
Publikacije (26)

S. Ercişli, S. Yilmaz, J. Gadže, A. Džubur, S. Hadžiabulić, Yasmina Aliman

This study was carried out on 13 local cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) genotypes grown in Yusufeli (Artvin) in Northeast Anatolia in Turkey. Cornelian cherry fruits from these 13 genotypes were harvested and analyzed during the ripening period in 2010. Some physical and chemical characteristics of cultivars were determined. Fruit weight and fruit flesh ratio of these genotypes ranged from 2.72 to 4.11 g and 79.08 to 89.99%. Soluble solid content were determined the lowest as 13.7% and the highest as 18.6%. The genotypes had vitamin C between 31 to 70 mg/100 g with average of 50 mg/100 g. Total protein, cellulose, tannin and ash content of genotypes were determined between 0.75-2.18%; 0.36-1.08%; 0.57-1.28% and 0.51-1.13%. The genotypes were found to be free of pest and diseases. The present study showed that there were enough variability among cornelian cherry genotypes grown in same ecological conditions of a small area and these genotypes could be important both to improve nutritional value through germplasm enhancement programmes and to use them in organic production.

Aim of this study was to select the genotypes with good morphological-phenological characteristics from the population of almonds in Herzegovina. The recording and studying of 27 autochthonous almond genotypes was carried out, and three genotypes were selected and analysed using method of positive individual selection. The study comprised observation of blossom and ripening phenophases, as well as its morphological and pomological characteristics. Genotype II was highlighted with its semi-soft shell and high degree of yield of kernel (54,41%), and it has late blossom. Genotype III has convenient blossom period.

N. Tanović, A. Džubur, S. Hadžiabulić, E. Temim, A. Leto, A. Hadžiabulić

The aim of this project is dissemination of innovative technologies and knowledge related to the technologies of processing of medicinal and aromatic herbs with the goal of production of essential oils. Production of essential oils in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina is done in the conditions, which are not, at this moment, at the level of sophisticated techniques and technologies. Essential oils are produced partly from widely grown medicinal and aromatic herbs and mostly from plantation-grown herbs. The aspects of processing of medicinal and aromatic herbs into distillates and all the measures, which follow the processing, should go through the transfer of technologies, so we could meet quality requirements as well as the European standards. Therefore, the intention is to certify the products as organic and according to HACCP system. Concerning the distillation of medicinal and aromatic herbs grown in natural population, we want to become a part of sustainable and rational exploitation in the way that we will identify economically important, rare, endangered and protected plants and to take care about the total biodiversity.

Z. Čmelik, S. Hadžiabulić

Uzgoj tresnje u Hercegovini ima dugu tradiciju, te ova kultura zahvaljujuci povoljnim ekoloskim uvjetima zauzima znacajne povrsine. Nažalost, vecina uzgajanih sorti cijepi se na bujne generativne podloge, pri cemu se razvijaju stabla vecih dimenzija, a to dovodi do kasnijeg ulaska u produktivnu dob i poskupljuje proizvodnju. Kao posljedica, interes za uzgajanje ove kulture posljednjih decenija je u opadanju. Stoga je intenzifikacija proizvodnje i unapređenje kakvoce plodova ovisno o introdukciji srednje bujnih ili kržljavih podloga i novih sorti iz drugih zemalja, koje se moraju kroz pokuse valorizirati u specificnim uvjetima Hercegovine. Nakon toga moguce je organizirati suvremene sustave komercijalne proizvodnje. Uzgojem stabala malih dimenzija u gustom sklopu vocke ranije ulaze u produktivnu dob, lakse se održavaju, sto se konacno odražava na bolje ekonomske ucinke takve proizvodnje. Iz razloga sto na bujnost stabala najveci ucinak ima odabir odgovarajuce podloge, pozornost u ovom radu posvecena je nekim podlogama koje se vec nalaze u proizvodnji, te nekima koje s aspekta prakse nisu dostatno valorizirane. Karakteristike clankom obuhvacenih podloga opisane su na osnovi brojnih literaturnih izvora i vlastitih pokusnih podataka dobivenih u Hrvatskoj. Eksperimentalni podaci prikupljeni su u pokusnom vocnjakom koji je posađen 1997. godine. U pokusu je bila samooplodna sorta Lapins cijepljena na podloge razlicite bujnosti, ukljucujuci: F 12/I, Ma x Ma 14, PiKu 4.20, Gisela 4, Gisela 5, Gisela 12, Weiroot 13, Weiroot 72, Weiroot 158 i Edabriz. U cetvrtoj godini poslije sadnje obavljene su izmjere promjere debla i priroda. U nasim uvjetima sorta Lapins nije postigla ocekivani prirod. Najveci prirod podtignut je na podlogama Gisela 12 (1, 15 kg/stablo) i Gisela 4 (0, 97 kg/stablo), dok je najniži prirod ostvaren na podlozi F12/1 (0, 03 kg/stablo). Stabla na podlozi Edabriz su bila najmanje bujna, a na podlozi PiKu 4.20 najbujnija. Nasi rezultati i mnogobrojni literaturni podaci ukazuju da je među podlogama slabije bujnosti Gisela 5 najperspektivnija za suvremene intenzivne nasade tresnje. Komparativna istraživanja pokazala su da su podloge Weiroot 158 i Gisela 4 potencijalna alternativa za Giselu 5 jer i na njima cijepljene sorte rano ulaze u rod i daju visoke prirode, a te se podloge lakse vegetativno umnažaju. Cini se da podloga Edabriz, zbog pretjerane kržljavosti, nije prikladna za komercijalnu uporabu.

Jasna Hasanbegović Sejfić, J. Aliman, S. Hadžiabulić, A. Jukić, N. Badžak, Azra Skender, B. Dorbić, Doc. dr. sc. Jasna Hasanbegović et al.

A 2-year study was done to compare fruit morphological and chemical composition of three nectarine cultivars grown in south Hercegovinia conditions. A high variability among and within cultivars was found and significant differences were observed among them in all properties analyzed. On the basis of evaluated data, the best fruit performance was registered in ‘Caldesi 2000’ and ‘Venus’ grown in the condition of this part of the Mediteran. This evaluation may help to select a set of nectarine cultivars with better fruit quality attributes, which in our growing conditions might be indicated in ‘Caldesi 2000’ and somewhat in ‘Venus’. The highest average of fruit width (61.18 mm) and fruit weight (148.24 g) was found in cultivar Caldesi 2000. As for friut thickness, also cultivar Caldesi 2000 had the highest value (55.39 mm). The results for the highest fruit length (60.48 mm) had Venus cultivar also fruit stone weight length, width and thickness. The contents sugars (glucose, fructose) total soluble dry matter, and total acids in fruits were found in cultivar Venus, but pH and sucrose were found in cultivar Sun Grand.

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