How large can the Light Quark Yukawa couplings be?
We investigate models that can induce significant modifications to the couplings of first- and second-generation quarks with Higgs bosons. Specifically, we identify all simplified models featuring two vector-like quark states which can lead to substantial enhancements in these couplings. In addition, these models generate operators in Standard Model Effective Field Theory, both at tree-level and one-loop, that are constrained by electroweak precision and Higgs data. We show how to evade constraints from flavour physics and consider direct searches for vector-like quarks. Ultimately, we demonstrate that viable ultraviolet models can be found with first-generation quark Yukawa couplings enhanced by several hundred times their Standard Model value, while the Higgs couplings to charm (strange) quarks can be increased by factors of a few (few tens). Given the importance of electroweak precision data in constraining these models, we also discuss projections for future measurements at the Tera-$Z$ FCC-ee machine.