
Publikacije (91)

M. Saracevic, Edin Korićanin, Enver Biševac

This paper examines the possibilities of applying Catalan numbers in cryptography. It also offers the application of appropriate combinatorial problems (Ballot Problem, Stack permutations and Balanced Parentheses) in encryption and decryption of files and plaintext. The paper analyzes the properties of Catalan numbers and their relation to these combined problems. Applied copyright method is related to the decomposition of Catalan numbers in the process of efficient keys generating. Java software solution which enables key generating with the properties of the Catalan numbers is presented at the end of the paper. Java application allows encryption and decryption of plaintext based on the generated key and combinatorial problems.

Mia Marić, M. Sakač, Vlasta Lipovac, S. Nikolić, J. Raičević, M. Saracevic

Modern educational process is becoming increasingly complex, subject of the influence of many intrapersonal and interpersonal factors. Conceptual basis of this work is Bandura’s social learning theory, which stresses the importance of the so-called, social learning, or learning by model, positioned in the educational context. The aim is to present the results of modern studies that dealt with the personality of a teacher from a model of student behavior and social learning, which mediates in the process of modeling the student's behavior, as well as the performance factors of the modern educational process. The general conclusion is that the teachers’ personality through a process of social learning has important influence on students' behavior and efficiency of the educational process and that the various development and educational programs aimed at the teachers’ empowerment and encouraging the operation of positive social impact, can significantly contribute to the quality and improvement of the effects of the educational efforts on the school and preschool age.

M. Saracevic, S. Adamovic, Enver Biševac

: This paper analyzes the properties of Catalan numbers and their relation to the Lattice Path combinatorial problem in cryptography. Specifically, analyzes the application of the appropriate combinatorial problem based on Catalan-key in encryption and decryption of files and plaintext. Accordingly, we use Catalan numbers for generating keys and within the experimental part we have applied the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) statistical battery of tests for assessing the quality of generated keys was applied. A total of 12 quality assurance tests for Catalan-key were applied. A Java application is presented which allows the encryption and decryption of plaintext based on the generated Catalan-key and combinatorial problem of movement in integer network or Lattice Path. Experimental study yields the comparison of results in text encryption speed for combinatorial encryption methods (such as: Ballot Problem, Stack permutations and Balanced Parentheses) in comparison with Lattice Path method (in Java programming language).

Zoran Lončarević, M. Saracevic, Muhedin Hadžić

The paper describes some authentication techniques based on face recognition with emphasis on 2D and 3D facial recognition technologies. The paper presents analyzes that show that the success of a biometric system requires the measurement of its performances through several different types of parameters. Presented are the features and comparative analysis of the two120 | Zoran Lončarević , Muzafer Saračević, Muhedin Hadžić dimensional method of face recognition in relation to three-dimensional ones, based on numerous researches published in professional and scientific papers. The paper emphasize that it is necessary to analyze, in addition to the system performance, the errors that occur in biometric systems during the process of registration, verification and identification. An OpenCV library has been analyzed with it’s over 500 functions that cover several areas of Computer Vision and the area of automatic format recognition.

E. Azizović, M. Kačka, M. Saracevic, A. Bihorac

The paper studied spelling and technical errors of students on social networks (facebook, twitter, e-mail). Social networks have over the last decade become the primary means of communication, which have more than ever made real the idea of "one world one village". Their usage is in the most part based on language, i.e. on the writing itself and reading of the same as its most complex parts. New aspects of the use of writing, which exclude handwriting, are already using some new writing platform, such as keyboards, smart touch surfaces, etc., provide new opportunities for redefining, as well as challenges for the writings. This paper aims to give a modest contribution in this direction.

Adis Rahmanović, M. Saracevic, Z. Čekerevac

The aim of this article is to demonstrate the benefits and justification of the use of GPS systems as a function of telemetry monitoring and control of production in the mining industry. The advantages of using GPS systems and information technology to manage the production in mining compared to the traditional way of managing in details are presented in this article. The analysis of the benefits and the feasibility were performed on the implemented case study with already applied GPS system in “RMU Banovici”. Monitoring by GPS tracking systems is finding ways to reduce operational costs and the identification of possible bottlenecks in the production process to slow down or prevent the growth of production and business. In addition to the revenue side of the increase in output per unit of work, we have reduced costs. Thereby GPS system in the market economy in the function of obtaining lower prices of coal as a product becomes not only justified but necessary. Analyzing the results so far of the application, after the introduction of a system for telemetric monitoring and management part of the technological process, to be noted that the time of operation of the main machinery increased significantly. We realize the benefits this system which offers the implementation for monitoring, and primarily this system raised awareness of employees that has a constant supervision of their work.

Fadil Novalić, Mevljuda Novalić, M. Saracevic, E. Azizović

Abstract Since the teaching content of Islamic religious instruction contains elements of a foreign language and description of rituals, in the learning process a counselor is essential. The question arises regarding the possibilities of learning this content with the use of information technology during students’ homework assignments. The study was conducted with elementary school pupils in “Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj” Primary School in Novi Pazar. The possibilities of using electronic materials by students were examined and it has been concluded that electronic materials would be best used when creating the form of static Web pages with text and graphics, as well as audio and video recordings. The influence of e-learning was examined with two groups of students who have equal school success. One group was taught the lessons and did their homework using the traditional methods of learning, while the other group used electronic learning. All students were graded in several aspects of the homework they had done and the scores were compared. It was revealed that better success was achieved by students who had used electronic material. The conclusion is that e-learning has a positive impact on the development of homework tasks in Islamic religious instruction in primary schools. Key words: e-lessons; e-learning; education; evaluation; website --- Sažetak S obzirom na to da nastavni sadržaji predmeta islamski vjeronauk sadrže elemente stranog jezika i opis obrednih radnji, u ucenju je neophodna pomoc strucne osobe. Postavlja se pitanje mogucnosti ucenickog svladavanja takvih dijelova gradiva uporabom informatickih tehnologija prilikom izrade domacih zadataka. Istraživanje provedeno među ucenicima O. S. "Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj" u Novom Pazaru. Ispitane su mogucnosti ucenicke upotrebe elektronickog materijala i zakljuceno da bi elektronicki materijal imao najbolju uporabu ako se izradi u formi staticnih internetskih stranica s tekstualnim i grafickim sadržajem, kao i poprati audiosnimkama i videosnimkama. Istraživanje utjecaja elektronickog ucenja izvrseno je nad dvjema skupinama ucenika ciji je uspjeh bio jednak. Jedna je skupina ucila gradivo i izrađivala domacu zadacu koristeci se tradicionalnim nacinom ucenja, a druga se koristila elektronickim ucenjem. Kod svih je ucenika ocijenjeno vise aspekata ispunjenog domaceg zadatka i uspoređene ocjene. Pokazalo se da su bolji uspjeh postigli ucenici koji su se koristili elektronickim materijalom. Zakljucak je da elektronicko ucenje ima pozitivan utjecaj na izradu domacih zadataka u nastavi islamskog vjeronauka u osnovnim skolama. Kljucne rijeci: e-gradivo; e-ucenje; edukacija; ocjenjivanje; internetska stranica.

Munir Šabanović, M. Saracevic, E. Azizović

The paper analyzes the memory usage and consumption of processor time when the user interacts with the application. We have analyzed the workload of the processor depending on the number of loaded data for different technologies of transfer (AMF, JSON or XML) from the server to the client. Apart from that, we have analyzed the occupation of memory depending on the number of loaded data and instantiated objects, the percentage of availability of memory that the class instances occupy. The change in the memory occupation is displayed graphically and numerically

Senadin Plojović, Fadil Novalić, M. Saracevic, Š. Plojović, Z. Čekerevac

U ovom radu je predstavljen projekat izrade sistema za preventivno održavanje vozila koji je urađen na osnovu zahteva Udruženja prevoznika Novi Pazar, a koji je finansiran od strane ABC Investment Corporation koja sprovodi međunarodne projekte u Srbiji za koje je tim za izradu informacionog sistema izvršio pilot istraživanje o potrebama, trendu, periodici kvarova i definisao termine preventivnog održavanja prevoznih sredstava, mašina o opreme. Na osnovu prikupljenih podataka definisani su parametri pretpostavljenih kvarova i definisane su tačke rizika. Za date parametre su definisani rokovi i načini izvođenja promene ili reparacije dela. Svi prikupljeni podaci su integrisani u informacioni sistem koji primenom parametara i funkcija u cilju stalnog sinhronog delovanja na promene u okruženju menja parametre održavanja mašina i opreme. Sistem je organizovan kao DSS sa sektorom za unos podataka o mašinama, vanrednim kvarovima i terminima preventivnih i prinudnih opravki, sektorom parametara za obračune i funkcije, kao i sektorom za izveštavanja i izdavanje naloga za preventivne servise. U samom radu predstavljen je postupak rada na informacionom sistemu kroz faze izrade. I na kraju je prezentirano gotovo rešenje sa konkretnim primerima iz prakse.

Adis Rahmanović, M. Saracevic, M. Kudumovic

The aim of this article is to describe the process of implementation of the GPS system for telemetric monitoring in the mining industry. The paper presents the components of this system, supporting infrastructure and capabilities that can be achieved by implementing such a project. In addition to the opportunities provided by this system, telemetry monitoring is given the possibility of extension with monitoring additional information. Below is the current implementation of the phase, field management, constraints, objectives and estimated time for the implementation of such projects.

M. Saracevic, Munir Šabanović, E. Azizović

This paper presents a comparative analysis of data formatting technology in AMF, JSON and XML, during data transfer between client and server. Data is authoring application that allows comparative analysis of these three technologies. These include aspects of the data transfer speed, the size of the output file, the data transmission safety, the code complexity of both the client and the server.

Salahudin Fetic, M. Saracevic

Media occupy a large place in society. On the other hand, the field of information and communication technologies has become an indispensable media tool. Accordingly, it is necessary to investigate how and in what way information technologies, from computers as the means of production of media content, transmission and publication of the same, to modern software solutions, internet and mobile technology influence the rise or fall of certain media. A particular aspect of the research we put on the impact of IT on the profitability and unprofitability of some other media.

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