
Publikacije (61)

M. Avdibegović, Dragan Nonic, S. Posavec, N. Petrovic, Bruno Marić, V. Milijic, S. Krajter, F. Ioraș et al.

Private forest owners start to play an important role in Western Balkans’ forestry and they are essential to the successful implementation of environmental policies. Little is known about how forest policy can support private forest owners in these countries and therefore this study was conducted though a qualitative method, based on personal interviews with representatives of 54 stakeholders that include state forest authorities and administration, private forest owners associations, forest science and research and private sector in Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. The results show significant homogeneity across the region towards creation of independent interest forest owners associations based on financial support. Regression analysis identified stakeholder attitudes as significant predictors of policy preferences and also identified owners of production forest as more supportive of such policies.

M. Avdibegović, N. Petrovic, Dragan Nonic, S. Posavec, Bruno Marić, D. Vuletić

Radi specificnih drustveno-politickih i socio- ekonomskih prilika u regiji, problematika udruživanja privatnih sumoposjednika u interesne udruge do sada nije bila predmetom sireg istraživanja. Na osnovi navedenoga 2008. godine pokrenuto je istraživanje stanja privatnog sumoposjeda i formiranja udruga privatnih sumoposjednika u zemljama regije, u kojima se povijesno razvijao podjednak model vlasnistva. U radu su analizirani stavovi privatnih sumoposjednika prema međusobnoj suradnji i udruživanju u cilju boljeg gospodarenja svojim posjedom, sa posebnim naglaskom na izgradnju sumskih cesta u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini. Provedeno istraživanje ukazuje spremnost privatnih sumoposjednika na suradnju u aktivnostima gospodarenja sumoposjedom, te ukazuje na željene usluge koje bi trebale pružiti udruge privatnih sumoposjednika.

Numerous political, economical, and social changes inevitably influence a way in which human society perceivs forest as natural phenomenon and forestry as specific human activity. A lack of understanding of changing demands of society towards forests, make impossible their integration into planning documents as well as creating a consistent forest policy. The consequences are serious and usually result in public dissatisfaction on how forest resources are managed. The issue is particularly pronounced in urban areas where population's visits to forests and nature are linked with relatively simple and cheap ”consumption” of different social and ecological services that significantly decrease negative effects of day-to-day urban lifestyle. Research on demands of Canton Sarajevo population towards forests offers valuable data about behavioural pattern related to forest areas visits, the attitudes, reasons of stay and the interests of the population towards forests. The importance of different forest functions offered to society, negative impacts during stay in forests as well as necessary corrective activities to eliminate these impacts are also identified. The results of this research can be used as guidelines for the reorganisation of forests companies and designing consistent forest policy in Canton Sarajevo which will be oriented to diagnose and satisfy demands of Canton Sarajevo population towards forests, taking into consideration a variability of social, political, demographical and economical factors.

D. Vuletić, M. Stojanovska, M. Avdibegović, R. Nevenic, N. Petrovic, S. Posavec, H. Haska, L. Peri et al.

This paper presents preliminary results from a first regional survey and a number of case studies conducted in five countries. The aim of the study was to identify the most pronounced forest related conflicts in south-eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia) at the policy and management levels in terms of types, conflicts dimensions, actors and their attitudes. Data were collected on policy level by semi-structured mail questionnaire with multiplechoice, ranking, and a few open-ended questions and on management level by face-to-face interviews in chosen case study areas. All collected data were assembled in a joint database consisting of 505 questionnaires and 111 interviews from case studies. Results revealed forestry related conflicts with significant differences between countries. The most often mentioned were: forestry vs. nature protection, forestry vs. wood processing industry, forestry vs. grazing and overgrazing, forestry vs. building and construction and forestry vs. water management. For case studies areas the Nature and National parks were chosen. In most cases conflicts appears between public forestry and environmental sectors. They were manifested in wide range of actions, from silent conflict far away from public, over disputes, argues and discussions on meeting and public forums up to intensive lobbying and political influence. Overlapping legislation, struggle for competencies, different interests, values and attitudes of forestry and nature conservation sector is likely source of these conflicts. The conflict management was introduced either at the beginning of the conflict or when the conflict escalated, carried out by relevant governmental and public institutions which are at the same time stakeholders of the protected areas. Furthermore, respondents in cases employed in forestry sector are dominantly with forestry background, and in environmental institutions people have various professional backgrounds. Conflict parties show differing attitudes to conflicts. Some of them deny the very existence of the conflict; others find conflicts neither negative, nor completely positive. There are evident some improvement with regard to communication among, some policy changes have been reported, as well as changes with regard to legislation.

D. Vuletić, S. Krajter, K. Kiš, S. Posavec, M. Avdibegović, D. Blagojević, Bruno Marić, Elvis Paladinić

Background and Purpose: The forest related conflicts has not been very often used as a research topic in Croatia. This paper presents results from two case studies conducted in Nature Parks »Kopa~ki rit« and »Velebit«. The aim of the study was to explore conflicts between forestry and nature protection on management level. The main research questions were raised: (a) What causes conflicts?; (b)What are the attitudes of conflict actors towards conflicts as a phenomenon and towards other conflict parties?; (c) What was undertaken to manage conflicts and was it successful? and (d) How the conflicts and CM influence forest policy development process? Material and Methods: Data was collected by conducting in-depth resulting in 27 interviews in total. The interviewees were managers in CF, NPs and representatives of NGOs active in the respective areas. Theoretical framework was combination of Progressive Triangle with three main aspects of conflicts: substance, relation and procedure (3) embedded in structure of four main elements: culture, conflicts, conflicts management and policy development (10). Results and Conclusion: Primary parties in conflicts are NPs and CF. Interviewees named mostly problems with legislation, performance of forest management activities within protected areas and lack of proper communication as possible conflict causes. Main conclusion is that differing attitudes towards forestry and nature protection as well as education as elements of cultural background probably influence conflict occurrence, CM and policy development. There is no sound CM strategy or significant policy development.

UDK 630*6/.8(497.6) U ovom radu je izvršena analiza prihoda koji se ostvaruju u šumarstvu Federacije BiH po šumarskim preduzećima, te analiza strukture troškova koji se javljaju u poslovanju preduzeća. S obzirom da se prihodi preduzeća uglavnom baziraju na realizovanim drvnim sortimentima, odlučujuću ulogu u njihovom formiranju ima, pored cijena šumskih drvnih sortimenata i kvalitetna struktura etata. Cilj ove analize jeste da se ukaže na različite mogućnosti sticanja prihoda kao posljedice različitih uslova privređivanja preduzeća. Pored toga, struktura troškova je različita po pojedinim preduzećima zbog različite zastupljenosti materijalno-tehničkih i ljudskih resursa. Struktura cijene proizvodnje proizvoda šumarstva izrazito varira između preduzeća, što se neminovno odražava na njihovu rentabilnost, a takođe i na njihovu akumulativnu i reproduktivnu sposobnost. Iz toga proizilazi i ekonomska mogućnost realizacije potrebnih investicionih ulaganja, a prije svega bioloških investicija. Ranije analize pokazuje da se obim bioloških investicija usklađuje sa raspoloživim finansijskim mogućnostima preduzeća, a ne prema realnim potrebama u konkretnim situacijama (DELIĆ, 2008). To bi moglo dovesti do narušavanja principa održivosti, kao osnovnog principa gospodarenja šumskim resursima.

J. Marković, B. Jovančićević, M. Avdibegović

Management of private forests, which occupy roughly 50% of all Serbian forests, is aggravated by huge number of private forest owners (about half a million), small average-sized forest estates (0,26 ha), huge number of cadastral parcels which form individual estates (3.900.000) and fragmentation of those parcels. The transition process in Serbia is followed by legislative and organizational reforms, improvements of public administration and institutional strengthening, changes of forest ownership as a result of denationalization process, but also by new management approach and relations between the state governance and private forest owners. Current problems in Serbian private forestry include both inadequate attitude of the State towards private forests and an inadequate treatment of the property by the owners. Due to this, the public administration is expected to offer different measures to support private forest owners in order to use the potentials of the private forests and to stimulate development of the rural areas. This paper deals with comparative analysis of the state forest service support to private forest ownership in Serbia and Slovenia.

M. Avdibegović, D. Vuletić, E. Krilaševic

Za{ti}ena podru~ja u BiH uglavnom su formirana na ve} postoje}im {umsko-gospodarskim podru~jima, {to neminovno uzrokuje brojne intersektorske konflikte. Da bi se u takvim uvjetima, u duhu odr`ivoga gospodarenja {umskim resursima, na odgovaraju}i na~in redefinirala uloga sektora {umarstva, neophodno je utvrditi karakteristike posjetitelja za{ti}enim podru~jima, razloge dolaska i njihov odnos prema {umarskim poduze}ima. U tu svrhu a podru~ju Kantona Sarajevo, metodom direktnog, usmenog, djelomi~no struktuiranog intervjua, uz kori{tenje posebno pripremljenog upitnika, provedena su istra`ivanja sociolo{kih, demografskih i ekonomskih karakteristika posjetila~ke populacije. Rezultati istra`ivanja pokazuju da ispitanici obuhva}eni istra`ivanjima imaju u prosjeku zna~ajno vi{i stupanj naobrazbe u odnosu na BiH populaciju, da je rije~ uglavnom o lokalnom stanovni{tvu mla|e i srednje starosne dobi i da je nedostatak slobodnog vremena limitiraju}i faktor za boravak u prirodi. Utvr|eno je da za ve}inu ispitanika {uma u naj{irem smislu predstavlja sinonim za prirodu i za{ti}ena podru~ja. Visok postotak posjetitelja s mjestom boravi{ta u najbli`em gradu analizirana podru~ja svrstava u kategoriju urbanih i periurbanih {umskih povr{ina, {to opredjeljuje i na~in upravljanja istim. Istra`ivanjima su utvr|eni razina i razlozi nezadovoljstva posjetitelja u odnosu na aktivnosti koje provode {umarska poduze}a. Rezultati istra`ivanja prikazani u ovom radu omogu}uju bolje razumijevanje interakcije izme|u zahtjeva posjetitelja i poslovnih sistema {umarstva, ukazuju}i na modalitete prilago|avanja sektora {umarstva promjenjivim zahtjevima dru{tva u odnosu na {umu.

Certifikacija šuma je instrument šumarske politike koji doprinosi održivom šumarstvu. To je također tržišni mehanizam, koji zajedno sa klasičnim elementima marketing miksa, mogu olakšati konkurentske prednosti šumarskim preduzećima koja imaju pozitivno certificirano gazdovanje šumama. Izbor odgovarajućeg certifikata je ključno pitanje u procesu pokretanja koncepta certifikacije šuma u Bosni i Hercegovini. Sprovođenje certifikacije šuma u skladu sa odabranim programom pretpostavlja zadovoljenje unaprijed utvrđenih standarda, koji su eksplicitno izraženi u obliku principa i kriterijuma. Oni moraju da zadovolje internanacionalno priznate principe održivog upravljanja šumama kao i principe nacionalne šumarske politike i zahtjeve svih relevantnih aktera. Ciljevi istraživanja u ovom radu mogu se sažeti na sljedeći način: - Istražiti mišljenje zaposlenih u šumarstvu u pogledu njihove usklađenosti sa FSC principima kao eksternim standardima certifikacije šuma u Bosni i Hercegovini. - Procjena značaja FSC principa za upravljanje šumama u BiH, sa aspekta navedenih interesnih grupa. - Procjena ispunjenosti FSC principa za upravljanje šumama u BiH, sa aspekta navedenih interesnih grupa. - Definisanje pravaca korektivnih akcija kao sredstva za stalno unapređenje upravljanja šumama, na osnovu razlika između procijenjene važnosti i ispunjavanja FSC principa.

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