
Publikacije (63)

Rijad Konjhodžić, Edina Dervović, Ilvana Kurtovic-Basic, Meliha Stomornjak-Vukadin, Adis Muhić, Sumeja Baljevic, Aida Pirnat-Gegic, E. Bašić et al.

Introduction: QF PCR has recently entered diagnostic practice as a possible way to bypass culturing of the fetal cells, as well as to provide a rapid response following amniocentesis. Material and methods: The effective value of the QF PCR remains a much debated issue, positions ranging from that it makes classic kayotyping obsolete except in special occasions, to that it is no more than a guideline for a mandatory karyotype. Current practices of the gynecology specialists generates samples in such fashion that kariotyping of samples quickly falls behind to the point of obsoleteness, because, by the time a karyotype has been finished, a window of opportunity for termination of pregnancy has closed. Results: QF PCR provides a rapid response alternative, but it is necessary to establish its reproducibility, as well as an algorithm of its use along classic kariotyping. This study contains samples processed in a period from August 1, 2012 to December 31 2013 in both QF PCR and classic karyotype. Object of this study was compare results obtained by two methods, and establish confidence interval of the QF PCR testing. Overall, 661 amniotic fluid samples were processed and typed with QF PCR, out of which 221 were done in parallel with karyiotyping, as an confirmation of results.

Aim: The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the relationship between endometrial concentrations of estrogen and progesterone receptors throughout the menstrual cycle in women with unexplained infertility. Material and methods: In forty four infertile women with unexplained infertility, biopsy of the endometrium was performed during simultaneous laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Material was prepared for immunohistochemical staining. Forty four endometrial samples obtained from women with normal menstrual cycles were divided into four categories: early proliferative, late proliferative, early secretory and late secretory. Immunohistochemical localization of estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR) was scored according to intensity of staining and proportion of cells specifically stained in glandular epithelium and stroma and results were analyzed. Conclusion: The early secretory phase appeared to be period of transition from the strong and ubiquitous staining for receptor characteristic of proliferative phase of endometrium to the weak, focal pattern of estrogen receptors. Progesterone receptors in early secretory phase were of strong staining and sufficient number of stained cells.

Aim: The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the relationship between endometrial concentrations of estrogen and progesterone receptors throughout the menstrual cycle in women with unexplained infertility. Material and methods: In forty four infertile women with unexplained infertility, biopsy of the endometrium was performed during simultaneous laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Material was prepared for immunohistochemical staining. Forty four endometrial samples obtained from women with normal menstrual cycles were divided into four categories: early proliferative, late proliferative, early secretory and late secretory. Immunohistochemical localization of estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR) was scored according to intensity of staining and proportion of cells specifically stained in glandular epithelium and stroma and results were analyzed. Conclusion: The early secretory phase appeared to be period of transition from the strong and ubiquitous staining for receptor characteristic of proliferative phase of endometrium to the weak, focal pattern of estrogen receptors. Progesterone receptors in early

p53 is one of the most frequently mutated genes in human tumors including head and neck tumors like oral squamous cell carcinoma. It might be responsible for more than 50% of all relapses in patients with surgically treated oral carcinoma and clean margins. The aim of the present study was to explore p53 protein expression in peritumoral tissue and correlate it with relapse of the disease. The study included 25 patients (17 males and 8 females) with oral squamous cell carcinoma in the period August 2006 till August 2008. For immunohistochemical assay, a monoclonal antibody against p53 protein was applied (clone DO-7, DAKO Glostrup, Denmark). Peritumoral expression of p53 was as follows: 10 out of 25 cases (40%) were negative, 2 cases (8%) showed weak, 5 cases (20%) moderate and 8 cases (32%) strong p53 positivity. No significant correlation between peritumoral expression of p53 protein and patient's relapse was found. In contrast, we found a trend toward association between intratumoral p53 expression and patient's relapse (p = 0.07). There was also trend toward higher peritumoral p53 expression in females comparing with p53 expression in males (52.9% of males did not have p53 expression while 87.5% females had mild, moderate or high p53 expression, p = 0.088). Peritumoral expression of p53 protein is frequently seen in oral squamous cell carcinoma and merits further research.

Experienced laparoscopic surgeons should consider laparoscopy as an alternative to laparotomy in management of ovarian dermoid cysts in selected cases. The aim of this study was to analyze the safety of laparoscopy in ovarian dermoid cysts treatment and risk of chemical peritonitis. We report 63 cases of patients (mean age of 37) with ovarian dermoid cysts originating from the ovary, treated from 2002 to 2010. Most of the patients underwent cysts removal. In 7 patients salpingo-oophorectomy was performed. We used 15 mm trocars for removing specimens. In patients with dermoid cyst rupture peritoneal cavity was washed out thoroughly with Ringer lactate and drained for 24-48 hours. All the material extracted was sent for a histopathology examination. The diagnosis of mature ovarian dermoid cysts was confirmed in 58 (92.63%) of cases and immature ovarian dermoid cysts in 5 (7.37%) cases. Dermoid cysts were composed of tissue developed from three germinative layers in 31 (49%) patients, from two germinative layers in 25 (40%), and in 7 (11%) patients from one germinative layer. No intra or postoperative complications occurred. No signs or symptoms of chemical peritonitis were observed regardless of cystic spillage or not. We conclude that the risk of chemical peritonitis can be minimized when undertaking laparoscopic removal of ovarian dermoid cysts if the peritoneal cavity is washed out thoroughly from spillage of cyst contents. Drainage of peritoneal cavity should be performed in the patients with the ruptured dermoid cysts.

S. Vranić, O. Tawfik, J. Palazzo, N. Bilalović, E. Eyzaguirre, L. Lee, P. Adegboyega, J. Hagenkord et al.

E. Torlakovic, A. Slipicevic, V. A. Flørenes, R. Chibbar, J. Decoteau, N. Bilalović

Friend leukemia integration site 1 (Fli-1) has been reported as the first nuclear marker of endothelial differentiation; it is expressed in leukocytes and recently demonstrated in melanomas. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections from 97 melanomas including 69 cases of primary and 28 metastatic melanomas were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Five melanoma cell lines were evaluated by Western blot and immunocytochemistry. Fli-1 expression was observed in all cell lines. Fli-1 expression was higher in metastatic than in primary tumors (r=0.208, p=0.041, Spearman correlation), it positively correlated with Ki-67 expression (r=0.233, p=0.022, Spearman correlation), and the presence of an ulcer in the primary tumor (r=0.267, p=0.030, Spearman correlation). Therefore, the expression of Fli-1 in malignant melanoma appears to be associated with biologically more aggressive tumors.

A. Sofić, N. Šehović, Š. Bešlić, B. Prnjavorac, N. Bilalović, Jasmin Čaluk, D. Sofić

MR rectum imaging with ultra sound gel as instrumental contrast media in tubulovillous adenoma Bacground. Colorectal polyps are frequent and can be found in 10% of adults, most common in elderly with prevalence of 20% in age group of 60. Over 90% cases of cancer are being developed from benign adenomas. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a significantly large cause of death right after bronchial cancer in males, and breast cancer in women. Therefore, a standpoint was adopted that the removal of polyps as precursor will prevent the development of colorectal area cancer. Polyps can occur as peduncular or sessile. Adenomas are grouped in three subtypes based on histological criteria: tubular, tubulovillous and villous. Villous adenomas are larger than others and show a higher level of dysplasia. The prevalence of adenomas increases with the patient's age. Having in mind that the risk of malign adenoma transformation is 10 years average, and that small lesions have no clinical potential to turn into cancer, their removal would lead to unnecessary complications and additional costs. CRC risk grows both with the size and the number of adenomas. In patients who refuse polypectomy, we can expect cancer development in average of 5 years 4% and in 10 years 14%. Case report. We present a patient with a years long history of rectal polyp. She has refused any treatment of polyp removal up so far. Due to stool problems, mostly constipation, occasional bleeding and falling out feeling, she has decided to remove the polyp. The polyp has been detected through colonoscopy and described as very risky for polypectomy due to its suspected malign appearance. We did rectum MR on 1.5T Siemens, so that the patient came with clean lumen into which we applied ultra sound gel with huge 60 ml syringe (no needle) simply and pain free with three fillings (total 180 ml of gel). We have concluded that the polyp was of uneven outline and stretched partially along the inner rectum wall without extra rectal infiltration into mesorectal area. After that, we performed endoscopic polypectomy according to peace meal method resection up to real muscular layer after adrenalin undermining. Pathohistological finding which was done in HE technique showed tubulovillous adenoma. Conclusions. Rectal MR is a new, very reliable method of contemporary radiological imaging that gives better characterization of polyp tissue and of other tumours. It is currently the best imaging modality enabling very accurate evaluation and topographic ratio of tumour growth within the rectum wall and outside the wall, especially compared to mesorectal fascia. In addition, it is a very comfortable procedure without radiation. The application of ultra sound gel as intra luminal rectal contrast agent can distend the lumen and make an excellent contrast of lumen against the rectum wall and thus can better show polyps and tumours.

V. Čukić, V. Lovre, Š. Bešlić, N. Bilalović, S. Guska

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is extreme rare diffuse lung disease of unknown cause seen almost exclusively in women of child-bearing age and rarely postmenopausal which indicates the involvement of hormones-estrogens. It results from proliferation of the cells having a smooth muscle cell phenotype (LAM cells) in the lung, and very often in the kidney and axial lymphatics and lymph nodes or any combination. It may occur sporadically or in association with the neurocutaneous syndrome--tuberous sclerosis. LAM cell proliferation may obstruct bronchioles, lymph vessels and venules that lead to airflow obstruction, formation of lung cysts, bullas and pneumothoraces, chylothorax, chylous ascites, hemosiderosis and hemoptysis. Approxymately 400 cases of LAM have been reported so far, most of them in USA. The average survival is about 8.5 years. There is no specific therapy. There are attempts with progesterone, lung transplantation, Doxycicline besides the symptomatic therapy. A new drug Rapamycin is tested. We are reporting 43-year old woman admitted in the Clinic for pulmonary diseases and TB "Podhrastovi" because of progressive dyspnea and suspect lung diffuse fibrosis, after the surgical treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax. The diagnosis of lung lymphangiomyomatosis was established by chest X ray, computerized chest tomography (CT), pathohistological findings of open lung biopsy. The treatment with progesterone is underway with other symptomatic therapy.

S. Vranić, Samuel K. Caughron, S. Djuricic, N. Bilalović, S. Zaman, I. Suljević, W. Lydiatt, J. Emanuel et al.

Background: Germ-cell tumors (GCT) are a histologically and biologically diverse group of neoplasms which primarily occur in the gonads but also develop at different extragonadal sites in the midline of the body. The head and neck region including the upper respiratory tract is a very rare location for such tumors in both children and adults, which can cause diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties.

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