
Publikacije (13)

Emin Mujezinović, A. Kapidžić, M. Muratović, E. Užičanin, F. Babajić

Abstract The goal of this research was to determine the effects of programmed work on the development of specific motor skills in young soccer players. The sample of subjects in this research were football players aged 11 and 12 and they were divided into two equal groups of 30 entities. All participants are involved in the regular training process in their football clubs. The research problem was to determine whether there are positive effects of programmed work on the development of specific motor skills. A total of 6 variables from the area of specific motor skills were used in the research. The experimental work program was carried out over a period of three months and included 38 training units. After initial testing and successfully implemented programmed work and final testing, a significant impact of programmed work on the development of specific motor skills was determined. Specific motor skills that were evaluated on 6 variables in the experimental group showed a significant difference on 4 variables. Keywords: specific motor abilities, work program, training effects, young soccer players

Emin Mujezinović, A. Kapidžić, M. Muratović, E. Užičanin, F. Babajić

The aim of this research was to determine the effects of programmed work on the development of basic motor skills in young soccer players. The sample of participants in this research were football players aged 11 and 12 and they were divided into two equal groups of 30 entities. All participants are involved in a systematic training process in their football clubs. The research problem was to determine whether there are positive effects of programmed work on the development of basic motor skills. A total of 16 variables from the area of basic motor skills were used in the research. The experimental work program was carried out over a period of three months and included 38 training units. After initial testing and successfully implemented programmed work and final testing, a significant impact of programmed work on the development of basic (fundamental) motor skills was determined. In general, looking at the total motor abilities that were evaluated from 16 variables in the experimental group, a statistically significant difference was achieved in 11 variables, in the control group 6 with a positive significant difference. Keywords: basic motor skills, football program effects, young soccer players

D. Džibrić, A. Kapidžić, M. Muratović, Tarik Ljubovic, Jasmin Bilalić, Sanjin Hodžić

Growth and development are indicators of good health, as well as a mirror of quality nutrition and quality of life. By monitoring growth and development, the relationship between motor abilities and morphological characteristics is recognized. The period of younger school age is characterized by strong growth and development of all anthropological dimensions, especially morphological and motor ones, which differ significantly in children, concerning adults. This transversal research aimed to determine the differences in morphological characteristics and motor abilities between lower primary school students. The research was conducted on a sample of 1233 girls, I - IV grades of primary schools from the area of the City of Tuzla. The sample of variables consisted of a set of 10 tests to assess certain anthropological dimensions (5 morphological and 5 motors), appropriate to the age of the study population. Univariate analysis of variance with multiple comparisons was used to determine the differences in the studied spaces between students of different grades, with the applied post hock Bonferroni test. The obtained results showed that there are statistically significant differences in all applied variables (morphological and motor). between treated groups at the level of significance (p≤0.05). The results of the research draw attention to the importance of early stimulation of morphological-motor development and a healthy lifestyle in female students, which are characterized by regular physical activity and a healthy diet. Optimal levels of motor skills, well-developed fundamental motor skills and a healthy body structure are of great importance for health, quality of life-related to health and overall well-being of younger school-age students.

Miroslav Smajić, Miroslav Popadić, N. Cokorilo, B. Tomić, A. Kapidžić, Dejan Ćeremidžić

Olympic weightlifting is a dynamic sport with dominant explosive strength that manifests itself in two complex liftings (snatch, and clean and jerk). During these complex movements, the athletes have historically measured and reported incredible levels of strength. The aim of the research was to determine whether there is a statistically significant correlation between body weight and lifted total weight in the elite sample of the world record holders in the period from 1972 to 2015. Based on the results of the correlation analysis in the overall sample of the results from 1972 to 2015, it can be seen that the overall sample of linear correlation is extremely strong, thus the mutual influence of the variables "weight category" and "total" is extremely strong, and with the increase of the former, the latter increases linearly, and vice versa. Based on the results of the analysis of the correlation between the weight classes of the competitors and the totals, separately for each period, one can see that every period reports a strong linear correlation between the variables of "weight category" and "total". Based on the obtained results, we can conclude that the male category does not report statistically significant differences in arithmetic means of the totals for all weight classes. The female category, on the other hand, reports statistically significant differences between groups 1 and 3, which indicate the periods 1988-1992 and 1998-2015. Generally, the female category suggests an increase in the average total value from 1988 to 2015, in contrast to the male category in which this trend is reversed. Considering the results of previous research, starting from the 1980s to the present, we can conclude that the results of the aforementioned conducted research agree almost completely with the previously tested and proven facts.

A. Kapidžić, S. Hasukić, Jasmin Mehinović, Almir Atiković, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Edin Mujanović

KAPIDZIC, A.; HASUKIC, S.; MEHINOVIC, J.; ATIKOVIC, A.; MUJANOVIC, A. N. & MUJANOVIC, E. Body mass indexand volume of fat tissue of unemployed men in the Tuzla Canton. Int. J. Morphol., 33(1):158-163, 2015.SUMMARY: The main objective of this study was to obtain information on indicators of obesity among the unemployed malesubjects from the Tuzla Canton. Also, we wanted to determine whether there are significant differences in the observed parametersbetween subjects in relation to age. The main criterion for the selection of test subjects is that they are unemployed. This is because wefelt that those persons have more free time for practicing sports and recreational activities, and there is a very small number of studies inthe area of Tuzla Canton with the characteristics of the sample. For the purpose of this research we applied analysis of percen tage/ratio,t-test for independent samples and the Mann-Whitney U Test. Applied analysis showed that the increased value of Body Mass Index(BMI) and to the account of increased amounts of body fat has 31.5% of the respondents. It also found that there are significantdifferences in the variables Body Mass Index (BMI), body fat percentage (% FAT) and the total weight of fat mass (in kg) in the body(FATMAS-kg) in favor of the subjects belonging to the older age group. The results indicate the existence of the problem of obesity inmales from Tuzla Canton, especially in the older age group. It is therefore necessary in adolescence or even earlier, to start with educationand systematic practice of sports and recreational activities with respect to dietary habits.KEY WORDS: Body Mass Index; Fat Tissue; Unemployed Men.

Almir Atiković, Sanjin Hodžić, Jasmin Bilalić, Jasmin Mehinović, Amra Nožinović Mujanović, Edin Mujanović, A. Kapidžić

Background: This study was carried out among undergraduate students at the University of Tuzla (Bosna and Herzegovina) with the objective of examining gender differences in the body mass index (BMI) and the level of Physical Activity (PA) among respondents. Material/Methods: This study was conducted to: determine the body mass index (BMI) and the average weekly number of hours of sport activity in the last six months (PA). A research sample was made of female students (n=330) in the chronological age of 19.3+1.5 yrs, 60.7%, and of male students (n=213) in the chronological age of 20.0+1.8 yrs, 39.2%. Results: On average, the students (both female and male) spend 5.60 (5.03) hours on physical activity per week. Female students spend 4.05 (4.32) hours, while male students dedicate 8.11 (5.30) hours to physical activities. It can be concluded that in principle the students practice physical activities and recreation, but still 1/5 of all students are inactive. The obtained results for the BMI show that the majority of students are in the zone of normal values: female – 278 (84.2%); male – 157 (73.7%). Correlations between BMI and PA amount to (R=.214; p<0.01) and (R 2 =.046; p<0.01). The results of the T-test show a more significant statistical variable of differences between female and male students at the level of p<0.05. In comparison to female students, male students have 2.35 kg/m 2 higher BMI, and they are more active in physical activities for 4.06 hours in comparison to women. Conclusions: The focus should be directed to the education of young people, because they can easily adopt healthy habits that should be maintained for life. These results point out the necessity of an integrated approach to prevention and control of risk factors, particularly among youth.

A. Kapidžić, Tarik Huremović, Alija Biberović

Abstract We attempted to establish which applied kinematic variables significantly contributed to the efficiency of the instep kick motion in soccer. The study sample comprised 13 boys (age: 13 ± 0.5 yrs; body mass: 41.50 ± 8.40 kg; body height: 151.46 ± 5.93 cm) from the FC Sloboda school of soccer. Each participant performed three kicks with maximum strength that were video recorded with two synchronized cameras (Casio Ex-F1) positioned 12 m away from the place of the kick. Data were collected by analyzing the video recordings of each kick. Data processing was performed using the APAS motion analysis system (Ariel Dynamics Inc., San Diego, CA). On the basis of the forward selection method of multiple regression analysis, we determined the correlations between the prediction variables and the selected criteria (speed of the ball; p = 0.01). On the basis of the regression coefficients, it was concluded that two variables significantly contributed to the speed of the ball: speed of the foot of the kicking leg at the time of contact with the ball (p = 0.01) and the distance between the angle support leg and center of the ball (“foot posterior displacement”) (p = 0.01). In order to achieve the best possible technical performance and, therefore, a higher speed of the ball, soccer players must pay attention to two important elements during training. First, it is necessary to position the support leg as close to the ball as possible and, second, maximize the force used in the initial phases of the kick to achieve a high speed of the kicking foot

A. Kapidžić, Tarik Huremović, Alija Biberović, Jasmin Mehinović, A. Selimović, Miroslav Smajić

The main goal of this study is to determine which of the applied kinematic parameters best predictor of accuracy in passing forearm. At the same time we want to establish the differences in the variables applied during the execution of the lower forearm pass to smaller and further away . The sample for this study is a 31 years old student of II study and cycle studies at the Faculty of Physical and sport of the University. All subjects were male average age of 21.66 ± 1.58 , average body height 180.37 ± 9.00 and an average weight of 76.43 ± 14.25. The video camera Casio Exilim EX-F1 was used for filming. The subjects were five times performed the technique on a smaller and five times farther away. To calibrate the space was used for calibration frame 1m x 1m x 2m. The camera was working at a frequency of 300 Hz resolution 720 x 576. The data was processed using a Kinovea software. On the basis of applied statistical analysis we can say that on the basis of certain kinematic parameters can make the prediction results in criteri variables in both groups. Also, it was found that there were statistically significant differences in the observed kinematic parameters between groups "Closer" and the group "Farther", and these differences are significance at the level .01 and .05. Consequently , our study is focused in order to obtain relevatinih information that will contribute to the understanding of the mechanical characteristics of the movement which ultimately contributes to more efficient training process . The results of our study indicate differences in kinemti?kim parameters when performing techniques of the lower forearm pass but in relation to the different position of the target. For faster and more efficient process of training the lower forearm passing volleyball, very important is the optimization of the angles of individual body segments as well as the defining characteristic of a breach during the execution of technical elements. This study allows us to obtain information that is relevant to the faster and more successful training techniques lower forearm passing. Key words: Kinematic, forearm pass, degree, distances

A. Kapidžić, H. Pojskić, M. Muratović, E. Užičanin, Jasmin Bilalić

Original scientific paper The primary purpose of this research is to determine correlation of variables for evaluating explosive strength and agility, as well as variables for evaluating situational effectiveness of football players. For the needs of this research, two tests for evaluating agility were designed. In each test there are six changes of movement direction, three changes to the left and three to the right side, with the difference between the two designed tests in the distance covered between two changes of direction. The research was conducted on the sample of 52 (fifty-two) examinees, which included freshman (first-year) and sophomore (second-year) students of Faculty for physical education and sport, University of Tuzla. All examinees are active football players in lower levels of competition, therefore they can be classified to the group of amateur football players. The age of examinees chosen for this research was in the range of 19±3, the average height was in the range of 187±17 cm, while the average weight was 77±18 kg. Cronbach's alpha was calculated for the tests which were designed for the needs of this research to determine reliability of tests. Cross-correlation analysis was used to determine correlation between the used variables. Results of the research show that variables for evaluating explosive strength were more dominant for changes of direction where the distance covered between two changes is smaller. Also, it can be seen that variables 20M and DJ have higher correlation coefficients with change of direction tests (SRED3-90, SRED7-90), which means that due to lengthening and shortening cycle, reactive strength is important for implementation of all above mentioned tests. Variables for evaluating explosive strength did not achieve any statistically significant correlations with variables for evaluating situational effectiveness of football players, and one of the reasons for this is insufficient tactical preparation.

Miroslav Smajić, Dragoljub Bekvalac, A. Kapidžić

<p>Usage of unallowed stimulative drugs for recovery implies consuming or giving to others substances which artificially improve physical and psychical condition of an athlete and thus improve his/her success in sport. The goal of the study is to examine attitudes of football players of various length of sports experience, towards unallowed stimulative substances for recovery. The sample of examinees consists of 120 football players divided into two groups, on basis of the sports experience length (first group: 4-8 years of sport experience, second group: 9-14 years). The sample of variables consists of a system of 10 items (claims) assessed on a 5-grade scale. The importance of the differences between the groups was determined by a multivariate and univariate analysis of variance, discriminative analysis, Roy&iacute;s test, Pearson's coefficient of contingency and the coefficient of multiple correlation. It is evident that football players of different length of sport experience differ among themselves in their attitudes towards unallowed drugs for recovery, however, those differences are not big.</p>

B. Tomić, Miroslav Smajić, A. Kapidžić, Miroslav Radoman

Peculiarity of some sports and sports disciplines is in their competitive structure. So, it is necessary to research and prove practically the peculiarities of some sports including firstly genetic limit of anthropological abilities and characteristics. The aim of the research is to determine morphological characteristics of young footballers according to their position in a team. The sample of 206 examinees aged 17-18 was analyzed (young footballers) and it was divided into 5 subsamples according to examinees position in a team: forwarders (45), midfield players (47), detenders (41), central detenders (44) and goalkeepers (29). This research includes morphological characteristics which imply four latent di­mensions. Fourteen anthropometric measures were determined which hypothetically assess mentioned latent morphological dimensions. Results show significant difference between 5 subsamples in the game for charac­teristics: body height, body weight, leg length, foot length, pelvis width, knee diameter, anklebone diameter, midbust volume, lower leg volume and back fold. There was no difference with the following characteristics: upper leg volume, upper arm fold, stomach fold, upper leg fold. .

A. Kapidžić, H. Ismaili, Jasmin Bilalić, Dragoljub Bekvalac

The main purpose of the research is to determine whether the working program containing large number of specific exercises will contribute to higher dynamic growth among the experimental group participants comparing to the control group participants according to the variables for evaluation of basic-motor abilities. In order to evaluate basic-motor abilities of testing candidates a battery with 15 measuring instruments was used. The research testing group is consisted of 78 football players 12 to 14 years of age, members of soccer schools in football clubs “SLOBODA”, “TUZLA” and “KLUB – 7” all from Tuzla. Attendees of all three soccer schools are members of pioneer competition selection within the football clubs they belong to. In order to reach purpose of the research, certain mathematical-statistical procedure has been used. Multivariate analysis of covariance was used in order to determine the effects, i.e. whether the experimental group expressed statistically significant effects after the program had been implemented comparing to the control group. Based on the results reached by Multivariate analysis of covariance, it has been determined that the experimental group achieved higher dynamic growth in four out of fifteen variables for evaluation of basicmotor abilities, including: MBFTAR – hand tapping, MFLBOS – side splits, MAGTUP – zig-zag test (running in the rectangular), MBAP2Z – both legs stand transversally on the bench with eyes closed. We have to emphasize that the working program containing both specific and acyclic exercises lead to statistically significant effects in the above mentioned variables. These data can contribute to more efficient selection of training means which would be applied in the work with football players of younger age groups.

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