The goal of this work is to explore the effects of various factors that affect the employment of graduates of the University of Zenica. Additional analysis of variables as well as links between variables will offer input information that can contribute in the decision-making process of new curriculums. The survey was conducted in the Zenica-Doboj Canton, which involved N = 47 respodenators. To process data the following programs were used: Microsoft Excel, SPSS and SmartPL S3 – SEM program. The verification of the validity and reliability of the measuring scale was carried out by calculating the Cronbach Alaf co-efficiency. The review of the set hypotheses was carried out by Regrasion's analysis of the varians, which of the four hypothesises were three accepted and one rejected. The set hypotheses confirmed that the adopted expertise of graduates, the level of acquired skills and cooperation of the University with the check has a statistically significant impact on the confidentiality of graduates. The organizational abilities of graduates do not have a statistically significant impact on the job ability of graduates of the University of Zenica.
The goal of this work is to explore the effects of various factors that affect the employmentof graduates of the University of Zenica. Additional analysis of variablesas well as the links between variables will offer the input information that can contributeto the decision-making process in the development of new curriculums. The surveywas conducted in Zenica-Doboj Canton, which involved n = 47 respondents. Toprocess data, the following programs were used: Microsoft Excel, SPSS and SmartPLS3 - SEM program. The verification of the validity and the reliability of the measuringscale was carried out by calculating the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. Thereview of the set of the hypotheses was carried out by the Regression analysis. Thefindings revealed that three hypotheses were accepted and one of them was rejected.The set hypotheses confirmed that the adopted expertise of graduates, the level ofacquired skills and cooperation of the University with companies has a statisticallysignificant impact on the employability of graduates. The organizational skills ofgraduates do not have a statistically significant impact on the employability of theUniversity of Zenica graduates.
Family firms are becoming a more and more popular topic to investigate because of the rising awareness regarding their importance for the economies. Characterized by the deep involvement of family members in the equity and decision-making processes through the managerial positions they usually have, the valuation of family firms requires a slightly different approach than the valuation of other organizational structures. Thus, the paper deals with the specific evaluation of family businesses from the owners’ perspective who tend to see their companies differently than others do. The authors try to find out whether there is a systematic relationship between the owner’s emotional investment and the total value of family businesses. The research used qualitative primary and secondary data in a thorough analysis from different standpoints (sociological, psychological, financial) based on which the authors recognized several differences regarding the evaluation of the family enterprise from the owner’s perspective and the total value of that enterprise. A case study was used in order to collect the data along with an unstructured interview with the owner of a family business operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina so as to get a more accurate view of the topic and to calculate the emotional value of the business. Results of the conducted study supported the hypothesis of this research, i.e. confirmed that the emotional value positively influences the total value of the family business. However, they did not support the hypothesis which states that the total value of the family business equals the selling price the owner is willing to accept.
REZIME Prilikom upravljanja kvalitetom u projektima potrebno je voditi računa o upravljanju kvalitetom projektnim procesima kroz koje nastaje projektni proizvod i kvalitetu rezultata projekta u obliku projektnog proizvoda ili usluge. Mnogi su projektni procesi definisani i analizirani od kojih postoji više podijela datih u dostupnoj literature na istu temu. Svrha ovog rada je istražiti upravljanje kvalitetom procesima nabavke u projektima prema smjernicama standarda ISO 10006:2017. Na osnovu datih smjernica prema standardu grafički su prikazane aktivnosti i njihove međuzavisnosti od početne faze projekta do završetka i primopredaje projektnog proizvoda ili usluge. Na osnovu rezultata provedenog istraživanja pravilna i dosljedna implementacija procesa nabavke prema smjernicama standarda ISO 10006:2017 značajno pomaže preduzećima da uspostave sljedivost poslovnih procesa, što im omogućava da na efikasan način realizuju postavljene projektne zadatke.
This study analyses the process of adopting of the sign language with deaf and hard of hearing preschool children in the context of the result of linguistic and psycholinguistic research. The importance of the sign language is emphasized and its historical development is analyzed. It is pointed to the significance of the critical period for the adoption and the learning of the sign and spoken language with deaf and hard of hearing preschool children. The sign language is natural and primary linguistic expression of deaf children. Deaf and hard of hearing children are exposed to the sign and spoken language, they have better understanding and linguistic production than the children who are only exposed to the spoken language. Bilingualism involves the knowledge and the regular use of the sign language, which is used by the deaf community, and of the spoken language, which is used by the hearing majority. Children at the preschool age should be enabled to continue to adopt the language they started to adopt within the family (the sign language or the spoken language). Children will adopt the best both linguistic modalities through the interaction with other fluent speakers (the adults and children).
A way of communication on an equal footing with oral and written speech is sign language. Oral speech is a common way of communication, written speech has, with the development of information technologies, been taking up more and more space. In a parallel with them, communication can also take place through sign language, which is, to deaf people, as well as to all those who use it, a natural, simple and easy way to communicate. Relationship towards sign language has changed significantly throughout history from acceptance and isolated use, to complete rejection, and then to encouraging its adoption and emphasizing its importance for the cognitive, emotional, educational, social, and general development of deaf children. Serbian Sign Language (SSL) serves deaf people in Serbia as a means for everyday communication, for expressing desires, willingness, for learning, for intellectual discussions, for expressing personal style. Although the standardization of the Serbian Sign Language was completed in 2015, even nowadays we may still find certain gestures of expression varying in different regions. Different countries have different sign languages that are not reciprocally understood in use. They are distinguished by their own grammar (semantics, morphology, and syntax), different from the grammar of spoken languages. The distinguishing and recognition of sign languages in the world has led to changes in the field of education of deaf children. In bilingual schools, children acquire both sign and spoken languages, and teachers know both of the mentioned languages. The importance of sign language in the education of deaf children is emphasized.
The bilingualism of deaf and hard of hearing children implies the knowledge and regular use of sign language, which is used by the community of deaf people, and of spoken language, which is used by the hearing majority. At preschool and school age, it is necessary to allow children to continue adopting the language that they started in the family (either sign language or spoken language). Children will adopt both language modalities best through interactions with other fluent speakers. Results of numerous studies indicate that the best approach in the process of development of speech and language and the education of the deaf and hard of hearing children is the bilingual approach. The aim of this approach is to develop communication skills in children, to provide a higher level of education for them, and to include them in the life of the community. It is necessary to improve the existing education system in the direction of developing a kind of a model that will re1 2 3 The paper is from the Project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia entitled Тhe Effect of Cochlear Implantation on the Education of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons, No. 179055. This paper was submitted on October 15th, 2019 and accepted for publication at the meeting of the Editorial Board held on December 3rd, 2019. ЗБОРНИК РАДОВА ФИЛОЗОФСКОГ ФАКУЛТЕТА XLIX (4) 108 TAMARA R. KOVAČEVIĆ, LJUBICA S. ISAKOVIĆ, RADOMIR B. ARSIĆ spond to their specificities and limitations caused by their primary impair-
Very often we find strong expansion of small or medium-sized enterprises, which, in a very short time, achieve significant financial results. However, great number of these companies faces bankruptcy. There are different explanations for their failure, but the most common reason for their ultimate failure is in the disparity between the growth and development of the company. This paper aims to investigate whether there is indeed correlation between indicators of growth and indicators of development of small and medium enterprises.
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