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Fuad Pašić

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F. Pašić, Haris Elezovic, Maid Omerović, A. Pašić

Background: This research paper is an expression of a desire to view COVID 19 from the perspective of a spontaneous hemorrhage induced on different organ systems. Introduction of a stratified approach to the problem of hemorrhage has become an imperative in medical treatment. Aim: To determine the real figure of spontaneous hemorrhage cases in severe forms of infections caused by Covid 19.Material and methods: The research included 745 patients that suffered from severe forms of infections caused by Covid 19 who were treated in a Respiratory clinic in Tuzla University Clinical Center during 2020 and 2021. The spontaneous hemorrhage was determined on the grounds of laboratory parameters of blood counts and CRP, hemodynamic monitoring of TA and pulse, and CT imagining diagnostic technique.Results: The study presents information about the medical treatment outcome in the case of 5 patients (0,67%) who experienced spontaneous hemorrhage as a part of Covid 19 infection in relation to the total number of 745 patients who were treated during that period in the Respiratory clinic as Covid patients with severe forms of infection. Out of 5 patients who acquired spontaneous hemorrhage 3 were operated. For 4 patients the outcome was lethal. One of the female patients who was in the group of those who were not operated and who had undergone a conservative treatment has survived. In our group of analyzed patients two patients suffered from the hematoma of the front abdominal wall, two had retroperitoneal hematoma and one patient acquired hemorrhage in the abdomen and thoracic with the developing DIC.Conclusion: Relatively low percentage of cases developing spontaneous hemorrhage 5 (0, 67%) but relatively high mortality rate in the cases where it did occur, 4 out of 5 monitored patients, requires certain suggestions that are being presented in this study as to how to approach the cases of spontaneous hemorrhage in the severe forms of Covid 19 infections in more consistent manner in order to improve the outcome of the medical treatment of these cases.

F. Pašić, S. Delibegović

SUMMARY Antibiotic therapy is indicated during acute cholecystitis. However, in the treatment of uncomplicated cholelithiasis, prophylactic use of antibiotics is controversial. Microbiological and laboratory data are the basis for the choice of antibiotic treatment. However, monitoring and updating local antibiograms is important because they ensure effective therapy in the given clinical environment. The study included 110 consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy, divided into the group of uncomplicated cholelithiasis (n=60) and the group of acute cholecystitis (n=50). Preoperative data included age, sex, body mass index, leukocytes, C-reactive protein, and ultrasound examination. Bile samples for bacteriological testing were obtained under aseptic conditions during the surgery. Cultures were evaluated for aerobic, anaerobic and fungal organisms using routine tests. After the surgery, gallbladder specimens were sent for histopathological examination. In the group of uncomplicated cholelithiasis, 6/60 positive samples were found, and in the group of acute cholecystitis, there were 25/50 positive microbiological findings. Citrobacter sp. and Enterococcus faecalis predominated in the group of uncomplicated cholelithiasis, and Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Proteus mirabilis and Citrobacter sp. in the group of acute cholecystitis. Antibiotics were administered to 49/50 patients with acute cholecystitis and to 32/60 patients with uncomplicated cholelithiasis. Cefazolin was the most frequently used antibiotic and also the most resistant antibiotic. To conclude, the administration of antibiotics in elective patients is not justified. The results of this study indicate that third-generation cephalosporin or ciprofloxacin + metronidazole should be administered in mild and moderate acute cholecystitis, and fourth-generation cephalosporin + metronidazole in severe acute cholecystitis in this local setting. The appropriate use of antibiotic agents is crucial and should be integrated into good clinical practice and standards of care.

Indira Mehmedagić, Maida Mulić, F. Pašić, B. Hasukić

Cilj je utvrditi utjecaj prehrane i pusenja, kao i znacaj C vitamina u pojavi adenokarcinoma želuca Tuzlanskog kantona (TK). Metoda istraživanja j

A. Beganlić, A. Softic, J. Alić, Menedin Causi, Senada Selmanović, F. Pašić, M. Bećarević

Introduction: Cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is important, but often neglected complication of diabetes, that substantially contributes to diabetes-related morbidity and mortality. The majority of diabetic patients have subclinical CAN. Therefore, screening for CAN in patients with diabetes is essential. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of subclinical CAN in real-life clinical setting at primary health care institution. We also aimed to determine, which routine clinical and laboratory parameters could serve as predictors of CAN. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, prospective, observational study that included 50 consecutive patients with type 2 diabetes treated in the primary health care institution. Gender, age, duration of diabetes, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, electrocardiogram, blood pressure, the presence of paresthesia, deep and superficial neuropathy, foot skin lesions and the presence of pulselessness of artery dorsalis pedis and tibialis posterior were recorded. The diagnosis of CAN was made if the patients met two out of three criteria: postural hypotension, increased resting heart rate and corrected QT interval prolongation. Results: Patients had a median age of 59.0 (51.0 – 64.0) years and median duration of diabetes of 9.0 (6.0 – 11.0) years. CAN was present in 19 patients (38%). Patients with CAN had greater duration of diabetes and 2% higher HbA1c. They also had higher prevalence of peripheral neuropathy, foot skin lesions and peripheral artery disease. The presence of peripheral deep neuropathy was the best predictor of CAN with a specificity of 64.5% (45.4 80.8) and sensitivity of 79.0% (54.4 93.9). Conclusion: CAN is a common complication in our cohort of patients with diabetes. Simple routine clinical and laboratory parameters may be useful in detecting patients at high risk for CAN. 1 Public Educationional Healthcare Center Tuzla –Family Medicine Teaching Center 2 Public Healthcare Center GracanicaDepartment of Family Medicine; 3 General Hospital Gracanica; 4 University Clinical Center Tuzla and European University Kallos Tuzla. Azijada Beganlic1, Albina Softic2, Jasmin Alic2, Menedin Causi3, Senada Selmanovic1, Fuad Pasic4, Munevera Becarevic4 Corresponding author: Azijada Beganlic, M.D., PhD, Professor of medicine, Public Educationional Healthcare Center Tuzla, Family Medicine Teaching Center; Albina i Franje Herljevica 1, Tuzla 75000; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Phone number: 00387 63 992 465; E-mail: azijada_beganlic@yahoo.com DOI: 10.21040/eom/2016.2.3.1 Received: September 1st 2016 Accepted: September 9th 2016 Published: September 15th 2016 Copyright: © Copyright by Association for Endocrine Oncology and Metabolism. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Funding: None. Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are within the paper.

R. Thandassery, S. A. Al Kaabi, M. Soofi, S. Mohiuddin, A. John, Muneera Al Mohannadi, K. Al Ejji, R. Yakoob, M. Derbala et al.

Background and Aim: Many indirect noninvasive scores to predict liver fibrosis are calculated from routine blood investigations. Only limited studies have compared their efficacy head to head. We aimed to compare these scores with liver biopsy fibrosis stages in patients with chronic hepatitis C. Materials and Methods: From blood investigations of 1602 patients with chronic hepatitis C who underwent a liver biopsy before initiation of antiviral treatment, 19 simple noninvasive scores were calculated. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curves and diagnostic accuracy of each of these scores were calculated (with reference to the Scheuer staging) and compared. Results: The mean age of the patients was 41.8±9.6 years (1365 men). The most common genotype was genotype 4 (65.6%). Significant fibrosis, advanced fibrosis, and cirrhosis were seen in 65.1%, 25.6, and 6.6% of patients, respectively. All the scores except the aspartate transaminase (AST) alanine transaminase ratio, Pohl score, mean platelet volume, fibro-alpha, and red cell distribution width to platelet count ratio index showed high predictive accuracy for the stages of fibrosis. King’s score (cutoff, 17.5) showed the highest predictive accuracy for significant and advanced fibrosis. King’s score, Göteborg university cirrhosis index, APRI (the AST/platelet count ratio index), and Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) had the highest predictive accuracy for cirrhosis, with the APRI (cutoff, 2) and FIB-4 (cutoff, 3.25) showing the highest diagnostic accuracy. We derived the study score 8.5 − 0.2(albumin, g/dL) +0.01(AST, IU/L) −0.02(platelet count, 109/L), which at a cutoff of >4.7 had a predictive accuracy of 0.868 (95% confidence interval, 0.833-0.904) for cirrhosis. Conclusions: King’s score for significant and advanced fibrosis and the APRI or FIB-4 score for cirrhosis could be the best simple indirect noninvasive scores.

A. Pašić, F. Skokić, F. Pašić, M. Ilic

Aim: Asthma and obesity represent one of the most crucial public and health problems of modern society that frequently begin in childhood and have some mutual elements of risk. Abdominal distribution of connective tissue is important determinant which brings to decrease of lungs function. Multiple influence of overweight on function of the lungs would clearly manifest over reduction of forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC). Method: Examining was conducted at Pediatric Clinic of University Clinical Hospital Tuzla during the year 2013/2014. Research included 60 children with diagnosed asthma who were in relation to BMI were divided in 3 groups. The first group was children with BMI ranging from 5 to 85 percentile, the second were children with 85 to 95 percentile and the third was 95 percentile. By prospective study, compared identical pulmonary variable for all three age group of asthma patients were analyzed, the children with normal body mass a well as the overweight and the obese. Results: At the beginning of testing, the frequency of normal spirometric findings was significantly lower in the obese group in comparison with other two observed groups (p<0,05). The only cases of mixed and restrictive disorder of ventilation were registered in the obese group of tested at the beginning of the examined (p<r0,001). Conclusion: When being compared the values of spirometric parameters before and after the research, the only significant difference was in the obese group, the values after tests were significantly higher, with the exception of relation FEV1/FVC, that had the same distribution of values before and after research. However, the group with normal body mass and overweight, had all the spirometric parameters with equal distribution before and after research (p>0,05 for all measurements).

Emir Ahmetašević, F. Pašić, M. Bešlin, M. Ilic, Dzenita Ahmetasevic, Mirza Mešić

Introduction: Project of Bariatric surgery in University clinic center (UCC) Tuzla has been initiated in 2009 as an idea of professor Dešo Mešić and soon after that Bariatric surgical team led by doctor Fuad Pasic has been created. Material and methods: Practical team education was realized in Croatia in hospital „Sisters of Mercy” under supervision of professor Miroslav-Bekavac Beslin. First bariatric operations in UCC Tuzla has been done in 2011 and it was biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) Scopinaro. Results and discussion: So far there has been done 30 operations and among them there have been used almost all operative modalities - restrictive, malabsorptive and combined (laparoscopic gastric banding-LAPGB, Roux-y mini gastric bypass, open and laparoscopic gastric sleeve resection, and over mentioned Scopinaro’s BPD). Beginning results are very promising according to the fact that almost all operated patients after one year stopped using antihypertensive, antidiabetic and antidepressant therapy, that average year’s weight loss is 35-100 kilograms and total satisfactions of patients after surgeries is obvious.

M. Ilic, F. Pašić, L. Kirigin, G. Mirošević, M. Bešlin

Corresponding author: Miroslav Ilić, Clinic for Thoracic Surgery, Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina, Put doktora Goldmana br. 4, 21204 Sremska Kamenica, Serbia. Telephone: +381/21/480-5100 email: drmiroslavilic@ gmail.com Funding: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. This research did not receive any financial support. Conflict of interest: None. Abstract The obesity epidemic has burdened healthcare systems worldwide. Bariatric surgery is currently the most effective method for long-term weight loss in obese adults, but the exact mechanism of weight loss is poorly understood. Bariatric procedures were initially classified by their presumed mechanism of action into restrictive, malabsoptive, or mixed procedures; however, due to recent advancements in the field of neuroendocrinology, hormones are increasing being recognized as important regulators of satiation, hunger, and energy expenditure. Studies examining changes in gut hormones following bariatric surgery have yielded conflicting results and the relationship between these hormones and weight loss is nothing but clear. This review will summarize the effect of Roux en Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy and adjustable gastric banding on various gut hormones including ghrelin, cholecystokinin, glucagon-like polypeptide-1, peptide YY3, and pancreatic polypeptide. Furthermore, the relationship between these hormones and weight loss will be examined. Miroslav Ilić1, Fuad Pašić2, Lora Kirigin3, Gorana Mirošević3, Miroslav Bekavac Bešlin4

M. Piric, F. Pašić, Z. Rifatbegović, Ferid Konjić

Aim: Resection surgery on the colon and rectum are changing both anatomical and physiological relations within the abdominal cavity. Delayed functions of the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, failure of peristalsis, prolonged spasms and pain, limited postoperative recovery of these patients increase the overall cost of treatment. Early consumption of coffee instead of tea should lead to faster restoration of normal function of the colon without unwanted negative repercussions. Method: This study is designed as a prospective-retrospective clinical study and was carried out at the Surgery Center Tuzla, during the year 2013/ 2014. Sixty patients were randomized in relation to the type of resection surgery, etiology of disease-malignant benign, and in relation to whether they were coffee users or not. Patients were divided into two groups. The first group of thirty patients was given 100 ml of instant coffee divided into three portions right after removing the nasogastric tube, first postoperative day, while the second group of thirty patients got 100 ml of tea. Monitored parameter was: time of first stool and the second group of monitored parameters was: whether there was returning of nasogastric tube or not, increased use of laxatives, whether there was anastomotic leak, radiologic and clinical dehiscence, audit procedures, or lethal outcomes in the treatment of patients. Results: A total of 61 patients were randomized into two groups of 30 int he group of tea and coffee 29 in the group, two patients were excluded from the study because they did not consume coffee before surgery. Time of getting stool in the postoperative period after elective resection surgery on the colon and rectum is significantly shorter after drinking coffee for about 15h (p <0.01). Also, the length of hospital stay was significantly shorter after drinking coffee (p <0.01). Time of hospitalization in subjects/respondents coffee consumers on average lasted 8.6 days with consumers of tea for 16 days. The incidence of postoperative complications was significantly lower after consumption of coffee (p <0.05). Conclusion: Postoperative consumption of coffee is a safe and effective way to accelerate the establishment of the bowel function after colorectal resection surgery.


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