A Software Solution for A Mathematical Model of Classroom-Period Schedule Defragmentation
This paper presents a software solution for the mathematical model which two authors developed in the paper "A mathematical Model for Classroom-Period Schedule Defragmentation", also submitted for the Conference. We recommend reviewing the two papers together. The computer software procedure follows steps proposed in the theoretical model. According to this procedure, the following databases were formed: a database of all coded university courses and a database of the teaching schedule for each university classroom on a weekly basis. Based on the two previous steps the university temporal-spatial matrix is formulated. Then, the flowchart is defined. It consists of the following subroutines: 1. calculation of a daily occupation parameter for each classroom at the university level, 2. sorting the university temporal-spatial matrix according to a daily occupation parameter for each classroom, 3. defragmentation procedures and repositioning of the three-, then two-and one-period fragments. The program written in C++was tested at the University of Mostar (44 classrooms, 12 periods and 6 working days per week).