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Jules Rene Guerin (Boussu, Belgium, 1801–Hyres, 1886) commenced his medical studies at Paris in 1821, obtaining his doctorate at that university in 1826 (1-3). He was early attracted to journalism, and two years later he founded the medical journal Gazette de sante, of which he was both editor and publisher, and for which he also wrote articles.

Eugene Ackerman (1920-2014), PhD, FACMI, Emeritus Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Minnesota (1-4). He studied Physics at Swarthmore College and Brown University, where he met and married Dorothy Hopkirk in 1943. His studies were interrupted by serving as a Conscientious Objector during World War II. After completion of a doctoral degree in Biophysics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, he joined the Physics faculty at Pennsylvania State University, with several sabbaticals at the University of Pennsylvania in the Biophysics laboratory of Dr. Britton Chance. In 1960 he became Associate Professor of Biophysics at Mayo Clinic, working on mathematical models of physiological systems. He was instrumental in obtaining one of the first National Institutes of Health (NIH) resource grants for Biomedical Computing Facilities, followed by many research grants modeling ultrasonic behaviors of cells, enzyme kinetics, blood glucose regulation, and patterns of infectious disease epidemics (2). As adjunct Professor of Biophysics and Computer Science at the University of Minnesota, he developed a Mayo satellite program awarding a MS degree in Biophysics. In 1967 he left Mayo Clinic for the University of Minnesota, becoming Hill Family Foundation (now Northwest Area Foundation) Professor of Biomedical Computing and Professor of Biometry. A NIH grant to establish a Biomedical Computing Facility had been awarded to the University of Minnesota in 1965, and Eugene Ackerman became its director in 1968 after the illness of its first director, Dr. Eugene Johnson. With the establishment of the Academic Health Center in 1969, the entire biomedical computing program became the Division of Health Computer Sciences in the Medical School’s Department of Laboratory Medicine. Charged with developing core and collaborative research, training, dissemination and a service unit, the growing cadre of informatics faculty, fellows and graduate students helped develop departmental computer systems in the clinical laboratories, surgery, electrocardiography, pulmonary function, and nuclear medicine (4). Eugene was a superlative scientific educator and writer. One of the first and longest funded National Library of Medicine training grants in health computing was awarded to the University of Minnesota, which eventually trained over a hundred fellows from the health sciences, including ones from medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry and public health. He personally directed the graduate theses of nearly a hundred students and postdoctoral fellows. Over his long career, he published hundreds of journal articles, conference abThe Most Influential Scientists in the Development of Medical Informatics (24): Eugene Ackerman (19202014)

Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow (1821-1902) was a German doctor, anthropologist, pathologist, prehistorian, biologist, writer, editor, and politician, known for his advancement of public health (1-4). He is known as “the father of modern pathology” because his work helped to discredit humourism, bringing more science to medicine (1). He is also known as the founder of Social medicine and Veterinary pathology, and to his colleagues, the “Pope of medicine” (2).

Introduction: Noise represent an unwanted sound that endangers human health in multiple manners and in work setting causes reduction of productivity on one side, and increased waste on the other. Noise pollution occurs when the ear is exposed to the volume of sound that is disturbing, stressful or directly damaging hearing, but also acting on the organism as a whole. Aim: The aim of the article is to examine the vulnerability of workers working on the „press“ machine, and to carry out an analysis and examine the press operator workplace, then perform the noise spread measurement in the press operator work area and compare the current measurements with the permissible levels and analyze the time period of worker exposure, as well as presentation of the effects of noise on productivity and workers health. The aim of the article also includes the proposal for decrease of noise pollution. Methods: A noise analysis at the workplace of workers working on a „press“ machine was performed, which is exposed to a high impulse noise due to which the quality and quantity of production are reduced. For the purpose of calculating the noise level for one working day at the press operator site 1, 2 and 3, it is necessary to analyze the noise level in time. Operators spend most of their working hours at stations 1 and 3 where the measured noise level is Lm1 = 94.7 dB is taken, or at position 3, Lm3 = 97.2 dB. The measured noise level at these locations without the operation of the press is Lm1 = 80.1 dB, or at station 3 is Lm3 = 80.1 dB. Results: It was found that these operators working on the machine in question were exposed to a noise over the limit for more than three years. Their health problems that arise as a result of noise exposure are documented in their health charts. In order to achieve uninterrupted work at the press machine, during the eight hours shift, a noise correction is required to allow the equivalent sound level to fall within one day to the permissible 85 dB. In this regard, we consider the fact that we have known that the press produces a sound level of 110 dB, and that there is a reverberation (reflecting) sound. Given the technical characteristics of the plant, the reduction of the sound intensity of the source itself is not possible, so the suggestions of the technical solution will be based on reduced reflected sounds and to prevent the spread of direct sound to the operator. Conclusion: Workers are exposed to permanent noise during a working day, which produces a number of consequences for the health of the worker, but also the employer and the community. The imperative of the employer is to reduce the number of rejects, increase profitability and to have a positive impact on the health of the individual.

E. Hodžić, E. Begić, Sedina Zuhric, A. Nalbantić, Z. Begić, I. Masic

Background: The aim of the study was to highlight the importance of adequate anticoagulant therapy and the correlation of higher risk of stroke. Methods: This study analyzed data obtained from 103 patients with diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AF) (39 of them had a stroke). Patients were divided into groups according to the CHADS2, CHA2DS2-VASc, and HASBLED scores. Results: An analysis showed that anticoagulant drugs were more often prescribed to subjects <75 years of age (P = 0.001). Patients with a higher CHADS2 score had a higher CHA2DS2-VASc score and vice versa (rho = 0.513; P = 0.0001). According to the CHA2DS2-VASc, 91.3% of the patients examined were prescribed an anticoagulant medication as a therapy at discharge from the hospital. The result was statistically significant compared to the practice where an anticoagulant was prescribed to 55.9% of high-risk subjects as estimated by the CHA2DS2-VASc score (P < 0.05). Our results also show that rivaroxaban is more commonly prescribed as a discharge therapy than warfarin (χ2 = 12.401; P = 0.0001). Furthermore, a significantly higher number of patients who were being prescribed aspirin (38.5%) had a stroke compared to 12.8% of patients who were being prescribed warfarin (χ2 = 12.259; P = 0.0001). Conclusions: Novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) seem to be a better choice as a pharmacological therapy in the treatment of AF, due to a lack of adequate monitoring of patients' international normalized ratio (INR) values. CHA2DS2-VASc and HASBLED scores must be used as a part of routine clinical diagnostics when dealing with patients with AF.

Dr. Bruno von Curinaldi, came to Mostar from Zadar (Croatia) and started to work as Director of Mostar hospital in 1879 (1-3). In that time in Mostar also worked Dr. Franjo Hus (died in Mostar 1940), Dr. Otto Weiss (came to Mostar in 1882 from Bilroth’s hospital in Vienna, and in 1894 he moved to State hospital in Sarajevo to chair Gynaecology-Obstretics department), Dr. William Tonner (from Prague, well known as physician who treated poor people in Mostar free of charge (written in journal "Novi hercegovacki bosiljak" in 1885) (4), Dr. Fakete Samule (from Hungary, died in Mostar due to infection when performing autopsy), Dr. Trepeljka and Dr. Kestner (worked in 1886, during epidemic of cholera in Mostar), Dr. Braun, Dr. Herman, Dr. Koralek, Dr. Tausig (all of them physicians in Military hospital in Mostar), Dr. Moritz Englander (surgeon), Dr. Drago Mesliger, Dr. Kohn, Dr. Goldfarb, Dr. Franjo Bulat (famous physician, but also musician, Director of “Hrvatska glazba” in Mostar which organized a lot of concerts in Mostar, died in 1947), Dr. Gotfrid Holer, Dr. Pollacek. From Vienna to Mostar sometime was coming famous ophtalmologist Dr. Dragutin Heinzel (worked at Clinic of professor Fuchs), Dr. Jerko Bulat, son of Franjo Bulat spent his work time in Mostar. Dr. Nikola Grazetic also was engaged in Mostar’s cultural manifestations with Franjo Bulat (4).

Attila Naszlady, MD, PhD. (1931-2015) was born in Budapest, Hungary. He was one of the prominent and influential Medical informatics experts and most famous pioneers of Medical informatics in South-Eastern Europe, recognizable internationally (1-3). Graduated at Faculty of medicine at Semmelweis University in Budapest in the year 1958. Specialist in Internal medicine he became in 1965.

On February 12th, 2019 passed away academician Ljubomir Berberovic. He was born in Sarajevo in 1933. He studied medicine, biology and philosophy at the universities in Ljubljana and Sarajevo. Graduated in Biology at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Sarajevo, in biology in 1958 from the Natural-Mathematics Department. In the same department he was elected assistant in 1959. Since 1961 he has been employed by the Department of Biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Sarajevo. In 1964, Ljubomir Berberovic defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic „The Microevolution of the Species Eobania Vermiculata on the Central Adriatic Coast and the Islands”. For an assistant professor on the subject Organic Evolution with Genetics, he was elected in June 1964, for a professor in January 1970 and in a full professor in June 1975. In addition to the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, he was a teacher at the subjects of Genetics, Evolution, Anthropology at several other faculties of the University of Sarajevo, including Medical faculty. He was a lecturer at several universities abroad. Academician Ljubo Berberovic is the author of a large number of academic and scientific publications from three scientific areas: Genetics Population, with an emphasis on human populations, Karyology and Cytotaxonomy, with an emphasis on studying freshwater fish and the history and philosophy of natural sciences.

Fikret Veljović, S. Štraus, I. Karabdic, I. Masic

Introduction: : Diastasis recti abdominis is consequence of mechanical forces that, proportionally to uterus and fetus augmentation, make pressure on anterior abdominal wall. Muscle tonus in pregnancy is significantly impaired. Stress relaxation of connective tissues and modified statics often cause back and leg pain. Aim: To evaluate whether pregnancy augment the spinal column and abdominal muscles loading and to what extent, based on anthropometric measurements and software analysis. Methods: Twenty women participated in the study, having similar anthropometric measurements. Average height was 170 cm (mean), and weight 68.0 kg (mean). Three working postures were analyzed: upright (working posture 1), semi-bent (working posture 2) and bent (working posture 3) working postures by both non-pregnant and pregnant women. Simulation was made in software package CATIA. Results: Analysis was done for working postures at workplace in pre-pregnancy period (height 170 cm, weight 68 kg) and during pregnancy (height 170 cm, weight 80 kg). From analysis of posture 2 and posture 3 in pregnant woman, conclusion can be drawn that despite of the fact that our examinees did not carry any external/additional loads, in these two working postures the abdominal muscles suffered overloading. Conclusion: It is crucial to strengthen the entire musculature for women who wish to get pregnant. The pre-pregnancy exercises might improve the posture, tonus and boost chances for safe labor and delivery. Strong abdominal muscles are needed to unload the spine. It is highly recommended to prepare their musculature for pregnancy through various pre-pregnancy exercises.

I. Hozo, I. Masic

Medical Archives is the oldest biomedical journal in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and all important individuals of medical clinical practice have been published in the Medical Archives, and even today, in index and citation databases: Medline, PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, open access variants, is the main advertiser of medical sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Medical Archives in the future would like to become a free-of-charge journal, which will publish open access articles, because finally, the financial component should be a deciding factor whether the article will be published or not. The journal opened the door to PhD students, which should also be an incentive for further progress. The main goal of the journal is to continuously raise the quality, with the addition of establishment as a source of quality science.

On the October 31st, 2018 passed away Amela Kulenovic, full professor of Faculty of medicine of University of Sarajevo. Professor Amela Kulenovic was born in Sarajevo in 1956. She finished Grammar school and Gymnasium in Sarajevo. She graduated at the Faculty of medicine of University of Sarajevo in the 1980. During a period from 1978 to 1981, she worked as demonstrator at Cathedra of Anatomy of the Faculty of medicine at Sarajevo University. Since 1981 until 1982, she worked as associate assistant at the same Cathedra.

Dr. Milan Emil Amrus (1848-1919), was Austro-Hungarian physician and politician who lived and work in Sarajevo and Zagreb. Grammar school he finished in Slavonski Brod and Gymnasium in Zagreb (1-3).

M. Jakovljevič, I. Masic, L. Ostojić, M. Bevanda, E. Begić

INTRODUCTION Education in medicine faces a number of challenges and dilemmas and the onus is on Medical hodegetics, an important but almost forgotten discipline, to address them effectively. The task and final goal of education in medicine is to coach students into professionals, effective and ethical practitioners of medicine, giving them the best available knowledge, skills and attitudes and providing them with a professional identity so that they are able to think, speak, act and feel like medical doctors. During the life course human beings organize their experiences into a meaningful narrative that involves their personal, private, public and professional selves. The self can be defined as a distinct principle of identity, as a narrative construction and as an experiential dimension. AIM The aim of this paper is to address the actuality and vitality of the hodegetic approach in medical education and professionalism. METHODS By cross-sectional study authors of the paper searched on-line scientific data-bases and analyzed references about Medical hodegetics subject. RESULTS Drawing on the literature on psychology of self, identity formation and personality styles as well as on own experience in medical education, the authors stress the increasing importance of medical hodegetics, very useful, but almost completely forgotten discipline. Medical hodegetics which involves all evidence-based medicine, values-based medicine, narrative medicine and person-centered medicine can significantly improve the quality of medical education. The identity of any person in any moment reflects its three domains: individual identity, relational identity, and collective identity, all relevant to medical education. The concept of professional identity formation has recently emerged and attracted great attention in literature on medical education and professionalism. Hodegetics, as a discipline that trains it, seems to us that the essential part of life and what every person should follow. CONCLUSION Medical hodegetics is an important pillar of the triad of medical deontology as well as it could be an important discipline in medical education and professional identity formation.

Editor and Co-Editor of this journal was informed from anonymous reader that article which was published in Medical Archives in 2001 \'Psychotherapeutic Testimony by Refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina: a Pilot Study\' (in Bosnian language) has been already published in \'American Journal of Psychiatry\' under the title \'Testimony Psychotherapy in Bosnian Refugees: a Pilot Study\', in 1998. (1, 2).

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