
Publikacije (46)

Z. Pilić, N. Juznić, A. Radosavljević, D. Pantović

The authors applied the conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate in a prospective study comprising 22 patients. Out of this number, 14 patients had intact ectopic pregnancy and 8 showed the signs of initial tubal abortion (as proved by the hematocele finding). This group of 8 patients insisted to be given the same therapy, although they were informed of the possible failure in cases of initial tubal abortion. In all these cases methotrexate was administered locally, injected into the gestational sac under ultrasonic monitoring. In addition to the local application, 13 patients systemically received the same drug in pills (2.5 mg). At the same time, all the patients were given the antidote (Citrovorum factor). This method of treatment appeared to be successful in 16 patients (72.7%), four of them also having hematocele. Surgical treatment was applied afterwards in six patients (27.3%).

M. Sumarević, Z. Pilić, M. Grubač, D. Kovačevič, V. Kesic

V. Šulović, N. Radunović, Z. Pilić

The authors have studied 787 women with cardiac disease out of 78,594 pregnant women between 1971 and 1980. They found 133 women who had congenital heart disease who were delivered in their service, and they compared these with 260 pregnant women who were normal. They used the classification of the Cardiological Society of New York to grade the functional state of the patients. Five pregnancies had to be terminated before the 16th week because of a worsening of the cardiovascular state of the patient. The majority (79%) of the patients delivered vaginally and 21% had caesarean operations. 20.5% babies were born prematurely (p less than 0.005). 13.4% of the infants weighed less than 2,000 g at birth. Perinatal mortality was 62.9 per 1,000. Maternal mortality was 23.6 per 1,000. The authors conclude that these pregnancies are high-risk pregnancies where the prognosis is only favourable if the heart disease is moderate. This becomes worse when there is cardiac decompensation or cyanosis due to heart disease.

Z. Pilić, V. Šulović, B. Kuzmanović, D. Plećaš, V. Kesic

M. Krstić, Z. Pilić, N. Radunović, D. Plećaš, D. Milačić

N. Radunović, B. Lazarević, Z. Pilić, M. Krstić, D. Milačić, D. Plećaš

Z. Pilić, N. Juznić, A. Stanković, L. Nikolić

A parturient who had never been examined during pregnancy was admitted to the maternity ward at the end of the first phase of labour. Owing to a stoppage in the expulsion of the regularly rotated head, the forceps was applied. The extraction of the head was followed by the collision of the shoulders. Behind the fetus's neck, in the uterine canal, there was the head of the other fetus. The attempt of the reposition of the head of the other twin in general anesthesia was a failure. Since auscultation revealed no heart tones in any of the twins, the perforation of the head of the other fetus was performed, and in this way the extraction of the first and then of the second fetus was possible. The authors emphasize the importance of the echographic detection of the position and site of the fetuses in twin pregnancy.

Z. Pilić, V. Šulović, M. Dukić, L. Trajković

By a prospective study the authors tried to assess the state of the fetoplacental unit in pathologic pregnancies. Depending on the given situation, the following analytical procedures were used: oxytocin test (OCT), placental beta-1-glycoprotein (SP-1), amnioscopy, and analysis of the liquor amnii ingredients (L/S relationship). By combining the above quoted procedures and taking into account obstetric factors (pelvic measures, cervical maturity), the assessment was made of the state of the fetus and the placenta, of the maturity grade and gestation age, and of the condition of the fetus for delivery by the planned induction of uterine contractions. Statistical analysis (the kappa 2 test) has shown that there is no difference in the results concerning the parameters observed, which speaks for good agreement between them. In the authors' opinion, none of the methods used is an absolutely valid test but their combination and dynamic observation along with a certain clinical experience, could lead to right conclusions about the state of the fetoplacental unit before induced labour.

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