Adis Puška, Anđelka Štilić, Željko Stević
10 2. 4. 2023.

A Comprehensive Decision Framework for Selecting Distribution Center Locations: A Hybrid Improved Fuzzy SWARA and Fuzzy CRADIS Approach

The focus of this study is on the significance of location in establishing distribution centers. The key question when selecting a location is regarding which location would contribute the most to the growth of a company’s business through the establishment of distribution centers. To answer this question, we conducted research in the Brčko District of BiH in order to determine the best location for a distribution center using expert decision-making based on linguistic values. In order to use these values when selecting locations, a fuzzy set was formed using the IMF SWARA (Improved Fuzzy Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) and fuzzy CRADIS (Compromise Ranking of Alternatives from Distance to the Ideal Solution) methods. The IMF SWARA method was utilized to determine the weights of the criteria, and the fuzzy CRADIS method was employed to rank the locations based on expert ratings. The location for the construction of distribution centers at Bodarište was rated the worst, while the McGowern Base location was rated the best. Based on these findings, the research question was answered, and it was demonstrated that fuzzy methods could be utilized in the selection of distribution center locations. Hence, we recommend that future research be performed on the application of fuzzy methods in the expert selection of potential sites for distribution centers.

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