
Publikacije (27)

Romina Alkier, Jasmina Okičić, V. Milojica

Safety and security became a crucial component of an integral tourist product. Ability to offer tourists a safe stay during their holiday contributes to the attractiveness of a destination and its tourist product. Safety and security represent a pre-condition and a motive which many tourists consider crucial when choosing their destination for a holiday. Due to this, tourist destinations need to focus on improving the level of safety and security which will contribute to the satisfaction of tourists, and they will be more interested in visiting and revisiting a destination. Aim of this paper is to determine whether tourists consider safety and riskiness, as well as destination image as relevant factors in their decision-making process when choosing Opatija Riviera for their holiday. An analysis of the relevant scientific literature, and empirical research were conducted to determine if how tourists perceive safety and riskiness as well as the destination image when choosing to visit Opatija Riviera for a holiday. Based on the findings a discussion was developed to provide future activities of safety and security improvement.

D. Bećirović, Sejfudin Zahirovic, E. Kozarević, Jasmina Okičić

The purpose of this work is to show the development and evaluation of behavioural intentions of students by using mobile banking. The research goal is to explain determinants of students’ intentions towards the use of mobile banking. PLS SEM (partial least squares structural equation modeling) analysis was used for the model evaluation. The sample consists of 83 students from four higher education institutions operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Research results confirmed that subjective norm and attitude are significant predictors of the user’s attitude towards mobile banking acceptance, while the influence of self-efficacy was not determined. Attitudes related to mobile banking acceptance are primarily determined by perception of usefulness and self-efficacy, and to a lower degree by perception of privacy and security risk. Perception of mobile banking usefulness appeared to be the most significant predictor of attitudes, while simultaneously it influenced positively on acceptance of behavioral intention, including intervening effect of attitude variable. Digital literacy was proved to be a significant predictor for self-efficacy. From the perspective of banks, it is very important to see how a generation that a high potential for the use of modern technologies has perceives mobile banking, and what affects it to accept mobile banking. The results of this research are useful for banks to attract new younger users of mobile banking and increase their own benefits.

Romina Alkier, Jasmina Okičić, V. Milojica

Purpose – The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus left a significant negative mark on the world economy, and tourism industry. It has also significantly affected the perception and behavior of tourists when it comes to the safety of a tourist destination. To continue to record a positive recovery trend, destinations must undertake scientific and professional research, and based on the results consider and develop new development strategies for the development of tourism in the post-pandemic period. The perception of risk in tourists is changing, which ultimately has an impact on their future behavior when choosing a holiday destination. Opatija Riviera is a destination with a rich and long tourist tradition, which until before the pandemic was perceived as safe, as evidenced by the continuous growth of tourist turnover. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the importance of monitoring whether and to what extent tourists perceive Opatija Riviera as a safe tourist destination and based on the findings to offer developmental guidelines for the post-pandemic period. Methodology – Data collection was conducted during June and July 2022, using an online survey questionnaire. 152 respondents agreed to participate in research. The basic measurement instrument was based on the Tourists’ Perceived Safety at Destinations (TPSD) scale developed by Xie et al. (2020b), i.e. initial items (25) proposed by these authors. To extract the dimensions of perceived tourist safety, the authors primarily used exploratory factor analysis. Findings – by using the exploratory factor analysis the following factors were identified: perception of safety of human elements (PSH), safety of facilities and equipment (PSFE), safety of natural environments (PSNE), perceived safety of social environments (PSSE) and safety of management elements (PSM). The results for PSH, PSFE, PSNE and PSSE have proven to be satisfactory in terms of how tourists perceive them as safe and reliable, which is not the case with the PSM. The f indings for PSM indicate the need for additional investments aimed towards improvement of protection of tourist´s safety (safety of the construction, safety of information and visibility of warning sign about security in Opatija Riviera). Originality of the research – this research contributes to the theory by presenting relevant literature content in safety perception in tourism. The empirical contribution derives from the fact that no similar research was conducted on Opatija Riviera until now. Its findings set the basis for future empirical research that will be conducted in the post-COVID period in Opatija Riviera, based on which it will be possible to plan further developmental activities aimed towards improving tourist´s safety during their stay.

A. Pilav-Velić, H. Jahić, Jasmina Okičić, Jasmina Selimović, E. Grabovica

The current study investigates how attitudes towards digital transformation and personal innovativeness affect the acceptance of emergency remote learning in the COVID-19 pandemic environment. The pandemic has affected all aspects of societies across the globe, including higher education that was also a significant push-up factor for the digital transformation of higher education. Thus, the main aim of this paper is to investigate the factors affecting emergency remote learning acceptance among the higher education students in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The results presented in this paper gained from a study carried out among higher education students in BiH cover the period of April – July 2020 via the open-source platform. The study focused on the students’ attitude towards a digital transformation is a significant factor in accepting emergency remote learning. Also, the personal innovativeness score has proven to be a crucial factor for adopting this new learning setting, i.e., more innovative students have a greater emergency remote learning acceptance than students with a lower personal innovativeness score. Hence, this study pinpoints the necessity of changing the attitudes towards technology applications in education. It would increase the usage of remote learning services and provide students with knowledge and skills for the new labour market

Jasmina Okičić, Meldina Kokorović Jukan, M. Herić

The purpose of this research is to provide some insights into financial literacy among undergraduate students focusing primarily on the relationship between financial knowledge, financial attitudes and financial behavior and on possible gender and financial education gap in financial literacy. Using the purposive sampling technique, data collection was carried out from April to June 2020, yielding a sample of 1,046 valid responses. To gain a better understanding of the relationship between financial behaviour, financial attitudes and financial knowledge, we, primarily, use exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression model. The research findings have revealed several important issues. First, findings have suggested that financial knowledge, financial attitudes and gender may be considered as an antecedent of the financial behaviour of undergraduate students. Second, findings have also suggested a statistically - significant difference between the financial literacy of undergraduate students concerning their exposure to formal financial education.

Sejfudin Zahirovic, Jasmina Okičić, M. Herić, Dino Kakeš

The purpose of this research is to provide some insights into socio-demographic determinants of predicting the likelihood of residents propensity to travel. Using the quota sampling technique, data collection was carried out from October to December 2019, yielding a sample of 632 valid responses. To gain a better understanding of the sociodemographic determinants of propensity to travel, we, primarily, use descriptive statistical analysis, chi-square test and probit regression model. The research findings have revealed that age, education and household income characteristics may be considered as antecedents of travel propensity of residents. Having in mind the impact that Covid-19 pandemic has on sector of tourism worldwide, and based on the results of this research, policymakers' efforts should be directed to promoting local tourist destinations and to enhancing tourism literacy of residents.

Nahid Unkic, Herzegovina, Jasmina Okičić

The purpose of this research is to provide some insights into relationship between decisionmaking heuristics and perceived quality of life. Using the purposive sampling technique, data collection was carried out, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, from June to October 2020, yielding a sample of 319 valid responses. To gain a better understanding of the relationship between decision-making heuristics and the perceived quality of life, we, primarily, use descriptive statistical analysis, chi-square test and probit regression model. The research findings have revealed positive association between all three decision-making heuristics, i.e. representativeness, anchoring, availability, and perceived quality of life. Furthermore, the group with above-average perceived quality of life have higher representativeness, anchoring, and availability scores comparing to the group with below-average perceived quality of life. These differences are statistically significant. Furthermore, out of three decision-making heuristics components, availability, or a heuristic whereby people make judgments about the likelihood of an event based on how easily a similar example comes to mind, seems to be the strongest predictor of the perceived quality of life. Memories that are easily recalled are often insufficient for estimating likelihood of occurring similar events again in the future. In that respect, availability may produce low-quality information in the decision making process. Ultimately, this may lead to bad decisions.

Romina Alkier, Jasmina Okičić, V. Milojica

The main goal of the paper is to determine underlying dimensions of perceived quality of maritime tourist destination´s offer. Using the purposive sampling technique, data collection was carried out from January to August 2019 in the destinations of Opatija Riviera, yielding a sample of 155 valid responses. To gain better understanding of underlying dimensions of perceived quality of maritime tourist destination´s offer, we, primarily, use exploratory factor analysis. The research findings have revealed that organization of a destination, gastronomic offer, natural resources, traffic infrastructure, destination´s cultural resources, accommodation capacities, attractions and sports activities are the main factors of perceived quality of maritime tourist destination´s offer.

The main goal of this paper is to empirically analyse the relationship between financial behavior and financial position of individuals. To gain a better understanding of that relationship we primarily use structural equation modeling. The research findings have revealed a statistically - significant impact of savings habits and responsible financial behaviour on financial position of an individual. Therefore, and for policy purposes, these results may produce useful pieces of information which might be helpful in the creation of tailored-made training programs which would promote good practises of financial behavior and savings habits.

The main goal of this paper is to determine the empirically analyse the relationship between financial literacy and investment strategy of individual investors from the underdeveloped capital market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The OECD INFE Core Questionnaire (2011) was mainly used for measuring financial literacy. Using the purposive sampling technique, 89 individual investors were selected. The research was conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the third quarter of 2019. To gain a better understanding of the relationship between entrepreneurs’ financial literacy and their decision making styles we primarily use structural equation modeling. The research findings have revealed a statistically - significant impact of financial attitudes, financial behaviour and financial knowledge on active investment strategy. Findings suggest that active investment approach may be raised via enhancing the financial literacy of the investors. Therefore, these results may produce useful pieces of information which might be helpful in the creation of tailored-made training programs which would meet the needs of investors in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

ABSTRACT The goal of this study is to empirically examine the potential impact of supply chain practices on the supply chain performances of the agro-food industry. The constructs of interest are three-dimensional, including supplier partnerships, customer relationships and level and quality of information sharing, thus representing supply chain practices, flexibility, agility and innovation as the main characteristics of supply chain performance. To gain better understanding of the possible impact of the supply chain practices on the supply chain performances of the agro-food industry we use structural equation modelling. The analysis has revealed statistically significant positive impact of customers’ relationships as well as statistically significant negative impact of a supplier partnership on the supply chain performance. From a theoretical point of view, this study has indicated contribution of different supply chain practices on supply chain performances. The results obtained from this study provide practical implications that assist managers in improving supply chain performance and highlight limitations for implementation of supply chain practice for the improvement of business operations.

Jasmina Okičić, Meldina Kokorović Jukan, A. Pilav-Velić, H. Jahić

Abstract Employment has been identified at the top of the list of young people’s concerns across Europe. Given the fact that in Bosnia and Herzegovina youth is one of the most vulnerable group, mainly due to the high unemployment rate, the main goal of this paper to determine the key individual and household characteristics of young people that influence their employment probability in order to support further development of decision-making policies in the labour market of Bosnia and Herzegovina. By using the USAID MEASURE-BiH National Youth Survey data set we analyse the effects of various individual and household characteristics on the probability of youth employment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The analysis has revealed that education, age, gender and certain household characteristics have an impact on the probability of youth employment. The paper is expected to produce useful pieces of information that might be helpful for government decision-makers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the process of creating employment policies to support young people.

Meldina Kokorović Jukan, Jasmina Okičić, Danijel Hopić

Abstract Paper discusses financial inclusion of youth focussing on effects of remittances on financial inclusion of youth (usage of debit card, credit card, savings and borrowing instruments) in South East Europe. It is argued that remittances, as stable sources of income (capital), contribute to savings and lead to an improvement in financial inclusion of individuals who receive remittances. We test our hypothesis that remittances contribute to increase in savings and in the level of financial inclusion of youth in South East European countries. We estimate probit regression models with a set of dummy dependent variables for financial inclusion: having a debit card, having a credit card, borrowing and savings, and regress them on receipt of remittances controlling for age, gender, education and income level. Results show negative impact of remittances on youth financial inclusion in selected countries with respect to having debit card, credit card and borrowing. On the other hand, results show positive effect of remittances on savings among youth that receive remittances.

Romina Alkier, Jasmina Okičić, V. Milojica

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to determine the key factors that influence the probability of tourists’ return intention to the Opatija Riviera. Methodology – A structured questionnaire with a 5 point Likert scale was used within this research. The authors used the descriptive statistics to determine the satisfaction with the destination attributes, and attitudes regarding the novelty of offer and possibility of future revisit. With the use of T-test a statistically significant difference was determined for the score for the accommodation capacities, natural resources and novelty. Correlation analysis was used to determine the association between accommodation, natural resources, cultural resources, novelty, and return intention. Logistic regression model was used to get a better understanding of the factors that may influence probability of tourists’ return intention. Findings – Results indicate high level of satisfaction of tourists with the accommodation offer and natural resources, while the results for cultural tourist resources were not up to expectations. The results for novelty are moderate and consistent with the results expressed about possible return intention to Opatija Riviera in the future, which indicates the need for significant improvements within the offer. The results of a logistic regression model determined that the best predictors for repeat visit of tourists are primarily accommodation services, followed by natural resources and finally novelty. Contribution – Based on the findings acquired within this paper the authors proposed the guidelines for tourist offer improvement with a goal of increasing the satisfaction of tourists and stimulating them to revisit Opatija Riviera in the future.

A. Pilav-Velić, H. Jahić, Jasmina Okičić, Meldina Kokorović-Jukan

Abstract Education plays a central role in today’s understanding of growth and development dynamics. However, its relationship with other factors is complex. This paper aims to investigate the effect of different forms of education on youth employability in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is done by using the USAID MEASURE – BiH National Youth Survey. Research has shown that formal education and non-formal education through internship programmes, volunteering, paid jobs other than internships are significant predictors of youth employment status. The study also has several implications for academics and practitioners since it provides new insights into both employment patterns and practices in one transition economy but also calls for further analysis of the link between education, formal and non-formal, and youth employment.

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