Institutional paranoia.
Taken separately, the concepts of institution and paranoia have no bearing on this work. They acquire their full new meaning as "institutional paranoia" only when they are taken together. Institutional paranoia is not a mental illness in the ordinary sense. It is a state, a condition, which exists in all associations and communities which have the same goal and concurrent intentions. The author's analysis of the problem is based on observation and monitoring of circumstances, discussions and content analysis, as well as on the use of questionnaires in several health institutions over a long period of time. He focuses his attention primarily on health, political, and economic institutions. The results of observation and analysis point to some interesting phenomena which require further study, regardless of their positive or negative outcome. With additional interventions, the content and dynamics of this process in institutions can contribute to the gradual diminishing of institutional paranoia, and sometimes its complete disappearance over a long time.