
Publikacije (149)

Jasin Hodžić, Lejla Gurbeta, E. Omanovic-Miklicanin, A. Badnjević

Introduction: Major advancements in DNA sequencing methods introduced in the first decade of the new millennium initiated a rapid expansion of sequencing studies, which yielded a tremendous amount of DNA sequence data, including whole sequenced genomes of various species, including plants. A set of novel sequencing platforms, often collectively named as “next-generation sequencing” (NGS) completely transformed the life sciences, by allowing extensive throughput, while greatly reducing the necessary time, labor and cost of any sequencing endeavor. Purpose: of this paper is to present an overview NGS platforms used to produce the current compendium of published draft genomes of various plants, namely the Roche/454, ABI/SOLiD, and Solexa/Illumina, and to determine the most frequently used platform for the whole genome sequencing of plants in light of genotypization of immortelle plant. Materials and methods: 45 papers were selected (with 47 presented plant genome draft sequences), and utilized sequencing techniques and NGS platforms (Roche/454, ABI/SOLiD and Illumina/Solexa) in selected papers were determined. Subsequently, frequency of usage of each platform or combination of platforms was calculated. Results: Illumina/Solexa platforms are by used either as sole sequencing tool in 40.42% of published genomes, or in combination with other platforms - additional 48.94% of published genomes, followed by Roche/454 platforms, used in combination with traditional Sanger sequencing method (10.64%), and never as a sole tool. ABI/SOLiD was only used in combination with Illumina/Solexa and Roche/454 in 4.25% of publications. Conclusions: Illumina/Solexa platforms are by far most preferred by researchers, most probably due to most affordable sequencing costs. Taking into consideration the current economic situation in the Balkans region, Illumina Solexa is the best (if not the only) platform choice if the sequencing of immortelle plant (Helichrysium arenarium) is to be performed by the researchers in this region.

Alem Šećerović, Lejla Gurbeta, E. Omanovic-Miklicanin, A. Badnjević

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of genes that have an impact on athletic performance. In recent years, there is a visible progress in molecular biology techniques, which facilitate researches in the field of genetics related to the sport performance. The paper focuses on 2 genes which are most intensively studied in relation to the athletic ability – angiotensine I-converting enzyme (ACE) and alpha-actinin 3 (ACTN3). There are shown results from many researches, and they indicate that genetic factors have effect on sports performance, but also impact of training and environment is important. With new approaches, new polymorphisms are discovered, so research of this area of genetics is still in progress. KeywordsAthletic Performance; Genetics; Polymorphism; Genotype; Endurance; Strength; ACE; ACTN3.

Layla Abdel-Ilah, E. Veljović, Lejla Gurbeta, A. Badnjević

Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) and quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) studies are important in silico methods in rational drug design. The aim of this methods are to optimize the existing leads in order to improve their biological activities and physico-chemical properties. Also, to predict the biological activities of untested and sometimes yet unavailable compounds. This article is a general review of different QSAR/QSPR studies in different previous researches. R2 and Q2 parameters are used in some studies to predict the predictability and robustness of the constructed models. In all mentioned articles QSAR study were good prediction tool for investigation drug activity or binding mode on specific receptors. Keywords— Drug design, QSAR, QSPR, Molecular Descriptor, Coefficient of Determination R2, Squared Correlation Coefficient Q2.

Berina Alić, Lejla Gurbeta, A. Badnjević

This paper presents the overview of machine learning techniques in classification of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Bayesian Networks (BNs). The comparative analysis was performed on selected papers that are published in the period from 2008 to 2017. The most commonly used type of ANN in selected papers is multilayer feedforward neural network with Levenberg-Marquardt learning algorithm. On the other hand, the most commonly used type of BN is Na'ive Bayesian network which shown the highest accuracy values for classification of diabetes and CVD, 99.51% and 97.92% retrospectively. Moreover, the calculation of mean accuracy of observed networks has shown better results using ANN, which indicates that higher possibility to obtain more accurate results in diabetes and/or CVD classification is when it is applied to ANN.

Senol Dogan, N. Nalcaci, S. Doğan, A. Badnjević, A. Kurtovic, D. Marjanovic

Stress is a part of human life, especially for urban citizens. Stress is inseparable characteristics of student life, especially exam days. Stress management is one of the first steps which can affect students success during the exams, especially in universities. Blood pressure is the first stress observation symptom to understand its level. Therefore, to understand the stress impact of university students during the exam weeks, a conditional experiment has been designed. 200 students were selected from Bosnian and Turkish female and male. The students` blood systolic, diastolic and heart rate were measured to detect the differences between non-exams days and exam days. The blood pressure measurement has been done 3 times in specific times, non-exam days, midterm and final days. Since non-exam days were taken as stress off days, they were supposed that these days were control data to compare with exam days to see the differences. As a result of the measurements, Bosnian females showed the highest increasing, systolic 13.2%, diastolic 9.3% and heart rate 8.5% during the midterm exam days. The group has been followed by Bosnian males, systolic 6.9%, diastolic 6.1% and heart rate 6.63 increased during the midterm days. Although Turkish students blood pressure and heart rate increased, the values were less than Bosnian students. Moreover, high correlation significance results belonged to Bosnian females and males, 0.722 and 0.698 respectively. Finally, it was concluded that if students have scholarship they have more blood pressure during the exams. While 95% of Bosnian females and 90% of Bosnian males have some scholarship, no Turkish students have scholarship demonstrated the differences between Bosnian and Turkish students blood measurements.

Dijana Sejdinović, Lejla Gurbeta, A. Badnjević, M. Malenica, T. Dujic, A. Causevic, T. Bego, Lejla Divović Mehmedović

Berina Alić, Lejla Gurbeta, A. Badnjević, Alma Badnjević-Čengić, M. Malenica, T. Dujic, A. Causevic, T. Bego

E. Veljović, S. Špirtović-Halilović, Samija Muratović, A. Osmanović, A. Badnjević, Lejla Gurbeta, Berina Tatlić, Zerina Zorlak et al.

A. Badnjević, Lejla Gurbeta, Elvira Jimenez, E. Iadanza

The medical device industry has grown rapidly and incessantly over the past century. The sophistication and complexity of the designed instrumentation is nowadays rising and, with it, has also increased the need to develop some better, more effective and efficient maintenance processes, as part of the safety and performance requirements. This paper presents the results of performance tests conducted on 50 mechanical ventilators and 50 infant incubators used in various public healthcare institutions. Testing was conducted in accordance to safety and performance requirements stated in relevant international standards, directives and legal metrology policies. Testing of output parameters for mechanical ventilators was performed in 4 measuring points while testing of output parameters for infant incubators was performed in 7 measuring points for each infant incubator. As performance criteria, relative error of output parameters for mechanical ventilators and absolute error of output parameters for infant incubators was calculated. The ranges of permissible error, for both groups of devices, are regulated by the Rules on Metrological and Technical Requirements published in the Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 75/14, which are defined based on international recommendations, standards and guidelines. All ventilators and incubators were tested by etalons calibrated in an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory, which provides compliance to international standards for all measured parameters.The results show that 30% of the tested medical devices are not operating properly and should be serviced, recalibrated and/or removed from daily application.

This volume presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering held from 16 to 18 March 2017 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Focusing on the theme of ‘Pursuing innovation. Shaping the future’, it highlights the latest advancements in Biomedical Engineering and also presents the latest findings, innovative solutions and emerging challenges in this field. Topics include: - Biomedical Signal Processing - Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing - Biosensors and Bioinstrumentation - Bio-Micro/Nano Technologies - Biomaterials - Biomechanics, Robotics and Minimally Invasive Surgery - Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Endocrine Systems Engineering - Neural and Rehabilitation Engineering - Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering - Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - Clinical Engineering and Health Technology Assessment - Health Informatics, E-Health and Telemedicine - Biomedical Engineering Education - Pharmaceutical Engineering.

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