Fakultet zdravstvenih studija od svog osnivanja je prošao kroz više razvojnih faza u kojima su urađene organizacione promjene, kreirani, revidirani nastavni planovi i programi, usklađeni sa razvojem radioloških tehnologija i potreba za tržištem rada. Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Fakultet zdravstvenih studija, kroz primjenu savremenih metoda učenja i istraživanja, educira kvalitetne, sposobne, kreativne i međunarodno kompetentne kadrove u oblastima radiodijagnostike, radioterapije i nuklearne. Kroz teoretsku i praktičnu nastavu temeljenu na istraživanjima, inovacijama i akademskoj izvrsnosti obrazuje nosioce zdravstvene profesije Bachelore Radioloških tehnologija. U toku svoga obrazovanja studenti obavljaju praktičnu nastavu na savremenim radiološkim aparatima i stiču potrebna znanja i vještine. Kroz teoretsku i praktičnu nastavu na Prvom ciklusu studija koja traje 4 godine, studenti ostvaruju 6000 sati nastave, što iznosi 240 ECTS bodova. Po završetku studija postaju kompetentni za rad na visokosofisticiranim dijagnostičkim i terapijskim radiološkim aparatima. Fakultet zdravstvenih studija obrazuje i magistre radioloških tehnologija koji stiču diplome po završetku drugog ciklusa studija i doktore zdravstvenih nauka po završetku trećeg ciklusa studija – doktorskog studija. Dakle, Fakultet zdravstvenih studija pruža i razvija obrazovnu i naučnoistraživačku djelatnost, tako da studenti tokom studija na sva tri ciklusa studija stiču znanje i vještine, sposobnost kritičke procjene znanja i bave se istraživačkim radom.
Uvod: Radioterapija je kompleksna disciplina koja uključuje širok spektarstanja izazvanih malignim oboljenjima, organizacionu kompleksnost i upotrebu naprednih tehnoloških rješenja u terapiji, te ima veliki potencijal za razvoj incidenata.Incidenti, u zavisnosti od stepena ozbiljnosti, mogu kompromitirati efekat radioterapije, dovesti do izostanka kontrole bolesti i njenog recidiva ili pojave ranih i kasnih komplikacija na zdravim organima u smislu radiotoksičnosti. Ozbiljni incidenti u radioterapiji su rijetki, ali kada se dese, njihove posljedice mogu biti značajno oštećenje zdravlja ili smrt. Incidenti nisu posljedica slučajnog toka događaja, niti koincidencije koja će se teško ponoviti. Pojava incidenata ima svoje zakonitosi i posljedica je sistemskih postavki, uslova i procesa. Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti mogućnost upotrebe elektronskog sistema za prijavljivanje incidenata u upravljanju rizikom u radioterapiji. Metode: Za potrebe istraživanja razvijen je elektronski sistem za prijavljivanje incidentata u formi strukturiranog kompjuterskog intervjua prema ROSEIS metodologiji. Na osnovu informacija prikupljenih pomoću sistema napravljena je taksonomija incidenata prema: vrsti, mjestu i načinu nastanka, načinu detekcije, uzroku nastanka i faktorima doprinosa, dozimetrijskom i kliničkom značaju, te ozbiljnosti posljedica. Procjena rizika je napravljena upotrebom Risk Matrix metode. Rezultati: U rezultatima su prikazani najčešći uzroci nastanka i faktori promocije incidenata u radioterapiji, kao i njihova povezanost sa faktorima radnog okruženja, organizacije i upravljanja, finanasijskim i ljudskim resursima, radnim opterećenjem, radioterapijskim uređajima, softverom i tehnološkom kompleksnošću tretmana.Predložene su korektivne i preventivne mjere, te data procjena njihove efektivnosti na poboljšanje detekcije, redukciju vjerovatnoće pojave incidenata i redukciju njihove magnitude. Zaključci: Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su informacije prikupljene pomoću elektronskog sistema za prijavljivanje incidenata dobar prerekvizit za razvoj sistema upravljanja rizikom koji omogućava identifikaciju i klasifikaciju najznačajnijih faktora rizika u radioterapiji, kao i utvrđivanje specifičnih preventivnih i korektivnih akcija s ciljem prevencije pojave incidenata i redukciju ozbiljnosti njihovih neželjenih efekata.
Background: Immunization is a key step in preventing the occupational risk of acquiring hepatitis B infection for healthcare workers (HCWs). The aim of the study was determination of hepatitis B vaccine (HepB) coverage rate among HCWs and support staff and immune response 10 years after primary vaccination. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in the Public Institution Health Centre of Sarajevo Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina during 2005-2017. Second-generation vaccines Euvax (Sanofi Pasteur, Thailand/LG Life
Introduction: Worldwide, COVID-19 pandemic caused millions of infected people and thousands of deaths. Due to enormous pressure on health-care systems and its inadequate preparedness, utter collapse is expected. In the current epidemic response, healthcare workers’ (HCWs) knowledge and practice are crucial, while the impact on their mental health is still unknown.Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted among HCWs redeployed to COVID points in the Public Institution Health Centre of Sarajevo Canton. According to guidelines and information provided by the World Health Organization and Ministries of Health, a questionnaire was developed. In addition, General Anxiety Disorder-7 as a screening tool for anxiety disorders was used.Results: Of 180 respondents, 26 (14.4%) were in direct contact with the sick patient. In total, 79 (43.9%) respondents consider their personal protective equipment is in accordance with the guidelines of the world health authorities. A total of 72 (39.7%) of respondents used the same mask for several days. In general, the danger from new coronavirus was considered minimal by 59 (32,6%) HCWs. Based on the achieved score for assessing the anxiety disorder, in 63 (35%) subjects, the presence of severe symptoms was detected.Conclusion: This study found that most HCWs do not have enough knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic. We identified that there are differences in the sources of information and gap in perceptions of the native origin of the virus. Considering the frequency of anxiety symptoms among HCWs, interventions are necessary in order to preserve their mental health.
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess contamination and potential human health risks of heavy metals in street dust from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H). In total, 117 street dust samples were analyzed for Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). Health risk assessment was applied to determine potential health risks, non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks, in children and adults. According to mass concentrations of studied trace metals, the dust samples were arranged as the following diminishing series: industrial zone > high traffic streets > streets with moderate traffic > parking place > parks, school yards, sports facilities, medical facilities. Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn mean concentrations are 3.18, 33.17, 30.01, 3150, 236, 73.00, 52.49 and 81.72 mg/kg, respectively. In order to identify possible metals sources correlation analysis was applied. Strong correlations between Cd-Mn, Fe-Mn, Ni-Cr, and Cr-Fe were obtained, suggesting a common dependence or source of these metals in street dust in FB&H. Contributor that most impact the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk is the ingestion route for both, children and adults, followed by the dermal and inhalation pathways. The risk assessment shows that the population of FB&H is at increased lifetime risk of experiencing cancer because of exposure to Cr and Pb concentrations in street dust of FB&H.
Background: Immunization is a key step in preventing the occupational risk of acquiring hepatitis B infection for healthcare workers (HCWs). Objective: The aim of the study was determination the hepatitis B vaccine (HepB) coverage rate among HCWs and support staff and immune response 10 years after primary vaccination.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in the Public Institution Health Centre of Sarajevo Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Second-generation vaccines Euvax (Sanofi Pasteur, Thailand/LG Life Sciences Ltd, Korea) and Engerix B (GlaxoSmithKline, Belgium) were applied. A level of ≥ 10 IU/L anti-HBs was set as a cut-off value indicating the presence of protective immunity against new HBV infections and successful vaccination. Results: In total, 1541 (75.80%) were fully vaccinated, out of 1126 (73.07%) were females. The median age of participans was 50.5 ± 9.4 years. Control measurement of the anti-HBs level was performed for 409 (26.54%) HCWs. During the research, 37 booster doses were administered. Of the 23 retested participants, anti-HBs ≥10 IU/L were observed in 19 (82.16%). Three non-reactors subject were revealed.Conclusions: A satisfying HepB coverage rate and a high protective rate against hepatitis B infection among HCWs and support staff was achived. These results indicate the active engagement of the institution in the implementation of preventive measures and the high level of awareness regarding the significance of immunization. Our results demonstrated the effectiveness of booster doses. A low prevalence of non-reactors was revealed. Additional research with a focus on occupational risk factors in dental service is advised.
Introduction: Needlestick injuries (NSIs) are one of the most frequent routes of the transmission of bloodborne pathogens in health care settings and the substantial source of occupationally acquired bloodborne infections. They remain a significant problem for developing countries that lack the ability to implement more reliable technologies and available guidance because of the economic situation. The objectives of the study were to determine the frequency of NSIs among healthcare workers (HCWs) and supporting staff in primary health care, to investigate the factors that caused these injuries and to evaluate a set of implemented guides. Methods: A retrospective study of the Department of infection control records of NSIs between January 2003 and January 2016 was conducted. Incidence proportion (rate of injury risk) was calculated for each profession with reported NSIs. Results: A total of 156 NSIs and sharp injuries were reported to the Department of infection control during the 12-year period. Among the group of HCWs, medical nurses/technicians (54.49%) were the most common injured workers, and the lowest numbers were reported by a physical therapist and dental technicians (0.64%). In a total number of cases, support staff accounted for 16.67%. The most incidents occurred during the use of needles, in 146 (90.6%) cases. Calculated incidence proportion for medical doctors is 0.24%, 5.33% for dentists, and 13.8% for medical and dental nurses/technicians and laboratory technicians. For support staff, the calculated rate is 6.04%. Conclusions: At the primary health care level, the NSIs frequency among all employee profiles is lower and it is suggesting the possibility of underreporting cases. Healthcare facility management should consider introducing new and more reliable technologies to reduce the number of NSIs especially among nurses/technicians, laboratory technicians, and cleaning staff. Additional training and preventive measures should be directed towards the proper disposal of medical waste. Management of the Institution presented engagement to prevent the occurrence of NSIs, and it is a positive example for all countries in transition.
Cerebral palsy is a group of permanent disorders of movement and posture that causelimitations in the activities and are the result of non-progressive disorders of the immaturebrain or the developing brain. Motor disorders are often associated with disordersof the senses, perception, cognition, communication, behavior, epilepsy, hearing, visualimpairment and secondary musculoskeletal problems. The aim of this study is toexamine the prevalence of associated difficulties of persons with cerebral palsy in thefour cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) and to determinewhether there is a statistically significant difference in the representation of associateddifficulties between the cantons. The study was conducted on a sample of 120respondents, persons with cerebral palsy from four FBiH cantons. The total sample ofrespondents was divided into 4 sub-samples of respondents. The results of the studyshowed that of the associated difficulties in persons with cerebral palsy, speech difficultiesin 56.60%, intellectual disabilities 34.90%, visual impairment in 32.50%, epilepsy20.90%, behavioral disorders 7.60% and autism in 2.40%. No statistically significantdifference was found between cantons in the representation of associated difficultiesfor persons with cerebral palsy.Key words: cerebral palsy–associated difficulties–hearing impairment–visualimpairment–speech difficulties–intellectual disabilities.
The aim of the research is to determine the effects on the recognition and naming of certain sentence structures through a verbal and non-verbal approach, or through the use of a verbal and non-verbal communication channel. The study was conducted on a sample of 30 deaf pupils at age from 11 to 14 years. As a measurement instrument, a modified image description test was used. The test consisted of six complexes, illustrated sentences, in which the actions and subjects performing certain actions are shown in the picture sequence in a way that deaf children understand. The descriptive analysis method was used for data processing. Measures of central tendencies and variations have been made. Testing the difference between verbal and non-verbal approach was performed by t-test. The correlation between the chronological age and the recognition and naming of the spoken structures were verified through the non-verbal approach. The results of the research have shown that respondents have achieved better results in recognizing and naming spoken content using the non-verbal communication channel, that there is a statistically significant difference in the use of verbal and non-verbal communication approaches in recognizing and naming spoken content, and that there is a high correlation between the chronological age of respondents and recognizing and naming of spoken content through a non-verbal approach.
Introduction: Occupational stress is inevitable, but prolonged and intense can lead to serious health problems. Neglecting this significant aspect of work and inadequate treatment of the first indicators leads to reduced working capacity of health-care professionals. Methods: Assessing the working conditions of 100 health-care professionals regarding stress impact on empathy and workability were the primary goal of this study. A survey was conducted to identify differences between work in intensive care units and other clinical departments all related to empathy, workability, and stress perceiving to determine what is a better predictor of workability. Results: In the research group, “intensive care units” significantly lower empathy quotients, poorer workability, and different stressors were registered compared to research group named “other departments.” Conclusion: The main conclusion of the study states different dynamics in the working environment of intensive care units compared to other departments that could potentially harm the personal capacity of health-care professionals.
Introduction: Occupational stress is inevitable, but prolonged and intense can lead to serious health problems. Neglecting this significant aspect of work and inadequate treatment of the first indicators results in the reduced working capacity of healthcare professionals. Material and methods: Assessing working conditions of 100 healthcare professionals regarding stress impact on empathy and workability was the primary goal of this study. A survey was conducted to identify differences between work in intensive care units and other clinical departments all related to empathy, workability, and stress perceiving to determine what is a better predictor of workability. Results: In the research group “intensive care units”, significantly lower empathy quotients, poorer workability, and different stressors were registered compared to research groups named “other departments”. Conclusion: The main conclusion of the study states different dynamics in the working environment of intensive care units compared to other departments that could potentially harm the personal capacity of healthcare professionals.
Introduction: Inadequate vitamin B 12, folate status and B6 are associated with an increased risk for chronic diseases that may have a negative impact on the health. Aim: The aim of our study was to investigate dietary intake of vitamin B12, B6 and folates from various foods among the university students. Methods: Dietary intake of foods having vitamins B12, B6 and folate was assessed among the students of University of Sarajevo, 19-22 years old, from 2017 to 2018. The participants were interviewed to collect information regarding age, socioeconomic status, B12, folate, B6 vitamin, and usual food intake during one week. Results: The main sources of vitamin B12 and B6 in the students’ diet were chicken white meat (51.8-53.7 %), beef (45-63 %), cream (62.2 -72.1 %), sardines in oil (47.9-52.2 %), tuna (55.2 -60.4 %), cheese edamer (80.1%) and cheese feta (67.4%-73%). The foods with a high source of vitamin B12 and B6 but rarely consumed were fish, shellfish, salmon, roasted trout and mackerel. Sufficient folate intake was mainly achieved through dietary intake of beans (48.5-57.2%) and oatmeal (46.3-48.2%), while folate-insufficient diet resulted from intake of spinach (30.9-35 %), turkey (26.2-33.4 %), lentils (16.9-19.7 %) and soy (9.4-15.5%). Conclusion: Our results show that there is an important percentage of the students in Canton Sarajevo that do not meet the recommended intakes for vitamin B12 and B6 and folate. Additional research is needed to establish the best cost-effective public health approach to achieve sufficient intake of these vitamins.
Introduction: Dietary supplements are an important source of vitamins and minerals that may help prevent several disease-causing biological pathways involved in one-carbon metabolism, including the suppression of cell proliferation, oxidative stress, nitric oxide synthesis, and angiogenesis. The present study aimed to assess the association between the intake of folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and minerals and the consumption of alcohol among university students. Methods: This study was participated by students aged 19-22 years from the University of Sarajevo between 2017 and 2018. Using a questionnaire, we interviewed in a week them to collect information regarding age, socio-economic status, alcohol consumption, and dietary supplement intake. Then, we investigated the association between the baseline intake of folate, B vitamins, and minerals and that of alcohol consumption. Results: Most students consumed Vitamin B supplements (32%) and folic acid (10%). Dietary multivitamins and minerals were less prevalent in more than a year, accounting for 186 (23.9%) and 174 (24.3%) students, respectively, than those in less than a year. In a year, <20% of students consumed multivitamins 129 (16.6%) and minerals 116 (15.3%). Meanwhile, 256 (27.1%) students consumed alcohol. The Chi-square test of independence showed that drinking habits and the intake of such dietary supplements had no association (p > 0.05). Conclusion: An extremely low percentage of the participating students in Canton Sarajevo used dietary supplements of Vitamin B, folate, multivitamins, and minerals. Moreover, alcohol consumption and dietary supplement intake were not associated. Further research is needed to establish the best cost-effective public health system to achieve a sufficient intake of dietary supplements.
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