S a ž e t a k Drugu polovicu XX. stoljeća obilježila su shvaćanja o sekularizaciji kao bitnom trendu u razvoju suvremenih društava. Kraj stoljeća je, međutim, dočekan s rezultatima koji su inkompatibilni s ranijim projekcijama. Religija i religijske zajednice, još konkretnije, doživljavaju svoju društvenu rehabilitaciju. Općeprepoznatljiv proboj religijskog utjecaja prepoznatljiv je, posebice, u tranzicijskim zemljama, onima koje je, pola stoljeća prije toga, karakterizirao sektaški odnos prema religiji i religijskim zajednicama, ali i prema religijskim slobodama. Konfesionalno podijeljena društva, pri tome, kakvo je bosanskohercegovačko, posebice su zanimljiva. Što, primjerice, karakterizira osnovne trendove u vezi s religioznošću i društvenom ulogom religije u njima. Može li se, potom, govoriti o teokratskim društvenim ambicijama, ali i potpori građanstva takvim ambicijama? Koliko su, na koncu, religijske zajednice u uvjetima izmijenjenih društvenih trendova faktor integriranja, a koliko instrument društvene dezintegracije. A b s t r a c t Secularization was generally perceived as a relevant trend in development of modern societies throughout the second half of the 20th century. The end of century, on the other hand, has witnessed results incompatible with earlier projections. Moreover, religion and religious groups have experienced a kind of social rehabilitation. Religious influence penetration is especially notable in transition countries; the ones that only half a century ago were characterized by sectarian attitude towards religion and religious groups, as well as towards religious freedom. Multi-confessional countries, such as Bosnian-Herzegovinian, are particularly interesting in this context. What characterizes, for example, their trends regarding religion and its social role? Furthermore, is there a cause to suspect existence of theocratic social ambitions, and is the citizenry supportive of these ambitions? Do religious groups in conditions of changed social trends represent a factor of integration, or an instrument of social disintegration?