
Publikacije (22)

A. Hamzić, S. Lelo, E. Hasković, B. Skaramuca

U slivnim podrucjima rijeke Trebisnjice i Neretve, registrovano je do sada na temelju literaturnih podataka i recentnih istraživanja ukupno 19 alohtonih vrsta riba, od toga u Trebisnjici 17 vrsta, a u rijeci Neretvi 16 vrsta. Tijekom istraživanja u 2007. godini utvrđeno je i prisustvo balavca Gymnocephalus cernuus u rijeci Trebisnjici. Neke alohtone vrste unesene su nestrucnim radom prilikom poribljavanja vodotoka od strane ribolovnih drustava, a neke u svrhu kaveznog uzgoja u komercijalne svrhe. Porijeklo registriranih vrsta vrlo je udaljeno iz rijeka Crnomorskog sliva do Kine i Sjeverne Amerike. Vremenski period, prema literaturnim podacima, od prvog unosa alohtonih vrsta u rijeke Bosne i Hercegovine, dosta je dugacak, a datira iz doba Austro - Ugarske vladavine na ovim prostorima.

E. Hasković, A. Hamzić, S. Lelo, Damir Suljevic, B. Glamuzina, M. Mitrašinović, B. Skaramuca

U radu je dat pregled dosadasnjih istraživanja gaovica (rodovi Phoxinellus, Telestes i Delminichthys) razlicitih autora kao i rezultati vlastitih istraživanja obavljenih u ljetnom periodu 2007. godine. Istraživanje je obavljeno na osam (8) lokaliteta slivnog podrucja rijeke Trebisnjice. Prilikom uzorkovanja koristili smo se elektroagregatom i mrežama i tom prilikom je prikupljeno oko 300 jedinki razlicitih vrsta gaovica. Fenotipska analiza, fotodokumentacija i literaturni podaci ukazuju na potrebna sveobuhvatna istraživanja (ekoloska, morfometrijska, molekularno-geneticka i biohemijsko-fizioloska) kako bi se rijesilo pitanje prisustva određenih vrsta endemicnih gaovica u ovom slivnom podrucju koje neki literaturni izvori navode, a drugi opovrgavaju.

M. Płóciennik, S. Lelo, R. Jaskuła

A species and genus of Lepidoptera, Trisateles emortualis (Noctuidae), is here recorded from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Zenica-Doboj Canton)for the first time. In addition 24 other species of Lepidoptera were collected at the studied site, including two rarely recorded from this country: Anther- aea yamamai (Saturnidae), an alien species introduced to Europe from Japan; and Chiasmia clathrata (Geometridae), whose occurrence is confirmed after 100 years.

T. Vukov, Georg D uki, S. Lelo, L. Borkin, S. Litvinchuk, Miloš L. Kalezi, Bulevar Despota

c(2006) Morphometrics of the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) in the Central Balkans: implications for taxonomy and zoogeography. Zoological Studies 45(2): 213-222. A comprehensive survey of the Central Balkan yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) populations was undertaken to describe morphometric differentiation between 4 geographic groups previously demarcated by molecular studies. Our analyses confirmed pronounced geographic structuring at the population level, as well as a clear transition over a relatively short distance separating the localized B. v. scabra, endemic to the Balkans, and the widely distributed B. v. variegata. We present the inferred range boundaries of these geographic groups in the Central Balkans, and discuss their historical zoogeography and taxonomy. Our study provides evidence that the Northern Balkans, a secondary transition zone of postglacial origin, constitutes an important European suture area for amphibians. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/45.2/213.pdf

Lelo, S.: Variation in exogenous and endogenous (genitalia) characteristics of butterflies of the species Leptidea sinapis Linnaeus, 1758 (Pieridae, Dismorphiinae) within populations from the area around Sarajevo. Nat. Croat., Vol. 11, No. 3., 293–319, 2002, Zagreb. This work describes a precise intrapopulation analysis, from a large sample, of a number of exogenous and macroendogenous characteristics of members of the species Leptidea sinapis Linnaeus, 1758. The analysis clearly shows the existence of considerably greater variation in a large number of characteristics than is recorded in the existing literature.

Lelo, S.: Revised inventory of the butterflies of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea, Papilionidea). Nat. Croat., Vol. 9, No. 2., 139–156, 2000, Zagreb. This work presents a third revision of the inventory of butterflies of Bosnia and Herzegovina according to the Karsholt – Razowski system. The revision was carried out from analysis of the scientific literature and published field observations from B-H. The presence of L. reali (Reissinger, 1989) has been verified personally by the author in the course of his own field research and subsequent laboratory investigations.

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