and MCHC). Statistical data (Microsoft Excel and SPSS 11.5) showed statistically significant results of the white cell count by region and seasons (0.000), red cell count (0.000), hematocrit (0.00) and hematological indices: MCH (0.000) and MCHC (0.000 ). Key words: chub fish, hematological parameters, erythrocytes, leucocytes, hemoglobin.

Damir Suljevic, E. Hasković, M. Mitrašinović

Glucose level (UV enzymatic method) and total protein level (Biuret method) were measured in the blood samples of the rats exposed to short-term starvation. We found a statistically significant increase in the glucose level in experimental animals during starvation, which is also evident in males and females in the experimental group (p <0.05), while decrease in the total protein level was not statistically significant. During starvation, more significant weight loss was observed in females compared to males. Key words: glucose, total protein, serum, Rattus

Damir Suljevic, M. Mitrašinović

Subjected to thermal stress were the two fish species: carp (Cyprinus carpio) and crucian carp (Carassius Carassius). The experiment was conducted on two groups: the experimental and control one. The experimental group was subjected to thermal stress by exposing the fish to water temperature of 29 oC for 30 minutes. In both groups, a direct heart punction provided serum samples for measuring glucose level. Statistical analysis of data showed a significant increase in blood glucose level (0.00002), and also significant level in males (0.026) and females (0.022) of the carp, while at crucian carp significant fluctuations of this parameter were not observed. Key words: thermal stres, glucose, crucian carp, carp

E. Hasković, A. Hamzić, S. Lelo, Damir Suljevic, B. Glamuzina, M. Mitrašinović, B. Skaramuca

U radu je dat pregled dosadasnjih istraživanja gaovica (rodovi Phoxinellus, Telestes i Delminichthys) razlicitih autora kao i rezultati vlastitih istraživanja obavljenih u ljetnom periodu 2007. godine. Istraživanje je obavljeno na osam (8) lokaliteta slivnog podrucja rijeke Trebisnjice. Prilikom uzorkovanja koristili smo se elektroagregatom i mrežama i tom prilikom je prikupljeno oko 300 jedinki razlicitih vrsta gaovica. Fenotipska analiza, fotodokumentacija i literaturni podaci ukazuju na potrebna sveobuhvatna istraživanja (ekoloska, morfometrijska, molekularno-geneticka i biohemijsko-fizioloska) kako bi se rijesilo pitanje prisustva određenih vrsta endemicnih gaovica u ovom slivnom podrucju koje neki literaturni izvori navode, a drugi opovrgavaju.

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