
Publikacije (149)

G. Minervini, R. Franco, M. M. Marrapodi, Vini Mehta, L. Fiorillo, A. Badnjević, G. Cervino, M. Cicciu'

Background and Objectives: Gaucher disease (GD) is a lysosomal storage disorder with the genetic autosomal recessive transmission. Bone involvement is a prevalent finding in Gaucher disease. It causes deformity and limits daily activities and the quality of life. In 75% of patients, there is bone involvement. This review aims to evaluate the principal findings in the jaw by a Cone-beam computed tomography (CBTC) and X-ray orthopantomography; Materials and Methods: PubMed, Web of Science, Lilacs and Scopus were systematically searched until 31 December 2022. In addition, a manual search was performed using the bibliography of selected articles and a Google Scholar search. Clinical studies were selected that considered principal radiographic findings in radiography in a group of patients affected by GD. Results: Out of 5079 papers, four studies were included. The main findings are generalized rarefaction and enlarged narrow space, anodontia. Conclusions: The exact mechanism of bone manifestation is probably due to the infiltration of Gaucher cells in the bone marrow and, consequently, the destruction of bone architecture. All long bones are a potential means of skeletal manifestation. The jaw is more affected than the maxilla, and the principal features are cortical thinning, osteosclerosis, pseudocystic lesions, mental demineralization, flattening in the head of the condyle, effacement of anatomical structures, thickening of maxillary sinus mucosa. The dentist plays a crucial role in diagnosing and treating these patients. Sometimes the diagnosis can be made by a simple panoramic radiograph. All long bones are affected, and the mandible is particularly involved.

G. Minervini, R. Franco, M. M. Marrapodi, Vini Mehta, L. Fiorillo, A. Badnjević, G. Cervino, M. Cicciu'

Abstract Objective: The coronavirus belongs to the family of Coronaviridae, which are not branched single-stranded RNA viruses. COVID-19 creates respiratory problems and infections ranging from mild to severe. The virus features mechanisms that serve to delay the cellular immune response. The host’s response is responsible for the pathological process that leads to tissue destruction. Temporomandibular disorders are manifested by painful jaw musculature and jaw joint areas, clicks, or creaks when opening or closing the mouth. All these symptoms can be disabling and occur during chewing and when the patient yawns or even speaks. The pandemic situation has exacerbated anxieties and amplified the vulnerability of individuals. Therefore, from this mechanism, how the COVID-19 pandemic may have increased the incidence of temporomandibular disorders is perceived. The purpose of this review is to evaluate whether COVID-19-related anxiety has caused an increase in temporomandibular dysfunction symptoms in adults to children. Methods: PubMed, Web of Science, Lilacs, and Scopus were systematically searched, until 30 July 2022, to identify studies presenting: the connection between COVID-19 with temporomandibular disorders. Results: From 198 papers, 4 studies were included. Literature studies have shown that the state of uncertainty and anxiety has led to an increase in the incidence of this type of disorder, although not all studies agree. Seventy-three studies were identified after viewing all four search engines; at the end of the screening phase, only four were considered that met the PECO, the planned inclusion, and the exclusion criteria. All studies showed a statistically significant correlation between temporomandibular disorders and COVID-19 with a p < 0.05. Conclusions: All studies agreed that there is an association between COVID-19 and increased incidence of temporomandibular disorders.

A. Hossein, Oveis Aleksandra, Zgrundo Amir, Waseem Aleksey, A. Ustyugov, A. Bansal, A. Štrancar, A. Jaiswal et al.

High-quality academic publishing is built on rigorous peer review [...].

E. Begić, Buena Aziri, Elma Omeragić, Edin Medjedović, A. Iglica, B. Stanetic, T. Kovacevic-Preradovic, Ž. Živanović et al.

BACKGROUND Heat-not-burn (HNB) technology by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been classified as a modified risk tobacco product, which can be a better option for those populations who cannot give up the habit of smoking. The outlook on the effects of these products is quite controversial in the scientific world. OBJECTIVE To present the effect of HNB tobacco products on the cardiovascular system, with reference to the existence of possible benefits of the technology. METHODS The literature search was conducted in PubMed/Medline, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), and ClinicalTrials.gov databases, with reliance on a well-defined guiding research statement. Quality appraisal was performed using the CASP checklist for randomized controlled trials. RESULTS The search of three databases identified 167 records, and after selection process, 25 randomized controlled trials were eligible for our study's criteria. Twenty studies investigated the effects of HNB products on biomarkers of clinical relevance. Five studies evaluated other functional heart parameters rather than biomarkers. CONCLUSION With HNB tobacco products, significant reductions were found in biomarkers of exposure and biological effect related to pathways involved in cardiovascular disease, including inflammation, oxidative stress, lipid metabolism, platelet function, and endothelial dysfunction.

A. Badnjević, Amar Deumić, Ammar Trakić, L. G. Pokvic

BACKGROUND Mechanical ventilators are medical devices used in intensive care units when patients are in need of mechanical aid to facilitate the process of breathing. As the function of breathing is the exchange of gases, the mechanical ventilator takes over that function while the patient is incapable to spontaneous breathing. As these devices are used to maintain the life of patents, their performance must be ensured and there cannot be significant deviations in the volumes and pressure of gases they introduce to the patient. The new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) defines medical device post-market surveillance (PMS) as performed by independent, third-party, notified bodies more strategically in hope to improve traceability of device performance. However, there is still an apparent gap in terms of standardised conformity assessment testing methods. OBJECTIVE This paper proposes a novel method for conformity assessment testing of mechanical ventilators for post-market surveillance purposes. METHOD The method was developed on the basis of metrology characteristics of mechanical ventilators and evaluation of their vital safety and performance parameters. In addition to the evaluation of essential safety and visual integrity of mechanical ventilators, their performance in terms of volume of oxygen delivered to the patient as well as the flow and pressure of the delivered gas is evaluated. RESULTS The developed method was validated between 2018 and 2021 in healthcare institutions of all levels. The results obtained during validation suggest that conformity assessment testing of mechanical ventilators as a method used during PMS contributes to significant improvement in devices' accuracy and reliability. CONCLUSION A standardized approach in conformity assessment testing of mechanical ventilators during PMS, besides increasing reliability of the devices, is the first step in digital transformation of management of these devices in healthcare institutions opening possibility for use of artificial intelligence.

A. Badnjević, Lemana Spahić, Naida Babić Jordamović, L. G. Pokvic

BACKGROUND Premature born infants or infants born sick require immediate medical attention and decreasing the stress imposed onto their body by the environment. Infant incubators provide an enclosed environment that can be controlled to fit the needs of the infant. As such, their performance must be consistent and without significant deviations. The only manner to ensure this is by post-market surveillance (PMS) focused on evaluation of both safety and performance. The new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) defines medical device post-market surveillance (PMS) as performed by independent, third-party, notified bodies more strategically in hope to improve traceability of device performance. However, there is still an apparent gap in terms of standardised conformity assessment testing methods. OBJECTIVE This paper proposes a novel method for conformity assessment testing of infant incubators for post-market surveillance purposes. METHOD The method was developed based on guidelines for devices providing measurements laid out by the International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML). The methodology was validated during a four year period in healthcare institutions of all levels. RESULTS The developed method was validated between 2018 and 2021 in healthcare institutions of all levels. The results obtained during validation suggest that conformity assessment testing of infant incubators as a method used during PMS contributes to significant improvement in devices' accuracy and reliability. CONCLUSION A standardized approach in conformity assessment testing of infant incubators during PMS, besides increasing reliability of the devices, is the first step in digital transformation of management of these devices in healthcare institutions opening possibility for use of artificial intelligence.

A. Badnjević, Amar Deumić, Azra Ademović, L. G. Pokvic

BACKGROUND Therapeutic ultrasounds are medical devices used for treatment of conditions such muscle spasms, joint contractures or general muscle pain. Their function relies in the delivery of ultrasonic pulses that generate heat in tissue thus relieving the symptoms of aforementioned conditions. Accuracy of the delivered pulses directly affects the quality and effectiveness of the treatment and has to be ensured throughout the utilization of the therapeutic ultrasound in practice. The new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) defines medical device post-market surveillance (PMS) as performed by independent, third-party, notified bodies more strategically in hope to improve traceability of device performance. However, there is still an apparent gap in terms of standardised conformity assessment testing methods. OBJECTIVE This paper proposes a novel method for conformity assessment testing of therapeutic ultrasounds for post-market surveillance purposes. METHOD The method was developed based on metrology characteristics of therapeutic ultrasounds and includes visual, electrical safety and performance inspections of therapeutic ultrasounds to ensure that both safety and treatment reliability are achieved. RESULTS The developed method was validated between 2018 and 2021 in healthcare institutions of all levels. The results obtained during validation suggest that conformity assessment testing of therapeutic ultrasounds as a method used during PMS contributes to significant improvement in devices' accuracy and reliability. CONCLUSION A standardized approach in conformity assessment testing of therapeutic ultrasounds during PMS, besides increasing reliability of the devices, is the first step in digital transformation of management of these devices in healthcare institutions opening possibility for use of artificial intelligence.

A. Badnjević, Amar Deumić, Z. Dzemic, L. G. Pokvic

BACKGROUND Anaesthesia machines, as moderate to high-risk medical devices intended for use on patients during surgical procedures must be safe and reliable with traceable performance every time they are used in healthcare practice. The new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) defines medical device post-market surveillance (PMS) as performed by independent, third-party, notified bodies more strategically in hope to improve traceability of device performance. However, there is still an apparent gap in terms of standardised conformity assessment testing methods. OBJECTIVE This paper proposes a novel evidence-based method for conformity assessment testing of anaesthesia machines for post-market surveillance purposes. METHOD The novel method is developed according to the International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML) guidelines and is to be used for the purpose of conformity assessment testing of anaesthesia machines with respect to their technical and metrological characteristics during PMS. RESULTS The developed method was validated between 2018 and 2021 in healthcare institutions of all levels. The results obtained during validation suggest that conformity assessment testing of anaesthesia machines as a method used during PMS contributes to significant improvement in devices' accuracy and reliability. CONCLUSION A standardized approach in conformity assessment testing of anaesthesia machines during PMS, besides increasing reliability of the devices, is the first step in digital transformation of management of these devices in healthcare institutions opening possibility for use of artificial intelligence.

A. Badnjević, Amar Deumić, Adna Softić, L. G. Pokvic

BACKGROUND Patient monitors are medical devices used to monitor vital parameters such as heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, and body temperature during inpatient treatment. As such, patient monitors provide physicians with information necessary to adjust the treatment as well as evaluate the overall status and recovery of the patient. Measurements made by intrinsic sensors of patient monitors must be compliant and provide reliable readings in order to ensure safety and optimal quality of care to the patients. OBJECTIVE This paper proposes a novel method for conformity assessment testing of patient monitors in healthcare institutions for post-market surveillance purposes. METHOD The method was developed on the basis of metrology characteristics of sensors used to monitor vital parameters observed by patient monitors and evaluation of their vital safety and performance parameters. In addition to the evaluation of essential safety and visual integrity of patient monitors, their performance in terms of accuracy of the readings is evaluated. RESULTS The developed method was validated between 2018 and 2021 in healthcare institutions of all levels. The results obtained during validation suggest that conformity assessment testing of patient monitors as a method used during PMS contributes to significant improvement in devices' accuracy and reliability. CONCLUSION A standardized approach in conformity assessment testing of patient monitors during PMS, besides increasing reliability of the devices, is the first step in digital transformation of management of these devices in healthcare institutions opening possibility for use of artificial intelligence.

A. Badnjević, Amar Deumić, Merima Smajlhodžić-Deljo, L. G. Pokvic

BACKGROUND Introduction of fluids, medicaments and nutrients into the human body during hospitalization is fundamental for treatment and healing of patients. Fluids are introduced by means of infusion pumps while nutrients and medicaments are introduced by perfusion pumps. It is of vital importance for these devices to deliver exact amounts of the aforementioned substances as significant deviations can result in severe patient harm. Therefore it is important to effectively monitor their performance and prevent failures. OBJECTIVE This paper proposes a novel method for conformity assessment testing of infusion and perfusion pumps for post-market surveillance purposes. METHOD The method was developed on the basis of metrology characteristics of the devices. In addition to the evaluation of essential safety and visual integrity of infusion and perfusion pumps, their performance in terms of delivered volumes was assessed and monitored. RESULTS The developed method was validated between 2018 and 2021 in healthcare institutions of all levels. The results obtained during validation suggest that conformity assessment testing of infusion and perfusion pumps as a method used during PMS contributes to significant improvement in devices' accuracy and reliability. CONCLUSION A standardized approach in conformity assessment testing of infusion and perfusion pumps during PMS, besides increasing reliability of the devices, is the first step in digital transformation of management of these devices in healthcare institutions opening possibility for use of artificial intelligence.

A. Badnjević, Amar Deumić, Dušanka Bšković, L. G. Pokvic

BACKGROUND Dialysis machines are used regularly in healthcare practice. They are classified as a type of medical device with moderate and high risk therefore significant requirements are placed on their safety and performance every time they are used on patients. The new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) defines medical device post-market surveillance (PMS) as performed by independent, third-party, notified bodies more strategically in hope to improve traceability of device performance. However, there is still an apparent gap in terms of standardised conformity assessment testing methods. OBJECTIVE This paper proposes a novel evidence-based method for conformity assessment testing of dialysis machines for post-market surveillance purposes. METHOD The novel method is developed according to the International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML) guidelines and is to be used for the purpose of conformity assessment testing of Dialysis machines with respect to their metrological characteristics during PMS. RESULTS The developed method was validated between 2018 and 2021 in healthcare institutions of all levels. The results obtained during validation suggest that conformity assessment testing of dialysis machines as a method used during PMS contributes to significant improvement in devices' accuracy and reliability. CONCLUSION A standardized approach in conformity assessment testing of dialysis machines during PMS, besides increasing reliability of the devices, is the first step in digital transformation of management of these devices in healthcare institutions opening possibility for use of artificial intelligence.

A. Badnjević, R. Magjarevic, Emina Mr Djanović, L. G. Pokvic

BACKGROUND Monitoring cardiac parameters is the fundamental aspect of every diagnostic process and is facilitated by electrocardiography (ECG) devices. This way, continuous state-of-the-art performance of ECG devices can be ensured. The new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) defines medical device post-market surveillance (PMS) as performed by independent, third-party, notified bodies more strategically in hope to improve traceability of device performance. However, there is still an apparent gap in terms of standardised conformity assessment testing methods. OBJECTIVE This paper proposes a novel method for conformity assessment testing of ECG devices for post-market surveillance purposes. METHOD The method was developed on the basis of International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML) guidelines and applied in healthcare institutions from 2018 to 2021. RESULTS The developed method was validated in healthcare institutions of all levels. The results obtained during validation suggest that conformity assessment testing of the ECG device as a method used during PMS contributes to significant improvement in devices' accuracy and reliability. CONCLUSION A standardized approach in conformity assessment testing of ECG devices during PMS, besides increasing reliability of the devices, is the first step in the digital transformation of the management of these devices in healthcare institutions opening possibility for use of artificial intelligence.

A. Badnjević, L. G. Pokvic, Amar Deumić, L. S. Becirovic

BACKGROUND Medical devices (MDs) represent the backbone of the modern healthcare system. Considering their importance in daily medical practice, the process of manufacturing, marketing and usage has to be regulated at all levels. Harmonized evidence-based conformity assessment of MDs during PMS relying on traceability of medical device measurements can contribute to higher reliability of MD performance and consequently to higher reliability of diagnosis and treatments. OBJECTIVE This paper discusses issues within MD post-market surveillance (PMS) mechanisms in order to set a path to harmonization of MD PMS. METHODS Medline (1980-2021), EBSCO (1991-2021), and PubMed (1980-2021) as well as national and international legislation and standard databases along with reference lists of eligible articles and guidelines of relevant regulatory authorities such as European Commission, Food and Drug Administration were searched for relevant information. Journal articles that contain information regarding PMS methodologies concerning stand-alone medical devices. National and international legislation, standards and guidelines concerning the topic. RESULTS The search strategy resulted in 2282 papers. Out of those only 24 articles satisfied the eligibility criteria and were finally included in the review. Papers were grouped per categories: medical device registry, medical device adverse event reporting, and medical device performance evaluation. In addition to journal articles, national and international legislation, standards, and guidelines were reviewed to assess the state of PMS in different regions of the world. CONCLUSION Although the regulatory framework prescribes PMS of medical devices, the process itself is not harmonized with international standards. Particularly, conformity assessment of MDs, as an important part of PMS, is not measured and managed in a traceable, evidence-based manner. The lack of harmonization within PMS results in an environment of increased adverse events involving MDs and overall mistrust in medical device diagnosis and treatment results.

Amela Drobo, L. S. Becirovic, L. G. Pokvic, Lucija Dzambo, E. Becic, A. Badnjević, Majda Dogic, Alisa Smajovic

Hepatitis C is an inflammatory condition of the liver caused by the hepatitis C virus. Diagnosis of the disease itself is difficult because the incubation period is long, often the disease is initially without some characteristic symptoms, but also due to a lack of laboratory methods. Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used nowadays to make it easier and faster to assess the illness. As hepatitis C is a rising healthcare burden it is of utmost importance to construct effective and reliable screening methods. As AI has already proven useful for diagnosis of a variety of conditions based on clinical parameters, this study focuses on the application of artificial neural network (ANN) for hepatitis C diagnosis. In this study, a database of 1000 respondents divided into two groups was used to develop the ANN: healthy (n = 200) and sick (n = 800). Monitoring parameters were: albumin, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, bilirubin, acetylcholinesterase and anti-HCV antibodies. The overall accuracy of the developed ANN was 97,78%, which indicates that the potential of artificial intelligence in diagnosing hepatitis C is enormous, and in the future, attention should be paid to the development of new systems with as much data as possible.

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