The sustainable forest management concept contains the essence of the sustainable development paradigm - meeting the current needs of society without compromising the needs of future generations. The strategic commitment of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo is aimed at quality education of forestry experts, conducting innovative research and the most intensive cooperation with the economy. The methodological approach in this paper is based on a critical analysis of the scope of the educational-research process at the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, and the potentials of sustainable forest management in BiH, to determine to what extent higher education and research on environmental, sociological and economic aspects of forest management can affect positive changes in BiH society. Apart from identifying the benefits of forest ecosystems in the context of contributing to sustainable development, the research on the attitudes of teaching staff related to the contribution of the educational-research process to general goals of sustainable development from the 2030 Agenda was conducted. The results of this paper show that the concept of sustainable forest management, as it is realized in educational-research process at the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, has significant potential to contribute to sustainable development in BiH. This contribution is reflected in biodiversity conservation, mitigation of climate change, carbon storage, prevention of natural disasters, impact on the stability of water and soil, energy supply from renewable sources, continuous economic growth, socially responsible production and consumption, job security, development of rural and urban areas as well as maintaining and improving the psychophysical health of the population. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that sustainable forest management, grounded on scientific postulates, understanding of diversity of forest ecosystem services and dynamics in society's requirements towards forests, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation, can be an important factor of sustainable development in BiH.
Climate change is recognized as a global threat that negatively impacts biodiversity and forest resources. The use of existing indicators for sustainable forest management (SFM) related to biodiversity and climate change, as well as the development of new indicators, will help assess how forest management practices impact biodiversity enhancement and climate change mitigation. A Pan-European set of criteria and indicators has been developed as a policy instrument for monitoring, evaluating, and reporting on the progress in implementing SFM. In Bosnia and Herzegovina and Western Balkans in general, the Pan-European set of criteria and indicators is an insufficiently researched topic and there is a lack of scientific research conducted regarding their development and implementation. Through the analysis of the current situation in forestry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), regarding the compliance and importance of the Pan-European criteria for SFM, this paper aims to explain how the international process of development and application of the Pan-European criteria for SFM can contribute to the improvement of the situation in forestry and the creation of a consistent forest policy in FBiH. The survey among forestry professionals (n=360), from the public forest administration and public forest companies in FBiH, included the sets of questions related to socio-demographic characteristics, assessment of compliance and importance of six criteria of SFM. Research results revealed that forestry professionals are mainly males, on average 41 years old, with 13 years of working experience. The majority of forestry professionals in FBiH are not familiar with Pan-European criteria for SFM, and have a low level of their understanding. On average, forestry professionals indicated that the Pan-European criteria for SFM were of high importance, while compliance with current forest management activities were rated lower on average. The large differences between responses regarding the average rating of compliance and importance of the Pan-European criteria for SFM indicate their low level of implementation in FBiH forest management activities. Accordingly, the results indicate that there is a need to organize educational lifelong learning programs in FBiH forestry sector, involving forestry professionals and other interested parties, to generate knowledge related to the Pan-European criteria for SFM and the concept of SFM in general.
UDK: 630*9:502.1(234.422 Vranica) Nature conservation and sustainable management of forest resources become more important in Bosnia and Herzegovina, driven by the accession process toward the European Union as well as other international processes directed toward responsible management of forest resources. The forest certification has been widely adopted in the forestry sector and it implies meeting the sustainable forest management standard, whereas identification and proper management of high conservation value forests are one of the basic requirements. The NATURA 2000 ecological network is to become an important driver of reforms in the field of nature protection and forestry sector, due to the designation of new sites in forest area, which are under the responsibility of forestry institutions. This paper illustrates the scientific understanding of identification and management processes related to high conservation value forests that were proposed within potential NATURA 2000 habitats. The paper is based on analysis of main guiding principles for site designation and the role of the cross-sectoral approach applied identification and management of sites with high conservation value attributes. The case study research design was selected focusing on the Vranica Mountain due to recent activities implemented in this site. The in-depth face-to-face interviewing was used to collect qualitative data containing the key stakeholders' attitudes regarding the harmonization of NATURA 2000 habitats with the high conservation value forests – (HCVF), as well as the involvement of stakeholders in the processes of cross-sectoral cooperation. Results of this paper can be useful for the key forest and nature protection policy-makers, as well as to those responsible for managing of protected areas, or other stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in the process of identification and management of HCVFs and NATURA 2000 sites. Harmonisation of guiding principles and cross-sectoral cooperation during the identification and management of HCVFs and NATURA 2000 forest habitats enables the proper implementation of conservation and management measures based on sustainable forest management activities.
The linear pattern of production-consumption-disposal of cities around the world will continue to increase the emission of pollutants and stocks of waste, as well as to impact on the irreversible deterioration of non-renewable stocks of raw materials. A transition towards a circular pattern proposed by the concept of ‘Circular Cities’ is gaining momentum. As part of this urban transition, the emergent use of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) intends to shift public opinion and utilize technology to mitigate the urban environmental impact. In this paper, an analysis of the current research and practical investments for implementing NBS under the umbrella of Circular Cities is conducted. A combined appraisal of the latest literature and a survey of ongoing and completed National-European research and development projects provides an overview of the current enabling tools, methodologies, and initiatives for public engagement. It also identifies and describes the links between facilitators and barriers with respect to existing policies and regulations, public awareness and engagement, and scientific and technological instruments. The paper concludes introducing the most promising methods, physical and digital technologies that may lead the way to Sustainable Circular Cities. The results of this research provide useful insight for citizens, scientists, practitioners, investors, policy makers, and strategists to channel efforts on switching from a linear to a circular thinking for the future of cities.
The complex policy decision-making situation around nature conservation requires examination of the operational environment. This study develops and tests a three-phase analytical framework for the evaluation of operational environment factors influencing nature conservation policy implementation. The four important operational environment factors (legal, policy, economic, and social) have been identified, to build up a framework. The framework was tested in selected countries and includes experts’ opinions. Experts (n = 44) from five EU countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Slovakia, and Slovenia) and four non-EU countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia) defined and evaluated the factors and sub-factors that affect the operational environment related to nature conservation policy implementation. The results show policy changes arising from the new governance requirements introduced by changed political regime and Europeanization are key driving factors for changes in the nature conservation operational environment. For nature conservation, these wide-reaching changes have led to new political and legal frameworks, new institutional set-ups and multilevel governance frameworks, new establishment of protected areas and Natura 2000 network, and the re-allocation of financial resources and inclusion of non-state actors in policy decision-making. However, there are also some challenges and unsolved problems that need further attention from policy decision-makers and institutions, especially related to the institutional gap, sustainable financing of nature conservation, transposition of the EU Directives into legal systems, designation of sites or improving their implementation, implementation of innovative funding schemes, and a transparent participatory process. This analytical framework can be applied to various problems related to any environmental issues or other policy implementation or management, and other sectors where public decision-making is combined with stakeholders’ engagement.
Zadnjih desetljeća, primjena politike zaštite prirode, zasnovane na principima javnog sudjelovanja, postala je jedna od glavnih izazova za znanstvenike i donositelje odluka. Primjena politike očuvanja prirode slijedi dva osnovna pristupa: izdvajanje na osnovi prostorne podjele zaštićenih područja od proizvodnih, i pristup integracije, na temelju kojega se uključuju proizvodne i zaštitne namjene prostora. U mnogo slučajeva primjena politike očuvanja prirode uzrokovala je porast sukoba radi različitih i kompetitivnih principa korištenja zemlje, različitih interesa i pogleda. Cilj istraživanja je analizirati mišljenja stručnjaka o mogućim sukobima, prilikama i teškoćama za ljudske aktivnosti, ograničenjima u gospodarenju šumom vezano na uspostavu novih zaštićenih područja. Istraživanje je strukturirano u tri osnovna koraka: analiza stručnjaka, anketiranje i statistička obrada prikupljenih podataka. Polu-strukturirani upitnik putem emaila poslan je stručnjacima prema planiranom uzorku u svaku zemlju koja je uključena u COST CAPABAL projekt (COST Targeted Network TN1401 “CAPABAL” (41 sudionik u 10 zemalja). Podaci su statistički obrađeni, kako bi se naglasile razlike između EU28 zemalja članica i nečlanica i među institucijama (javna administracija, stručnjaci iz šumarstva i drvne industrije, fakulteta i istraživačkih institucija i okolišnih nevladinih organizacija). Na kraju prikupljanja podataka, sakupljn je 41 upitnik, koji su ispunili stručnjaci podijeljeni na zemlje članice EU (22 upitnika sa udjelom 54% u uzorku), i 19 stručnjaka iz zemalja izvan EU (46%). Promatrajući distribuciju uzorka prema zainteresiranim grupama, 41,5% ispitanika predstavlja javnu administraciju, 29,3% sveučilišta i istraživačke institute, 22% sudjeluje u lancu šuma-drvo, 7,3% su članovi nevladinih okolišnih udruga. Rezultati pokazuju da su najčešće vrste sukoba one koje su vezane za procedure uspostave novih zaštićenih zona, s posebnim naglaskom na ograničenja prava vlasništva i dodatno administriranje. Sudionici iz zemalja koje nisu EU28 članice, više su naglasile važnost ograničenja lovnih aktivnosti kao potencijalni sukob u usporedbi za sudionicima iz EU28 zemalja članica. Vezano na mogućnosti i ograničenja ljudskih aktivnosti u zaštićenim područjima, rezultati su pokazali da je razvoj ekoturizma jedna on najznačajnijih prilika za razvoj ruralnih marginalnih područja. Najveća zapreka je otežano gospodarenja šumom (pridobivanje drva) vezano za zahtjeve očuvanja prirode. Konačno, rezultati pokazuju da na ispitivanom uzorku najveća zabrinutost u gospodarenju šumom su dodatno vrijeme i novac potreban za nadzor i primjenu aktivnosti očuvanja prirode u zaštićenim područjima. Za ispitanike iz EU28 zemalja članica najveća zabrinutost vezano na aktivnosti gospodarenja šumom je primjena aktivnosti očuvanja prirode u zaštićenim područjima, dok su ispitanici izvan EU28 zemalja istaknuli primjenu pesticida kao najvažniju promjenu u gospodarenju šumom. Stavovi stručnjaka su temeljna početna pozicija koju treba uzeti u obzir kako bi se umanjili sukobi između očuvanja prirode i ljudskih aktivnosti te povećala socijalna uključenost u politiku očuvanja prirode.
In recent decades, the concept of forest certification under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) has been widely adopted in selected Southeast European countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia). As sustainability is traditionally recognised as a leading principle in the forest management doctrine in these countries, the aim of this study was to understand whether, and how, FSC forest certification contributes to the sustainable management of state forests. The research was carried out in two phases. First, in order to assess forest management compliance with FSC standard, non-conformities for the period 2014–2018, identified in audit Public Summary Reports, were analysed in all public companies that managed state-owned forests in selected countries. Further, in-depth, semi-structured interviews with the professionals responsible for forest certification in these companies were conducted (n = 11) to determine the contribution of forest certification to the economic, ecological, and social aspects of sustainable forest management. In total, 185 non-conformities were analysed. The results showed that FSC certification was successful in addressing certain problems in forest management practices and contributed to sustainable forest management, mainly covering social and ecological issues. The most frequently identified non-conformities were those related to FSC Principle 4 Community relations and worker’s rights (32.3% of all non-conformities) and Principle 6 Environmental impact (30.4% of all non-conformities). The contribution of FSC certification to sustainable forest management is mainly reflected in the following aspects: Worker’s rights; health and safety of employees; availability of appropriate personal protective equipment; consultation with local people and interest groups; awareness of environmental impacts of forestry operations; waste disposal and storage of fuel; improving the image of forest companies and maintenance of high-conservation-value forests. The majority of non-conformities were minor and required procedural changes to be closed. Moreover, there are no statistically significant differences between the countries with regard to the number of non-conformities for all principles. It can be concluded that FSC certification, as a market-driven mechanism, plays an important role by influencing forest management practices and business operations of public forest companies in a positive manner.
The EU Water Framework Directive aims to ensure restoration of Europe’s water bodies to “good ecological status” by 2027. Many Member States will struggle to meet this target, with around half of EU river catchments currently reporting below standard water quality. Diffuse pollution from agriculture represents a major pressure, affecting over 90% of river basins. Accumulating evidence shows that recent improvements to agricultural practices are benefiting water quality but in many cases will be insufficient to achieve WFD objectives. There is growing support for land use change to help bridge the gap, with a particular focus on targeted tree planting to intercept and reduce the delivery of diffuse pollutants to water. This form of integrated catchment management offers multiple benefits to society but a significant cost to landowners and managers. New economic instruments, in combination with spatial targeting, need to be developed to ensure cost effective solutions – including tree planting for water benefits - are realised. Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) are flexible, incentive-based mechanisms that could play an important role in promoting land use change to deliver water quality targets. The PESFOR-W COST Action will consolidate learning from existing woodlands for water PES schemes in Europe and help standardize approaches to evaluating the environmental effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of woodland measures. It will also create a European network through which PES schemes can be facilitated, extended and improved, for example by incorporating other ecosystem services linking with aims of the wider forests-carbon policy nexus.
The purpose of this study was to assess the most frequent non-conformities identified in different European countries in the processes of forest management certification according to FSC standards. A total of 31 active certificates from five countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Romania, Slovenia and the United Kingdom) were analysed, including all active certificates (as of 1st of June 2014) from three countries along with a sample of 13 FSC certificates issued in the UK and one certificate covering 95% of the certified forest area in Slovenia. 253 non-conformities in relation to FSC standard requirements were identified as formulated by the audit teams and the most frequently identified non-conformities in the certification process were those related to Principle 6 - Environmental impact (34%), Principle 4 - Community relations and worker’s rights (17%) and Principle 8 - Monitoring and Assessment (13%). A slight positive correlation was noticed between the FSC certified area and the total number of non-conformities, with a closer link in the case of Principle 9 - Maintenance of high conservation value forests, and Principle 4. The non-conformities related to Principles 4, 6 and 9 appeared to be significantly influenced in occurrence by country development; less often in the UK compared with the other four countries.
UDK: 630*9(497.6 Unsko-sanski kanton)“2003/2013“ Investments in forest sector represent an important issue that is regulated by legislation. Legislative framework that regulate forest sector in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been changing recently - from the Law on Forests of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2002 – 2009), Forest Regulation of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2009 – 2012) and finally cantonal Laws on Forests (2012 to date). Cantonal laws currently represent the only valid legislative documents that regulate forest sector in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This paper analyse the investments in the public forests at the territory of Una-Sana Canton, managed by forest management enterprises "Unsko-sanske šume", within the period 2003-2013 in dependence of the valid legislative frameworks. Having in mind the various regulations that prescribed the financing of the biological investments, scope and structure of the performed activities together with the amount of invested funds have varied between particular periods. The biggest share in total investments to forest sector belongs to the silvicultural measures (66%) and forest road construction (17%). The analysis included the trend of realised biological investments and invested funds. It reveals the mutual incompatibility that causes the differences in unit costs of biological investments in various periods. This implies the need for creation and implementation of unique methodology for cost calculation respecting the basic principles of econometrics. Conducted analysis indicated that previous legislative frameworks did not prescribe appropriate financing model. One should bare in mind this fact during the prescription of new financing model in the ongoing proposal of new Law on Forests of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
UDK: 630*93:712.2(1-751.2)(497.6 Una) Protected areas have significant role in protection of biodiversity, social and cultural values followed by improvement of life standard of local population. As a country with economy in transition, Bosnia and Herzegovina is trying to follow globally increasing trends in nature protection. Yet, Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to the group of countries that have difficulties to meet European criteria for minimal percentage of protected areas. Although in the last two decades numerous initiatives for proclamation of protected areas have been launched, the percentage of protected areas is still far from the European average. Establishment of new protected areas is often followed with certain misunderstandings between interest groups, lack of participation, transparency and involvement of all interest groups. The concept of cross-sectoral cooperation imply interaction between different interest groups in specific area characterized by efforts, cooperation and responsibility in order to accomplish joint consensus about the improvement of management of natural resources. This paper is focusing on the concept of cross-sectoral cooperation through the analysis of its implementation in management of National park "Una", as the youngest proclaimed National park in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The attitudes of interest groups related to cross-sectoral cooperation will be discussed together with proposal of several activities for improvement of cross-sectoral cooperation in National park "Una". Results could be useful for key decision makers in nature protection sector and institutions responsible for management of protected areas to recognize importance of cross-sectoral cooperation and promote its implementation and everyday practice.
UDK: 630*93:630*68(497.6) Illegal logging and related trade represent one of the most important forest-related issues at international policy scene. In 2002, the European Union had initiated establishment of regional initiatives on preventing trade of illegally harvested wood, well known as FLEGT process. Other important segment of European Union efforts is adoption of legally-binding Regulation No. 995/2010 - EU Timber Regulation (EUTR) that prohibits import of illegally harvested wood and their products into EU. Bosnia-Herzegovina is country with economy in transition and with relatively slow progress toward EU integration process, while rising of awareness on need for prevention and combat with illegal activities and corruption represent one of the mayor challenges for its society. This paper analyse forestry professionals’ awareness of the EU Timber Regulation in the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina as precondition for planning further steps on improving human and institutional capacities in forest sector to prevent and combat with illegal activities. In order to conduct the analysis of forestry professionals’ awareness on EUTR, survey was conducted among currently employed forestry professionals in forest sector of the FB-H. Results revealed that employed forestry professionals in the FB-H have different level of awareness on EUTR. Therefore, creation and consistent implementation of informational forest policy instruments are needed in order to increase capacities of forestry professionals related to elements of EUTR implementation process. Efforts on prevention and combat with illegal activities in forest sector should involve implementation of mix of forest policy instruments directed toward harmonization of forest policy in the FB-H with EUTR requirements based on active participation of forestry professionals that are aware of EUTR implementation process and its potential influences on forest and wood-processing sectors of the FB-H.
SUMMARY For the last 20 years, economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been based on utilization of natural resources. Such trend resulted with increased pressure on natural resources. On the other hand, changing demands of the society toward natural resources call for a more active and resolute efforts in terms of nature protection, increasing consumption of renewable energy etc., thus demanding for implementation of new, participatory and adaptive approach to natural resource management. Concept that implies active participation of all stakeholders, establishes rules for responsibility-sharing and strives to create procedures for addressing various interests over forest resources is known as forest governance. Model Forest concept represents one of the modes of forest governance. It is an inclusive, participative and a transparent concept that promotes collaboration among stakeholders with diverse interests over specific landscape. Taking into consideration abovementioned changing demands over natural resources in Bosnia and Herzegovina, implementation of this concept could lead to a more sustainable and socially responsible management of natural resources. Therefore, purpose of this paper is to point out various aspects of implementation of this concept. Consequently, main achievement of this paper is to identify existing support and willingness for implementation of this concept by diverse stakeholders in Tesanj Municipality, as a pilot case study in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Implementation of Model Forest in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as innovative concept of natural resource management, could lead to membership in Mediterranean Model Forest Network as well as International Model Forest Network. Involvement in such international initiatives assures continuous improvement of natural resource management directed toward fulfilment of
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