
Publikacije (25)

A. Mehmedović, R. Mesihović, Aida Saray, N. Vanis

ABSTRACT Introduction: Gastric cancer is the fourth most common cancer and the second leading cause of death from cancer. Only complete resection of all gross disease with negative microscopic margins (R0 resection) provides a long-term survival benefit, and the overall 5-year relative survival rate is approximately 20%. To improve survival and quality of life, new therapeutic approaches have been introduced. Material and methods: A total of 277 patients (171 men, 106 women) were included in this analysis. The results from the preoperative EUS and MDCT were compared to the postoperative pathological findings. A radial scanning ultrasonic endoscope was used. In patients with early gastric cancer, especially in cases confined to mucosa, endoscopic resection is performed to avoid unnecessary surgical procedures. To achieve R0 resection for locally-advanced gastric cancer, neoadjuvant treatments have been investigated. Results and discussion: Laparoscopic surgery has been shown to improve quality of life for both early and locally advanced gastric cancer. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), which is considered to be the most precise method for locoregional staging, was commonly used for differentiating mucosal lesions from submucosal lesions. By contrast, computed tomography (CT) was used to detect the presence of distant metastasis. The difference in accuracy between the ≤20-mm group and other groups was statistically significant for both EUS and MDCT (P = 0.026 and P = 0.044, respectively). Conclusion: However, recent technological advances with the helical and multi-detector scanners have provided better CT performance.

E. Mujarić, B. Prnjavorac, Merlina Kalajdžija-Cero, Harun Šestić, A. Rošić, R. Sejdinović, Sefveta Mustafić, A. Mehmedović

AIM To analyze a change of level of nautriuretic peptide (NT pro- BNP) caused by stress distension of myocardial wall in cases of acute myocardial infarction (AIM), as a possible predictor of early heart failure. METHODS Patients with myocardial infarction were followed up. Standard clinical and laboratory examination, including NT pro- BNP, and other laboratory analyses, were performed on the day of admission, the next day and on the eighth day of hospitalization. Statistical analyses included variance for repeated measurement (ANOVA), factorial multivariate analysis and test of multiple correlations. RESULTS The most important predictors of early heart failure in acute myocardial infarction were age, diastolic blood pressure, creatin kinase (CK) on admission, larger field of infarction zone and so on. Multiple correlations showed statistically significant correlation of age, diastolic pressure and larger zone of myocardial infarction with an increase of NT pro-BNP concentration. The activity of CK on the day after admission was higher than on admission (p=0.02) and myocard-binding CK (CK-MB) the next day after admission was higher than on admission (p=0.016). A statistically significant increase was found on the next day for NT pro-BNP in comparison with the value on admission (p=0.0049), but the level of activity of CK was markedly decreased on the eighth hospital day. CONCLUSION The significant increase of the concentration of NT pro-BNP during myocardial infarction is an important predictor of early heart failure, therefore, in case of a significant increase of NT pro-BNP in the early phase of the infraction a therapy that could prevent clinically relevant heart failure should be administered .

Z. Vukobrat-Bijedic, A. Husic-Selimovic, A. Sofić, N. Bijedić, Ivana Bjelogrlic, B. Gogov, A. Mehmedović

ABSTRACT Introduction: CEA and CA 19-9 are the most common tumor associated antigens used in the staging of patients with rectal cancer and other parts of the colon. Goal: of this study was to evaluate the value of CEA and CA 19-9 in serum of patients with colon cancer and prove its place in the diagnostic staging. Material and Methods: The study was retrospective-prospective performed at the Gastroenterohepatology Clinic, Clinical Center of Sarajevo University. The study included 91 hospitalized patients who had histologically confirmed diagnosis of colon adenocarcinoma in 98% of cases. All patients underwent colonoscopy, targeted biopsy and measurement of CEA and CA 19-9 levels in serum. All of them underwent abdominal CT and MRI of the pelvis in case of rectal cancer. Results: The study analyzed 58 men and 33 women, mean age 66.6 years, with the youngest patient at age of 35 and the oldest at age of 89 years. The largest number of patients was aged 56-75 years. According to localization 77 patients had carcinoma located in the area of the rectum and sigma 37.4 and 37.4 in the rectostigmoid area and sigma. Metastases were observed in 37 patients, with predominance in the liver (22 cases) and both liver and lungs (5 cases). CEA and CA 19-9 were determined in all cases but patients with metastases had high values, especially in the two cases of cecoascendent colon cancer where detected values were extremely high (1789ng/ml and 10780U/ml). Values of CA19 -9 were significantly higher (p<0.05). CEA mean values were highest in patients aged over 75 years. In case of CA 19-9 high mean values have been recorded in patients aged over 75 years with statistically significant differences between the age groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: CEA and CA19-9 are cancer antigens that are late markers of carcinogenesis, with significantly elevated serum concentrations in case of colon cancer with already developed metastases. Older age group of patient has significantly elevated levels of both antigens. Cancer was twice more common in men than in women.

Z. Vukobrat-Bijedic, A. Husic-Selimovic, A. Sofić, N. Bijedić, B. Gogov, A. Mehmedović, Aida Saray, Sanjin Glavaš et al.

Introduction: Gastric cancer is one of the most common tumors in humans and is on the 14th place by frequency in the United States and it is at the 8th place by the mortality rate. In the world it takes seventh place by incidence. Today prevail the opinion and the surveys show, that it is twice as common in men as compared to women. Although there are advancements in diagnostics it must be noted that gastric cancer is still discovered late and when it already has metastasized, so that the therapeutic approach is limited and low survival rate. Patients and Methods: The study was retrospective-prospective, which covered the period from 2011 to 2012 and was performed at the Clinic of Gastroenterohepatology, Clinical Center of Sarajevo University. The study included 50 patients with gastric cancer, 34 men and 16 women. All patients underwent gastroscopy and according to tumor lesions localization divided into 3 regions: cardia, corpus and antropyloric region. Tumor lesions were biopted with histologically confirmation of gastric wall cancer. All patients underwent CT of gastric wall, CT of the abdomen and in some cases EUS was performed also. Goal: To prove by available diagnostic methods (endoscopy, CT and EUS) the presence of gastric cancer, histologically validate it and determine localization according to regions. To determine by CT the thickness of the stomach wall or the penetration of tumor lesions, the presence of enlarged lymph nodes and possible metastases. Record by EUS the progression of malignant processes in depth to layers of the wall, surrounding tissue metastases and enlarged lymph nodes. Determine the correlation between the measured parameters. Results: Our study showed that the localization of tumors at the cardia was represented in 15.31%, corpus in 17.36% and antropyloric region 16.33%. Median age he was 65.5 years with a standard deviation of 11.04. We failed to demonstrate a statistically significant difference in verified findings by EUS and age as well as endoscopic findings and age. Also there is no statistically significant difference between the CT scan and endoscopy XT = 5.99 and α = 0.05 = 0.63 XE, XE XT) and endoscopic findings and age (XT = 3.84 at α = 0.01, = 0.01 XE, XE> XT). Conclusion: Our study showed that gastric cancer are more common in men than women, metastases were more common in the elderly population, there were no significant deviations from the endoscopic findings and CT findings. EUS was performed in a small number of patients and showed as a good method because it gave accurate information about the penetration depth. Endoscopy, EUS and CT are ideal methods in diagnostic and staging of gastric cancer before the surgery.

Aida Saray, R. Mesihović, Z. Vukobrat-Bijedic, S. Gornjaković, N. Vanis, A. Mehmedović, V. Papović, Sanjin Glavaš

Previous studies have reported reduced synthesis of various hemostatic factors in patients with chronic liver disease. Whether changes in plasma levels of these proteins reflect recovered liver synthetic function following virological eradication therapy has not been approved yet. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of sustained viral suppression achieved with pegylated interferon alpha and ribavirin on hemostatic parameters including natural anticoagulants in patients with chronic hepatitis C. The following coagulation screening tests were obtained in thirty patients with chronic viral hepatitis C before and after completion of antiviral treatment: activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time, plasma fibrinogen and natural anticoagulant proteins antithrombin III, protein C (PC) and total protein S (PS) activity. Only patients who achieved durable virus suppression were included. The mean PC and PS levels were significantly lower in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C before antiviral therapy than in healthy controls (79.04 ± 16.19 % vs. 109.92 ± 21.33% and 54.04 ± 16.11% vs. 87.60 ± 8.15%, respectively; (p<0.001). Mean levels of PC exhibited a significant increase by 14.69 % after the completion of antiviral treatment (93.73 ± 14.18%, p<0.001) as well as PS levels, which significantly increased by 21.46% (75.50 ± 15.43, p<0.001) when compared with pre-treatment values. No remarkable fluctuations in other hemostatic parameters were noted. Protein C and protein S are sensitive markers of hepatocyte synthetic impairment and are valuable markers in monitoring the efficacy of antiviral treatment in chronic hepatitis C patients. Larger studies are needed to confirm our results.

A. Mehmedović, R. Mesihović, B. Prnjavorac, N. Vanis, Z. Vukobrat-Bijedic, N. Borovac, N. Zubcević, A. Pilav et al.

AIM To analyze the usefulness of specified immunological parameters, proinflammatory IL-1α and profibrogenic, antiinflammatory TGF-β1, along with routinely used laboratory tests, in the differential - diagnostic procedure of chronic hepatitis of infectious and noninfectious etiology. METHODS A total of 150 subjects were divided into two groups, depending on the infectious or noninfectious etiology of liver damage, and the control group. Apart from standard laboratory tests, the analysis included serum levels of cytokines: IL-1α and TGF-β1. RESULTS A high degree of correlation of serum level of IL-1α with viral hepatitis has been found, especially with active replication of genetic material ( HBV-DNA or HCV-RNA-PCR positive), p less 0.01. The highest mean concentration of TGF-β1 was noted in the group of malignant and toxic hepatitis, p less 0.0001. A negative correlation between the concentration of IL-1α and TGF-β1 has been found (-0.18). For IL-1 α significant predictive parameters included a previous infection of hepatitis B, lower serum level of TGFβ, age, use of alcohol, lower MELD and Chilld-Pugh scores. For TGF-β1 significant predictive parameters were age, lower MELD and Child-Pugh scores, history of receiving transfusions, lower serum level of IL-1α, higher serum level of fibrinogen. A predictive model has been delivered MELD = (TGF-β1) x 0,001- (IL-1 α) x 0,085 + CTP x 1,771-2,052; ( ± 2.04, R2=0,61; p less 0,001). CONCLUSION Inflammatory and immune parameters, analyzed together could significantly contribute to the understanding of chronic liver damage and thus differential diagnostic procedure. IL-1α and TGF-β1 are important parameters of inflammatory activity and fibrosis evaluation in chronic liver damage.

Aida Saray, R. Mesihović, S. Gornjakovic, N. Vanis, A. Mehmedović, Kenan Nahodovic, Sanjin Glavaš, V. Papović

OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to investigate plasma D-dimer concentration in patients with liver cirrhosis with and without ascites and to evaluate the impact of ascites depletion on circulating plasma D-dimer levels. METHODS Sixty patients with liver cirrhosis were recruited and categorized into two groups: cirrhotic patients without ascites in group 1 (n = 30) and patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites in group 2 (n = 30). D-dimer levels were measured on day of admission, in patients with ascites D-dimer concentration levels were repeated measured after ascites resolution cofirmed by ultrasonography. RESULTS Mean D-dimer levels showed significant increase in cirrhotic patients decompensated by ascites (626.0 +/- 231.08 microg/L) when compared with healthy controls (140.73 +/- 49.16 microg/L, p < 0.001). There was also a statistically significant increase of mean D-dimer levels in patients with liver cirrhosis and no evidence of ascites (333.4 +/- 109.05 microg/L, p < 0.001). In all patients after ascites resolution D-dimer levels showed significant reduction (437.66 +/- 130.47 microg/L, p < 0.05). Values of D-dimer levels achieved after abdominal paracenthesis (n = 21) where still higher than those in patients without ascites (480.14 +/- 122.85 microg/L, p = 0.001). In cirrhotic patients treated with diuretic therapy (n = 9) circulating D-dimer levels were not significantly different from those in cirrhotic patients without ascites (338.56 +/- 90.55 microg/L, p = 0.96). CONCLUSION The presence of ascites in patients with liver cirrhosis is associated with increased plasmatic fibrinolytic activity. Less aggressive ascites resolution therapy has an greater impact on reducing plasmatic fibrinolytic activity than achieved by abdominal paracenthesis.

A. Kulo, J. Kusturica, E. Kapić, F. Becic, M. Rakanovic-Todic, L. Burnazović-Ristić, A. Mehmedović, Orhan Lepar et al.

AIM To evaluate differences in the treatment quality between often used oral anticoagulants, warfarin and acenocoumarol in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). METHODS This was an observational, comparative, one-year clinical study, conducted in the Blood Transfusion Institute of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. All patients who were using warfarin/ acenocoumarol and monitored were eligible. Patients who met inclusion criteria (the age of 40-80, diagnosed NVAF, CHADS index score > or = 2, the planned long-term treatment) were includes in two parallel groups of 60 patients, composed according to the warfarin/acenocoumarol treatment as well as the gender and age. Routinely measured International normalised ratio (INR) values were the basic parameter for individual quality and stability assessment. RESULTS All average, monthly INR values were in therapeutic range (2.0-3.0) in both therapeutic groups. There were no significant differences either in the number of therapeutic INR values per patient (50.53 +/- 23.72% vs. 51.74 +/- 26.68%, P = 0.795) or in individual quality of treatment: > 50% therapeutic INR values (60.0% vs. 64.9%, P = 0.721) and > 75% therapeutic INR values (18.3% vs. 22.8%, P = 0.714) in the warfarin and acenocoumarol group, respectively. Significantly better stability was determined for acenocoumarol as compared with warfarin treatment in terms of a longer period of the total observed time during which therapeutic INR values were stable (37.6% vs. 35.7%, P = 0.0002). CONCLUSION Both drugs have shown similar quality of individual anticoagulation control, but acenocoumarol have shown significantly better anticoagulation stability with therapeutic INR values covering significantly longer time of treatment.

A. Kulo, N. Mulabegović, J. Kusturica, Hasija Hadzić, L. Burnazović-Ristić, M. Rakanovic-Todic, A. Mehmedović, O. Lepara

Due to heightened risk for thromboembolic complications, nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) presents an absolute indication for long-term oral anticoagulation therapy. This was an observational, analytical, randomised, one-year clinical study, conducted in the Blood Transfusion Institute Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. The aim of this study was to present the oral anticoagulation treatment in terms of International normalised ratio (INR) monitoring and warfarin/acenocoumarol dose titration in 117 patients with NVAF. INR values, the doses of warfarin and acenocoumarol, as well as the tendency and adequacy of their changes were monitored. Percentages of the therapeutic INR values were 51,77% and 53,62%, subtherapeutic 42,84% and 35,86%, and supratherapeutic 5,39% and 10,53% for the warfarin and acenocoumarol treatment, respectively. The average total weekly doses (TWD) which most frequently achieved the therapeutic INR values were 27,89+/-12,34 mg and 20,44+/-9,94 mg, for warfarin and acenocoumarol, respectively. The dose changes with the INR values 1,7 or lower/3,3 or higher were omitted in 13,46% and 15,63%, and with the INR values 1,8-3,2 were noted in 8,62% and 13,48% of all the check-up visits in the warfarin and acenocoumarol group, respectively. The annual dose changes were noted in 24,65% and 31,41%, and the daily dose changes in 74,43% and 73,36% of all the check-up visits of warfarin and acenocoumarol group, respectively. We can conclude that the management of the oral anticoagulation treatment in our country is in accordance with the relevant recommendations, but with the present tendency toward underdosing and unnecessary frequent dose changing.

R. Mesihović, N. Vanis, A. Mehmedović, S. Gornjakovic, M. Gribajčević

BACKGROUND Peptic ulcer bleeding is a common and potentially fatal condition. For patients with bleeding peptic ulcers that display major endoscopic stigmata of recent hemorrhage, a combination of endoscopic and pharmacologic therapy is the current standard management. OBJECTIVE To show our experience with management of peptic ulcer bleeding. PATIENTS Patients who presented with gastrointestinal bleeding caused by peptic ulcer or recent history (< 24 h before presentation) of hematemesis and/or melena admitted to our hospital emergency departments, and patients whose ulcer hemorrhage started after hospitalization for an unrelated medical or surgical condition. METHODS Patients with actively bleeding ulcers and those with nonbleeding visible vessel or adherent clot were treated with epinephrine injection and/or endoscopic hemoclips, and randomized to receive intravenous pantoprasole according to the continuous regimen (dose of 5 x 40 mg in continuous infusion of 8 mg/h for 72 h) or the standard regimen (40 mg bolus of PPI twice daily for 3 days). After the infusion, all patients were given 40 mg PPI twice daily orally. The primary end point was the in-hospital rebleeding rate, as discovered by the repeated endoscopy. RESULTS Bleeding recurred in 5 of 34 patients (14.7%) receiving the intensive regimen, and in 8 of 35 (22.8%) patients receiving the standard regimen. Hemoglobin (g/l) rate in standard regimen group was 93.5 +/- 23.8, and in intensive regimen group 106.6 +/- 22.4 (P = 0.042). Mean units of blood transfused for all patients in group were 71.8 +/- 45.8 in the intensive and 45.3 +/- 50.2 in the standard regimen group (P = 0.0257). The duration of hospital stay was 6.4 +/- 2.8 in standard group and 5.8 +/- 2.8 in the intensive group (P = 0.40). CONCLUSIONS In patients with bleeding peptic ulcers with successful endoscopic hemostasis the standard PPI regimen had advantage on transfusion requirements, but no advantage with respect to in-hospital rates of rebleeding rates, need for surgery, length of hospital stay, or death, which corresponds with recent studies.

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