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Introduction: Since the emergence of bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics is typically tied to specific geographical areas, it is very important to know the sensitivity of some bacteria to antimicrobial drugs in that particular area for the application of appropriate empiric treatment of certain infections. Children, especially very young children, are at high risk of developing infections caused by microorganisms resistant to antibiotics. This is directly related to the use of antimicrobial agents in food production. Objective: Determine the relationship between the emergence of urinary tract infections’ resistance causative agents to antibiotics in children aged up to 6 years in relation with animal origin nutrition of a child. Methods: Observational cross-sectional method was used to study the frequency of antibiotic resistance in bacteria triggering urinary tract infections in relation with children consuming animal products during the surveyed period. Results: Correlating the survey data on children's nutrition and laboratory tests of resistance in bacteria causing urinary tract infections in children, a statistically significant incidence of antibiotic resistant infections in children who consumed animal products (meat, milk, fish and eggs) was found. Resistance was found to: cefazoline in 26 (31%) patients (p = 0.008), cefuroxime axetil in 15 (18%) (p = 0.048), cefotaxime in 9 (11%) (p = 0.010), ceftazidine in 5 (6%) (p = 0.001), cefepime in 3 (3.5%) (p = 0.001), cefixime in 12 (14%) (p = 0.046) cefpodoxime in 17 (20%) (p = 0.025), to kanamycin 15 (18%) (p = 0.004), and to ciprofloxacin in 2 (2.3%) children (p = 0.018). Conclusions: The investigation found a statisticly significant link between the rate of antibiotic resistance in urinary tract infections triggerng bacteria and consumption of animal products. More stringent scrutiny of antibitic use in agriculture, veterinary practice and food industry is needed.

S. Durmišević, J. Durmišević-Serdarević, Melita Lelić

AIM To determine the significance of obesity as a risk factor in high school population with hypertension. METHODS Testing was conducted during the school year 2006-2007 on a sample of 1121 students, 15-18 years of age (306 boys and 815 girls) from three high schools in Zenica (Grammar School, Teacher Training High School and Secondary School for Nurses). Increased relative risk factor with reliability coefficient that points to the significance of the correlation of risk factors and development of a disease was examined using analytical epidemiological research methods and statistical analysis (the linear correlation coefficient, χ2 test, and the relative risk ) . RESULTS Obesity, e.g. Body Mass Index (BMI) more than 95 was found in 15 (5%) boys and 57 (7%) girls. Increased relative risk of developing essential arterial hypertension was found in obese boys (RR= 9.00 ) and girls (RR= 2.66) with the coefficient of reliability which pointed to the significance of the relationship between obesity and arterial hypertension morbidity. CONCLUSION Obesity is a significant risk factor for the occurrence of essential arterial hypertension in boys and girls. Monitoring the nutritional status of youth, regular systematic medical examinations with measuring tension and implementing measures to control nutrition, are important preventive public health tasks.

J. Durmišević-Serdarević, S. Durmišević, Melita Lelić, J. Durmišević, S. Uzunović

AIM To determine the prevalence and etiological agents of significant bakteriuria in children younger than six, as well as the incidence of anatomical abnormalities of the urinary system in children with established significant bakteriuria. METHODS Data were collected from hospital records of children treated at the Department for Preschool and School Health Care, the Primary Health Care Center Zenica and from discharge letters for children hospitalized at the Department of Pediatrics, Cantonal Hospital Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 2007-2009. RESULTS A total of 5379 children were included in the study. Significant bacteriuria was present in 352 (6.5%) children, among those 114 (32.4%) were boys and 238(67.6%) girls. Recidivism of significant bakteriuria was found in 92 children (26.1%), and abnormal ultrasound findings in 58 (16.4%) children. The most common isolated pathogens were E. coli, in 170 (48.3%), K. pneumoniae, in 61 (17.3%), P. mirabilis in 53 (15%), and P. vulgaris, in 12 (34.1%) cases. CONCLUSION As UTIs in children are often symptomless and unrecognizable, and an untreated UTI can lead to subsequent impairment of renal function, it is very important to detect bakteriuria in children.

Aim and purpose: Proving the effects of airborne pollutants regarding the rate of mortality caused by malignant diseases as well as determining its incidence and prevalence. Methods and materials: Research has descriptive-analytic character and it is retrospective regarding its type. The group used statistically in the research consists of residents of municipality Zenica, municipality Zavidovići, and air pollutants (sulphur dioxide and airborne particles). Cantonal public health office in Zenica conducted the research with the data assistance from: Metallurgic institute “Kemal Kapetanović”, Cantonal and Federal statistics department, Federal public health office, and Municipal office Zenica. Specific questionnaires have been prepared for the use in the research. They are filled in from the existing bulletins, reports, yearbooks etc. Also the existing reports from the “Kemal Kapetanović” Institute, bulletins from the Cantonal public health office Zenica, and statistics reports from the Federal and Cantonal public health offices have been used. When determining the risk of disease, for the statistical analysis of data several methods were used: descriptive statistics methods, chi-squared test, and correlation tests. Results: During the 30 years period of time, 100% of the population of all age groups from municipalities Zenica and Zavidovići were considered. After analysing the data with the Chi-squared test, correlation and disease risk outcomes, the results show that the air pollution has the effect on the mortality rate caused by malignant diseases. Air pollution dispersion is significantly higher in Zenica than in the control group, there is a high correlation between getting sick and dying. Conclusions: City of Zenica has higher concentration of sulphur dioxide and airborne particles than in the city of Zavidovići. More people die from malignant diseases in Zenica than in Zavidovići.

S. Durmišević, J. Durmišević-Serdarević, N. Ahmetović, Suad Sivić, Melita Lelić

The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between average monthly concentrations of sulfur dioxide and a rate of prescribed inhalation bronchodilator therapy in children aged under 6 years during 2011 in Zenica city. The average monthly concentration of sulfur dioxide of 231μg/m3 recorded in January, 82 μg/m3 in July and 296μg/m3 in December was noted. The monthly rate of prescribed inhalation bronchodilators in examined 100 children was 15.4% in January, 7.8% in July and 18.1% in December (r = 0.666; p less than 0.05). The increase in the average monthly concentration of sulfur dioxide in ambient air had an effect on the increase in the rate of applied inhalation bronchodilator therapy in children aged under 6 years.

Introduction: The ambience of the city of Zenica, with high concentrations of pollutants in the air, as a consequence of the technological process of production of ferrous metals, causing a high risk of illness and exacerbation of respiratory diseases among residents of Zenica, especially inrisk population groups, such as children with asthma. The goal: The main objective of this work was to determine the correlation of monthly and quarterly average concentration of SO2 with the number of medical visits in asthmatic children, five-year period since 2006. by 2010. Methods: We analyze trends in average monthly and quarterly sulfur dioxide concentrations in the city of Zenica, the number of medical visits asthmatic children and asked for statistical correlation between these two health-statistics appear in the five-year period of 2006. 2010.The results: Statistical analysis shows that increased an average concentration of SO2 increased the average number of medical visits asthmatic children. Pearson correlation coefficient between the average concentration of SO2 in μg/m3 of air and the average number of visits by asthmatic children yearly quarters is 0.571, which means that there is a significant positive correlation between the average concentrations of SO2 and the average number of visits asthmatic children, but this correlation was not significant, probably due small series of patients (p> 0.05). Conclusion: Increased the average concentration of SO2 in ambient air increased the average number of medical visits asthmatic children.

S. Durmišević, J. Durmišević-Serdarević

INTRODUCTION Ambient air pollution in the town of Kakanj, mostly of industrial origin, has become a major reason for increased use of 1 health care services by children under the age of six years. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between ambient concentrations of sulphur dioxide (SO2), suspended particles and nitrogenoxides (NOx), and the frequency/number of visits to health care institutions by children under the age of six years. MATERIAL AND METHODS The investigation was carried out in the period from January to December 2003, in the area of Kakanj and Brnjic. We examined the average number of monthly visits to health care institutions and concentrations of sulphur dioxide, suspended particles and nitrogen oxides in the town of Kakanj. RESULTS The investigation shows that there is a linear increase of visits to health care institutions in relation to linear increase of concentrations of sulphur dioxide, suspended particles and nitrogen oxides (O<R<+1). An increase in visits to health care institutions significantly correlates (0.05) with the average concetrations of sulphur dioxide (0.713) and suspended particles (0.433), and with the average concentrations of nitrogen oxides (0.901). DISCUSSION High correlation between the increase in visits to health care institutions and increased concentrations of nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide was also found by Berktas, Jazbec, Transande. CONCLUSION Children under the age of six in the town of Kakanj visit health care institutions considerably more frequently than children of the same age in the village of Brnjic, which significantly corelates with the average monthly concentrations of sulphur dioxide, suspended particles and nitroge noxides in the air.

S. Durmišević, Ivana Jukica, J. Durmišević-Serdarević, Fra Ivana Jukica, Zenica, Z. Obradović

Introductory: Ambiental air in town of Kakanj, stressed by polutants of mostly industrial origin, has become a major reason for increased use of medical care by school children and youth. The goal: The goal of this work is to examine corelation between ambiental concentrations of sulphurdioxid (SO2), suspended particles and nitrogenoxides (NOx), and of number of visits by schoo l children and youth to medical care institiutions. Method: In period from January to December 2003., in the area of Kakanj and Brnjic, the investigation was carried on the monthly average of visits to medical care institutions and concentrations of sulphurdioxide, suspended particles and nitrogenoxides in the area of “Dom Kulture” Kakanj.The results: The investigation has shown that there is a linear increase of visits to medical care institutions in relation to linear increase of concetration of sulphurdioxide, suspended particles and nitrogenoxides (O<R<+1). Conclusions: The school children and the youth in town of Kakanj visit medical institiutions considerably more frequently in comparison to the same age group in village of Brnjic, in corelation to monthly average values of concentration of sulphurdioxide, suspended particles and nitrogenoxides in air.

S. Durmišević, J. Durmišević-Serdarević

Introductory: Ambiental air in town of Kakanj, stressed by polutants of mostly industrial origin, has become a major reason for increased use of medical care by school children and youth. The goal: The goal of this work is to examine corelation between ambiental concentrations of sulphurdioxid (SO2), suspended particles and nitrogenoxides (NOx), and of number of visits by schoo l children and youth to medical care institiutions. Method: In period from January to December 2003., in the area of Kakanj and Brnjic, the investigation was carried on the monthly average of visits to medical care institutions and concentrations of sulphurdioxide, suspended particles and nitrogenoxides in the area of “Dom Kulture” Kakanj.The results: The investigation has shown that there is a linear increase of visits to medical care institutions in relation to linear increase of concetration of sulphurdioxide, suspended particles and nitrogenoxides (O<R<+1). Conclusions: The school children and the youth in town of Kakanj visit medical institiutions considerably more frequently in comparison to the same age group in village of Brnjic, in corelation to monthly average values of concentration of sulphurdioxide, suspended particles and nitrogenoxides in air.

S. Durmišević, J. Durmišević-Serdarević

The ambient air in Zenica being heavily polluted under the influence of the dirty metallurgic technologies in this town caused the great risk to the respiratory diseases on its citizens. The task of this work was to investigate the possible correlation of the morbidity in non-specific acute respiratory diseases among school children of 7 to 14 yeas of age, with mean concentrations of sulfur dioxide (S02) in ambient air of the two towns Zenica and Zavidovići. The retro-prospective study was established in the two groups of school children exposed and nonexposed to the air pollution within the period between 1987. and 1999. There were followed the incidence of acute non-specific respiratory diseases in the comparison to the levels of air pollution. In statistical analysis it was found that there is the positive degree of the level of +0,727369 in the correlation between the quarterly mean concentrations of the S02 in the ambient air and the incidence of the non-specific respiratory diseases; there were the linear ups of the incidence of the diseases parallel with the linear ups of the concentrations of the S02, statistically expressed like: 0<R<+1. The marked connection was found between the incidence of acute non-specific respiratory diseases among school children and the mean concentrations of S02 in ambient air of the two towns.

S. Uzunović-Kamberović, S. Durmišević, S. Tandir

In the Zenica-Doboj Canton, 1106 hepatitis A virus (HAV) infections were reported during 2000 (an incidence rate of 252/100 000 population), with 996 (90.1%) cases occurring in nine community-wide outbreaks. Analysis of water supplies showed that 398 (19.1%) samples contained coliforms, including 202 (50.8%) that were contaminated with thermotolerant Escherichia coli. Sewage sanitation systems were absent or substandard in 53 910 (81.8%) rural households. The group most affected during outbreaks comprised children aged 7-14 years (incidence rate of 598/100 000). The development of health promotion and prevention initiatives in schools, combined with rigorous hygiene measures, will be necessary to achieve control of the spread of HAV.

S. Durmišević, Jasminka Durmisevict-Serdarević

INTRODUCTION Both mild and severe local and systemic postvaccination reactions are seen more rarely in infants immunized with DTPa than in those immunized with DTPw vaccine. MATERIAL AND METHODS By analysis of medical records and follow-up of patients, the authors serched for sings of adverse effects of DPT vaccines, comparing cellular and acelhular vaccines in children aged from three months to five years. The results of investigation were analyzed using X2. RESULTS Out of the total number of 940 applied vaccines, 329 were cellular and 611 were acellular. Body temperature over 38.5 degrees C occurred in 3% of children immunized with cellular DTPw, and vomitting occurred in 0.8% of those immunized with acellular DTPa vaccine. Vomiting occurred (more than five times) in 0.9% of children immunized with DPTw and in 0.32% of children immunnized with DPTa. Other undesirable symptoms like swelling, redness and pain in the arm were found in 0.6% of children immunized with DPTw, and in 0.32% of children immunized with DPTa; prolonged crying (three hours or longer) was registered in 0.3% of cases inzmmt- nized with DPTw, and in 0.16% of immunized with DPTa vaccine. Convulsions and collapse appeared only in 0.3% of children immunized with DPTw. DISCUSSION Our investigation shows that local and generalized undesirable postvaccination reactions occurred in 5.4% of children immunized with DPTw and in 1.64 of children immunized with DPTa. The latest clinical investigations show that acellular pertussis vaccines are successful in prevention of pertussis and that they are quite safe for infants: in our investigations, local and generalized reactions were markedly rare in children immunized with DPTa. CONCLUSION Undesirable postvaccinaition reactions after application of acellular DPT vaccines are less frequent than it is described in relevant references. The most frequent postvaccination reactions was raised body temperature (38.5 degrees C). Convulsions and collapses were not registered in children immnunized with DPTa vaccine. This investigation points to significantly rarer unwanted postvcaccinationl reactions of acellular DPT vaccine in comparison with DPTGw (p < 0.01).

S. Durmišević, J. Durmišević-Serdarević, D. Imamović

Authors present results of statistical analysis of data of abortions, in period since 1980 up to date. The frequency and trend of the abortions in the entitled canton of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the period 1980-1989 and 1996-2001. It was found that the percentage of abortions had been yearly growing, from 66 cases per 100 deliveries in the year 1980, 88 cases in the year 1985, to 97 cases in the year 1989. Comparing to Zenica-Doboj Canton, in the regions of Doboj, Tuzla, Sarajevo, the number of abortions in the mentioned period was remarkably higher varying from 127 to 178 cases per 100 deliveries. It is worthy to notify that in the period 1996-2001 the participation of young women in the abortions with the percentage of 2.5% in the year 1996, had been rather indicative showing the tendency of growing during the rest years of the investigated period. The women of the age group between 25 and 39 were the main candidates for artificial abortions, the ladies within 30-34 years of age being most predominant. It is also remarkable that in the last four years the elderly ladies (elder than 49 years of age) showed the tendency of artificial abortions, up to 0.49 cases per hundred deliveries.

S. Durmišević, Jasminka Serdarević-Durmisević

The aim of this work was to examine spread of harmful habits in student youth, as risk factors for HIV infection, in correlation with way of life. In this work survey method with survey questionnaires was used. We have examined two groups of students from Pedagogic academy and Islamic pedagogic academy. Students of Pedagogic academy are smokers in percent of 41.1%, 52.2% male and 36.25% female, and on Islamic pedagogic academy 8.75% students smoke, 16.6% male, and there are no female smokers. Smokers mostly come from medium educated families (66.6%). Alcohol drinks are consumed by 41% of students Pedagogic academy, 56.6% male and 37.2% female, while that habit is not present among students of Islamic pedagogic academy. Students with this habit mostly come from medium educated families (60.4%). Narcotics are consumed by 5.1% students of Pedagogic academy, 4.3% male and 5.3% female, while that habit is not present among students of Islamic pedagogic academy. Students with this habit mostly come from medium educated families (50.0%) and high educated families (33.4%). Students which smoke come from smoking families (in 86%), parents of half of students which consume alcohol also have that habit (47.9%), while use of narcotics is not present among parents of students which consume those. Smoking is considerably more spread among students of Pedagogic academy (40.1%), than among students of Islamic pedagogic academy (8.7%). Consuming of alcohol drinks and narcotics is not present among students of Islamic pedagogic academy. For prevention of HIV infection infallible component is a call for reaffirmation of classical moral values among people.

S. Durmišević, D. Imamović, J. Durmišević-Serdarević

The authors have investigated the sanitary problematics of the terminal municipal waste disposal by the methods of the field inspection and quering in the comparison with the incidence of relevant diseases among the people living in the neighbouring settlements. Ten municipal waste deponia are registered in the region with the range of distance of one hundred meters afar from the periphery of the human settlements, in Breza, to 3,500 meters afar, in Maglaj. According to the quering, only 30% of waste deponia do not affect the health seccurity of direct neighbouring area, but none of them fulfill the necessary sanitary conditions of disposition, though the waist deponium "Vila" (Tesanj) is the nearest to the wishful conditions. Half, out of all deponia, are not guarded at all, neither by human or by technical support. The incidence of the relevant diseases is evidently correlative to the nearness of wast deponia location to the human settlements; For instance, in the surrounding of main waste-deponium for Zenica (Tetovo), in the last year (1999), the incidence of the relevant diseases was 620 of cases per 100,000 of population, but on the furthest point (The village Janjići), the incidence of the relevant diseases was only 77/000.

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