
Publikacije (506)

P. Mills, A. Timmis, K. Huber, H. Ector, P. Lancellotti, I. Masic, M. Ivanuša, L. Antoniades et al.

P. Mills, A. Timmis, K. Huber, H. Ector, P. Lancellotti, I. Masic, M. Ivanuša, L. Antoniades et al.

The role of European national journals in education Peter Mills, Adam Timmis, Kurt Huber, Hugo Ector, Patrizio Lancellotti, Izet Masic, Mario Ivanusa, Loizos Antoniades, Michael Aschermann, Alexandras Laucevicius, Pirjo Mustonen, Jean-Yves Artigou, Panos Vardas, Christodoulos Stefanadis, Massimo Chiarello, Leonardo Bolognese, Guiseppe Ambrosio, Ernst E. van der Wall, Piotr Kułakowski, Fausto J. Pinto, Eduard Apetrei, Rafael G. Oganov, Gabriel Kamensky, Thomas F. Lüscher, René Lerch, Habib Haouala, Vedat Sansoy, Valentin Shumakov, Carlos D. Tajer, Chu-Pak Lau, Manlio Márquez, Rungroj Krittayaphong, Kaduo Arai and Fernando Alfonso, European Society of Cardiology (ESC) National Society Cardiovascular Journals Editors

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED Day Hospital is an alternative to inpatient treatment as a transition from hospital to outpatient type of treatment, especially for those patients who cannot quickly return to the family, and patients who are unable to leave the usual social contacts so to them the hospitalization will pose a great mental risk. The aim of the research is to determine the structure of psychiatric morbidity, as well as demographic features and duration of hospitalization in patients treated at a Day Hospital of Psychiatric Clinic in Sarajevo during the period 2006-2007. The survey is conducted at the Psychiatric Clinic, Clinical Center of Sarajevo University as retrospective, based on observations of certain variables (gender, age, hospitalization duration), and the number of diagnosis. The results of the research show that the total number of registered patients in the observed period is 400. During the two year study there were more female (61.3%) than male patients (38.7%). Also, during the two years of research, most of those were with one diagnosis. The average hospitalization duration was 45 days, and the most often hospitalization duration was from 1 to 3 months. During both years, mostly present was the population in age group 46 to 65 years, followed by age group 26 to 44 years. Leading diseases during both years of research were from the group F30-F39, and the most common co-morbid diseases from groups: F30-F39, F40-F49 and F60-F69. We can conclude that Day Hospital has great significance in the mental health prevention. Daily structured program provides hospital diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of persons of both genders from different age groups and with diverse psychopathology.

Belma Muhamedagić, L. Muhamedagić, I. Masic

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED Waste management is one of the key ecological challenges of the modern world. As dental practitioners, we must recognize that some of the materials and procedures we use to provide dental health services may present challenges to the environment. Realizing this, we can begin to take measures to minimize the production of these wastes and their potential environmental effects. Dental office waste typically cause toxic chemicals to enter our streams, sewers, and landfills. This paper identifies some common wastes produced by dental offices (dental amalgam, silver, lead, biomedical and general office waste) and provides practical suggestions for reducing the impact of our profession on the environment. To dispose of dental wastes, if recycling is not an option, proper disposal as hazardous waste is necessary. But, problem is that dental waste is in most cases dumped at uncontrolled disposal sites, and that is public health and ecological risk.

Salih Valjevac, Zoran Ridjanovic, I. Masic

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED In order to speed up and simplify the self assessment and external assessment process, provide better overview and access to Accreditation Standards for Family Medicine Teams and better assessment documents archiving, Agency for Healthcare Quality and Accreditation in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AKAZ) has developed self assessment and externals assessment software for family medicine teams. This article presents the development of standardized software for self and external evaluation of quality of service in family medicine, as well as plans for the future development of this software package.

Suad Sivić, I. Masic, Darko Petković, S. Huseinagic, S. Tandir, Lejla Zunic

New discoveries in technology indeed enabled significant improvement of health care in the last three decades. Only during the last few years a significant breakthrough is achieved in the field of antiviral drugs, biotechnology, digital diagnostic technology, molecular diagnosis, tissues and organs transplantation as well as surgical and information technologies, which all contributed to the improvement of health care. Rapid growth of medical technology has led to the increase in costs of health care, increased access to these technologies and improvement of health care that is permanently encouraging the further development of technology. Technology encompasses the skills, knowledge and ability to understand, use and create useful things. It is the practical application of knowledge. Evaluation of health technology is the systematic evaluation of characteristics, results or impact of health technologies. The primary purpose of evaluation is to provide information to responsible parties for the technology in the health care system, which will be used in decision-making and introduction of these technologies. Information technology in medicine and health care represents all medical and health technology in the process of work, monitoring and evaluation done using computer technology. Progress of medical science in recent years especially needs to thank to the development of information technologies. The health care system of Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently operating in the two sub-systems of primary health care. One is inherited from the past system, in which the primary health care is provided by general practitioners, specialists in general practice, as well as gynecologists, pediatricians and pulmologists, and the second subsystem occurs when in PHC is introduced the system of family medicine doctors and family medicine specialists. Family medicine, based on the concept of orientation towards the methods which are more effective, rational and cost-effective health care, use of defined procedures and evidence-based medicine, and more adequate education can empower and stimulate general practice doctors, especially family medicine specialists, who have passed various forms of training and courses in this area, to more rational and efficient use of diagnostic technology in their daily practice, without unnecessary duplication of tests. With this they make savings to the healthcare system, improve the financial position of overall health system, especially in the PHC segment, increase satisfaction of doctors providing that health care, but also the users of health services

Suad Sivić, I. Masic, Darko Petković, S. Huseinagic, S. Tandir, Lejla Zunic

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED New discoveries in technology indeed enabled significant improvement of health care in the last three decades. Only during the last few years a significant breakthrough is achieved in the field of antiviral drugs, biotechnology, digital diagnostic technology, molecular diagnosis, tissues and organs transplantation as well as surgical and information technologies, which all contributed to the improvement of health care. Rapid growth of medical technology has led to the increase in costs of health care, increased access to these technologies and improvement of health care that is permanently encouraging the further development of technology. Technology encompasses the skills, knowledge and ability to understand, use and create useful things. It is the practical application of knowledge. Evaluation of health technology is the systematic evaluation of characteristics, results or impact of health technologies. The primary purpose of evaluation is to provide information to responsible parties for the technology in the health care system, which will be used in decision-making and introduction of these technologies. Information technology in medicine and health care represents all medical and health technology in the process of work, monitoring and evaluation done using computer technology. Progress of medical science in recent years especially needs to thank to the development of information technologies. The health care system of Bosnia and Herzegovina is currently operating in the two sub-systems of primary health care. One is inherited from the past system, in which the primary health care is provided by general practitioners, specialists in general practice, as well as gynecologists, pediatricians and pulmologists, and the second subsystem occurs when in PHC is introduced the system of family medicine doctors and family medicine specialists. Family medicine, based on the concept of orientation towards the methods which are more effective, rational and cost-effective health care, use of defined procedures and evidence-based medicine, and more adequate education can empower and stimulate general practice doctors, especially family medicine specialists, who have passed various forms of training and courses in this area, to more rational and efficient use of diagnostic technology in their daily practice, without unnecessary duplication of tests. With this they make savings to the healthcare system, improve the financial position of overall health system, especially in the PHC segment, increase satisfaction of doctors providing that health care, but also the users of health services.

I. Masic, J. Kern, J. Zvárová, S. Lusignan

The paper presents an analysis of how EFMI disseminates new knowledge and the active medical informatics journals in EFMI member countries was carried out as an outcome of the EFMI Council meeting in London in 2008. The analysis identifies eight active major informatics journals and a several other publications. Most are subscription-based and are published at least quarterly. There is a possibility for the editors to meet regularly and form a community of practice with the aim of further improving their effectiveness in disseminating new knowledge and best practice in medical informatics. It is feasible to share expertise and it may be possible to harmonise several aspects of preparation and submission of manuscripts so that some identified barriers in publishing are reduced.

I. Masic, H. Pandza, Igor Kulasin, Z. Masic, Salih Valjevac

Development of computer networks and introduction and application of new technologies in all aspects of human activity needs to be followed by universities in their transformation on how to approach scientific, research, and education teaching curricula. Development and increased use of distance learning (DL) over the past decade have clearly shown the potential and efficiency of information technology applied in education. Use of information technology in medical education is where medical informatics takes its place as important scientific discipline which ensures benefit from IT in teaching and learning process involved. Definition of telemedicine as "use of technologies based on health care delivered on distance" covers areas such as electronic health, tele-health (eHealth), telematics, but also tele-education. Web based medical education today is offered in different forms--from online lectures, online exams, web based continuous education programs, use of electronic libraries, online medical and scientific databases etc. Department of Medical Informatics of Medical Faculty of University of Sarajevo has taken many steps to introduce distance learning in medical curricula--from organising professional--scientific events (congresses, workshop etc), organizing first tele-exam at the faculty and among first at the university, to offering online lectures and online education material at the Department's website (www.unsa-medinfo.org). Distance learning in medical education, as well as telemedicine, significantly influence health care in general and are shaping the future model of medical practice. Basic computer and networks skills must be a part of all future medical curricula. The impact of technical equipment on patient-doctor relationship must be taken into account, and doctors have to be trained and prepared for diagnosing or consulting patients by use of IT. Telemedicine requires special approach in certain medical fields--tele-consultation, tele-surgery, tele-radiology and other specific telemedicine applications should be introduced to the curricula. Telemedicine and distance learning are best suited for medical education and doctor-to-doctor consultation--first contact between doctor and a patient should stay face-to-face when possible. In this paper, we present the results of the project Introduction and Implementation of Distance Learning at the Medical Faculty of University of Sarajevo and compare it with the following expected outcomes: development and integration of information technology in medical education; creation of flexible infrastructure which will enable access to e-learning to all students and teaching staff; improvement of digital literacy of academic population; ensuring high educational standards to students and teaching staff; helping medical staffto develop "life-long learning" approach in work and education.

I. Masic, M. Miokovic, Belma Muhamedagić

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED Evidence based medicine (EBM) is the conscientious, explicit, judicious and reasonable use of modern, best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. EBM integrates clinical experience and patient values with the best available research information. It is a movement which aims to increase the use of high quality clinical research in clinical decision making. EBM requires new skills of the clinician, including efficient literature-searching, and the application of formal rules of evidence in evaluating the clinical literature. The practice of evidence-based medicine is a process of lifelong, self-directed, problem-based learning in which caring for one’s own patients creates the need for clinically important information about diagnosis, prognosis, therapy and other clinical and health care issues. It is not “cookbook” with recipes, but its good application brings cost-effective and better health care. The key difference between evidence-based medicine and traditional medicine is not that EBM considers the evidence while the latter does not. Both take evidence into account; however, EBM demands better evidence than has traditionally been used. One of the greatest achievements of evidence-based medicine has been the development of systematic reviews and meta-analyses, methods by which researchers identify multiple studies on a topic, separate the best ones and then critically analyze them to come up with a summary of the best available evidence. The EBM-oriented clinicians of tomorrow have three tasks: a) to use evidence summaries in clinical practice; b) to help develop and update selected systematic reviews or evidence-based guidelines in their area of expertise; and c) to enrol patients in studies of treatment, diagnosis and prognosis on which medical practice is based.

Izeta Kurbasic, H. Pandza, I. Masic, S. Huseinagic, S. Tandir, Fredi Alicajić, S. Toromanovic

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED Introduction The International classification of diseases (ICD) is the most important classification in medicine. It is used by all medical professionals. Concept The basic concept of ICD is founded on the standardization of the nomenclature for the names of diseases and their basic systematization in the hierarchically structured category. Advantages and disadvantages The health care provider institutions such as hospitals are subjects that should facilitate implementation of medical applications that follows the patient medical condition and facts connected with him. The definitive diagnosis that can be coded using ICD can be achieved after several visits of patient and rarely during the first visit. Conclusion The ICD classification is one of the oldest and most important classifications in medicine. In the scope of ICD are all fields of medicine. It is used in statistical purpose and as a coding system in medical databases.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED Distance learning refers to use of technologies based on health care delivered on distance and covers areas such as electronic health, tele-health (e-health), telematics, telemedicine, tele-education, etc. For the need of e-health, telemedicine, tele-education and distance learning there are various technologies and communication systems from standard telephone lines to the system of transmission digitalized signals with modem, optical fiber, satellite links, wireless technologies, etc. Tele-education represents health education on distance, using Information Communication Technologies (ICT), as well as continuous education of a health system beneficiaries and use of electronic libraries, data bases or electronic data with data bases of knowledge. Distance learning (E-learning) as a part of tele-education has gained popularity in the past decade; however, its use is highly variable among medical schools and appears to be more common in basic medical science courses than in clinical education. Distance learning does not preclude traditional learning processes; frequently it is used in conjunction with in-person classroom or professional training procedures and practices. Tele-education has mostly been used in biomedical education as a blended learning method, which combines tele-education technology with traditional instructor-led training, where, for example, a lecture or demonstration is supplemented by an online tutorial. Distance learning is used for self-education, tests, services and for examinations in medicine i.e. in terms of self-education and individual examination services. The possibility of working in the exercise mode with image files and questions is an attractive way of self education. Automated tracking and reporting of learners’ activities lessen faculty administrative burden. Moreover, e-learning can be designed to include outcomes assessment to determine whether learning has occurred. This review article evaluates the current status and level of tele-education development in Bosnia and Herzegovina outlining its components, faculty development needs for implementation and the possibility of its integration as official learning standard in biomedical curricula in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tele-education refers to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance knowledge and performance. Tele-education in biomedical education is widely accepted in the medical education community where it is mostly integrated into biomedical curricula forming part of a blended learning strategy. There are many biomedical digital repositories of e-learning materials worldwide, some peer reviewed, where instructors or developers can submit materials for widespread use. First pilot project with the aim to introduce tele-education in biomedical curricula in Bosnia and Herzegovina was initiated by Department for Medical Informatics at Medical Faculty in Sarajevo in 2002 and has been developing since. Faculty member’s skills in creating tele-education differ from those needed for traditional teaching and faculty rewards must recognize this difference and reward the effort. Tele-education and use of computers will have an impact of future medical practice in a life long learning. Bologna process, which started last years in European countries, provide us to promote and introduce modern educational methods of education at biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cathedra of Medical informatics and Cathedra of Family medicine at Medical Faculty of University of Sarajevo started to use Web based education as common way of teaching of medical students. Satisfaction with this method of education within the students is good, but not yet suitable for most of medical disciplines at biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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