
Publikacije (156)


This empirical study was carried out to investigate the impact of ICT-based knowledge management systems (KMS) of varying sophistication on decision support in varying decision contexts. The results indicate that the positive impact of KMS sophistication was limited to simple decision contexts only. In simple contexts, the availability of more sophisticated KMS led to more intensive balanced use of the available functions and features which resulted in improved decision quality, confidence and satisfaction. In contrast, greater KMS sophistication made no difference to system usage behaviour and decision performance in complex contexts. Such findings provide much needed empirical support for the proper fit between technology-orientated decision aids and simple decision contexts. Future research is needed to determine suitable solutions for complex contexts.

Tarik Prušćanpović, M. Handzic

This study aims to provide a comparative analysis of two e-businesses operating in sales and marketing sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina: pik.ba and market.ba. The first one is highly successful and the other one is struggling to stay in business. The present study will try to determine key differentiating factors that contributed to the current status of these two e-businesses. A survey of customers’ perceptions and attitudes towards these e-businesses, as well as their purchasing behaviors will be examined in order to detect any potential differences and reasons behind those differences. It is expected that an improved understanding of the identified e-business success factors will help to improve e-business design functionality, usability and aesthetics. This should lead to the enhanced customer satisfaction and the ultimate business success. Keywords: e-business, e-commerce, sales, marketing, purchasing behavior.

N. Filipović, M. Handzic

The purpose of this study is to investigate the utilization of social media in the context of business advertising in Central Bosnia Canton. Typically, companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina employ traditional advertising, but more recently these companies are starting to use social media for alternative advertising and consequently becoming more satisfied. Most of the companies are already developing efficient ways of promoting their goods and services through social media. The remaining ones are getting in touch with such technologies. This study used a survey method (online and via telephone) as the main research tool to examine 50 randomly chosen companies on their advertising strategies. The research model proposed for the study consisted of the following variables: perceptions, usage and effects of social media on business performance. The study found out that customer behavior, awareness of the potential of social media, positioning and building the brand of the company, all play an important role in the process of utilization of social media. On the basis of these study findings it can be concluded that social media has a substantial influence on people and businesses. It is taking a major role in advertising in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This developing trend provides a plenty of opportunities for future research. Keywords: Social media, advertising, perceptions, effects and usage of social media.

M. Handzic, Kürsad Özlen

The related literature suggests the need to achieve deeper understanding and explanation of knowledge management (KM) success in healthcare service with respect to the complexity of the decision environment. Therefore, this research aims to examine descriptively KM success in Turkish healthcare organisations. More specifically, the study analyses the characteristics of the clinical context, social and technical aspects of the implemented KM solutions (KMS), clinical staff's KMS adoption and its impact on their knowledge and performance in two different clinical service environments (hospitals). The results reveal some interesting patterns. As expected, the participants who perceived their context as more complex and KMS as more sophisticated tended to adopt it more than others. However, this did not produce more superior knowledge and performance. Several possible explanations were offered for the findings and future research was recommended in order to overcome current limitations.

Haris Goralija, M. Handzic

Safety management is one of the most important tasks in the coal mining sector. It is argued that an appropriate information system that monitors safety information can improve the coal mine safety management and reduce the occurrences of disasters. Therefore, the primary aim of this paper is to study the implementation and impact of a specific information system implemented in the Coal Mine Kakanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The focus of the study was on examining employees’ satisfaction with their implemented information system. Data were collected through interviews of employees who were system users. Their collected responses were analyzed using qualitative methods. The analyses performed revealed some interesting results. Their implications for the coal mine safety management were discussed and several plausible directions for future research are recommended. Keywords: Information System, Kakanj, Bosnia And Herzegovina, Coal Mine

D. Donko, M. Handzic

Electronic government initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina are still in its infancy and facing many issues and challenges. Therefore, the main goal of this study is to gain a better understanding of these issues and challenges by examining the adoption and diffusion of ‘e-government services’ from the citizen’s perspective at the local municipal level. Sixty nine usable responses were obtained from one hundred surveyed citizens with permanent residency in the Centar Municipality Sarajevo. The participants were asked about their perceptions of different aspects of egovernment services provided by their municipality. The results are encouraging. The citizens of Centar Municipality Sarajevo perceived their municipal e-government system as useful, easy to use, and having a high level of information quality. Consequently, they were willing to use e-government, particularly for accessing laws and by-law acts, filing state taxes, ordering birth, death and marriage certificates, renewing drivers’ licenses, registration and shopping. However, they were not in favour of using internet for online voting. Keywords: Electronic Government, Local Government, Case Study, Municipality Centar-Sarajevo

Danel Trumić, M. Handzic

Management Information Systems (MIS) are playing an important role in the banking sector. Increasing speed and power of information and communication technologies and their innovative applications enable banks operating in developed economies to gain competitive advantage and enhance their customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to investigate the issue in the case of a transitional economy. In particular, a survey study was conducted to audit the implementation of MIS in the banking sector of Canton Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The data were collected from the employees who were users of MIS in major banks operating in Canton Tuzla. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive tests. The results revealed some interesting patterns. These findings and their implications are discussed in detail. In the end, some plausible directions are recommended for future research. Keywords: Management Information Systems, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bank

Haris Goralija, M. Handzic

The primary aim of this paper is to report a case study of the implementation of an information system in the Kakanj Coal Mine, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study examined a variety of aspects pertaining to the information system implementation from the professional and end user perspectives. Data were collected from the available documentation, and from interviews with the information systems support staff and surveys of employees who were system users. The collected responses were analyzed using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Due to the time constraint imposed on the authors, only the preliminary qualitative findings are reported here.

M. Handzic, H. Hasan

The learning and knowledge that we have, is, at the most, but little compared with that of which we are ignorant. Plato Knowledge management (KM) is a vital and complex topic of current interest to so many in business, government and the community in general, that there is an urgent need to expand the role of empirical research to inform knowledge management practice. However, one of the most striking aspects of knowledge management is the diversity of the field and the lack of universally accepted definitions of the term itself and its derivatives, knowledge and management. As a consequence of the multidisciplinary nature of KM, the terms inevitably hold a difference in meaning and emphasis for different people. The initial chapter of this book addresses the challenges brought about by these differences. This chapter begins with a critical assessment of some diverse frameworks for knowledge management that have been appearing in the international academic literature of many disciplines for some time. Then follows a description of ways that these have led to some holistic and integrated frameworks currently being developed by KM researchers in Australia.

Hazem Zeid, M. Handzic

The paper presented roughly consists of three parts, as follows: Finding a criteria to evaluate a commercial website Selecting a website and applying criteria Comments and improvement advice First task was to find suitable criteria by which the site is to be evaluated; through extensive research on the internet regarding web site criteria and business sites in general we have found out what makes the business web such a powerful medium for approaching your customers. The availability and growth of the Internet offers use the opportunity to find information and data from all over the world. Internet resources, in particular World Wide Web resources, continue to proliferate at an astonishing rate. This is especially true for commercial web sites which as some experts state, grow at an astonishing rate of one per every 3 seconds! Keywords: e-business, website design, website evaluation criteria

Fedja Bogdanovic, M. Handzic

Technology is currently driving a profound transformation of the learning industry. In response to the growing demand for education in the knowledge based economy, universities and colleges are offering thousands of online courses, thus changing the traditional classroom-based methods of teaching and learning. Researchers and practitioners are predicting that the current trend will continue. However, while many institutions are developing and using web-based courses, little is known about their value in improving the quality of students’ learning experience. An electronic or e-learning environment is usually defined as a computer-based environment that provides access to a wide range of resources and allows interactions and encounters among participants. Essentially, e-learning combines the individualised learning experience with the communication dimension. Learners can access and utilise different available materials and follow different paths to them depending on their inquiry styles. They can also interact and discuss electronically with other learners and instructors. Typically, on-line environments support learner-centred, modularised and self-paced learning. Some researchers suggest that technology-mediated learning environments may improve students’ achievement, their attitudes toward learning, and their evaluation of the learning experience. Others warn that technology-mediated learning environments may lead to the student feelings of isolation, frustration, anxiety and confusion. The goal of this study is to examine the issue in the context of foreign language learning. An integrated KM framework was used as a theoretical basis for modelling an “ideal” e-learning space for foreign language students. The model was tested among undergraduate students enrolled in English language study programmes. The participants were interviewed about their preferences for different model features, content and tools in supporting their learning experience. Individual responses were encoded and grouped into classes. The results provide some interesting insights into the potential and limitations of information technology in language learning.

E-life and the number of relevant e-applications have grown up rapidly depending upon the high speed technology and so high speed economy. Therefore, all the organizations as well as governmental organisations, especially municipalities, have been influenced by the emerging e-trends. On the other hand, Human Resources Management takes an important place within the organizations. The management of the period from selecting the proper staff to their retirement is an important issue and needs to be cared. Hence, in this study the role of Human Resources Information System (as a part of E-municipality applications) on the management of the human resources as well as some e-municipality issues will be studied by the help of a survey-based study which is conducted in some Turkish municipalities. In the conclusion and discussion parts the results of the survey are discussed and future research areas and limitations of the research are addressed.

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