M. Hukić, S. Ahmetagić, N. Tihić, N. Mehinović, D. Tulumović, Mirza Ponjavić, P. Heyman
0 2017.

Recognizing the possibility of bioterrorism in the face of emerging and reemerging zoonotic pathogens in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war (1992-1995)

Tularemia is a vector-borne zoonosis with a complex epidemiology caused by Francisella tularensis. F. tularensis is a non-motile, obligatory aerobic, facultative intracellular Gram-negative coccobacillus. The bacterium has a broad host range, i.e. mammals, birds and invertebrates. Two types (A, B) and four subspecies (F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (type A), F. tularensis subsp. holarctica (type B), F. tularensis subsp. mediasiatica and F. tularensis subsp. novicida.) are known today. Types A and B are of importance as they cause disease in humans and animals. Type A is present almost exclusively in North America and type B is found all over the Northern hemisphere. F. tularensis is considered to be a class A biological warfare agent, it is notoriously difficult to recognize infections in non-endemic regions and was produced as a weaponized agent by several countries in the 1960ties and 70ties. Humans can acquire tularemia by inhaling dust or aerosols contaminated with F. tularensis bacteria, this type of exposure can result in pneumonic tularemia, one of the most severe forms of the disease. especially farming involving machines that disperse remains of infected animals or carcasses. Rarely, water can become tularemia contaminated through contact with infected animals. Humans who drink contaminated and untreated water may contract oropharyngeal tularemia. The tularemia outbreak in B&H in 1995 showed an unusual number of oropharyngeal cases. As all aspects of this particular tularemia epidemic were not thoroughly investigated and the possible intentional use of agents of biological warfare remained a possibility, we reviewed all available data in order to assess whether the outbreak was natural. Correspondence to: Mirsada Hukić, Institute for Biomedical Diagnostic and Research Nalaz, Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tel: +387-33-651 371; E-mail: mirsadahukic@yahoo.com Received: May 23, 2017; Accepted: June 20, 2017; Published: June 22, 2017 Introduction Tularemia is a vector-borne zoonosis with a complex epidemiology caused by Francisella tularensis. F. tularensis is a non-motile, obligatory aerobic, facultative intracellular Gram-negative coccobacillus. The bacterium has a broad host range, i.e. mammals, birds and invertebrates. Four subspecies are known today; F. tularensis subsp. tularensis (type A), F. tularensis subsp. holarctica (type B), F. tularensis subsp. mediasiatica and F. tularensis subsp. novicida. Types A and B are of importance as they cause disease in humans and animals. Type A is present almost exclusively in North America and type B is found all over the Northern hemisphere [1]. Infections due to tick and deer fly bites usually take the form of ulceroglandular or glandular tularemia. F. tularensis bacteria can also be transmitted to humans via the skin when handling infected animal tissue. This can occur when hunting or skinning infected rodents like rabbits, muskrats and other rodents. Many animals have also been known to become infected and clinically ill from tularemia. Domestic cats are very susceptible and can transmit the bacteria to their owners. Therefore, care should always be taken when handling sick or dead animals. Infection due to handling animals can result in glandular, ulceroglandular and oculoglandular tularemia. Eating of under-cooked meat of infected animal’s tularemia can also result in oropharyngeal tularemia [2]. Humans can acquire tularemia by inhaling dust or aerosols contaminated with F. tularensis bacteria, this type of exposure can result in pneumonic tularemia, one of the most severe forms of the disease. especially farming involving machines that disperse remains of infected animals or carcasses. Rarely, water can become tularemia contaminated through contact with infected animals. Humans who drink contaminated and untreated water may contract oropharyngeal tularemia [3]. Transmission from person to person has so far not been reported. Inhalational tularemia following intentional release of a virulent strain of F. tularensis would have the greatest adverse human Hukić M (2017) Recognizing the possibility of bioterrorism in the face of emerging and reemerging zoonotic pathogens in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the war (1992-1995) Volume 1(3): 2-7 Virol Res Rev, 2017 doi: 10.15761/VRR.1000113 consequence because of its very high infectivity if delivered as an aerosol. It has been estimated that an aerosol dispersal of 50 kg of virulent F. tularensis over a metropolitan area with 5 million inhabitants would result in 250 000 incapacitating casualties, including 19,000 deaths. Outbreaks of pneumonic tularemia, particularly in low incidence areas, should prompt consideration of bioterrorism. F. tularensis has long been considered a potential biological weapon. It was one of the agents studied the Japanese germ warfare research units in Manchuria, China between 1932 and 1945; it was also considered for military purposes in the West [4]. An outbreak of tularemia reported in Soviet and German soldiers during the second world war may have been the result of intentional release [5]. F. tularensis has been studied, weaponized and stockpiled by several countries, including Japan, the USSR and the US [4]. Pathogenesis Francisella tularensis can infect humans through the skin, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs. The major target organs are the lymph nodes, lungs and pleura, spleen, liver, and kidney. Bacteremia is common in the early phase of infection. The initial tissue reaction to infection is a focal, suppurative necrosis. Suppurative lesions become granulomatous, typical of other granulomatous conditions, i.e. tuberculosis or sarcoidosis. Humans with inhalational exposure also develop early in the course of illness hemorrhagic signs and inflammation of the airways which usually evolves to bronchopneumonia. Clinical manifestations The primary clinical forms of tularemia vary in severity and presentation according to virulence of the infecting organism, the dose, and way of administration. Primary disease presentations can be glandular, ulceroglandular, oculoglandular, oropharyngeal, pneumonic, typhoidal, and septic forms. The onset of tularemia is usually abrupt, with fever (38°C-40°C), headache, chills and rigors, generalized body aches (lower back pain) and sore throat. A dry or slightly productive cough frequently occurs with or without signs of pneumonia. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea sometimes occur. Sweats, fever and chills, malaise, progressive weakness and weight loss characterize the continuing illness. In untreated tularemia, symptoms often persist for several weeks or months. Any form of tularemia may be complicated by hematogenous spread, resulting in secondary pleura-pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis. Prior to the administration of antibiotics, the overall mortality with the more severe type A strains is of 5% to 15%, and in the case of untreated pneumonic and severe systemic forms fatality rates as high as 30% to 60% were reported. Type B infections are in contrast rarely fatal. Ulceroglandular tularemia, after handling a contaminated carcass or due to an infective arthropod bite, a local cutaneous papule appears at the inoculation site together with the onset of generalized symptoms, becomes pustular, and ulcerates within a few days. The ulcer is tender may show an eschar. Antibiotic treatment does not prevent the affected nodes from becoming fluctuant and rupture. Oculoglandular tularemia, which follows direct contamination of the eye, ulceration occurs on the conjunctiva, accompanied by pronounced chemosis, vasculitis, and regional lymphadenitis. Glandular tularemia is characterized by lymphadenopathy without an ulcer. Oropharyngeal tularemia is acquired by drinking contaminated water, ingesting contaminated food, or by inhaling contaminated droplets or aerosols. Affected persons may develop stomatitis but more commonly develop exudative pharyngitis or tonsillitis, sometimes with ulceration. Tularemia pneumonia is the direct result of inhaling contaminated aerosols. Inhalational exposures commonly result in an initial clinical picture of systemic illness without prominent signs of respiratory disease. The earliest pulmonary radiographic findings of inhalational tularemia may be peribronchial infiltrates, typically advancing to bronchopneumonia in one or more lobes. Pulmonary infection can sometimes rapidly progress to severe pneumonia, respiratory failure, and death. Lung abscesses occur infrequently. Typhoidal tularemia is used to describe systemic illness when the site of inoculation or the localization of infection is unclear. Tularemia sepsis is severe and potentially fatal. As in the case of typhoidal tularemia, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting may be prominent early in the course of illness. The patient typically appears toxic and may develop confusion and coma. Unless treated promptly, septic shock and other complications of systemic inflammatory response syndrome may develop with hemorrhagic signs, acute respiratory distress syndrome and organ failure [4]. The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) (1992-1995) As in all conflicts, the inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina were under extreme pressure during the war that took place 1992-1995. Due to the nature of the conflict that sometimes involved hostilities amongst neighbors, there was minimal respect for human rights and civilians, children and old people as well as soldiers suffered the consequences. In particular the weakest individuals, namely women and children suffered the most. Horrific ethnic cleansing campaigns between 1992 and the end of 1995 killed thousands and violently displaced more than two million people in much of B&H. International intervention into the Bosnian conflict led finally to a peace agreement in late 1995 (the Dayton Accords). The Dayton agreement finally ended the war in B&H. In 1995, the conflict between multiple factions was ag

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