
Publikacije (60)

T. Čatić, A. Mekić-Abazović, S. Sulejmanovic

Febrile neutropenia is common chemotherapy complication significantly impacting patient’s outcomes, quality of life and costs, too. Febrile neutropenia (FN) often leads to hospitalization, the need for intravenous antibiotics and use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (GCSF) in order to avoid its complications. Cost of febrile neutropenia is well described in literature, but no study has been performed in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have conducted observational cohort study with aim to describe and present costs of FN treatment from payers’ (provider’s) perspective. Only direct medical costs from one middle-sized oncology Clinic in Bosnia and Herzegovina database have been included and presented. We found that overall cost in five months period (January-May 2015) were almost 30.000 euros, or 1.0035 euro per episode/patient in average. The highest cost are allocated to hospitalization (40%), followed by GCSF (36%), while rest of costs are generated by laboratory tests performed and drug application. Proportion of costs is in line with other published studies even with huge differences in absolute values, mainly to low prices of services in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was the first study on costs of chemotherapy induced FN in Bosnia and Herzegovina suggesting that significant costs are inquired by this conditions and that further research should be performed including larger patient population and other clinical oncology data, including pharmacoeconomic analysis.

Lana Lekić, A. Lekic, Maša Amrain, T. Čatić, A. Begić

Adherence represents a multidimensional phenomenon that is extremely complex and under the influence of interaction of multiple sets of factors that are professionally known as “dimensions of adherence“. Adherence represents and extremely important and significant factor in the process of medical treatment; however, a complex method of determining the degree of adherence has resulted in an insufficient number of research studies. The majority of studies have taken place in the segment of identification of patient-related barriers, reasons for and factors of non-adherence. The results of research that will be presented below show a significant number of patient-affected factors causing non-adherence.

M. Polić-Vižintin, D. Štimac, T. Čatić, Z. Šostar, Ana Zelić, K. Živković, P. Draganić

BACKGROUND The purpose of this paper was to compare outpatient consumption and quality of psychotropic drug prescribing between Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina 2006-2010. METHODS Data on drug utilization from Zagreb Municipal Pharmacy and Sarajevo Public Pharmacy were used to calculate the number of defined daily doses (DDD) and DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day (DDD/TID) using the WHO Anatomical-Therapeutic-Chemical methodology. RESULTS Total utilization of psychopharmaceuticals increased in both cities; however, it was higher in Zagreb than in Sarajevo throughout the study period. The utilization of psycholeptics increased in Zagreb by 2.4% (from 74.5 to 76.3 DDD/TID) and in Sarajevo by 3.8% (from 62.4 to 64.8 DDD/TID). The utilization of anxiolytics decreased in Zagreb by 2.1% and in Sarajevo by even 18.7%. The utilization of antidepressants increased in both cities with predominance of SSRI over TCA utilization, greater in Sarajevo (96.6%) than in Zagreb (10.2%). The anxiolytic/antidepressant ratio decreased by 11.1% in Zagreb (from 2.87 to 2.55) and by 58.7% in Sarajevo (from 5.66 to 2.34). Outpatient utilization of antipsychotics increased significantly in Sarajevo, predominated by typical ones, whereas in Zagreb the utilization of antipsychotics was stable, predominated by atypical ones. CONCLUSIONS In Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, there was an obvious tendency to follow western trends in drug prescribing, as demonstrated by the increased use of antidepressants and reduced use of anxiolytics. Despite some improvement observed in the prescribing quality, high use of antipsychotics with dominance of typical antipsychotics in Sarajevo points to the need of prescribing guidelines for antipsychotics.

T. Čatić, Selma Škrbo

Pharmacoeconomic (PE) is becoming more important in pharmaceutical reimbursement decision and drug evaluation. To ensure its appropriate application, conduction and assessment of studies it is important to have well trained and educated professionals. Pharmaceutical faculties all over the world have established PE in under- and post-graduate curricula’s. In this pilot research we examine situation in B&H. In Bosnia-Herzegovina, education in this field is poor and only one faculty for pharmacy has introduced PE as subject in its program. Objective of this study is to explore understanding of PE and its concept and analysis and to evaluated adopted knowledge among graduate (fifth year/tenth semester) pharmacy students who have listened subject “pharmacoeconomics” in previous semester. A self-administered questionnaire was developed consisted of 12 questions and survey was conducted among students. Results are analyzed in MS Excel and we used descriptive statistics. Even graduate students have lessons from PE they understand its scope and definition, but do not feel capable for conducting PE studies, but show interest in additional education and getting competencies in this field finding it applicable in their future professional engagements.

T. Čatić, Fatima Insanic Jusufovic, Vedad Tabakovic

Community pharmacists play a significant role in patient/disease management and perception by patients is increasingly important. A self-administered questionnaire was developed consisted of sociodemographic part and 15 questions. Patients have a positive overall perception of community pharmacists that is comparable to most studies in Europe. Community pharmacists’ beyond dispensing drugs play a significant role in patient and disease management. This role of the pharmacist is performed through pharmaceutical care. Patient’s opinion is increasingly considered to be a useful component in the determination of care outcomes and consumer satisfaction is an integral component of the quality of primary health care. For the purpose of this study we developed self-administered questionnaire consisted of sociodemographic part, and 15 questions. Survey has been conducted in 10 pharmacies. Results are presented in tables and figures and descriptive statistics has been used. We found that patients in Bosnia and Herzegovina have a positive overall perception of community pharmacists and of the services offered from community pharmacies that is comparable to most studies in Europe, but there is still room for improvement of relationships and pharmaceutical services.

T. Čatić, D. Štimac, K. Živković, Ana Zelić

AIM To determine the real outpatient utilization of psychiatric drugs in Zagreb (Croatia) and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and to compare the outpatient utilization of psychiatric drugs between this two cities. METHODS Data on the outpatient utilization of psycholpetics and psychoanaleptics (N05 and N06) in both cities were received from pharmacies and collected during 2006-2009. Based on the data obtained, a number of DDD and DDD per 1000 inhabitants perday (DDD/1000/day) has been calculated. The data in Zagreb were received from all pharmacies in Zagreb, whereas only 50% of pharmacies in Sarajevo participated, thus an extrapolation of data for Sarajevo was required and accomplished. All drugs were classified according to the ATC system. Based on the data obtained, a number of DDD and DDD/1000/day was calculated for all N05 and N06 drugs. RESULTS Overall utilization trend was similar between the cities Sarajevo and Zagreb and followed trends in other neighbouring countries. Total consumption of psycholeptics and psychoanaleptics in Sarajevo was 22.6% (on average) lower than in Zagreb, during the 4-year period. CONCLUSION During the 2006-2009 period the total consumption of psychopharmaceuticals showed increasing trend with peak in 2008 with similar trend between Zagreb and Sarajevo. It is necessary to implement systematic approach to drug utilization monitoring in Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina in general in order to improve prescribing quality as it is done in Croatia.

T. Čatić, B. Begović

Hypertension is chronic disease with high prevalence, which can successfully be treated with antihypertensive drugs. Previous researches have shown that existing hypertension treatment guidelines are not fully implemented in practice. We have analysed antihypertensive drug utilization in Canton Sarajevo during five-year period (2004-2008). Research findings are discussed in relation to expected drug utilization according to Canton Sarajevo treatment guidelines. Objective of this research is to examine prescription patterns of antihypertensive drugs in primary health care in Canton Sarajevo during five-year period. Based on study findings we did an estimation of adherence to local treatment guidelines, which are similar to those published globally. Drug utilization data were collected from the largest pharmacy (retail) chain, representing more than 80% of pharmacies in Canton Sarajevo. Following drug groups have been analyzed: diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium-channel-blockers, ACE-Inhibitors (plain and combinations), Angiotensin-II-antagonists and alpha-blockers. Drug utilization is expressed in number of defined daily dose (DDDs), defined daily dose per thousand inhabitants per day (DDD/TID), drug utilization 90% (DU90%) and value in euros. ACE-Inhibitors are most prescribed drug class; combination of ACE-Inhibitors and diuretics account 46% of total antihypertensive budget spending. ACEIs are followed by calcium-channel-blockers. Diuretics utilization is decreasing from 2006 and being replaced with beta-blockers. Diuretics, recommended as first line therapy, are ranked as third in total antihypertensive drug utilization. It is necessary to introduce follow-up and enforce adherence to developed treatment guideline. Drug utilization studies can be used as tool for assessment of treatment guidelines adherence in primary health care.

Welcome-Prof. Oya Kerimoğlu, Prof. Ceyda Tuğba Şengel, Türk, Prof. Ongun Mehmet, Saka, landscape-Dr.Ceyda Ekentok Atıcı, Prof. Hatice Kübra, Elçi̇oğlu et al.

mucoadhesion values than all nanoparticles and the mucoadhesion was positively correlated with the concentration of alkalizing agent because of the increased gelling properties. The mucoadhesive properties of the formulations were based on the use of positively charged chitosan and the formation of electrostatic interactions between the oppositely charged chitosan and mucin, resulting in superior mucosal retention [6].

Prof. Sneha Agrawal, Assoc.Prof.Enkelejda Goci, Dr. Yağmur Diker, Prof. Hatice Kübra, Elçi̇oğlu, Prof. Levent Kabasakal, Assoc. Prof. Esra Tatar, Assoc.Prof.Ceren Sucularlı et al.

results, muscleblind-like proteins, FAD-linked sulfhydryl oxidase ALR, and several phosphodiesterases might be targets [8]. BindingDB predicted targets for 1h and 3h. Cholinesterases were predicted to be target for 1h and 3h while PDE4A, Carbonic anhydrases and Steroidogenic factor-1 were predicted as targets for only 1h [8]. In order to further investigate the interaction of these compounds with predicted targets, we selected three targets, PDE4A, ALR and DUSP1, which were emerged in both or either in activity and target prediction results, and performed molecular docking analysis using SwissDock [12, 13]. According to our results, 1h, 3c and 3h might interact with selected proteins [8]. Our results anticipated new activities and targets for the 1h, 3c and 3h. PDE4A, DUSP1 and ALR could be important targets for these compounds, since PDE4A has been suggested as a therapeutic target for anxiety and central nervous system disorders [14]. DUSP1, as an oncogene, involves in several cellular processes, such as cell proliferation, differentiation, cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, by its involvement in MAPK signaling [15]. ALR is another important target, inhibition of ALR caused apoptosis in rat hepatocytes and human derived glioma cells [16, 17].

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