
Publikacije (69)

Mirsad Dorić, S. Radović, M. Babić, Suada Kuskunović, I. Tomić, Ajna Hukić, I. Selak

Giant cell fibroblastoma (GCF) is a rare type of fibroblastic tumor, first described as a juvenile form of dermatofibrosarcoma. Although recurrences are common after local surgical resection, metastasis is not reported.We report a case of a 4-year-old boy with giant cell fibroblastoma, in which the neoplasm was characterized histologically by a proliferation of spindle-shaped cells intermixed with pseudovascular channels called "angiectold spaces". The spaces were lined by large cells with pleomorphic nuclei intermixed with multinucleated cells. Immunohistochemically, the tumor stained diffusely for vimentin and CD34, but negative for S 100 protein. Since the initial description in 1982, less than 100 cases of GCF have been reported. This patient's presentation is particularly interesting because present the first case reported in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ž. Šantić, Z. Puvacić, S. Radović, Sandra Puvacić

This study investigated mortality rate of lungs carcinoma in professional vineyard sprayers. Clinical investigation was performed in 187 professional vineyard sprayers who had been exposed to the inhalation of the particles of Bordeaux mixture for 24 years on average. Bordeaux Mixture is used for prevention against mildew attacking vineyards. The control group was composed of 187 inhabitants of the same area who did not have any contact with the mentioned substance. A cytological investigation of the sputum specimens obtained from 104 tested inhabitants was performed. The sputum specimens were stained with standard haematoxylin-eosin method and also with special method (rubeanic acid) to prove the incidence of copper granules in macrophages. The findings show a considerable statistical difference in the frequency of occurrence of lungs carcinoma between the group of vineyard sprayers smokers and the control group (X2=4.77,p<0.01). The risk of lungs carcinoma in the vineyard sprayers was three times higher compared to the risk of smokers in the control group, with a statistical probability of 95% in the scope from 1.16<RR<7.78. Mortality risk of lungs carcinoma in the professional vineyard sprayers is significantly higher (p<0.01) compared to the risk in the control group.

S. Radović, M. Babić, Mirsad Dorić, Edina Balta, Erol Kapetanović, Senad Šečić

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the expression of the HER-2 membrane protein and other clinical-pathological parameters such as: histological size of the tumor, degree of the tumor's differentiation, presence of vascular invasion and presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes, in cases of ductal infiltrative breast cancer. We have investigated 56 cases of ductal infiltrative breast cancer. In all patients a mastectomy with a dissection of axillary lymph nodes has been performed. All tissue samples, taken by biopsy, were embedded in the paraffin, stained by hematoxylin-eosin technique and screened, and evaluation was performed by using a semiquantitative method of the immunohistochemical expression of the HER-2 protein. A decrease of the protein HER-2 expression was noticed in cases of an increase of the tumor's diameter above 50 mm. Increased expression of the HER-2 protein was noticed in cases of moderate (grade II) and poor (grade III) differentiation of carcinoma, as well as in cases where there was no metastases in the regional lymph nodes. No relationship has been observed between the expression of HER-2 and occurrence of vascular invasion. In cases of ductal infiltrative breast cancer the expression of HER-2 protein is in correlation with the size and degree of tumor's differentiation, as well as with the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes.

Sajma Dautović-Krkić, S. Radović

UNLABELLED Prolonged forms of the hepatitis "A" have been examined during the three year multicentric prospected study. AIMS Of the study from patohistological aspect was: 1) Determinate stage and type of liver damage during the differentiate phase of prolonged HAV infection; 2) The resultats of the researches compared with duration of persistance activity of serum ALT, circulating immune complexes (CIC) and persistence length IgM anti-HAV. MATERIAL AND METHODS In 21 patients with prolonged Hepatitis "A" have been done Biopsy of Liver with Menhginy needle by intercostal approach. We put the material into formalin and it was processed by standard procedure. Biopsy of liver was preformed between 50-60 days, 60-180 days, 180-210 days of illness. Anti-HAV IgM was determined by ELISE method. CIC have determined photometrically in the poliethylenglycole sediment. RESULTS of the researches showed that in 21 patients with biopsy Hepatitis acuta was faund in 20%, 55 % residue posthepatitis, 10% patients had nonspecifical finding, 10 % reported hronical persistence hepatitis and 5% chronical active hepatitis. CONCLUSIONS Authors conclused that during the prolonged HAV infection, all stages of liver damage can be find from acute to chronic illness. There is positive correlation between persistance of maintaince of CiC and IgM anti-HAV in patients sera and staging of patohistological lesions in liver. There is no correlation between activity of CIC, activity ALT in sera and study of liver lesions.

Ž. Šantić, Sandra Puvacić, S. Radović, Z. Puvacić

Our intention was to analyze changes in the lungs in rabbits induced by the inhalation of the Bordeaux Mixture aerosol and determination of the time necessary for development of changes that cause respiratory failure and eventually precancerous changes. To experimental rabbits aerosol was administred for 4 months. Lungs were examined pathohistologically and histochemically with rubeanic acid for copper detection. After 4 months of everyday inhalation lung tissue showed diffuse inflammation in all experimental animals, but without granulome formation and fibrosis. The bronchial epithelia showed basal hyperplasia and ciliocytophtoria without precancerous atypical squamous metaplasia. The development of centrilobular emphysema was also observed. Numerous macrophages within the lumen of bronchi, in the interstitium as well as those within the lung alveoli, contain granules with a positive reaction on copper. A four-month-period is not enough for inducing interstitial fibrosis or granuloma foration within the lung tissue, what some authors have found in experimental animals during their longer exposure in relation to humans, as well as in vineyard sprayers during their longer exposure at work, where cytologically can be found unusual mataplastic bronchi cells. At least a six-month period of exposure influenced by Bordeaux Mixture is thought to be the minimal period needed for development of changes in the lung tissue which can cause "Respiratory Failure" as well as unplastic expansion.

S. Radović, I. Selak, M. Babić, Z. Vukobrat-Bijedic, Zeljka Knezević

The aim of this paper is to establish by immunohistochemistry the expression of keratin 7 in inflammatory-regenerative flat bowel mucosa and in different grades of epithelial dysplasia regarding the sub-units expressed in normal and carcinomatous colonic mucosa. Biopsy specimens from 270 patients were examined: 74 were classified as inflammatory-regenerative changes and 196 as dysplastic lesions. There were 108 cases of mild dysplasia, 58 cases of moderate and 30 cases of severe dysplasia, respectively). Demonstration of location and intensity of cytokeratin 7 staining was performed by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibody (anti-cytokeratin 7). Findings of cytokeratin 7 in dysplastic lesions were compared with those in normal mucosa, inflammatory -regenerative mucosa and adenocarcinoma. Cytokeratin 7 is not found in normal colonic mucosa. In inflammatory-regenerative mucosa it was found in solitary cells in small number of cases. It is found in all cases of epithelial dysplasia and its expression showed no difference regarding moderate and severe dysplasia. In few cases of adenocarcinoma, cytokeratin 7 is found in traces and showed minimal staining intensity. Having in mind that cytokeratine 7 is primarily found in dysplastic lesions of the flat colonic mucosa it can be a valuable diagnostic tool in the histological interpretation of epithelial dysplasia.

H. Tahmiščija, S. Radović, B. Topić, N. Tahmiščija, T. Laux, F. Arifhodžić

S. Radović, I. Selak, M. Babić, Zeljka Knezević, Z. Vukobrat-Bijedic

UNLABELLED The aim of this research is to establish by immunohistochemistry if there is a change in the expression of collagen type IV, as a substitute of basement membrane, in development of epithelial dysplasia in chronically inflamed colon mucosa. METHODS Biopsy specimens from 270 patients were examined: 74 were classified as inflammatory-regenerative and 196 as dysplastic lesions. There were 108 cases of mild dysplasia, 58 cases of moderate and 30 cases severe dysplasia, respectively. Visualisation of collagen IV and its way of expression within basement membrane of glandular crypts was performed by immunohistochemistry and then compared with findings in normal colon mucosa and colon adenocarcinoma tissue. RESULTS Changes in the expression of collagen IV comprised of its focal irregularities, diffuse thinning and/or thickening, focal interruptions or its complete absence. Significant changes in the expression of collagen IV in relation to normal mucosa already occur in inflammatory-regenerative mucosa. In mild dysplasia, these changes are more intensive in relation to those in inflammatory altered mucosa as well as at severe dysplasia in relation to moderate dysplasia. Changes in the expression of collagen IV in severe dysplasia are significantly more serious than in moderate dysplasia but are identical to those in colon adenocarcinoma tissue. CONCLUSION These findings suggest that change in the expression of collagen IV is in correlation to a degree of epithelial dysplasia that developed in flat chronically inflamed colon mucosa.

The polyp is a focal mass that projects from the wall into the lumen. The term polyp is appropriate for gross, radiologic, and endoscopic usage and should be further modified to indicate topographic site, size, number and shape. Strictly spoken, a polyp consists of a head and a stalk, but also the lesions without a clear stalk, but still protruding into the lumen, are called (sessile) polyps. In this view, "polyp" means any lesion, which is circumscribed and raised above normal surrounding mucous membrane so that it is visible to the naked eye. Clinicians sometimes even use "polyp" to refer to any tumor detected in the large intestine. The term polyp does not hold any information about the pathological nature of the lesions. Some polyps (benign, non-neoplastic polyps) do not have an increased potential for becoming malignant, while other polyps (adenomas, neoplastic polyps) are precancerous, which may progress to malignant lesions (carcinomas). Thus polyps must be biopsied or resected to determine their histological type and establish a complete diagnosis.

S. Radović, I. Selak, M. Babić, I. Bratović

The aim of the paper is the definition of perycriptal fibroblasts (PCFs) distribution in inflammatory-regenerative and dysplastic epithelial lesions of flat bowel mucosa. The relationship between the presentation of PCFs and the grade of inflammatory-regenerative and dysplastic process in the flat colon mucosa is also examined. Biopsy specimens from 270 patients were examined: 74 were classified as inflammatory-regenerative and 196 as dysplastic lesions (108 mild, 58 moderate, and 30 severe dysplasia). The demonstration of PCFs in biopsy specimens was performed by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibody for alpha smooth muscle actin, muscle-specific actin (HHF-35), vimentin and desmin, in comparison with normal mucosa and adenocarcinoma. The PCFs were reduced in inflammatory-regenerative and dysplastic mucosa. The reduction was significantly related with the grade of epithelial dysplasia. The carcinomas tended to lack PCF network. During inflammatory-regenerative and dysplastic process in flat bowel mucosa, PCFs express alpha smooth muscle actin, muscle specific actin, vimentin and desmin, showing the phenotypical growing expression of potentially present smooth muscle differentation features of fibroblasts. These findings suggest that the reduction of PCFs in dysplastic epithelial lesions may relate to the development of dysplasia in flat bowel mucosa. Reduced number of PCFs in dysplastic mucosa may be a marker for the risk of preneoplastic and neoplastic progression in bowel mucosa.

Z. Vukobrat-Bijedic, N. Lacević, I. Bratović, M. Gribajčević, B. Gogov, S. Radović

BACKGROUND Relationships between Helicobacter pylori infection, inflammatory changes in antral region of gastric mucosa, and duodenal ulcer is well known and documented in a large number of studies. This trial is designed to examine effect of one week regimen of Pantoprazole, Amoxycillinum and Metronidazol to eradication of H. pylori, duodenal ulcer healing and histological changes on gastric mucosa. PATIENTS AND METHODS 30 patients with active duodenal ulcer, H. pylori-positive, 16 male, with average age 47.12 +/- 13.13 yrs (AVG +/- STD) and 14 female patients with average age 44.47 +/- 12.29 yrs were included in trial. Biopsy of gastric antral region were performed in each patient. Patients were given Pantoprazole 40 mg bid, Amoxycillinum 1000 mg bid, Metronidazolum 500 mg bid for 7 days. After 7 days of treatment, control endoscopy was performed with repeated rapid ureasa test for H. pylori and antral biopsy and with verification of duodenal ulcer healing. Patients were followed up for 24.3 +/- 9.7 weeks for occasion of subjective symptoms. RESULTS 96.67% patients were presented with eradicated H. pylori, complete ulcer healing was found in 83.34% patients after one week regimen (13.33% patients with ulcer reduced on one third of previous described), 73.33% of patients were presented with histologically feature of chronic gastritis turned from active to stationary phase. CONCLUSION One week regiment with Pantoprazole, Amoxycilline and Metronidazole is effective, and beside a high rate ulcer healing and eradication of H. pylori it provides an improvement of histological feature of antral gastritis.

S. Radović, I. Selak, M. Babić, F. Pašić

AIM Immunohistochemical study of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) distribution in inflammatory-regenerative and dysplastic changes of bowel mucosa. The relationship between the presentation of CEA and the intensity of inflammatory-regenerative and dysplastic processes in the flat colon mucosa was also examined. METHODS Biopsy specimens from 105 patients were examined: 45 classified as inflammatory-regenerative and 60 as dysplastic (21 mild, 23 moderate, and 16 severe dysplasia). The expression of CEA was assessed on the basis of location, quantity, and intensity of CEA immunostaining, by counting antigen-positive cells, and the presence of antigen in the lumen of crypts and glycocalyx on the surface of the mucosa. Using a semiquantitative method, antigen staining intensity was defined as weak, moderate, and intense. RESULTS The quantity of CEA in columnar, goblet mucous, and undifferentiated cells, as well as in the glycocalyx on the surface of the mucosa and in the crypts' content increased proportionally with the intensity of epithelial dysplasia. In inflammatory-regenerative lesions, CEA was located in the apical and supranuclear part of the cytoplasm, and in the dysplastic mucosa, in lateral and basal parts of the cells. CONCLUSION The quantity of immunohistochemically demonstrable CEA and its intracellular distribution changed in the colon mucosa during the transition from regenerative to dysplastic epithelial lesions. The intensity of CEA expression was closely related to the intensity of dysplastic lesion.

S. Radović, I. Selak, I. Bratović

This is an immunohistochemical study of the local cellular immune response characteristic in inflammatory-regenerative and dysplastic flat colonic mucosa. The aim of this study is to determine a possible existence of the mononuclear cellular infiltration specificity which could be important for the prognosis in further development of dysplastic lesion. Biopsy specimens from 170 patients (specimens stained by hematoxylin eosin) were examined. 74 specimens showed inflammatory-regenerative changes and 96 had dysplastic changes (38 with mild dys-plasia, 28 with moderate dysplasia and 30 with severe dysplasia). Three monoclonal antibodies were used for the identification of mononuclear cells in the inflammatory cellular infiltration in the lamina propria of colonic mucosa. The inflammatory cells type and their location in respect of the epithelial cells and lesion itself were analysed and their number was determined by the semi-quantitative method. T lymphocytes were the dominant cells of local immune response in dysplastic lesions while macrophages were less present and B lymphocytes, as rare cells, were present in sporadic cases. It is notified that increase in the extent of dysplasia was followed by increase in the number of macrophages and T lymphocytes in particular. Immediate contact between macrophages and T lymphocytes in epithelial dysplasia was found in a small number of cases and was mostly independent from the intensity of dysplasia. Signs of the direct lytical effect of the mononuclear ceils on dysplastic epithelial cells were not observed in this contact. It seems that epithelial dysplasia does not provoke more significant local immune response which is the most probably a part of the chronic non-specific inflammation that has a negative influence on further development of the lesion. The conclusion is that local immune response in the dysplastic alteration of flat colonic mucosa has no importance in further prognosis of the lesion.

F. Pašić, V. Kesic, A. Jokić, S. Radović

Recently, thanks to the collected knowledge and increased diagnostic abilities we more often meet the diseases that have been considered very seldom. Beside that, we form the new assumptions that must be proved. Today, more often we meet gastric mucosa in duodenum. That according to some researchers, introduces a real possibility for appearance of the polyps, ulcers or cancer on gastric substratum. In the subject patient the two polyps of the gastric origin were found in a duodenum. That could support the assumption that ectopic gastric mucosa presents one of the real possibilities for appearance of polyps, ulcers and cancer.

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