
Publikacije (49)

D. Mirić, L. Giunio, D. Fabijanić, D. Eterović, I. Hozo, I. Boz̆ić, V. Čulić, I. Gančević

Cilj rada je bio utvrditi ucestalost precipitirajucih cimbenika infarkta miokarda (IM) u odnosu na njegovu lokalizaciju. Anamnesticki podaci o pocetku IM analizirani us u 1481 bolesnika, lijecenih u koronarnim jedinicama KB Split, u razdoblju od 1990. do 1994. godine. Obrađeno je 750 bolesnika s IM na prednjoj, te 731 bolesnik s IM na donjoj stijenci miokarda. Nastanak IM bio je najcesci tijekom mirovanja bez utvrđenog precipitirajuceg cimbenika, i to u 44% bolesnika s IM donje, te u 67% bolesnika s IM prednje stijenke. U bolesnika bez utvrđenog precipitirajuceg cimbenika najveci je broj IM obje lokalizacije nastao u intervalu od 6 do 9 sati ujutro (p<0, 01), sto je znacajnije izraženo u bolesnika s donjim IM (p<0, 01). Nasuprot tome, u bolesnika s utvrđenim precipitirajucim cimbenicima, ucestalost IM bila je ravnomjerno raspoređena tijekom cijelog dana. Pocetak inferiornog IM bio je znacajno rjeđi u mirovanju (44% prema 67%, p<0, 01), a znacajno cesci tijekom meteoroloskog stresa (2% prema 9%, p<0, 01), mentalnog stresa (3% prema 10%, p<0, 01), nakon obroka (3% prema 13%, p<0, 01), te uz abuzus nikotina (1, 5% prema 6%, p<0, 01). Nastanak IM u mirovanju cesci je u jutarnjim satima u bolesnika s lokalizacijom na donjoj nego u onih s lokalizacijom na prednjoj stijenci (31% prema 24%, p<0, 05). Napor kao precipitirajuci cimbenik je bio znacajno zastupljeniji u bolesnika s prednjom nego u onih s donjom lokalizacijom IM (22% prema 16%, p<0, 05). U bolesnika s inferiornim IM bilo je znacajno vise pusaca (53% prema 42%, p<0, 01), dok je u bolesnika s anteriornim IM bilo znacajno vise hipertonicara (32% prema 21%, p<0, 01) i hiperkolesterolemicara (33% prema 26%, p<0, 05). rezultati upucuju na zakljucak, da je utjecaj vegetativnog tonusa izrazitiji pri nastanku inferiornog IM.

J. Jakelić, Slaven Kokić, I. Hozo, J. Maras, D. Fabijanić

Phagocytic activity of leukocytes in blood was examined in 70 patients with diabetes mellitus. 40 of them had insulin-dependent diabetes--(IDDM) or type I, while there were 30 patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM) or type II. Phagocytic activity of leukocytes was determined by quantitative method of ingestion, on the principle of quantifying phagocytized fungi (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and free phagocytes (nonphagocytizing leukocytes) by means of a phase-contrast microscope. The data have been statistically processed by the Student t-test and variance analysis test (Duncan test). The index of phagocytosis amounted to 3.2 +/- 0.77 in diabetic patients, while it was 3.47 +/- 0.29 in healthy examinees from the control group, thus yielding a statistically significant difference, p < 0.05. Out of all examined parameters (blood glucose, glycosylized hemoglobin, mean glucose value) phagocytic activity of leukocytes showed a statistically significant correlation with mean value of glucose in blood. Patients with mean glucose value higher than 12 mmol/l showed a significantly lower index of phagocytosis (2.9 +/- 0.84) than patients whose mean glucose value was lower than 12 mmol/l (3.5 +/- 0.59), p < 0.05. Neither age and sex of the patients nor chronic complications caused by diabetes affected the phagocytic activity of leukocytes in diabetic patients. There was no significant difference in the phagocytic activity of leukocytes between patients with IDDM and those with NIDDM.

I. Hozo, D. Mirić, D. Ljutić, L. Giunio, S. Andelinović, L. Bojić

Patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis in Dalmatian region are presented in this paper and their social and medical characteristics are reviewed. The alcohol drinking habits of 211 patients with established clinical-laboratory criteria of alcoholic liver cirrhosis were investigated. The obtained results have been compared with the results of the control group. The average age of the patients was 51.6 years. Males were more numerous (2/3 of all examinees), while the average duration of alcohol consumption was 25.4 years. Wine was the most frequently consumed beverage (about 90% of cases) and the average daily intake was 151 g of pure alcohol. The authors prove by mathematical model that the occurrence of liver cirrhosis increases exponentially with the increase of the amount of alcohol consumed. Relative risk of the development of alcoholic liver cirrhosis increases many fold with the increase of the amount of alcohol consumed.

I. Hozo, J. Bakotin, G. Perić, Z. Rumboldt, M. Boban

Analizom 128 povijesti bolesti radnika tvornice "Jugovinil" koji su u desetogodisnjem razdoblju lijeceni na Klinici za unutarnje bolesti KBC "Firule" - Split, utvrđeno je da je njih 32 (25%) lijeceno zbog hepatopatije, a po svojoj je prilici posljedica hepatotokickog ucinka vinilklorid monomera (VCM), kome su ovi radnici nerijetko eksponirani u visokoj koncentraciji. Prikazani su histoloski nalazi biopsije koji se povezuje s VCM ostecenjem: toksicni hepatitis fibroza, ciroza, angiosarkom i hemangiopericitom. Posebna je pažnja posvecena ovim posljednjim entitetima: angiosarkomu zbog vrlo nepovoljne prognoze, a hemangiopericitomu jos zbog toga sto je njegova povezanost s ekspozicijom VCM-u sada jos prvi put uocena.

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