
Publikacije (37)

J. Karamehić, D. Subasic, F. Gavrankapetanović, Lamija Zečević, Izet Eminovic, Senaid Memic, Nataša Šerić, Zahida Drače

Human anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) react specificaly with DNA, RNA, several proteins and ribonucleoproteins. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is the classic type of polysystemic autoimmune disease. The high frequency of ANA is determined in these patients. Actually, all SLE patients are ANA positive. ANA testing by IFA (Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay) is an excellent screening tool for SLE cases, but it is not so highly specific test. Patients with connective tissue diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and dermatomyositis are also frequently positive. Results of IFA ANA have relative low specific degree, and for this reason the titration of these specimens to the end point is usually recommended. Indirect immunoflourescence is reference method for ANA testing. Common substrates are thin sections of rodent organs or various types of cell lines. The cell line substrates are preferable to organ sections, because these rapidly dividing cells have higher level for detection of certain clinically relevant antigens such as (e.g., centromere, SSA (Ro) and Scl-70). In this paper we present the results evaluation of ANA incidence, detected by IFA in serum specimens of corresponding clinical patients, during 2005 and 2006.

J. Karamehić, M. Lorber, R. Formica, F. Gavrankapetanović, B. Heljić, D. Subasić, Lamija Zečević

In practical terms, regardless of HLA compatibility level, whenever tissues are transplanted from one person to another it is essential to suppress the immune response of the recipient. A variety of methods are available however, the most frequently used ones have the disadvantage of being immunologicaly non specific. The consequence is a difficult balance between immunosuppression sufficient to prevent the tissue rejection and maintenance of immune system at the level of ability to adequately deal with an infection. The goal, not yet achieved, is to find a way of generating donor specific immunosuppression that leaves the immune machinery otherwise completely intact. The major approaches to immunosuppression are described below.

J. Karamehić, M. Lorber, F. Gavrankapetanović, B. Heljić, R. Formica, D. Subasić

When histocompatibility differences exist between donor and recipient, it is necessary to modify or suppress the immune response in order to enable the recipient to accept a graft. Immunesuppressive therapy, in general, suppresses all immune responses, including those to bacteria, fungi and even malignant tumors. In the 1950s when clinical renal transplantation began, sublethal total body irradiation was employed. Currently immunosuppression is more safely induced pharmacologically. Agents used in humans to suppress the immune response are discussed in our paper.

Izet Eminovic, R. Komel, J. Preželj, J. Karamehić, F. Gavrankapetanović, B. Heljić

AIM To examine the gene encoding for 5alpha-reductase type 1 in hyperandrogenic women, and assess the association of its eventual mutations or polymorphisms with the development of the hyperandrogenic female pattern. METHODS Sixteen hyperandrogenic women were included in the study. Single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis (SSCP) and DNA sequencing were performed after polymerase chain reaction amplification of each of the 5 exons of the SRD5A1 gene in both hyperandrogenic and control group (16 participants). RESULTS Sequence analysis identified the existence of many polymorphisms; in codon 24 of exon 1, GGC (Gly) into GAC (Asp); in codon 30 of exon 1, CGG (Arg) into CGC (Arg); in exon 3 codon 169, ACA to ACG (both encoding for threonine); in exon 5, AGA to AGG (both encoding for arginine, codon 260); and T/C polymorphism in intron 2. Polymorphisms were found in both groups. CONCLUSION Polymorphisms of SRD5A1 gene were the same in both hyperandrogenic and healthy women, indicating no significant associations of genetic polymorphisms/variations of SRD5A1 gene with clinical manifestations of hyperandrogenic disorders in women.

Transplantation of the pancreas is progressively becoming one of the preferred options of treating the insulin addicted diabetes mellitus. Pancreas can be transplanted alone, or together with a kidney, the latter option becoming more successful in recent years. In this case, the successfully transplanted pancreas with the regulation of sugar, protects the kidney from further damage. Among the more important complications in the recipient of the graft, we can certainly include vascular complications. One of the most important non-invasive methods of early discovery of vascular complications on the pancreas is in the first place ultrasound. Early diagnosis with ultrasound enables timely appropriate treatment and therefore the survival of the transplant. Especially unavoidable and useful in everyday practice is the role of the modern forms of ultrasound such as the Gray-scale sonography, duplex Doppler imaging and sonographic guidance for percutaneous biopsy. Color and Doppler ultrasound have proved themselves in everyday use as a precious source of information for diagnosis of eventual vascular complications and the status of regional vasculature. Early diagnosis resulting from the ultrasound and the concurrent use of other laboratory and clinical findings enables us to timely recognize and preempt the consequences of vascular complications thereby increasing the chances of pancreatic survival.

Izet Eminovic, J. Karamehić, F. Gavrankapetanović, B. Heljić

AIM We examined combined use in house method and DNA IQ system (Promega) procedure for the extraction DNA from biological trace in order to help the solving some crime cases. METHOD Simple and efficient method for extraction of the DNA from biological trace samples included the well washed trousers and the knife without any visual biological trails (from some one hard criminal case). In this method there were used: centrifuge, microwave oven, shaker, chelex, proteinase K, DNA IQ System (Promega). RESULTS The extraction of DNA could be done within 2.5 hours or over the night. The DNA prepared on this way was good quality and could be used for STR analysis. CONCLUSIONS This combined, simple, and safe method could be used for extraction DNA from samples containing a minute amount of the biological trace.

N. Obralić, F. Gavrankapetanović, Z. Dizdarević, O. Durić, F. Sisić, I. Selak, S. Balta, B. Nakaš

Background. Due to specific war and post-war situation in Balkan region, differences in the number, type, development, biological course, treatment of malignant tumours and its outcome are possible. In order to perceive the situation realistically, it is necessary to gather continuously exact data about malignant tumours and compare them with the data from other European and world countries.The aim of the study was to collect and analyse the data on cancer incidence in the region of Sarajevo city, which represents a symbol of difficult times in the recent past, and to compare it to the incidence in the neighbouring countries. Patients and methods. Data on all newly diagnosed cancer cases, permanent residents of Sarajevo Canton, in the years 1999 and 2000 were collected. Crude incidence rate has been calculated according to the years observed, gender and localizations of the disease The data were compared to the cancer registries of Slovenia and Croatia and were observed in the light of specific local situation. Results. The crude cancer incidence of all sites but skin was the highest in both years and by both genders in Croatia. The incidence of the most common tumours (lung and breast cancer) was similar in all three countries. The differences in the incidence between both genders in the Sarajevo canton were registered in laryngeal and urinary bladder cancer, as well as in bone and cartilage sarcoma. Cervical cancer had extremely high incidence and was high up on the incidence list in the Sarajevo canton, which correlates with the data in developing countries. The incidence of other tumours in the post-war period is reaching expected numbers. Conclusions. It is difficult to identify whether the war and post-war stress, irregular and insufficient nutrition during and after the siege of the city of Sarajevo or some other factor influenced the cancer incidence among exposed population. The prevalence of smoking in the whole region is extremely high, in Bosnia and Herzegovina almost complete, which can influence not only the incidence of lung cancer but also laryngeal and urinary bladder cancer.

J. Karamehić, M. Hukić, F. Gavrankapetanović, B. Heljić, E. Hodzic, Z. Delibegović, Vanja Karlović

UNLABELLED The paper analyzed the values and titer of IgM and IgG antibodies on CMV in donors and recipients of kidney transplntats. The objective was to investigate the presence of CMV in donors and recipients. SUBJECT AND METHODS Test enzignost anti CMV/IgM was used. Detection of antibodies in 15 donors before transplantation and in 22 patients-recipients before and after the transplantation was done. RESULTS From total of 15 donors, the values of IgM ranged from 0,002 I.U. do 0,080 I.U. One case was positive. Four patients were seropositive and treated by Gancyclovirom 10 mg/kg/b.w (body weight) in period of 3 month. IgM values ranged from 0.88399 to 25978. The control finding 3 patients was negative, in 1 patient positive (IgM 0.569). In 18 patients the finding was negative. Refererent value for IgM is < 0.10 the result is negative. For IgG four times greater value comparing to the basic value was found. CONCLUSION The most significant factor for reactivation of CMV infection is iatrogenic Immunosuppressive therapy. Exclusion of CMV infection in donors and negative finding in recipient decrease.

N. Obralić, F. Gavrankapetanović, Z. Dizdarević, O. Durić, F. Sisić, I. Selak, S. Balta, B. Nakaš

UNLABELLED Due to the specific war and post-war situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina it is possible to notice some differences in the number, type, advancement, biological course, treatment and its outcome. The actual situation which appeared in connection to depleted uranium has additionally raised questions about its influence on human health and about eventual increase in the number of malignant diseases in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In public, we often see that there are claims about enormous increase in the incidence of cancer. In order to achieve a realistic picture of actual condition and to avoid panic and ignorant attitude, correct and constant data of malignant tumors are necessary. THE AIM OF THE STUDY To collect and analyze data on population with malignant tumors in the region of Sarajevo city, which represents a symbol of difficult times in our country in the recent past. MATERIAL AND METHODS We have collected and analysed data on, population with malignant tumors which included persons with permanent residence in Sarajevo Canton during 5-year period, from 01.01.1998, until 31.12.2002. Results were compared to regional and world indicators, and were observed in the light of specific local situation. RESULTS During period of 5 years (1998-2002) 7733 new cases of malignant tumors were registered in Sarajevo Canton; 3940 among men and 3809 among women. Mostly registered tumors were: lung cancer, amelanotic skin tumors, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, cervical and uterine cancer, urinary bladder cancer, prostate cancer and cancer of larynx. CONCLUSIONS Number of all malignant tumors in the region of Sarajevo Canton correlates to those in South European countries and the one estimated by GLOBCAN 2000. High number was registered in 1998, possibly due to normalization of the health services (diagnostics and treatment of malignant tumors), which didn't exist during the war and early post-war period. After 2000, there is a gradual increase in the number of people with malignant tumors. The most common tumors are lung and breast cancer. Significant differences to estimation and data registrated in other South European counties is high number of laryngeal cancer, urinary bladder cancer, bone and cartilage sarcoma, brain tumors and malignant lymphomas among both genders. Cervical cancer is extremely high up on the list, which correlates with data in developing countries. The incidence of smoking in Bosnia and Herzegovina is extremely high, almost complete, which can influence not only the appearance of lung cancer but also laryngeal and urinary bladder cancer. It is hard to say whether the war and post-war stress, irregular and insufficient nutrition during and after the siege of the city or some other factor have influenced their appearance among exposed population and differences in the observed incidence.

“We think that science has already explained all when explained movement of the Moon around the Earth. But the real world is not universe like a simple pendulum clock.”Jim York, a physicist from the University of Maryland who coined the name “chaos”We are assured that the field of “Human Cloning” comprise the most crucial scientific questions of present time. It seems that all exaltation of its progress and fascinating results have vanished while being replaced with the cogitative concern that Immanuel Kant expressed in three fundamental questions:What can I know?What should I do?What may I hope?While considering all these questions famous philosopher thought about any human being.Today, these queries consideration is based on the experience of illuminator “ingress” in all that exist, as well as in the human being itself. Experience of the “illumination” triumph seduces science beyond its achievements and freedoms. We would say that science wants even beyond its real wants. Nowadays, global scientific impact appears as general opinions correlated to the universe of technological utilisation, professionalism in knowledge and biological science influence on the behavioural inducements.The basic thinking principles established by modern science are inseparable from the statements of philosopher Descartes: “World of mind and world of body are separated as individual substances that exist separately without any needful co-existence”. In that way, a new authoritative scientific relation towards the world has been created, out of which, the field of values “Heavens are devoid of the glory of God” (A.N. Whitehead, “Science and the modern world”) has been completely excluded or eliminated.It is obvious that the crucial postulations of nature are created throughout gathering of the sufficient data and simplification of the numerous correlative causes and consequences in other to elucidate “the anarchy of systems” and accomplish the exact predictions of their attitudes. Amazing technological progress in 20th century made many people believe that some day science would find out all ignorance of nature and improve the control over it. According to that assumption, the attitude of very complex dynamic systems would finally conform to the scientific formulations and calculations.A fascinating thoughtful help of chaosologists, particularly in their theory of fractals that revealed an apprehension of the reality as made from worlds within self-similar worlds i.e. worlds within dimensions, is necessary for the proper quantification of defect associated with the progress in knowledge of life. That knowledge has been previously neglected to the simple scientific facts and responsibilities (especially in medicine) that naturally appear from inside when life is recognised as a holistic system.

I. Gavrankapetanović, F. Gavrankapetanović, D. Tunović, H. Tanović, K. Masak, M. Lazović, Adana Tatlić, Zlatko Mehić et al.

Cancers of rectum and anus are among most frequent cancers with a tendency of increasing frequency. According to available data, the percentage of surgeries performed during period 1973-1977 was 61%, and during period 1991-1993 78%. From those data it can be seen that the frequency of performed surgical treatments is evidently increasing lately. High percentage of patients suffer from the process that is involving neighbouring organs and tissues, therefore declared as inoperable. In this study we present five cases with malignant tumors of pelvis who were treated during period 1990-2002 with mutilating surgical technique--chemipelvectomy. In all surgical procedures we have used King's and Steelquist's methods. At the same time, these surgical procedures are moving the limits of tumors' inoperability. The survival period for 4 patients was over one year, and 1 patient died due to postoperative embolism. In 1 patient, the wound has healed per secundam. We registered no cases of local recurrence. The new possibilities in the treatment of pelvic tumors which are often declared as inoperable are opened due to the fact that chemipelvectomy is moving the limits of so-called inoperable types of tumors. We believe that it is necessary to open new discussions on this issue because the coming time will offer new possibilities in the surgical treatment of pelvic tumors.

In the work we have examined 44 patients (16 women and 28 men), which the break of distal humerus is saned with operation, using adequate OSM. The average years of women patients was 29 (from 3 to 79), and of male patients 24 (from 1 to 75). After thr operative sanitary breaks distal part of humerus, using adequate OSM (fillo Kurschneri, platho metalico, clavo spiralis), it can come on lesion of perifer nerves of the arm, and mostly of n. radialis. Lesions of n. radialis we have notice on 5 patients. The rehabilitation our patients was made with prevention contraction of shoulder, elbow, hand and fingers using kinesitherapy, hydrotherapy and electrotherapy paralysis musculature with intentional exercises to the reinervation of perifer motor neuron and raising the force of musculus.

H. Tanović, R. Mesihović, I. Gavrankapetanović, F. Gavrankapetanović, N. Firdus, G. Akšamija, R. Juricić

Malignant tumours are important health problems today. In most countries they are second cause of death in general population. In this work it was presented epidemiology of rectal cancer which are treated in Abdominal Surgery Department at University Clinical Center in Sarajevo of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is only part of complete investigation of incidence malignants in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our study is a retrospective and observation two five years periods. First is between 1987.g. and 1991.g., and second is between 1996 and 2001.g. During first period in Abdominal Surgery Department, we had 668 cases of abdominal malignant and 225 of these cases were carcinoma colorecti. In the second period we had 831 cases of abdominal malignant and 311 of these cases were carcinoma colorecti. When we compared our data with other referents from East Europe, we can say that the results mostly the same, and when we compared first five years period (1987-1991), with second five years period (1996-2001), there are also no statistically significant increase.

Background The Osteoporosis has always been a great problem for the clinicians in every country, since this disorder brings higher morbidity, disability and mortality. The Statins, lipid lowering drugs, have been recently shown to have positive impact on the osteoporosis, i.e. the bone mineral density, where the “T” score has increased in patients taking these drugs for hiperlipidemia. Objectives The objective of this research is to investigate the potential efficiency of Simvastatin (Lipex) on BMD score i.e. T score in patients suffering from postmenopausal osteoporosis. Methods An open randomised Prospective Control Study has been designed. The patients with the postmenopausal osteoporosis have been selected in one group and they received lipex 10 mg plus 500 Calcium at bed time. The other group of potmenopausal women, served as the control one, was assigned to receive only 500 mg of Calcium at the evening meal. Total number of individuals in each group was thirty three. Laboratory test including the risk factor stratifications were detected on baseline and after 3. The statistical analysis was done between two groups. Results The results obtained in this study showed the significant improvement in the group of patients receiving lipex and the score is much higher than those taking calcium only. This BMD result, i.e. T score, has been found to be about 30% higher in simvastatin group. The positive effect on lipid profile has been gained as well. The well-being improvement has also been notified. Conclusion The statins, in our research simvastatin (lipex), has been proven in our study to have a very positive effect on the treatment of osteoporosis. So, beside the primary effect of statins on lowering cholesterol levels, this is the other option and positivity of this drug. These medications can be added to the list of therapy in osteoporosis.

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