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As the fact that today is conducted a number of scientific research works in the field of medicine, it is necessary to define the steps by which it is carried out to make it universal and to have scientific value. This paper describes the research methods, study design, the way in which one should be written, and why it is important to publicize the same. Special emphasis is placed on scientometrics as the science that evaluates scientific papers and their citation in the selected sample of journals. The paper also answers why scientific research works should be carried out and what kind of satisfaction they provide to the researcher.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST: NONE DECLARED Introduction The quality of the teaching-learning process at the universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad depends mainly of infrastructure that includes an optimal teaching space, personnel and equipment, in accordance with existing standards and norms. For the assessment of teaching at the faculties, the opinion of students is very important (4, 5). Students are often unhappy with the educational process. Goal To compare the results of the teaching process evaluation between students studying according to the Bologna system and the old system of education. Material and methods We used the questionnaire as a carrier of data created with variables relevant for assessing the success of the educational process at the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo. The survey was conducted among students of the sixth year of the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo. There were 103 students surveyed, of which 32 were studying according to the Bologna and 71 by the old concept of studies. Results and discussion Results of survey which measured students satisfaction with the educational process (theoretical and practical instruction, interactive learning, testing, use of IT and technical aids in teaching, availability of instructional literature etc.) lead us to the conclusion that the lowest satisfaction is associated with factors depending on financial resources, specifically related to library funds and the degree of computerization of educational process, and also with the level of teachers capability to convey knowledge to students with the application of modern medical information technology and technical teaching aids.

S. Izetbegovíc, Jasmin Alajbegović, A. Mutevelic, Almir Pasagić, I. Masic

Background: Prevention of diseases in gynecology can be improved by better understanding of health promotion and management of diseases. Management is “the art of performing jobs by or with other people” Mary Parker Follet. Methods: A descriptive analysis was performed on scientific studies in several published articles in medical journals and books. Results: There are five primary functions of management as: Anticipate and plan, organize, command, coordinate and control. If we introduce the following definition in the sense of medical science and apply it to the medical practice that would mean way of recognizing, managing and resolving issues of diagnosis and therapy of diseases (in this case gynecology diseases) according to certain guidelines and treatment algorithms. Treatment of family doctors is an important aspect in the quality-of-life of women and their reproductive health as well as a significant issue in public, environmental and social problems. Conclusions: It is very important to deal with it on the primary care level and in addition to promote the primary and secondary prevention of diseases, which is sometimes more important than the curative procedures. The primary prevention involves regular gynecological examinations and screening. The doctors have also a duty to educate women about the risk factors for malignant diseases, as well as proposing some of the qualitative preventive measures.

Introduction The answer to the question of what a database is and what is its relevance to the scientific research is not easy. We may not be wrong if we say that it is, basically, a kind of information resource, often incomparably richer than it is, for example, a single book or magazine. Discussion and conclusion As a form of storing and retrieval of the knowledge, appeared in the information age, which we’ve just participated and witnesses. In it, thanks to the technical possibilities of information networks, it can be searched for a number of more or less relevant information, and that scientific and profound content. Databases are divided into: bibliographic databases, citation databases and databases containing full-text. In the paper are shortly presented most important on-line databases with their web site links. Thanks to those online databases scientific knowledge is spreading much more easy and useful.

Acta Informatica Medica journal has been accepted for archiving in PubMed Central from 2011 onward. The journal started in 1993 as the official journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the last 3 years, Acta Informatica Medica has een included in almost all prestigious online databases, including PubMed, Scopus and EMBASE. The 20th volume of the journal is fully international, with papers from 18 countries.

F. Alfonso, Lino Gonçalves, F. Pinto, A. Timmis, H. Ector, G. Ambrosio, P. Vardas, Oloizos Antoinades et al.

European Society of Cardiology (ESC) National Society Cardiovascular Journals (NSCJs) are high-quality biomedical journals focused on cardiovascular diseases. The Editors’ Network of the ESC devises editorial initiatives aimed at improving the scientific quality and diffusion of NSCJ. In this article we will discuss on the importance of the Internet, electronic editions and open access strategies on scientific publishing. Finally, we will propose a new editorial initiative based on a novel electronic tool on the ESC web-page that may further help to increase the dissemination of contents and visibility of NSCJs. © 2013 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier España, S.L. All rights

Exactly twenty years ago I have “encouraged” myself, under impossible conditions of war (without electricity, water, food, printing materials, etc.), to “revive” the oldest biomedical journal in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one of the oldest in South-Eastern Europe, whose indexation in PubMed/Medline database was already questionable.

D. Junuzović, Aleksandra Kerleta, I. Masic

INTRODUCTION A kidney tumor is an abnormal growth within the kidney that usually occurs over a period of a time. Each tumor has its own characteristics and it is important to know what tumor the patient has so that the proper treatment can be administered. Kidney tumors can be benign or malignant. Symptoms of all types of kidney tumors are very similar and unspecific. The aims of study: a) To determine how many patients, who were clinically and radiologically diagnosed with kidney tumor, after surgical intervention, have histopathologicaly confirmed renal cell carcinoma; b) To compare number of female and male patients have histopathologicaly confirmed renal cell carcinoma; c) To compare numbers of patients with renal cell carcinoma who are older than 50 years with the ones who are younger than 50 years; d) To determine the most common risk factors for renal cell carcinoma; e) To determine the most common symptoms of renal cell carcinoma; f) To determine what was the most common stage of kidney cancer in the time when it was histopathologicaly confirmed. MATERIAL AND METHODS This study was observational, descriptive, retrospective study of renal cell carcinoma. The study consisted of 28 patients who were clinically and radiologically diagnosed with kidney tumor, which was surgically removed and histopathologicaly tested. All patients were surgically treated at the Urological Clinic of Clinical Centre University of Sarajevo from 1/1/2012 to 06/30/.2012. RESULTS from 28 patients with a kidney tumor 26 had RCC, the most of patients with RCC were older than 50 years (22 patients), there was 7 female and 19 male patients, the most common symptom was pain (10 patients), the most common risk factor, excluding age, was hypertension (11 patients), patients with RCC was usually diagnosed stage 4 Fuhrman (11 patients). CONCLUSION Doctors should give their intention to discover early symptoms of renal cell carcinoma and to do preventive exams and tests in the population of patients who have one or more risk factors for developing this disease. Early diagnose and appropriate therapy could reduce mortality and morbidity of the patients with renal cell carcinoma, and could also reduce costs of treatment.

Materia Socio Medica Journal has been accepted for archiving in PubMed Central from 2011. The journal started in 1993 as offi cial journal of Social Medicine Association of B&H. During last 3 years Mat Soc Med has included in almost all femous on-line databases (except WoS). All issues of Mat Soc Med published in 2012 are now visible on PubMed/PubMed Central.

S. Tandir, Darko Petković, M. Oruč, I. Masic

PhD degree in nursing is a relatively recent phenomenon and there is not enough experience in making the initial studies for the start of such studies. While nursing in the countries of Western Europe, USA, Asia, Canada and New Zealand develop as in the professional as well as in academic direction, our region has failed to catch up with these changes. The past 20 years is characterized by turbulent changes in the development of medical science and in line with these changes developed the idea of PhD studies. The necessity of the existence of this type of study is expressed in the fact that the doctors in the field of nursing are essential for the development of nursing in our area. Doctors in the field of nursing contribute to the development of education, quality assurance, development of scientific research and the advancement of nursing as a profession. Shortage of highly trained nurses and long-term stagnation in scientific research in nursing forced, especially developed countries, to develop doctoral studies in this field and then introduce reforms in nursing, which as the outcome given the improvement in the development of health systems, ways of education and science research in nursing. This article discusses the initial perquisites of the quality system for the development of efficient and high-quality doctoral studies at the health oriented faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.

Twenty years ago, at the height of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995), I and Zoran Ridjanovic decided to launch the first journal of medical in-formatics in Southeast Europe (1, 2, 3). The difficult decision gave birth to a me-dium of science communication, which turned out to be a ‘wonder of Sarajevo’. The city was then under siege, which put people in coma for 1479 days. There were no electricity, safe drinking water, food, firewood, and logistics for printing. A package of blank papers for reproduction of 500 sheets costed nearly 30 Euros. This was considered as a scientific curiosity at European and global conferences on medical informatics (2).The circulation of Acta Informatica Medica during the war was roughly 50 copies, printed on a primitive copy-ma-chine and compiled on the hybrid PC XT

Sokolj Ramadani, Lejla Zunic, A. Skopljak, Almir Pasagić, I. Masic

Introduction: Drug addiction is one of the most prominent problems in many countries in transition, including Bosnia and Herzegovina. Age limit of drug addiction is shifted to the younger age groups, especially is troubling the increase in number of injection drug users. Our study was aimed to investigate the habits, attitudes and practices related to drug use among young people from the area of Sarajevo city. We can still feel the effects of the war, among which are the most important life without closest relatives, banishment and various types of war and post-war trauma. Goals: To determine the frequency of substance abuse among adolescents; Identify potentially relevant biological, psychological and socio economic characteristics of the adolescents; To explore adolescents attitudes towards drug use; Examine the general level of knowledge of adolescents about drugs and their effects. Material and Methods: The study was conducted on randomized sample of 502 students in two primary and three secondary schools in Sarajevo and Gracanica. To study used survey method. Survey instrument was a self-made questionnaire with the research variables. The obtained data were processed by a computer and statistically correlated. The study is of combined, retrospective, prospective and transversal type. Results: To the question „How many times have you consumed cannabis in the last 30 days“ about 6% of the respondents have tried once or twice, while 1.5% use it daily, ecstasy have tried one or two times 2.25%, while 0.5% have daily use. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that students at schools in Sarajevo consumed drugs 50% more than the children in Gracanica. Analyzing the age at which the subjects consumed the drug for the first time, we came to the conclusion that in the third year of high school only 8% of adolescents have tried any drugs before they turned 15 years. This percentage among eighth graders is about three times higher. Conclusion: Presented research results clearly suggest a strong contamination of the living environment of young people with different types of psychoactive substances. Offer of drugs is extensive and distribution network covers all the places where young people visits, including schools. It is clear that today’s teenagers sooner or later hear about drugs, see, get in touch with a „junkie“ and have a chance to take the drugs if they want to. From our research, we found that the following factors: Marital status of parents, employment of parents, the number of family members, type of school and satisfaction with oneself are not crucial for the eventual drug use among young people. While, the biological status of the parents, educational status of parents, financial status of parents, the tendency of parents tobacco and alcohol use, adolescents’ attitude to parents, the harmony of relationships between parents, school performance, positive attitude toward the so-called light drugs, represent significant risk factors for adolescent populations.

In this paper it is shortly presented PubMed as one of the most important on-line databases of the scientific biomedical literature. Also, the author has analyzed the most cited authors, professors of the medical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from the published papers in the biomedical journals abstracted and indexed in PubMed.

Scientific publishing is the ultimate product of scientist work. Number of publications and their quoting are measures of scientist success while unpublished researches are invisible to the scientific community, and as such nonexistent. Researchers in their work rely on their predecessors, while the extent of use of one scientist work, as a source for the work of other authors is the verification of its contributions to the growth of human knowledge. If the author has published an article in a scientific journal it cannot publish the article in any other journal h with a few minor adjustments or without quoting parts of the first article, which are used in another article. Copyright infringement occurs when the author of a new article with or without the mentioning the author used substantial portions of previously published articles, including tables and figures. Scientific institutions and universities should,in accordance with the principles of Good Scientific Practice (GSP) and Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) have a center for monitoring,security, promotion and development of quality research. Establish rules and compliance to rules of good scientific practice are the obligations of each research institutions,universities and every individual-researchers,regardless of which area of science is investigated. In this way, internal quality control ensures that a research institution such as a university, assume responsibility for creating an environment that promotes standards of excellence, intellectual honesty and legality. Although the truth should be the aim of scientific research, it is not guiding fact for all scientists. The best way to reach the truth in its study and to avoid the methodological and ethical mistakes is to consistently apply scientific methods and ethical standards in research. Although variously defined plagiarism is basically intended to deceive the reader’s own scientific contribution. There is no general regulation of control of scientific research and intellectual honesty of researchers which would be absolutely applicable in all situations and in all research institutions. A special form of plagiarism is self-plagiarism. Scientists need to take into consideration this form of plagiarism, though for now there is an attitude as much as their own words can be used without the word about plagiarism. If the authors cite their own research facilities already stated then they should be put in quote sand cite the source in which it was published. Science should not be exempt from disclosure and sanctioning plagiarism. In the fight against intellectual dishonesty on ethics education in science has a significant place. A general understanding of ethics in scientific research work in all its stages had to be acquired during the undergraduate course and continue to intensify. It is also important ethical aspect of the publishing industry,especially in small and developing economies,because the issuer has an educational role in the development of the scientific community that aspires to relish so. In this paper author describe his experiences in discovering of plagiarism as Editor-in-Chief of three indexed medical journals with presentations of several examples of plagiarism recorded in countries in Southeastern Europe.

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