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ntroduction: The thyroid hormone secretion disorders may be hyperthyroidism (reduced TSH levels and increased levels of FT3 and FT4) and subclinical hyperthyroidism (decreased concentration of TSH with normal FT3 and FT4).Aim: To investigate levels of thyroid hormones (TSH, FT3, and FT4) in patients with hyperthyroidism or subclinical hyperthyroidism treated at Tuzla Blue Clinic.Materials and methods:The study included 120 patients divided into three groups: a control group, groups with respondents who have hyperthyroidism, and a group of patients with subclinical hyperthyroidism. The concentrations of the hormones TSH, FT3, and FT4 were analyzed. The determination was carried out on the device IMMULITE 1 Siemens using the immunochemistry method. Results:TSH between our group investigated the existence of significant statistical differences between the control group and the group with hyperthyroidism (p<0.0001) and between the control group and the group withsubclinical hyperthyroidism (p=0.0001), and the parameter FT3 showed that a statistically significant difference exists between the control group and the group with hyperthyroidism (p<0.0001), and between patients with hyperthyroidism andsubclinical hyperthyroidism (p<0.0001). For FT4, we found a statistically significant difference between the control group and the group with hyperthyroidism (p<0.0001) and between groups with hyperthyroidism and subclinical hyperthyroidism (p <0.0001).Conclusions: The concentration of TSH is reduced in both hyperthyroidism and subclinical hyperthyroidism. The serum concentrations of FT3 and FT4 are elevated in hyperthyroidism, while in subclinical hyperthyroidism, the serum concentrations of FT3 and FT4 stand in the reference area.Keywords:Thyrotropin, thyroxine, TSH, FT3, FT4, hyperthyroidism

Marina Ćurlin, Kata Barukčić, Vesna Pehar, Ivan Vasilj, Darjan Franjić

Introduction: Vaccines for protection against 10 infectious diseases are available in the Program of Regular Immunization in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. These vaccines save the lives of up to 3 million people worldwide every year. The latest report of the Institute of Public Health of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on regular immunization carried out during 2020 shows that the rate of vaccination of children during the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic with regular vaccines has decreased compared to previous years. Such a situation in the health system leads to a potential risk of outbreaks of infectious diseases that are prevented by vaccination.Objective: To examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the regular immunization of children in the Mostar Health Center.Materials and methods: A retrospective cross-sectional epidemiological study was conducted. Data on regular immunization of children from theMostar Health Center, Herzegovina-Neretva County in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2017, 2018, 2021 and 2022 were used.Results: A statistically significant difference was obtained in vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella during a period of four years. Vaccination with the mentioned vaccines was significantly higher in 2017 and 2018 than in 2021 and 2022.Conclusion: It was shown that the COVID-19 pandemic affected the regular immunization of children in the Mostar Health Center.Keywords: regular immunization of children, COVID 19 pandemic, MMR vaccine, Mostar

Martina Vukoja, Marina Ćurlin, Katarina Vukojević, Nevenka Jelić-Knezović, Anita Kolobarić, Martina Orlović Vlaho, V. Šoljić

This study aimed to investigate the cytotoxic activity of decidual lymphocytes and the mRNA/protein expression of cytotoxic proteins in various cell types in the context of preeclampsia (PE) compared to those of healthy pregnancies. We analyzed fresh decidua basalis tissue and tissue embedded in paraffin (FFPE) from PE pregnancies (n = 15) and compared them with those of healthy pregnancies (n = 15) of the corresponding gestational age. Using double immunofluorescence staining, we observed differences in the intensity and distribution of staining for granzyme K (GZMK) and FasL in extravillous trophoblasts. RT-qPCR analysis of FFPE placental tissue showed that GZMK mRNA expression was statistically higher (p < 0.0001) in PE compared to that of healthy controls. On the contrary, there was a low expression (p < 0.001) of FasL mRNA in PE compared to controls, while there was no statistically significant difference for IFN-γ mRNA between PE and controls. Although the level of cytotoxic activity changed depending on the ratio of effector and target cells, there was no significant difference observed between PE and controls in this in vitro study. In conclusion, in PE, extravillous trophoblasts exhibited increased expression of GZMK and decreased expression of FasL. These changes may contribute to impaired trophoblast invasion. However, these alterations did not appear to affect the cytotoxic properties of decidual lymphocytes. Additionally, the possibility of cell sorter separation of decidual lymphocytes would greatly contribute to a better understanding of single cells’ genetic profiles.

Dragan Babić, Mario Babić, Marina Ćurlin, Darjan Franjić

In recent decades, conventional medicine has begun to include natural remedies and spiritual therapy in the treatment of people with mental disorders, and in recent years, physicians and healthcare professionals more often refer to alternative and complementary methods in the treatment of mental disorders. Alternative medicine includes “other treatments” and a more suitable term would be complementary medicine which supplements the definition of conventional medicine accepted by the World Health Organization. After the rise of pharmaceutical industry in the second half of the 20th century and significant advancement in the treatment of mental disorders, comes a period of disappointment and acceptance of the fact that synthetic drugs are not omnipotent and may have serious and unpleasant side-effects. Due to this fact, there is a growing interest in the treatment of mental disorders with the use of complementary methods. It is important to note that these methods are not a substitute for standard treatment procedures and their appropriate application does not diminish the importance of classical treatment of psychiatric disorders. Numerous patients refuse classical therapy and seek the help of complementary medicine methods. It is therefore important for physicians and healthcare professionals to have knowledge of complementary medicine which is science based and advises on treatment methods provided they are scientifically justified. Key words: complementary medicine, psychiatry

Deni Ramljak, Martina Vukoja, Marina Ćurlin, K. Vukojević, Maja Barbaric, U. Glamočlija, Bejana Purisevic, Olivera Perić et al.

Healthy and controlled immune response in COVID-19 is crucial for mild forms of the disease. Although CD8+ T cells play important role in this response, there is still a lack of studies showing the gene expression profiles in those cells at the beginning of the disease as potential predictors of more severe forms after the first week. We investigated a proportion of different subpopulations of CD8+ T cells and their gene expression patterns for cytotoxic proteins (perforin-1 (PRF1), granulysin (GNLY), granzyme B (GZMB), granzyme A (GZMA), granzyme K (GZMK)), cytokine interferon-γ (IFN-γ), and apoptotic protein Fas ligand (FASL) in CD8+ T cells from peripheral blood in first weeks of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Sixteen COVID-19 patients and nine healthy controls were included. The absolute counts of total lymphocytes (p = 0.007), CD3+ (p = 0.05), and CD8+ T cells (p = 0.01) in COVID-19 patients were significantly decreased compared to healthy controls. In COVID-19 patients in CD8+ T cell compartment, we observed lower frequency effector memory 1 (EM1) (p = 0.06) and effector memory 4 (EM4) (p < 0.001) CD8+ T cells. Higher mRNA expression of PRF1 (p = 0.05) and lower mRNA expression of FASL (p = 0.05) at the fifth day of the disease were found in COVID-19 patients compared to healthy controls. mRNA expression of PRF1 (p < 0.001) and IFN-γ (p < 0.001) was significantly downregulated in the first week of disease in COVID-19 patients who progressed to moderate and severe forms after the first week, compared to patients with mild symptoms during the entire disease course. GZMK (p < 0.01) and FASL (p < 0.01) mRNA expression was downregulated in all COVID-19 patients compared to healthy controls. Our results can lead to a better understanding of the inappropriate immune response of CD8+ T cells in SARS-CoV2 with the faster progression of the disease.

V. Šoljić, Maja Barbaric, Martina Vukoja, Marina Ćurlin, Martina Orlović Vlaho, E. Černi Obrdalj, Lidija Lasić Arapović, Daniela Bevanda Glibo et al.

Simple Summary CD8+ T cells are prominent decidual cells in the third trimester of healthy human pregnancy. They have a cytotoxic capacity which may control invasion of extravillous trophoblast and therefore affect placentation and play the role in development of preeclampsia. In this study, we examined the expression of CD8+ T cells in decidual tissue and peripheral blood of women with severe and mild preeclampsia in comparison to gestational age-matched healthy pregnancies. Additionally, the expression of cytotoxic proteins in CD8+ T cells was examined in order to specify their subpopulations. Abstract In our study, we aimed to establish expression of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells in the decidua basalis and the maternal peripheral blood (mPBL) of severe and mild preeclampsia (PE) and compare to healthy pregnancies. Decidual tissue and mPBL of 10 women with mild PE, 10 women with severe PE, and 20 age-matched healthy pregnancy controls were analyzed by double immunofluorescence and qPCR, respectively. By double immunofluorescence staining, we found a decreased total number of cells/mm2 in decidua basalis of granulysin (GNLY)+ (p ˂ 0.0001), granzyme B (GzB)+(p ˂ 0.0001), GzB+CD8+(p ˂ 0.0001), perforin (PRF1)+ (p ˂ 0.0001), and PRF1+CD8+ (p ˂ 0.01) in the severe PE compared to control group. Additionally, we noticed the trend of lower mRNA expression for GNLY, granzyme A (GZMA), GzB, and PRF1 in CD8+ T cells of mPBL in mild and severe PE, with the latter marker statistically decreased in severe PE (p ˂ 0.001). Forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) mRNA in CD8+ T cells mPBL was increased in mild PE (p ˂ 0.001) compared to controls. In conclusion, severe PE is characterized by altered expression of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells in decidua and mPBL, suggesting their role in pathophysiology of PE and fetal-maternal immune tolerance.

Ivona Ljevak, I. Vasilj, Josip Lesko, M. Neuberg, Olivera Perić, Marina Ćurlin

SUMMARY Providing in-patient nursing care inevitably involves shift work and shift patterns have been identified as an important factor in determining well-being and satisfaction among nurses. Shifts of 12 h or longer have become increasingly common for nurses in hospitals in some European countries. Longer shifts offer a potential to benefit from a compressed working week, with fewer work days and more days off-work, lower commuting costs, and increased flexibility. Most people find shift work less desirable compared to standard working hours. A cross-sectional cohort study was conducted at the Mostar University Hospital in 2019. A total of 157 subjects participated in the study, 22 (14%) of which were male (medical technicians) and 135 (86%) female (nurses). The mean age of study subjects was 33.3 years (min=20, max=54, SD=8.033). Results of this study suggested that nurses working irregular rotating shifts, with more family members to look after and more than 18 years of professional experience were affected by sleep disturbances between shifts. The study showed that shift work nurses had significantly higher levels of cortisol and prolactin compared with first-shift nurses/medical technicians. The results of this study are expected to stimulate further studies of sleep disturbances among shift nurses.

Marijana Marković-Boras, A. Causevic, Marina Ćurlin

Background: Coronary artery disease as a consequence of atherosclerosis is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) patients. Homocysteine (HCY), as one of the risk factors, and uric acid (UA) as the most common antioxidant in serum have their roles in the processes of inflammation and atherogenesis, which underlie the pathogenesis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The effect of HCY in cardiovascular disease is thought to be manifested primarily through oxidative damage, implying a potential correlation between the HCY level and antioxidant status. Since the data related to the diagnostic significance of both HCY and UA in diabetic patients with AMI are conflicting, and so far not reported in Bosnian patients, this research aimed to examine the association of HCY and UA levels with glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and explore the pathophysiological significance of these data in Bosnian diabetic patients with AMI. Methods: This prospective research included 52 DM type 2 patients diagnosed with AMI. Blood samples were taken on admission and used for biochemical analysis. Results of the biochemical analyses were statistically analysed. Results: Elevated HCY and UA levels were observed in diabetic patients. Females have higher HCY compared to males. A positive correlation was revealed between HCY and UA and was confirmed with different HCY levels in subgroups with different UA level. A negative correlation was observed between UA and HbA1c, as well as between both HCY and UA with eGFR. Conclusions: These results contribute to the clarification of the biochemical mechanisms characteristic in AMI patients with DM. According to these results, we believe that joint measurement of HCY and UA could enable a better assessment of the prognosis for this group of patients. This kind of assessment, as well as regression analysis, can identify high-risk patients at an earlier stage when appropriate interventions can influence a better outcome in such patients.

Bajro Sarić, K. Galić, Belma Sarić Zolj, Zdenko Šarac, Marina Ćurlin, I. Vasilj

BACKGROUND To determine the existence of the toothlessness within the patients in the area of Mostar. The aim is to determine the topography of toothlessness within the population of Mostar, according to Kennedy classification. The aim is to connect measures of socioeconomic status with the appearance of the toothlessness. To develop a model that includes a form of toothlessness and the socioeconomic status of the patients in Mostar. SUBJECTS AND METHODS The study was conducted at the Health Center in Mostar and the Regional Medical Center in Mostar. The research was cross-sectional study. It included 800 patients who regularlyoccurred to the dental ambulance because of the toothlessness and because of the prosthodontics treatment. The measurement was conducted by the dentist based on the anonymous research cardboard at the first examination of the patient. The dentist will determine the topography of the toothlessness according to Kennedy classification and the etiology of the toothlessness. RESULTS In the total sample of respondents, the toothlessness was significantly higher represented (P<0.001). The manifestation of thetoothlessness was significantly higher among temporary employees and the retirees (P<0.001). In the total sample, toothlessness affected the sociological status of a higher percentage of the respondents (P<0.001). CONCLUSION In our study, in a total sample of respondents, toothlessness was significantly higher represented (90% of respondents). The influence on the sociological status of the patient is most visible in the groups with the lower material status.

Ivona Ljevak, I. Vasilj, Marina Ćurlin, Nikolina Saravanja, T. Meštrović, Josip Simic, M. Neuberg

BACKGROUND Approximately 20% of the European labour force is involved in some type of shift work, with nurses being on the forefront. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, a specific work scheme is pervasive in the health care arena, where all nurses involved in shift work are committed to eight night shifts per month - unlike other European countries that restrict the number of night shifts. Accordingly, we aimed to investigate whether such shift work significantly affects psychosocial functioning and the quality of life of hospital nursing personnel in this country. SUBJECTS AND METHODS A comparative cross-sectional study design was applied on a total of 157 hospital nursing professionals at the University Clinical Hospital Mostar during 2019. Subjects were divided into two groups: a total of 51% study subjects worked in specific shifts (12-hour day shift / 24 hours off / 12-hour night shift / 48 hours off), while 49% subjects worked in accordance with the regular 7-hour daily schedule. Standard Shiftwork Index (SSI) questionnaire was used, alongside comprehensive socio-demographic and quality of life appraisal. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were applied, and statistical significance was set at p<0.05. RESULTS This study demonstrated increased amounts of stress, reduced coping abilities and reduced levels of life enjoyment in shift work nurses in comparison to day work nurses. Furthermore, increased anxiety, stress, psychoorganic symptoms and sleep disturbances were significantly more common in shift work hospital nursing staff. In our study, nurses that worked in shifts have experienced negative externalities such as decreased social functioning, as well as reduced family and leisure time. Conversely, significantly higher satisfaction rates with shift work were only shown in regards to compensation. CONCLUSIONS Our results reveal many detrimental effects of shift work and contribute to the field of research that is still laden with gaps in understanding its exact impact on the overall health of nursing personnel. Going forward, prospective (and even interventional) studies will be needed to disentangle the exact interplay between work-related factors in various health care systems and subsequent psychosocial disorders in health personnel.

R. Babić, Mario Babić, P. Rastović, Marina Ćurlin, Josip Simic, Kaja Mandić, Katica Pavlović

Resilience is a relatively new concept that lacks clarity although it is increasingly used in everyday conversation and across various disciplines. The term was first introduced into psychology and psychiatry from technical sciences and afterwards thorough medicine and healthcare. It represents a complex set of various protective and salutogenic factors and process important for understanding health and illness, and treatment and healing processes. It is defined as a protective factor that makes an individual more resilient to adverse events that lead to positive developmental outcomes. Resilience is a positive adaptation after stressful situations and it represents mechanisms of coping and rising above difficult experiences, i.e., the capacity of a person to successfully adapt to change, resist the negative impact of stressors and avoid occurrence of significant dysfunctions. It represents the ability to return to the previous, so-called "normal" or healthy condition after trauma, accident, tragedy, or illness. In other words, resilience refers to the ability to cope with difficult, stressful and traumatic situations while maintaining or restoring normal functioning. The higher the resilience, the lower the vulnerability and risk of illness. Resilient individuals tend to be optimistic, have a tendency to see everything as a useful experience, focus on personal strengths and qualities, use constructive criticism, develop close relationships with others, have developed social skills, and are emotionally conscious. Good resilience aggravates and prevents the onset of disease, provides good heath, facilitates and accelerates healing, and provides productive life and a sense of well-being despite chronic illness. Resilience experts believe that anyone can strengthen their resilience and thus contribute to the advancement of health and, if ill, ease the illness, accelerate and facilitate healing.

I. Vasilj, Katarina Herceg, I. Čović, M. Šantić, Marina Ćurlin, Ivona Ljevak, Andrea Bošnjak, Zdenko Šarac et al.

A study of COVID-19 infected patients was conducted regarding to organic and psychological characteristics. The findings of the study indicate that in the period of the pandemic in 2020, a total of 78 infection cases were confirmed in West Herzegovina Canton. Of the total number of infected, 55.1% are women and 44.9% are men. Of the infected population, 16.7% were hospitalized. By monitoring the COVID-19 disease in West Herzegovina Canton, we conclude how all manifestations of the disease were represented, from asymptomatic, through mild respiratory to the most severe clinical picture with fatal outcomes. The mortality rate in West Herzegovina Canton is 5.1%. The study showed that a total of 28.2% of COVID-19 positive patients before infecting with virus, were most likely to suffer from hypertension, diabetes and malignancies. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that a total of 71.9% of those infected are without underlying diseases. Also, the results indicate that people with COVID-19 in addition to the characteristic symptoms of the disease (fever, fatigue, cough, etc.) had certain mental ailments such as decreased general mood, increased anxiety, panic attacks, acute stress disorder and others.

Zdenko Šarac, Ružica Zovko, Marina Ćurlin, P. Filaković

Dental health and mental health are strongly associated. Neglecting either of them can negatively influence on the other and induce many health and communication problems. Association between oral/dental health, self-esteem, quality of life and holistic health has been recognized for a long time. There has been increasing interest in dental health among patients with major mental disorders as well as in mental states and problems among patients with orodental disorders. Despite of huge progress in the field of dentistry psychiatric patients have had poor oral/dental health. Patients with major mental disorders have quite number of the risk factors for oral disease and consequently poorer dental health, but oral/dental problems and diseases are commonly overlooked or neglected. Bad or inappropriate dental care is related to the patients' amotivation, ignorance, fears, low economic status, stigmas and negative attitudes by the medical professionals. It is important to stress that dental diseases in psychiatric patients deserve the same attention as other comorbid somatic diseases. In this review we accentuate the need for more collaboration in order to bridge the professional gap between dentistry and psychiatry.

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