
Publikacije (9)

Maida Mulić, V. Ferković, Azra Kurtić, I. Pašić

Introduction: Family is a strong communicative base of adolescent development, even though environment has its own influence as well. The study links the risks and substance use (tobacco, alcohol, and drugs) among adolescents to their perception about the functioning of family. Hence, a model of functional communication has been established aimed at preventing the defined problem. Methods: A random, voluntary, and anonymous survey was conducted that included a non-clinical sample of 1.018 adolescents in the Tuzla Canton. In a prospective method, the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System of the World Health Organization (WHO) was used, modified for this study. Results: The average prevalence of substance use is 81.2% and is significant for male adolescents. Some 33% of the respondents smoke tobacco, 25.4% drinks alcohol, while 12% of the surveyed adolescents use drugs. There is a significant correlation between a complete and broader family and tobacco and alcohol use, while incomplete family and household without family members are linked to tobacco use only. The risk of alcohol use is significantly related to father’s higher level of education while mother’s high school education is significantly related to tobacco and alcohol use. As perceived by adolescents, parents have negative attitudes about substance use (75%), they are more strict in setting the rules of behavior at home (45.5%) than outside, and control where more than with whom adolescents spend their free time (F=14.14, df [2.6], p<0.05). Conclusion: The functioning of a family (family structure, parents’ education, and the quality of communication in a family) is a significant factor in the context of tobacco, alcohol, and drug use.

A. Hadžimehmedović, V. Ferković, Mahira Jahić

Introduction: Characteristics of sexual behaviour of female students, which will affect fertility in adulthood, represent one of the critical parameters of reproductive health. Aim: The aim of this study was assess characteristics of sexual behavior of female students in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Materials and Methods: In a prospective study on a representative sample of 2,872 regular girls aged 19-24 years, an anonymous survey on the reproductive health of female students in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2007 to 2009 was conducted. Results: Of the total number (N = 2872) of surveyed female students, 49.44% were sexually active. Average sexarcha age was 18.14±1.83 years, and there was statistically significant earlier sexarcha in female students in Banja Luka vs. female students of the University of Sarajevo (p<0.001), as well as in female students in Mostar vs. female students of the University of Tuzla (p<0.001). Sexually active female students in 74,4 % cases had intercourses with only one partner, and 7,7 % of them had intercourses with three or more partners. Regarding the use of contraceptive methods, 69.4% female students were using contraception at first intercourse and 66.7% of them at last intercourse. 3.5% of sexually active students (N=50) had intentional abortion. Almost half (46.9%) of surveyed female students had regular pelvic exams; nearly two-third of those (63.4%) had gynecological exams in private institutions, and 36.6% of them in public health facilitie. Only one-third (35.8%) sexually active female students in BiH stated that Pap test was performed. Conclusion: Sexual behaviour of female students in BiH is less risky than in the immediate environment, but health care quality is poor.

Subhija Praso, Fatima Jusupović, Enisa Ramić, Ibrahim Gledo, V. Ferković, B. Novaković, Emir Hadzovic

Introduction: Today’s lifestyle is characterized by increased intake of calories with reduced physical activity, which benefits a real epidemic of obesity in the population. The increase in the prevalence of hypertension in the population follows a significant increase in the prevalence of obesity. Parallel to the trend of increasing the number of older population with increased cardiovascular disease. The aim: The aim of our study was to determine the value of body mass index and determine the correlation of obesity and arterial hypertension. Material and methods: The study was conducted in family medicine Clinic of the Primary Health Care Center Zenica. Out of 600 patients of both sexes aged over 18 years, randomly are formed groups of 188 patients with hypertension and 189 patients without hypertension of the same gender and same age. The study included patients with primary or essential hypertension, and excluded patients with secondary hypertension, hypertension due to renal disease, pheochromocytoma, coarctation of the aorta, as a result of taking oral contraceptives, corticosteroids, and cocaine. We used the method of anthropometric measurements (body weight, body height from which is calculated the body mass index) measurement of blood pressure with the statistical data processing at the significance level of p <0.05. Results and discussion: The increased value of BMI in the sample with hypertension are present in much higher percentage (87.23%), compared to the tested sample without hypertension (60.10%). In patients with hypertension, the highest percentage (51.06%) of the respondents has the BMI in range between 25 and 30, then BMI in the range between 30 and 35 (25%). BMI of 35-40 have 6.38% of patients, and 3.72 patients BMI over 40. In patients without hypertension was significantly smaller percentage of respondents in the previous group (39.15%) with a BMI in the range 25-30, then BMI in the range between 30 and 35 (18.51%). BMI of 35-40 had 3.17% of respondents, and 1.05% of patients had BMI over 40. Correlation between groups of patients with and without hypertension compared to the value of BMI indicate the presence of strong positive correlation (Rho = 0.737). Correlation between groups of subjects with hypertension and without hypertension compared to triglycerides was statistically significant (Rho = 0.123).

Selma Sinanović, V. Ferković

Informatization is process which facilitate flow, preparation and approach to information’s. Computer informatization significantly influence successful of management, making possible good data overview which are necessary for d action of decision. The aim was: to investigate attitudes of health workers in regard to computer informatization of hospital institutions; to investigate influence of sociodemographic characteristics of health workers on attitude in regard to informatization, with special attention on informatics education and use of computers; to explain difference in attitudes of health worker in regard to informatization and different factors. Investigation was done during May/June 2009. at Department of Surgery and Department of Internal Medicine of University Clinical Center Tuzla. Investigation included 60 health workers (20 with middle/high school – 15 female and 4 male, 20 with higher – 16 female and 4 male and 20 with high (university) education – 11 male and 9 female). Likert questionnaire was used to obtain attitude of examinees. Results were presented as average and percentage value. Significance of differences was obtained by X-square test, and value of p

Z. Gavric, Marija Radmanović-Burgić, D. Nikšić, V. Ferković

S. Kapidzić, R. Radić, V. Ferković, V. Becirovic, A. Delalić

A group of 103 adolescents who have been exposed to war trauma was examined by a specialist of physical medicine and rehabilitation and pedagogue-psychologist, in relation to deformities of spinal cord and other inborn anomalies. Repeated screening and retest on the level of stress and depression was done after two years. In the meantime, majority of adolescents was on physical and psychological treatment. It was established that 47 adolescents (45.6%) have simultaneously had flat back and flat feet, and that 12 of them (25.5%) from the same group had had 4 traumatic experiences. During the first testing, the medium stress level was established with 48 adolescents (46.6%), and during the retest this was established with 60 adolescents (58.2%). At the same time, we used Birleson scale of depression and established that 57 (55.3%) adolescents have had normal results; after the retest 66 (64.1%) adolescents have had normal result and this difference is statistically significant (p<0.002). When we analyzed diagnosis after the two screenings we did not found significant differences. Based on the results of this research, better programs for the team work with adolescents with deformities of spinal cord and depression can be made.

H. Begić, H. Tahirovič, S. Dinarević, V. Ferković, N. Pranjić

Congenital heart diseases (CHD) are taking high position on the list of neonatal and infant mortality, and they are significantly involved in mortality of children and adults. During cardiogenesis various genetic and non-genetic ethiological factors are starting pathogenetic mechanism what results in developing of CHD. Purpose of research is evaluation of participation of some risk-factors in developing of CHD in children on Tuzla Canton area. This research included 352 children up to 15 years old, in which was discovered CHD during period from 1.1.1994 to 31.12.1999. Using method of anamnestic questionnaire we analyzed data related to occurence of CHD in relatives, reproductive age of mother, mother's illness and taking medications in first trimester of pregnancy, and professional exposure to harmful chemicals. In 24 or 6.81% of cases CHD was registered in one of first-degree relatives, and in only one case in second-degree of relatives. It was noticeable that CHD in highest number of cases (291 or 83.14%) were present in children whose mothers were 20-35 years old, while only 18 or 5.11% of mothers aged 35 and more what is considered as high risk age for development of anomalies in general. In 70 or 20% cases CHD was associated with other systems anomalies, including syndromes and chromosomopathies. Risk-factors related to earlier pregnancies of mothers were found in 40 (11.36%) of children. Data about acute and chronic diseases of mother during pregnancy were found in 36 children. analysis of exposure to harmful chemicals during first trimester of pregnancy is showing that 39 or 11.08% mothers were exposed to nicotine, while 17 or 4.83% were taking medications. Exposure to professional poisoning were found in 5 or 1.42% of cases. Results of research are pointing on need for continued observation genetic and wide range of other potential risk-factors from environment related to development of CHD in our area. This way we could explain some specific characteristic occurrences of CHD in some areas.

Z. Selimbašić, S. Pavlović, O. Sinanović, S. Vesnić, M. Petrović, V. Ferković, A. Cipurković-Mustacević

In this paper, the authors were researching on expression of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and on effect of psychosocial help to children. Existence, time of appearing, way of going through experience and expression of PTSD symptoms were established. There were methodical used structured interviews, Questionnaire for children (Saigh, 1991) and Estimation scale for engagement of children in group work. Refugee and domicile children of age from 7 to 11 years and from 12 to 16 years old were involved in program of psychosocial care. In this research there were more significant the girls than the boys (p < 0.005). Applied therapy methods have given significant effect in increasing of willing to take part in the dialogue (p < 0.005), in increasing of interest to work in group (p < 0.005) and bigger contribute each one within group (p < 0.005). By that, it is being confirmed that the effect of methodical procedure and therapy treatment at children is successful and applicable in future activities.

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