
Publikacije (10)

Admir Čavalić, Dijana Husaković

The relationship between the civil and business sectors has intensified in the last few years, including cross-sectoral partnerships as part of corporate social responsibility. The authors examine the impact of these partnerships on the performance of 100 of the largest businesses in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Large companies were chosen because they are most likely to be involved with corporate social responsibility activities and cooperation with civil society organizations. Methodologically, the authors analyzed the effect of these partnerships on business performance using four Balanced Scorecard components - three non-financial and one financial performance. The research results show specific influences on non-financial business performance but not financial performance.

Dženan Kulović, Dijana Husaković, Esmir Husetović

Organizational configuration affects a number of management components, both hard and soft. Hard components include: organizational structure, strategy and control, and soft components are: organizational culture, organizational learning, leadership, motivation, organization power, organizational change, rewarding employees, evaluating performance and connection between individual and organization. Therefore, it can be said that organizational configuration affects organizational culture. The organizational configuration creates a framework in which a specific type of organizational culture is applied. For an organization to be successful in achieving its goals, there needs to be a high degree of agreement between the chosen model of organizational configuration and the type of organizational culture. Therefore, each model of organizational configuration corresponds with a precisely defined type of organizational culture, because only in that way organization will avoid problems in its functioning. This paper is an exploratory type, which means that it will create assumptions about the degree of agreement between specific models of organizational configurations and certain types of organizational cultures. In this paper, based on theoretical implications, assumptions are created about the degree of agreement of Mintzberg's models of organizational configurations, which are re cognized in the literature as Mintzberg's basic types of configurations and typologies of organizational cultures according to Cameron and Quinn, better known as the competing value model. Situational elements that form models of organizational configurations according to Mintzberg and the dimensions on the basis of which are performed the typology of organizational cultures according to Cameron and Quinn are taken into account.

Dženan Kulović, Dijana Husaković, Ilma Dedić-Grabus

The paper investigates the influence of organizational culture on the leadership style in the company. Every company needs managers who will develop a certain leadership style in order to meet the preconditions for effective actions that will lead to the achievement of the company's goals. Organizational culture in accordance with established norms and rules determines how to understand and accept specific employee behavior, and which leadership style is fitting for managing employees by managers of company leaders. The paper uses a situational approach to leadership according to which the typology of leadership styles is based on two key criteria: concern for people and concern for performance. The classification of organizational culture according to the Edwards and Kleiner typology is based on four types of organizational culture: indifferent culture, caring culture, strict culture and integrative culture. Based on the agreement of the criteria for differentiating the types of organizational cultures and leadership styles, hypotheses about cause-and-effect relations between them are set in the paper.

Dijana Husaković, Nermana Mahmić-Muhić, Ilma Dedić-Grabus

It is undeniable that corporate social responsibility (CSR) occupies an important place in managerial practice, but also in academic circles. Due to the strengthening of competition between companies, and the constant need for companies to be sustainable in a market and innovative sense, it becomes clear that it is necessary to integrate social responsibility into the company's business. Corporate social responsibility activities, which will be the subject of analysis, are in theory synthesized in the form of economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic activities. These corporate social responsibility activities should intuitively lead to building a positive reputation for the company. Reputation is an intangible but long-term investment. In the modern economy, where due to the speed of information transfer, it is very difficult to hide something, building a reputation is seen as one of the basic challenges of any company. The research focuses on the connection between the activities of corporate social responsibility and the reputation of large companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, the paper analyzes the perception of managers about the connection of corporate social responsibility activities with the reputation of large and medium companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main goal of this paper is to examine the perception of managers about the relationship between corporate social responsibility activities and the reputation of companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dijana Husaković, Esmir Husetović, Nermana Mahmić-Muhić

In today's dynamic business environment conditions, the socially responsible business occupies a special place. Socially responsible companies are more sensitive to the needs and expectations of the most important stakeholder groups: shareholders, employees, customers and the community. In addition to socially responsible companies working in accordance with the needs and expectations of mentioned groups, they can achieve many other benefits from corporate social responsibility: gain a better reputation and image in the market, attract quality human resources, attract many investors, etc. Application of socially responsible business in companies requires from managers proactive approach, stakeholders orientation and ethical behavior in making business decisions. When we talk about socially responsible business, in theory, there are three types of managers: immoral, amoral and moral type. Immoral type of managers actively opposes what is considered correct or ethical. The amoral type of managers is neither immoral nor moral. Their main characteristic is that they are not too sensitive to the fact that their business decisions can affect others. The moral type of managers uses ethical norms and adhere to high standards of good behavior. This paper researched the dominant type of managers, from the aspect of socially responsible business, in large private companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research determined that managers, who are not too sensitive to the fact that their business decisions can have harmful consequences for others, are the dominant type of managers in large private companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research was proven on 63 large private companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dijana Husaković, Ilma Dedić-Grabus, Esmir Husetović

Corporate social responsibility implies the company's commitment to create and implement business strategies and activities in harmony with the environment and ethical behaviour towards stakeholders. Employees belong to the important interest groups and resources of every company, because their actions directly affect business results. The paper presents activities of corporate social responsibility towards employees. Employee motivation is important because it directly affects the productivity of workers , which further has consequences on the business results of the company. Employee motivation changes in the action of various factors from the employee's environment , inside and outside the work environment. In this paper, corporate social responsibility will be presented as a factor related to employee motivation. The main goal of this paper is to examine the relationship between corporate social responsibility and employee motivation and the possible connection between socially responsible activities toward employees and their motivation. The research will be conducted by examining the attitudes of managers about the connection between socially responsible business and motivation, because managers make decisions about employees within their work activities. The sample includes managers of large Bosnian companies.

Dijana Husaković, A. Šabanović

Conflicts are an integral part of doing business and companies cannot avoid them. In a globalized and dynamic environment, there is a need to manage conflicts that occur within the company, in a productive and effective way. Conflict management styles are influenced by a number of factors, including the national culture of employees, who will have certain preferences in resolving conflicts in accordance with their culture. When it comes to multicultural environment, the knowledge of the national culture of the country in which the business is being done, as well as the company’s home country, national culture is extremely important for conflict management and creation of positive atmosphere in the company. Doing business in a foreign market additionally complicates the process of the creation of interpersonal conflicts. Thus, top management coming from the home country has a big task of understanding the values and customs which are the part of personality of each employee from another country, and at the same time, the understanding of the national culture of the country in which the business was internationalized. The aim of the research is to, based on theoretical and empirical research, examine the impact of Bosnian and Herzegovinian national culture on conflict resolution styles used in foreign companies doing business in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Research results show that the national culture is a significant factor in conflict management in a company, but also in conflicts in general. The level of harmonization of chosen styles and ways of managing them with the national culture of the employees will affect their business performance, positive atmosphere and communication, and more efficiency for achieving the company’s business goals.

Dijana Husaković, Edis Mujčinović

The system of quality management in accordance to standards of ISO 9000 series intoday’s dynamic environment is rapidly becoming the business imperative for companies,especially for small and medium enterprises which strive to increase competitivenessand improve their business performances. The link between standards andbusiness performances has been capturing a lot of attention of academic community,which mainly focuses on a different benefits that companies can achieve by adequatelyimplementing these standards.The research presented in this paper focuses on small and medium entreprises inB&H which have an established system of quality management in accordance toISO 9000 series standards in order to determine whether companies apply thesestandards in a way to improve their business performances and increase their competitiveness.The research results show that the requirements of ISO 9001:2009 standard are notadequately implemented in small and medium companies in B&H, which furtherimplicates their indisposition for the application of ISO 9004:2009 standard. Therefore,full positive effects of these standards on business performance and competitivenessimprovement of companies are not achieved.

Ema Mustajbašić, Dijana Husaković

Doing business in different cultural environments present a challenge for today’s managers, where culture affects almost every aspect of companies’ management, including employees’ motivation. As many authors argue, in a multicultural environment, one of the key factors influencing motivation is national culture. Employee leaning towards different techniques of motivation considerably depends on their national culture and the dimensions that are connected to that national culture. This paper addresses the question of employee motivation from perspective of joint ventures in foreign ownership doing business in transitional country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The empirical research has been conducted on a stratified sample, where the collection of the primary data was made by the structured questionnaire, filled in by the top level managers as well as employees who work on different workplaces in companies. The questionnaire was created to collect attitudes and opinions of current business practice of companies related to the different motivational techniques. The results of the research show that national culture does determine the impact of certain motivational technique on the level of employee motivation and that motivational programs that are synchronized with the national culture of employees give better results in employee motivation..

Jasmin Halebić, Dijana Husaković

Dok je odgovor na pitanje koja vrsta inflacije, prema visini stope, pogaca ekonomiju jedne zemlje razmjerno lagan, dotle pronalaženje uzroka nastanka inflacije zahtijeva profinjeniju analizu. No, potpunost pristupa problemu inflacije nalaže i traganje za rjesenjem, buduci da visoka stopa inflacije nikako ne može biti makroekonomski cilj. Inflacija je u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) u razdoblju 2001.-2007. iznosila prosjecno 2,7 % i 2,9%, respektivno. Mecutim, u lipnju 2008. godine u obje zemlje izmjerena je visa stopa inflacije od tog visegodisnjeg prosjeka. Ima li ova puzajuca stopa inflacije tendenciju galopiranja, odnosno, prijeti li nastankom poremecaja u gospodarskim aktivnostimac Cilj ovoga rada jest istražiti sadasnje i eventualne buduce posljedice inflatornih pritisaka na gospodarstva Hrvatske i BiH. Istraživanja pokazuju da su u bivsoj zajednickoj državi (znaci i u Hrvatskoj i BiH) osnovni razlozi nastanka inflacije bili: bujanje placa, lokalni monopoli i demonstracijski efekt. Jesu li u situaciji rasta stope inflacije u (sirem) okruženju uzroci inflacije u dvije zemlje promijenjenic Monetarna restrikcija, kao odgovor sredisnjih banaka u obje zemlje na rastucu stopu inflacije, može poluciti uspjesan rezultat i to izbjegavanjem inflatornog soka i otklanjanjem inflatornih pritisaka, no samo u kombinaciji s mjerama fiskalne politike usmjerenim ka poticanju rasta proizvodnje, produktivnosti i ulaganja.

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