
Publikacije (57)

Nenad Miseljić, S. Izetbegovíc, S. Mehmedbasić, S. Miseljić

Sonographic detection and evaluation of congenital anomalies of the uterus represent an important segment in the additional therapeutic procedure, that is, treatment of patients with congenital anomalies of the uterus. Besides the primary reason that is manifested in the total cure of the patients, the secondary reason represents the decrease of costs of treatment of congenital anomalies of the uterus. Both descriptive and analytical methods were used in this paper. In 1997 Kurjak and Kupesic compared the sensitivity and specificity of transvaginal ultra sound, color Doppler, hysterosonography and three-dimensional ultrasound during diagnosis of the uterus septum. Representation of pathological findings in our paper in comparison to the examined group is: uterus subseptus = 15.38%, double horned uterus = 10.25%. The examined group includes intrauterine abnormalities of the uterus, analyzing, in that process, individual, pathological entities of intrauterine abnormalities. The research is a prospective, target, clinical study. In the examined group, due to the clinical suspicion of intrauterine abnormalities, 78 patients were examined in the following manner: two-dimensional transabdominal and transvaginal black-and-white and color Doppler ultrasound examinations were made and then three-dimensional transabdominal black-and-white and color Doppler ultrasound examinations. This means that in the detection of congenital anomalies of the uterus, the same sonographic techniques were first applied on the conventional and then also on the multidimensional base. Our research showed that three-dimensional technique is a more reliable diagnostic tool than two-dimensional technique. Sensitivity and specificity rate as well as positive predictive value show that this technique is an extraordinary one for assessing the volume, and position of congenital abnormalities.

T. Kulaš, Ž. Duić, Z. Kostic, Ž. Žegarac, R. Grizelj, D. Habek, Z. Hrgović, I. Márton et al.

We present a rare case of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) type III (mycrocystic) in young, 19 years old primigravida. Diagnosis has been accomplished by ultrasound examination in 26th week of gestation. Hyperechogenic, mycrocystic mass was found in left pulmonary lobe with contra lateral displacement of mediastinum, hypoplasia of the right lung and extensive polyhydramnios. Prenatal therapy was based upon a serial of amniodrainage procedures and pharmacological inhibition of amniotic fluid production and uterine activity. Spontaneous preterm labor occurred at 34 weeks of gestation, Diagnosis was confirmed postnatal. Infant was ventilated due to respiratory insufficiency and was operated at the age of 24 hours. Lethal outcome occurred during the second day due to heavy respiratory insufficiency provoked by pulmonary hypoplasia. We discuss about types of a disease, prenatal diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities and pregnancy outcome.

Z. Hrgović, T. Kulaš, D. Habek, S. Izetbegovíc, I. Hrgovic

Myoma accounts for nearly 95% of all benign tumors of female genital organs and is the most common neoplasm of female genital tract. Along with thorough history and gynecologic examination, ultrasound study is of utmost importance in the diagnosis of myoma; magnetic resonance (MR) study may also be required in rare cases. A number of therapeutic options are available for the management of myoma, ranging from medicamentous therapy through operative procedures (e.g., total or supracervical hysterectomy or myoma enucleation) and novel non-operative procedures (e.g., embolization of uterine artery (EUA) and magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS). Discomforts caused by a myoma are an absolute indication for treatment. Therapeutic option to be chosen is determined by the number, size and location of myomas, and the patient's preferences. Therapeutic choice should rely on the patient's decision for or against treatment, sparing the uterus. An individualized treatment protocol should be tailored for each patient.

Z. Hrgović, S. Izetbegovíc

Cervical carcinoma is on second place of all tumors related deaths in the world. Cervical carcinomas affects around 500000 of women in the world, out of which 350000 dies every year. It is determined that HPV infection is the cause of cervical carcinoma. For primary prevention of cervical carcinoma there are currently two vaccines. They are suitable for use against HPV types 16 and 18 and additionally against type 6 and 11. Clinical studies till now showed great safety, immunogenity and 100% efficiency against HPV infections and dysplasia. Besides, the vaccine proved to be partially effective against HPV types 45 and 31. The primarily goal of prophylaxis is targeted towards the young girls between age 9 and 17 years. If the vaccine is effective in young males still needs to be determined.

This retrospective study analysed the way of completing a breech delivery. The period between 2002-2005 at GAK Sarajevo was observed. The number of deliveries in this period was 7017, and out of total there were 245 breech presentation cases, making up 3,49 % of total deliveries. T'Ihe goal was to examine breech presentations in pregnant women with at least 37 weeks of gestation, our testing group consisted of 123 patients which makes up half the total number of breech presentations. We also observed occurence of patological conditions in pregnancy (EPH gestosis, RVP, dysproportio, oligo i polihydramnion), mother's diseses history (ST post SC, ST post conisationem, uterine malformations, luxatio coxae, epilepsy), as well as mother's age and number of previous deliveries. Out of 123 pregnancies, 79 (64,22 %) were completed by SC, 43 (34,95 %) were vaginal - manually assisted: Bracht-Veit-Smellie 24 (55,8 %) and Muller-Veit-Smellie 18 (41,8 %). Out of total number of pregnant women observed, 73 (59,34 %) had first delivery, 41 (33,33 %) second delivery, 4 (3,5 %) had third delivery, 1 (0,81 %) had fourth delivery, 2 (1,62 %) fifth delivery, 1 (0,81 %) sixt delivery and 1 (0.81 %) seventh delivery.

This retrospective study conducted on the basis of 2002 -2005 history of disease protocol of the delivery room aiming to present a vitality of newborns with breech presentation with regards to the manner of completing deliveries as well as number of mother's previous deliveries. In a two year period, there was a total of 7017 deliveries, out of which 245 (3.49%) were breech presentation cases. Out of these 245 deliveries, 9 pregnant women were admitted with foetus mortus in utero, therefore, for the purpose of further observation we used the figure of 236 pregnant women with breech presentation. Out of that number, 129 pregnancies (54.66%) were delivered by operation, whereas 107 (45.33%) pregnancies were vaginal, supported manually. Vaginal deliveries with some kind of manual support (Bracht, Veit-Smellie-Muller were presented with total of 107 pregnant women of which 50 (46.72%) were cases of first delivery, 44 (41.12%) were second delivery, 6 (5.6%) were third delivery, 2 (1.86%) were fourth delivery, 3 (2.8%) fifth delivery, 1 (0.93%) was sixth delivery and 1 (0.93%) was seventh delivery.

I. Masic, Gjulera Dedović-Halilbegović, A. Novo, S. Izetbegovíc

INTRODUCTION Measurement of the quality of medical education and assessment of students' satisfaction in today world are necessary and it is of priceless importance. Students' requests are Increased and traditional way of education is insuffcient in the "era of information". New technologies change the way of our perception of the world, how we think, and communicate with others. METHODOLOGY The survey was conducted on the sample of 48 students of the final year of the study of Medical faculty in Sarajevo in June 2006. Questionnaire has 24 process and outcome variables for the purpose of quality assessment of the education at the faculty. RESULTS By measurement of the education quality for the students of final year of Medical faculty in Sarajevo with formatted questionnaires determined was average grade for the quality of lectures which is 3, quality of practical work is 2.9, and quality of the skills gained is 2.8. 77.5 % students attended lectures regularly, 80% are able to give injection in a vein, and 32.5% had training on models for reanimation, model for intubation or model for giving shots, since 92.5% of students have never worked independently ultra-sound examination. The most frequent objection for teachers were that they have not been trying to animate students and because that they do not use audio-visual equipment, assistants of professor very often have other duties during t he practice education and that they are not interested to transfer-their knowledge and experience to students. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Majority of students consider having more practical work, more contacts with patients and that assistants of professor should point out some Interesting clinical cases. Answers on problems during learning and practical exercises majority o f students find on Internet, in not mandatory textbooks and just 7% of students got answers from professors of assistants of professor. Small number o f students in the process of learning use just mandatory textbooks, majority use other textbooks and Internet. Possibility to access professional literature is the largest over Internet. Majority of the student surveyed think that they have solid and good knowledge o fcomputer technology. More of 50 % of students assess that after the study that they will not be able to perform practice independently.

S. Izetbegovíc, J. Dizdarević

THE AIM A successful reposition of a subtotal gravid uterus of an 29 year old patient and prevention of a spontaneous abortion is presented. METHODS AND RESULTS An 29 year old patient was admitted to the clinic due to pains in the lower abdomen, miction difficulties and a subtotal uterine prolapse. During the examination in the gynecological position upon disinfection completed, a manual reposition of a gravid uterus was performed. During the reposition, we found the uterus in contraction and the cervical channel one-finger size opened up to the internal cervical os. We introduced Mikulitz tampon as a support while the patient undergone laboratory and anesthesiology pre-operative program. In a short OET anesthesia, the uterine reposition was performed by Smith-Hodge pessary 85 mm and cerclage sec. McDonald in order to prevent a spontancous abortion caused by cervical insufficiency. The postoperative status of the patient was regular/normal. We recommended a bed rest and diazcpam (Apaurin) tbl a 3 mg 3 x 1. CONCLUSION Complete treatment was performed under the short OET anesthesia, and a recovery of the patient was successful. All parameters of the pregnancy were normal.

In the last couple of years operative hysteroscopy has become a very popular surgical method. It provides us with the possibility to visualize the uterine cavity and explore it with absolute accuracy. In the majority of world centers, it is performed in ambulance. This is a very simple and financially acceptable method, for it does not require special pre and post operative treatments. Of course, simplicity of the procedure, the result, as well as the possibility of complications, depends on the surgeon as well as the preceeding diagnostics. In the period from September of 1997, to September of 1998., 320 operative hysteroscopies were performed in the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Sarajevo. All 320 patients were submitted for infertility. Detailed anamnesis was taken for each patient (HSG, diagnostic laparoscopy, operative laparoscopy, IVF). Each patient in our program was also subject to transvaginal Color Doppler diagnostics before the operation. This form of diagnostics turned out to be highly sensitive and highly specific. We used "Stortz" equipment, including an 8 mm resectoscope and OTV endocamera. Uterine distension was achieved through constant flow of "Purisol" solution. Prior to hysteroscope introduction, we dilated the cervical tube using Hegar metal dilatator. All patients were in general ET anesthesia. We divided complications in two groups: early and late complications. Depending on the sort of complication, patients were hospitalized from 1 to 7 days. Early complications occurred in 7 patients: unsuccessful cervical dilatation--2 patients; uterus perforation--1 patient; uterine bleeding--3 patients; intravasation--1 patient. Impossibility to finish the operation was also considered a complication: impossibility of septum incision--1 patient; incomplete myoma enucleation--1 patient; impossibility to reconstruct womb in the whole--1 patient. Late complications are those that appeared 12-24 hours after the operation: post-operative bleeding--2 patients; increased body temperature--2 patients; pain in lower abdomen--4 patients.

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