
Publikacije (7)

Emir Sudžuka, Irfan Osmanović

Recent years have seen a surge in popularity of concession projects, particularly in certain sectors such as energy, mining, and geological explorations. These projects are not only significant and beneficial for the investors, but they are also boosting local economies. The very foundation of such projects is the concession contract (CC)—contract with both public and private law elements determining the relations between the state organ issuing the concession and the private entity. This paper will focus on the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) where CCs are often unbalanced and commonly unilaterally designed by the state party that dictates all of its provisions. Consequently, the private party is placed in a difficult, take-it-or-leave-it situation if it does not want to accept the CC as drafted by the state party. Potential steps toward the implementation of World Commerce & Contracting Principles (WCC Principles) in the CCs in B&H shall be presented, along with their predictable benefits and likely impact on the shortening and balancing the process of negotiating the CC in B&H.

Emir Sudžuka, Maja Pločo

Bosna i Hercegovina propisima na različitim nivoima reguliše oblast prava privrednih društava na više ili manje harmoniziran način zbog specifi čnog ustavnog uređenja. Najmanji broj propisa je donesen na državnom nivou zbog nadležnosti entiteta za regulisanje ove oblasti. Materijalnopravni propisi o statusu privrednih društava su doneseni na nivou entiteta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, Republike Srpske i u Brčko Distriktu BiH. Procesni propisi koji uređuju postupak osnivanja društva doneseni su također na nivou entiteta, ali na državnom nivou postoji Okvirni zakon o registraciji poslovnih subjekata koji propisuje obavezu usaglašavanja procedura u entitetima njihovim procesnim propisima. Sporazum o stabilizaciji i prodruživanju Bosne i Hercegovine sa Europskom Unijom je stupio na snagu 2015. godine, te su započete određene reforme sa ciljem usaglašavanja prava Bosne i Hercegovine sa pravnom stečevinom Europske Unije. Ovo će zasigurno biti dugotrajan i težak proces uslijed nepostojanja jedinstvenog pravnog i ekonomskog prostora u Bosni i Hercegovini. Isto se ogleda prvenstveno u tome da su nadležnosti u pojedinim izuzetno važnim oblastima dodijeljene entitetima što za posljedicu ima postojanje velikog broja zakona. Propisi su nerijetko različiti i onemogućavaju privredne subjekte da pod istim uslovima osnuju društvo i posluju na teritoriji cijele Bosne i Hercegovine. Rad se bavi analizom pojedinih segmenata zakonodavstva Bosne i Hercegovine u oblasti prava društva, a posebno različitim rješenjima u entitetskim propisima i potencijalnim poteškoćama koje se mogu pojaviti u procesu usklađivanja ove oblasti sa pravnom stečevinom EU. Na osnovu analize će se dati ocjena koliko je zakonodavstvo Bosne i Hercegovine u ovom kontekstu spremno za aktivno uključivanje u procese usklađivanja nacionalnog zakonodavtva u ovoj oblasti sa acquis-em.

Emir Sudžuka, Azra Branković

Investment is one of the most important generators for growth and development of national economies. In case of B&H there is a great need for domestic as well as international investments. Therefore, it is necessary to improve, in the first place, the legal environment including ease of company registration, unification of rules at the state level, simplification of administrative procedures etc. It could attract more domestic and international investors to invest in important projects and to improve overall economical situation in B&H. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to meet the essential requirement for successful implementation of various reforms related to macroeconomic stability, financial and technological infrastructure, openness to international trade and transparency of political and legislative environment. The Reform Agenda for Bosnia and Herzegovina was adopted in 2015 and provides, among other things, the creation of conditions and appropriate environment for increase of investments and modernization of the B&H economy, with the aim of economic growth and creation of new jobs. It also assumes strengthening the rule of law, administrative capabilities and increase efficiency in public institutions at all levels of government. In order to contribute to enforcement of this document and to present current advantages and obstacles for investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina, this paper analyzed the provisions of applicable laws relating to foreign investments and economic indicators as a consequence of such legal framework and current position of B&H. Research findings indicate that the implementation of the abovementioned structural reforms is a condition sine qua non for increase of foreign direct investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as for its path towards integration with the European Union.

A lease agreement is an appointed legal transaction arose from business and legal construction created with the aim of the efficient meeting the needs of participants in the transaction. The legal theory and practice set out the criteria for the division of leasing contracts, so this legal transaction got its basic characteristic features. That is the way of a creation of basic forms of leasing agreements. According to its characteristics, a lease agreement has a mixed legal nature. Depending on the type of a contract, it may have the characteristics of a contract of sale, tenancy agreement, loan agreement, etc. In certain types of leasing, some characteristics of one of the listed traditional contracts dominate in a weaker or stronger intensity. This paper deals with a theoretical analysis of the relationship of the leasing contract with the contract law agreements. A special emphasis is placed on the operating and financial leasing as two basic types of leasing contracts varying by their nature.

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