[Some caracteristics of skin and subcutaneus diseases morbidity in outpatients setting for population in the SR BiH and the FBiH in the years 1981, 1991, 2001, and 2005].
Skin and subcutaneus diseases morbidity in outpatients setting is characterized by 5% rate of global structure diseases and health state population in the SR BiH and F BiH, then high rate of skin and subcutaneus diseases morbidity and constant decrease of level of morbidity (number of diseases in the 1000 inhabitants) from 59/1000 inhabitant in the 1981 to 51/1000 in the 1991, 43 in the 2001 and 38 in the 2005, (F BiH), what is caused by decline of the level of morbidity in the population age 20 and older--from 58 in the 1981 to 25 in the 2005. The highest level of morbidity is registrated in children of the age 0-6, then in school children and teenagers (15-19) i.e. school children aged 7-14 which have been separated from teenagers (15-19) who have lower level of morbidity. The lowest level of morbidity is registrated in the population aged 20-64,teenagers (15-19) and population older than 65. The category "Infections of the skin and subcutaneus tissue" (LOO-LO8) and "Urticaria and erythema" (L5O-L55) had a highest participation in the structure of global skin and subcutaneus diseases (LOO-L99) but also had the highest decrease in the participation and in the morbidity rate in that period. The category "The others skin and subcutaneus diseases" (LIO-LI4) L2O L45 L55 L99) is ranked third with the lowest participation and increase in the participation at the end of the period due to the decrease in the participation of the two categories mentioned above. Morbidity of this category remained the same (15/1000 inh. In the 1981, 2001, 2005), except for the rate (14/1000) in the 1991. At the end of the observation period (2005) the ranking had changed as it was explained, so that the category "The others skin and subcutaneus diseases" came first, category "Infection of the skin and subcutaneus tissue" second and category "Urticaria and erythema" came on third place.