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Ethics is a philosophical discipline and present set of customs, habits and norms, by which people of one community manage their actions and their overall behavior. Ethical behavior and ethical norms have a great impact on scientific publications, and the goal of each magazine, especially the Editorial Board of journal, and Editors themselves, are to follow the ethical behavior principles in all steps of publishing (from the design of the study to the final process of publication). The list of authors is written below the title, along with the statement who is the corresponding author.

A. Skrbo, I. Masic

The Arab cultural heritage was an era of invaluable preservation and development of numerous teachings, including biomedical sciences. The golden period of Arab medicine deserves special attention in the history of medicine and pharmacy, as it was the period of rapid translation of works from Greek and Persian cultures into Arabic. They preserved their culture, and science from decay, and then adopted them to continue building their science on theirs as a basis. After the fall of Arabian Caliphate, Arabian pharmacy, continued to persevere, and spread through Turkish Caliphate until its fall in the First World War. That way, Arabian pharmacy will be spread to new areas that had benefited from it, including the area of occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina. Because of the vast territorial scope of the Ottoman Empire, the focus of this paper is description of developing pharmacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the time of Ottoman reign.

Introduction: This paper presents mobile application implementing a decision support system for acid-base disorder diagnosis and treatment recommendation. Material and methods: The application was developed using the official integrated development environment for the Android platform (to maximize availability and minimize investments in specialized hardware) called Android Studio. Results: The application identifies disorder, based on the blood gas analysis, evaluates whether the disorder has been compensated, and based on additional input related to electrolyte imbalance, provides recommendations for treatment. Conclusion: The application is a tool in the hands of the user, which provides assistance during acid-base disorders treatment. The application will assist the physician in clinical practice and is focused on the treatment in intensive care.

On July 5th passed away academician professor Jana Zvarova, one of pioneers and one of most influential Medical informatics scientist and expert in Europe and in the world. Professor Jana Zvarova was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia. After graduating in mathematics in 1965 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague she has been working with several faculties of Charles University in Prague. She completed external doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Albert Perez, member of IFIP. He brought her attention to the field of Medical informatics and opened the contacts with founders of IMIA. Jana Zvárová founded the Medical informatics section of the Czech Society of biomedical engineering and Medical informatics in the year 1978. The same year, she received Ph.D. scientific degree at Charles University in Prague. She passed the habilitation at Charles University in 1991 and she was nominated by the president of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel as Full Professor at Charles University in Prague in 1999. She reached the highest Czech scientific degree, Doctor of Sciences in 1999 at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

A. Skrbo, I. Masic, Selma Škrbo, Elma Ramakic, Lejla Zunic

All of these centuries-old records contain enormous treasures, and the modern medicine is increasingly searching for the sources of natural remedies. The Franciscans should be credited for carefully collecting the methods folk treatment and passed them on to future generations. In the words of Br. Marko Karamatić: „The fact that the Friars were engaged in healthcare, that they became the first graduate doctors in Bosnia and Herzegovina, that they wrote” herbal manuals „ and other medical records, is the result of historical opportunities in these areas, and this activity became one of the most important tasks for the Franciscans. They performed their duties regardless of the circumstances.

This year is anniversary of 25 years from establishing the first Cathedra of Medical informatics at Bosnia and Herzegovinian universities (Figures 1, 2, 3). From long time this exam was one of basic in biomedical curricula, but during last 5 years it was changed and modified at different school years regarding modifying all curricula at Faculty of medicine within Bologna model of education, followed proposals some groups of university and faculty managers. This year’s (2016/2017) Medical Informatics was listened to at IV semester and XI semester of school years for students who studied in Bosnian language and at IV semester for students who studied in English language.

Introduction: The academic community of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is represented by four Academies, which include eminent personalities in the field of medical sciences (Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Department for Medical Sciences (ANUBiH), Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Republika Srpska (ANURS), Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in BiH (HAZU B&H), and the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AMNuBiH)). Aim: To present scientometric analysis of members of the medical sphere of the ANUBiH, ANURS, HAZU B&H and AMNuBiH, to evaluate members and their scientific rating. Material and methods: The work has an analytical character and presents analysis of the data obtained from the Scopus database. Results are shown through number of cases, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, median and interquartile range, with Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Results: The analysis showed a significant correlation between the Academy and the country of origin of the academician. In AMNuBiH and ANUBiH are mainly represented academics originating from Bosnia and Herzegovina, while ANURS, 71.4% of the members, are academics with background from Serbia. There is no significant correlation between the observed parameters (Scopus parameters–number of papers, H index, number of citations) according to memberschip in Academies. By analyzing the correlation between the country of residence, the number of papers, H index and the number of citations, it has been shown that the correlation is significant between the state and the number of papers, but not the other two observed parameters. Conclusion: Criteria for admission to main academic communities are highly questionable, as this analysis showed. Progress in the academic hierarchy must be more stringent, and the criteria must be set to the highest possible level, as this is the only path which leads to progress.

Professor Ismet Ceric, MD, PhD, was one of the last representatives of the recognizable Sarajevo Neuropsychiatry School in the former Yugoslav territory, which was founded by Professor Nedo Zec (1899-1971) in 1946/47 with professors Dimitrije Dimitrijevic (1900-1989), Josip Horvat (1911-1964), Salih Ridjanovic, Slobodan Loga (1936-), Dusan Kecmanovic (1940-2014) and others.

John Anderson, MD, MA BSc, MRCP, FRCP, was professor of medicine at King’s College Hospital Medical School. He was essentially an innovator and pioneered developments in metabolic medicine, medical education and medical computing (1-3).

I. Masic, O. Mujanović, M. Račić, Larisa Gavran, Kosana Stanetić, Merzika Hodzic, Milena Cojic, Ljiljana Cvejanov-Kezunović et al.

Education means: learning, teaching or the process of acquiring skills or behavior modification through various exercises. Traditionally, medical education meant the oral, practical and more passive transferring of knowledge and skills from the educators to students and health professionals. Today the importance of focus on educational quality, particularly in the professions operating in the services required by people is agreed by all involved. The higher educational system shoulders some critical responsibilities in the economic, social, cultural and educational development and growth in the communities. In countries that are in transition it is in charge of educating professional human workforce in every field and if the education is optimal in terms of quality, it is capable of carrying out its responsibilities. It is reason why there is the necessity behind discovering some strategies to uplift the quality of education, especially at university level.. By increasing the courses and establishing universities and higher education centers, the countries around the world have generated more opportunities for learning, especially using modern information technologies. Regarding to evaluating different educational services quality, one of the most important measures should be the way to develop programs to promote quality and also due to the shortage of resources, evaluating the services quality enables the management to allocate the limited financial resources for realization whole educational process. Advances in medicine in recent decades are in significant correlation with the advances in the new models and concepts of medical education supported by information technologies. Modern information technologies have enabled faster, more reliable and comprehensive data collection. These technologies have started to create a large number of irrelevant information, which represents a limiting factor and a real growing gap, between the medical knowledge on one hand, and the ability of students and physicians to follow its growth on the other. Furthermore, in our environment, the term technology is generally reserved for its technical component. This terminology essentially means not only the purchase of the computer and related equipment, but also the technological foresight and technological progress, which are defined as specific combination of fundamental scientific, research and development work that gives a concrete result. The quality of the teaching-learning process at the universities in former Yugoslav countries and abroad, depends mainly of infrastructure that includes an optimal teaching space, personnel and equipment, in accordance with existing standards and norms at the cantonal or entity level, which are required to implement adequately the educational curriculum for students from first to sixth year by Bologna studying concept. For all of this it is necessary to ensure adequate funding. Technologies (medical and information, including communications) have a special role and value in ensuring the quality of medical education at universities and their organizational units (faculties). “Splitska inicijativa” project, which started 6 years ago as simple intention to exchange experiences of application new model of education, based on: Bologna studying concept, and other types of under and postgraduate education, was good idea to improve also theory and practice of it within Family medicine as academic and scientific discipline. This year scope of our scientific meeting held in Sarajevo on 24th and 25th March 2017, was quality assessment of theoretical and practical education and, also, evaluation of knowledge by students exams (a-y).

Professor Mladen Petrovecki died on August 30th in 2016. He was born in Zagreb in 1960. Mladen graduated from high school in 1979 in Zagreb, Croatia, and enrolled the School of Medicine at University of Zagreb...

D. Donev, I. Masic

Introduction and aim: Materia Socio-Medica is one of the oldest public health journals in Europe, established in 1978, and among the most important journals for public health in South-Eastern Europe. The Journal covers all important public health professional, academic and research areas in this field. The aim of the paper is to analyze the journal articles and statistical facts in 2016 and to point out the directions for action and planned further activities for improving the quality of the published papers and visibility of the journal. Methods: Review and analysis of documentation and production of the journal, evidence of submitted and rejected manuscripts and published papers in 2016. Results: Total number of 111 articles was published in Materia Socio-Medica during 2016. The most of them were original articles (64,5%). Articles from the fields of Health promotion and prevention were predominant (82,7%), which is one of the primary scope of the journal. Authors of the published articles in 2016 are dispersed to three continents (Europe, Asia and North America) and 15 different countries. The largest number of articles was submitted by authors from the country of origin of the journal, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The acceptance rate of Materia Socioi-Medica in 2016 was 35.7%. Total number of 116 reviewers participated in the manuscript review process in 2016. Conclusion: Materia Socio-Medica will continue to improve the quality of the published papers in 2017 and beyond through education of potential authors, reviewers and Editorial Board members, quality selection of reviewers, supportive editing of articles, and clearly defining instructions and ethical standards of the journal.

Referring to the current research and expertise of the world’s leading experts in the fields of public, global, physical and social health - in both developed and underdeveloped nations, the book: GLOBAL POPULATION HEALTH AND WELL-BEING IN THE 21st CENTURY; presents evidence-based review of the challenges that face the global population of the 21st century in the field of health and wellbeing. The history of modern Homo sapiens - us! –is short, although this our small and fragile planet exists and existed for billions of years, and the universe is even older and is constantly expanding. History of scientific approach for caring of the sick is precisely determined. Going back in history, it is interesting to know that just from some 70 years ago, we can treat infections by effective drugs, antibiotics...

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