On two dairy cows farms Holstein-Friesian breed in South Backa district survey was conducted. A total of 82 cows were examined and 328 individual mammary complexes. The appearance of the teat end was assessed after milking by adspection method. From 328 examined mammary complexes, 209 (63.72%) were with changes on teat end, of which 71 (21.65%) papilla was with lesions at the top. 119 or 36.28% teat end of cows udders of were unchanged. Those results indicate the existence of various exogenous factors that may be detrimental to the structure to the papilla, which is considered the first line of defense udder.
Prirucnik je rezultat provedbe projekta Rane odgojno-obrazovne intervencije temeljene na pokazateljima uspjesnosti (Evidence-Based Early Educational Interventions). Projekt je proveden s ciljem razvoja modela rane odgojno-obrazovne intervencije u osnovnoj skoli, koji ce osigurati jednake mogucnosti za uspjesno obrazovanje djece s problemima u ponasanju i time pridonijeti unaprjeđivanju hrvatske odgojno-obrazovne prakse s ovom ranjivom skupinom ucenika. Njime se nastoji otvoriti proces prikupljanja dokaza o uspjesnoj odgojno- obrazovnoj praksi, kako bi ujedinjenje iskustava prakticara, znanstvenika i kreatora odgojno-obrazovne politike osnažilo odgojno- obrazovne potencijale skola u djelotvornoj reakciji na raznolike probleme ucenika koji svojim neprihvatljivim ponasanjem zovu u pomoc i s pravom ocekuju primjerenu podrsku svojih ucitelja, pedagoga, roditelja i ostalih sudionika njihova odrastanja i skolovanja. Razvojem i provedbom sest skolskih planova podrske ucenicima s problemima u ponasanju, koji imaju obilježja rane odgojno-obrazovne intervencije, djelatnici skola – suradnika na projektu, stekli su iskustva usmjerene podrske selekcioniranoj skupini ucenika koji u najranijoj fazi svoga skolovanja (tijekom razredne nastave) manifestiraju teskoce u ponasanju, a evaluacija tog procesa i pokazatelja njegove uspjesnosti osigurala je temeljne uvide u svrhovitost i isplativost takvih ulaganja. Sudjelovanjem u ranoj odgojno- obrazovnoj intervenciji, ucenici su dobili priliku nauciti djelotvornije zadovoljavati vlastite potrebe, a roditelji djelotvornije pridonositi razvoju i obrazovanju svoje djece. U ovom prirucniku su podijeljena iskustva stecena tijekom projekta i opisan je model razvoja skolskih planova podrske ucenicima s problemima u ponasanju, buduci da se projekt pokazao svrsishodnim te bi mogao biti blagotvoran za siroko prisutnu malodusnost ucitelja i drugih strucnih djelatnika u odgoju i obrazovanju ucenika s problemima u ponasanju.
Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic potential of components leached from two conventional self-curing glass-ionomer cements (Fuji IX and Ketac Molar), and light-curing, resin modified glass-ionomer cements (Vitrebond, Fuji II LC). Evaluation was performed on human lymphocytes using alkaline and hOGG1 modified comet, and micronucleus assays. Each material, polymerised and unpolymerised, was eluted in extracellular saline (1 cm2 mL-1) for 1 h, 1 day, and 5 days. Cultures were treated with eluates using final dilutions of 10-2, 10-3, and 10-4. Alkaline comet assay did not detect changes in DNA migration of treated cells regardless of the ionomer tested, polymerisation state, and elution duration. Glass ionomers failed to significantly influence micronucleus frequency. No oxidative DNA damage in treated lymphocytes was observed using hOGG1 modified comet assay. Obtained results indicate high biocompatibility of all tested materials used in the study under experimental conditions. Sažetak Svrha istraživanja bila je procijeniti genotoksični potencijal komponenata koje izlučuju dva konvencionalna samopolimerizirajuća stakleno-ionomerna cementa (Fuji IX i Ketac Molar) te svjetlosno polimerizirajući i smolom modificirani stakleno-ionomerni cementi (Vitrebond, Fuji II LC). Istraživanje je provedeno na ljudskim limfocitima primjenom alkalnog komet testa, komet testa modificiranog hOGG1 enzimom te mikronukleus testa. Svaki materijal, polimerizirani i nepolimerizirani, eluiran je u fiziološkoj otopini (1 cm2 mL-1) tijekom jednog sata, jednog dana i tijekom 5 dana. Kulture limfocita tretirane su eluatima u razrjeđenjima 10-2, 10-3 i 10-4. Alkalnim komet testom nisu zabilježene promjene u migraciji DNA iz tretiranih stanica bez obzira na ispitani ionomer, vrstu polimerizacije i trajanje elucije. Izloženost staklenim ionomerima nije značajno utjecala na učestalost mikronukleusa. Primjenom hOGG1 modificiranog komet testa nije zamijećeno oksidativno oštećenje DNA u tretiranim limfocitima. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na visoki stupanj biokompatibilnosti svih testiranih materijala koji su se koristili u eksperimentalnim uvjetima.
We reported a case of Stafne's defect in a 4th century mandible, restored from Zmajevac, Croatia antique site. CT scan was used to analyze and describe the entity. This is a case rarely presented in anthropological research.
AIM: Children’s ages can be estimated by evaluating dental maturation of tooth growth and mineralization. Most commonly this is done by evaluating maturation of selected permanent teeth on dental pantomograms (DPTs). The aim of this research was to test the French-Canadian standards of dental maturation developed by Demirjian and Goldstein (1976) on children from Skopje. MATERIALS AND METHOD: Nine hundred and ninety six DPTs collected from healthy children were evaluated (481 boys, 485 girls aged 6.0 to 13.9 years). Mineralization of the crowns and roots of the seven permanent teeth from the left side of mandible were determined and dental age was then calculated the dental age using a maturation score based on the French- Canadian standards. RESULTS: A statistical difference was observed between the evaluated dental age and the chronological age of children (P < 0.001) with determination coefficients (R2) of 0.67 in boys and 0.63 in girls. The mean absolute errors (MAE) were 1.02 ± 0.74 years and 1.10 ± 0.79 years, and root mean squared errors (RMSE) were 1.12 and 1.17 years in boys and girls, respectively. Using a non-linear regression model, function formulae were established for boys [age = (ln (maturation score /(100 - maturation score) ) +4.350)/0.695 ] and girls [age = (ln (maturation score / (100 - maturation score)) +4.786)/0.785 ], which increased R2 up to 0.83 in boys and 0.85 in girls and decreased MAE to 0.62 ± 0.52 and 0.59 ± 0.46 years in boys and girls, respectively. RMSE was decreased to 0.81 and 0.75 years in boys and girls, respectively. CONCLUSION: New function formulae were established and tables were created to predic
Background: The purpose of this study was to compare dental age of hypodontic children with dental age of age- and sex-matched healthy children from general Croatian population. Methods: Dental maturity of 125 children (70 girls and 55 boys) with hypodontia, aged 7.1 to 14.6 years, was evaluated from panoramic radiographs, and compared to the number-matched, age-matched and sex- matched healthy children. Mean biological age of the children was 10.7 years. Dental stages were assessed using the Haavikko method. Dental age was calculated as the mean age of all teeth from all four quadrants except third molars, in accordance with the Finnish dental maturity reference values. Teeth that were missing in children with hypodontia were not evaluated in healthy controls. The teeth with completed growth and development were excluded from calculation of dental age. Paired t-test was used to establish group differences between hypodontic and healthy children of both sexes. Results and conclusion: In both groups of children, the Haavikko method underestimated the chronological age. In the sample of tested children with hypodontia, dental age significantly differ compared to sampled healthy controls and this suggests that tooth formation in children with hypodontia is delayed compared to healthy children.
Background chronological age of children with skeletal sagittal malocclusions, using dental age estimation methods, and to investigate whether dental age assessment methods produce comparable estimates of chronological age in skeletal Class I, II and III. Methods: The sample consisted of panoramic dental images and lateral cephalograms of 231 orthodontic patients (127 girls and 104 boys) ageing from 5.9 to 15.8 years, collected at the Department for Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry University in Sarajevo. Dental maturation was evaluated according to the Willems and Demirjian methods, while saggital skeletal relationship was evaluated using the ANB angle from lateral cephalograms. The ANOVA was used to evaluate the relationship between skeletal malocclusions and dental age estimates. Results: Dental age methods overestimated chronological age. The Demirjian method overestimated the age of girls by 1.24±1.03 years, and age of boys by 0.80±1.03 years. The Willems method overestimated the age of girls by 0.36±0.98 years, and that of boys by 0.44±0.98 years. No differences were found in estimates of chronological age using skeletal pattern methods (p>0.05). Conclusions: Dental age methods overestimated chronological age of sampled children, the Willems method yielded smaller estimation errors and is therefore suggested to be more appropriate for chronological age estimation than the Demirjian method. Based on this pilot study, there is no difference between dental maturation among different sagittal skeletal growth patterns. However, further studies with larger sample are required.
Svrha: Svrha istraživanja bila je pronaci poveznicu između eruptivnih stadija trecih maksilarnih i mandibularnih kutnjaka s lijeve i desne strane celjusti. Materijali i metode: Uzorak istraživanja ci- nilo je 529 ortopantomograma (OPG-a) – 264 (49, 9 %) pripadalo je muskom spolu, a 265 (50, 1 %) ženskom spolu u dobi između 8 i 25 godina. Sudionici su bili prema Olzeovoj metodi podijeljeni u sest dobnih skupina. Rezultati: Dobivene su visoke vrijednosti Spearmanova koeficijenta pove- zanosti između eruptivnih stadija lijevih i desnih maksilarnih i mandibularnih trecih molara. Izme- đu spolova nisu pronađene statisticki znacajne razlike u eruptivnim stadijima. Zakljucak: Prema dobivenim rezultatima za procjenu dentalne dobi u bosansko-hercegovackoj populaciji, preporu- cujemo Olzeovu metodu i trece mandibularne molare. Treba istaknuti da su moguce razvojne asi- metrije i da svaki dentalni antropolog mora biti svjestan te cinjenice. Svaka strana celjusti treba- la bi se posebno procjenjivati.
Due to the migration aspect, frequently the age of an unaccompanied young fugitive with a particular geographical and biologic origin was estimated using methods or models developed on a reference sample, including subjects with unlike origins. Since dental age estimations in the sub-adult group are based on third molar development, it has to be investigated whether differences in third molar development between populations with different geographic and biological origin exist. Furthermore the consequences on the age prediction performance, estimating the age of an individual from a different geographic and biological origin as the reference sample has to be examined. In an ongoing data collection, previously 9 country specific samples (Belgium, China, Japan, Korea, Poland, Thailand, Turkey, Saudi-Arabia and South-lndia) were investigated on third molar development (Thevissen et al., 2010a, b). In the present study 5 new country specific datasets (Brazil, Italy, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates and Croatia) were added, analyzed and compared. The aim of this study is to collect country-specific databases of third molar development, to evaluate and compare third molar development between the collected countries and to detect the impact on the age prediction performance, using a validation sample from a different geographic and biological origin as the reference sample.. A total of 11.250 panoramic radiographs from subjects out of the above described 14 countries were collected. For each country the individuals were, sex specific, homogenously distributed in the age range between 16 and 22 years. Third molar development of all present third molars was registered, according the ten stages technique of Kohler et al. (1994). Missing third molars received a zero score. Consequently each subject received a third molar score sequence for the upper right, upper left, lower left and lower right third molar respectively. To obtain for each subject a factor score, representing the degree of third molar development in the total dataset, a generalized linear mixed model for multivariate ordinal data was fitted on the third molar score sequences of all subject from the 14 countries. Differences in degree of third molar development between countries were analyzed using gender specific regression models for these factor scores with age and country as predictors. Comparisons between countries revealed differences in speed and onset of third molar development. Over the different ages the degree of third molar development changed between countries in an unordered way. No clear patterns of differences in degree of third molar development could be distinguished between the countries. Compared to all other countries, Belgium subjects were generally developing fastest. As such, using for age estimations purposes, third molar development information from Belgium instead of country specific information results in under estimated age predictions. This is the best judicial reference if country specific reference information is lacking. Indeed, legally spoken an advantage of the doubt for the individual under examination is then provided. No evidence was detected for important differences in degree of third molar development between the 14 examined countries. This implicates that geographical differences in third molar development between examined individuals are of clinically negligible influence using age predictions based on third molars development.
Zid od armiranog tla Sv. Trojica, na obilaznici grada Rijeke, kod Križisca, najvisi je zid na svijetu izgrađen ovom tehnologijom. Geoloske znacajke mikrolokacije su izrazito nepovoljne za temeljenje, obzirom na reversni rasjed koji prolazi jednim dijelom zida te s obzirom na flisne naslage koje mogu biti posebno neugodne ako su izložene konstantnom djelovanju vode (gubitak cvrstoce). Uzevsi u obzir kompleksan geoloski sastav tla i stijena na lokaciji, te visinu zida, jasno je da je potrebno dobro koncipirati monitoring da se prati ponasanje konstrukcije kako pri izgradnji tako i kroz eksploataciju
Tooth wear caused by attrition, abrasion and erosion is assessed by numerous methods and indices that have been developed for diagnosing, grading and monitoring loss of dental hard tissues. Methods for assessment of tooth wear can be divided into qualitative and quantitative. Usually they use grading or scoring systems which can be very subjective. The aim of this abstract was to present a new, computer-based method for metric quantification of tooth wear suitable for both clinical and forensic (including paleodontological) use. Materials and Methods: Four individuals were analyzed for the purpose of introducing this method: two living persons (males, 20 – 30 and 40 – 50 years) and two skulls from medieval period (males, 20 – 30 and 40 – 50 years). Occlusal surface of each upper and lower jaw was photographed by a digital camera under standardized conditions. Images were transferred to the computer software. Areas of exposed dentine on occlusal tooth surfaces were outlined and size of areas of exposed dentine was calculated and expressed in square millimeters. Results: In living persons areas of exposed dentine varied between 0.50 mm2 on incisors and 9.49 mm2 on molars. On teeth of archeological origin areas of exposed dentine varied between 1.46 mm2 on incisors and 21.73 mm2 on molars. Conclusion: This method provides simple, user friendly, fast, reliable, precise and inexpensive metric quantification of tooth wear giving data which are objective and easy to compare. The method is applicable in clinical dentistry (e.g. monitoring of bruxism or dental erosion), forensic dentistry (e.g. bite mark analysis) and paleodontology (e.g. reconstruction of living conditions in the past).
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